Program Synopsis Missing

Apr 17, 2009

I've got a new install of 7077 x64 but have a problem which I've never encountered on any build and even on a previous 7077 installation. In MC tv guide I have all epg but the synopsis info is missing and thus the ability to record etc.

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Program Files Gone (not Missing)?

Sep 29, 2011

Norton, malwarebytes, and spybot have all come up with nothing whatsoever, all fully updated.The laptop was running slow, so the user attempted to run Norton for a virus scan. Halfway through the scan, norton crashed. The user looked into the Norton program files to see that the directory folder was completely empty. He then called me.I attempted to uninstall norton, but windows wouldn't allow the uninstall. The program showed up on the list of installed programs, but upon clicking "uninstall", nothing would happen. So, I downloaded and installed RevoUninstaller and used it to remove Norton. I left the registry unchanged, and only deleted the temporary files and remaining program directory. The computer asked me to reboot.

Upon rebooting, every single file in my program files AND in my program files x86 are gone. Desktop links are all broken, and ask to be deleted when double clicking. When I go into the uninstall program list, all the programs are listed, but error when I attempt to uninstall or change them.The laptop is running Windows 7 pro x64, and I am currently copying program files from previous versions into the present directory to see if this fixes the problem, and will update accordingly

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Missing Program Shortcuts?

Oct 30, 2011

after several days of cleaning up a clients laptop of around 150 viruses, i think it's now clean. But as always, viruses have effects after they have been removed, and in this case its that it has removed all the links to programs in the all programs list.All the folders are there, but no links inside them. I have been googling this for multiple hours and the only thing i have found is to restore them using a folder called 'smtmp', well this laptop doesn't have a folder by that name anywhere on the laptop. Also i have ran Unhide.exe.

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IE 9 Works, But Is Missing From Program Files?

Aug 16, 2011

I have been trying to update Windows 9 (Windows Internet Explorer 9 for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems) and it refuses to install. I get a message to the effect that IE is not installed correctly on my computer. When I click the IE icon in the tray, IE9 opens up and works just fine, but it does not show up in program files, does not show up when I try to find it in an uninstall program, and does not show up in any history of updates.What I would like to do is remove and reinstall, then do the appropriate updates.Would I be safe just installing over the current invisible installation?A second strange issue is that Kapersky says it is installed and functioning, but Windows says it is turned off[CODE]

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Wrong Or Missing Program Icons?

Mar 20, 2012

I needed to remove one of my programs and re-install an older version. After doing so, some of my program icons are gone.I did some research, and already tried deleting the icon cache, which did not help any. Below I have a picture of what some of my icons have changed to. I also have a picture of the properties window when I try to change the icon back manually:I really would like to avoid a clean install (but could do it if there's no other solution), and I don't have any System Restore points.

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Program Explorer ? In 6519. Gone Missing?

Dec 28, 2008

"While poking around an old build for some enterprising enthusiasts, I came across a registry check within Explorer that enables an interesting view of all your programs.

The DWORD value you need to add, believe it or not, is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionApp ManagementAllYourProgramsAreBelongtoUs. Set this to 1 and next time you click All Programs in the Start Menu, you’ll be presented with new Programs Explorer.

I don’t see anything similar in Windows 7 pre-beta/beta builds. Shoot me a note if you find it!"
Nostalgia: “Programs Explorer” in old Windows 7 M1 builds - Within Windows

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Missing Windows Fax And Scan Program?

Jan 3, 2012

Is their anyway I can retrieve this program I may have inadvertently deleted this program or it may have never been installed on my compputer in the first place.

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Missing Java From Program Files?

Sep 24, 2012

I'm trying to run a program that requires java but there is no java folder in my Program Files.

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The Program Can't Start Because D3dx9_34.dll Is Missing?

Jan 4, 2010

I recently switched from Vista to 7 (Clean install) and Moderwarfare 1 played fine with vista, however I now get an error when trying to run moder warfare 1, "The program can't start because d3dx9_34.dll is missing"I know 7 uses dx11 which, just like every other directx version, is backwards compatible with the other versions, and I would assume especially 9. I've reinstalled moderwarfare, that didn't work.

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Program Can't Start Because Oleacc.dllis Missing

Aug 29, 2011

All at once I can't use chrome and get message: program can't start because oleacc.dll is missing. This seemed to start soon after using a disk cleaner---but I've used it many times before with no problems. I uninstalled and reinstalled chrome Xs2 to no avail, and I ran a windows "skan" from the start menu recommended from elsewhere.

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The Program Can't Start Because CRYPT32.DLL Is Missing From Your Computer

Dec 4, 2012

I have a lenovo g570 model number 4334. My roommates borrowed it one night and got a virus on it from watching p--n. I did a system restore on it to get rid of it. Now my computer wont go past the starting windows screen and instead goes to a windows box and says," The program can't start because CRYPT32.DLL is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix the problem." I borrowed somebody's computer thats exactly the same as mine and created a boot disk to try and fix it but then it stops and says that its missing ootmemtest.exe or something like that.

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Program Icons Missing In All Programs Menu?

Apr 14, 2009

I did an upgrade from Vista Ultimate to 7077 ultimate..Everything went smoothly with only one or two uncompatible programs. when I click on Start | All Programs every one of my installed programs icons are missing. I have to search for the program to start it and pin it to the taskbar if I want to keep it accessible.I've tried a few registry hacks, security settings and even tried to copy some shortcuts over. I also tried restoring all the default shortcuts to the C:UsersMYUSERNAMEAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart Menu - You can see in the screenshot only a few items have shown up.I've tried creating a new admin account and the problem is repeated there as well..No program icons in the All Programs Menu. My version is activated.

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STOP: C0000135 The Program Can't Start Because %hs Is Missing

Dec 19, 2011

I do not have AVG installed. I believe this was effected by a virus (as just before I could not boot I had the "Win 7 Home Security" virus pop up). How do I boot up my computer without losing my files? I've tried the Googles, but nothing is working. I do not have back-ups that would be of ANY use, and this hard drive is vital to my academic and personal future. It is a Toshiba Satellite Series L655D-S5109. What is %hs? How do I boot around it? Is there a way to load from a DVD or USB drive a fix for %hs being missing? Is there a way that I can protect my files at this date and do a full system wipe? Is there anything I haven't thought of? I need these files...I am an intermediate to advanced user, though not worthy of "Shibboleth." I have learned two things from this already: The importance of back-ups, and the importance of regularly updating security definitions. Note: not a BSoD, because error arises on start-up, not killing my processes and such.

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Can't Install Lottery Program Required System File Is Missing

Aug 30, 2011

can't install lottery program the required system file is missing. i need windows system 32.i's running windows 7 on my pc.

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What Is The "mfc100u.dll Missing" During The Installation A Program

Jul 8, 2012

what is the "mfc100u.dll missing" during the installation a program?

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Program Icons Are Missing (NOT Desktop Icons)

Jan 5, 2013

Some of the icons normally showing what a program type is are missing now. I HAVE all the DESKTOP icons and those in the system tray. But in Windows Explorer lists or in Word Perfect and Word lists of file names, many of the small icons that normally appear next to a program's name, or showing what type of document or file it is, are now missing. Not all, just some. I have mostly open square boxes. It doesn't matter whether I'm looking at a list of files I've created, or looking at the items in various system folders: most are just empty open squares instead of the individual icons. I have Windows 7 64-bit OS , both Mozilla 17 and IE9 browsers.

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Bootmgr.exe Missing... Mpio.sys Missing Or Corrupted. Unable To Boot?

Oct 28, 2011

I just got a computer for free, a Dell Studio 1555. When I got it, it would try to boot, then come to a screen that said that bootmgr.exe was missing. Sometimes I got a message that said something like mpio.sys was corrupted or missing. I have a Win 7 disk, so I put it in and tried to repair the installation. Each time I ran it, it said that the repair had failed. I tried to reinstall windows 7, and It made it to the first restart in the process. It showed the "Starting Windows" screen, but the colors of the windows logo never appeared, then I got the missing bootmgr screen. I decided to install Ubuntu and see if that worked, and it did (I installed it alongside the Windows installation). It was Ubuntu 10.04. I thought, "OK, so i'll just use this as a Linux machine"...and I decided to go back and reinstall so that I could use the entire hard drive. It never worked correctly again. Each subsequent time that I installed Ubuntu, I was told something along the lines of "Gnome Power Manager did not install correctly" and got a slow and choppy Ubuntu installation.Tried to install 11.10, and it failed completely. I opened the Ubuntu live from my usb drive, and opened the disk utility. I now cannot format, reformat, partition, or delete partitions on the drive. Is all of this just a case of a hard drive on its last legs, or is there something else going on here?

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Portable Program Which Includes A Browser And A Mailing Program?

Aug 29, 2011

Im looking for a portable program which includes a Browser and a Mailing program, like Opera is, but NOT Opera (must be able to run beside Opera & Firefox!!)

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Windows Runs Installation Of Program When Start Program

Aug 14, 2012

I installed Weathrbug Plus and for some odd reason recently when I run it Windows runs the installation for the program. When I run the prograsm I get the typical "Preparing to install..." abnd then tyhe 'Configuring Weatherbug. I've been in contact with Weatherbug Support all day and we can't seem to find an answer.I'm using Microsoft Security Essentials.This is a clean install of Windows 7. I haven't used any other real-time security software other than MSE.I disabled MSE and tried it and got the same results.

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Stop Windows 7 64 Bit Program To Be Installed In Program Files (*86)?

Jun 23, 2011

64bit application is getting installed in program files (*86). How to change the destination folder. Insta shield is not giving this option.

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Write A Program In C Program That Shuts Down A Computer In 20 Seconds?

Sep 12, 2012

how can i write a program in c that shuts down a computer in 20 seconds

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Add / Remove Program File Only Contains Program Java

Dec 12, 2011

I don't know where this error hs_err_pid came from.I closed down explorer and there were all this notepad messages on my desktop and I can't get rid of them. Researching, I know this is a Java thing. I've uninstalled and reinstalled several times to no avail.My windows update is fully updated.I've run 3 virus programs.I notice this was addressed for someone using XP but what of Windows 7? My add/remove program file only contines the program Java (TM) update 29. Nothing else is listed as far as Java is concerned.I've run cleaner programs and these did not take care of the problem. Every time I restart my machine these errors immediate pop up at start up.

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Program Blocked By Program Compatibility Assistant?

Oct 3, 2009

Im trying to run a program on Windows 7. The program is a logitech installer. But Windows 7 Program Compatibility Assistant blocks the program and prevent me from running it. I have tried disable the Program Compatibility Assistant service in the service manager and i have also enabled the "Turn off Program Compatibility Assistant" group policy.But windows still keep blocking the program.

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Unable To Remove Old Program And Thus Cannot Install New Program

Feb 25, 2012

I have been using a program called Raw Therapee. I downloaded a new version and on installing it quit saying the old version must be removed. I could not find it listed in Revo Unistaller Pro, so I did a forced uninstall with the location of the main executable. This removed a lot of stuff. I checked the program folder and the folder and many files were still there, so I deleted them. I did a CCleaner in between and after. I then unhide and show system files and deleted the folders in the Appdata of main user and admin account, couldn't find it anywhere else.
CCleaner again and reboot. Went to install the new version again and it claimed that the old version was still installed. I did a search for *aw The* and found an entry in the hidden Program Data Folder. In the Admin account it will not let me in this folder to delete any remnants of the old version of Raw Therapee.

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ArcSoft TV Program Giving Pop Up When Set To Record TV Program?

Oct 3, 2012

I have an issue with my ArcSoft TV program. Recently something changed and now I get the UAC pop up asking if I want this program to make changes to my computer.Issue is this, I can set to record a program, but with the pop up now coming up, I have to be avaliable to click to record the progarm.Currently I have the UAC set not to ask (pop up). However I understand the reason for the UAC asking and I prefer it to ask. So what I need is a way to allow ArcSoft to run without the pop up, but all other programs to ask for security. What is the way to do this for this one program?

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Control Panel Is Missing And Taskbar Is Missing?

Sep 30, 2011

Ok i have windows 7, Recently i have found out that i have a full list of errors that happened pretty much overnight:Here's the list 1. I can't go onto Control Panel It say's " This operation has been canceled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator" I AM THE ADMIN.. I am the only account too.  2. My Task bar is missing, When i go ctrl-alt-del i see no option to open up my task bar. [FIXED] 3. I cant RIGHT click on anything on my desktop, as well as my folders and stuff. Although i can right click while playing games or browsing the internet, so my mouse is definitely not broken.  So u must be thinking, this guy has a virus for sure... Well if i do have a virus it must be made by ******* Bill Gates. Because i can't find it.I have the FULL version of Trend Micro Cillin as well as Norton 360, I've just recently downloaded Malvare Bytes, and that couldn't find anything as well. I've done a full system scam on both anti-virus programs, i see no viruses. I did get a virus a week ago, but Norton quickly picked it up, I'm thinking it may have changed a few settings in my computer before i managed to delete it.

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Cannot Add Program To Default Program List

Dec 3, 2012

I have W7 IE and have downloaded a word processing program (AbiWord) which I want to add to list of Default Programs. how to get this program added to the default list?

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Add A Program To The Default Program List?

Sep 19, 2012

I would like to add "PDF Viewer Plus", by Nuance, to the list of Default Programs so I may associate it with my PDF files.

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Finding A Program In Program Files (x86)?

Aug 31, 2011

Running Windows 7 Pro, 64bit.We have a package of scripts and programs that comprise a custom application for OpenOffice 3.2 (do not want to upgrade OO at this point). We must support our package on Win XP, Vista and 7.A bunch of our scripts start up OpenOffice by running the command: C:Program 3programsoffice.exe (with arguments).Works fine on XP. Fails on Windows 7 because the OO program installs itself into Program Files (x86). Even if I change properties of the installer file, in the Compatibility tab, to Win XP SP3, AND tell the installer to put it in C:Program Files, Windows 7 still installs it into Program Files (x86). We would LIKE to have the same script work on both flavors of Windows. I know we can modify our scripts to branch on which Windows, and choose two different paths to soffice.exe, but that's messy.I can't solve it by creating a shortcut in Program Files, to the program in Program Files (x86); that's not allowed.Is there some solution in Windows 7 to find the program no matter which place it lives? Like, a semi-intelligent environment variable for ProgramFiles that looks in one place, then the other?

Ie.: "C:\ 3programsoffice.exe

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Can't Run Installed Program Within Program Files

Feb 15, 2012

I gave a try to the Setup Project of VStudio 2008 to create and distribute an x86 installer of a program I develop in Windows 7. After installing, uninstalling and executing over and over some of the features of my release distribution, I suppose I broke a windows registry or something related. I can't run anymore this app, whether from executing from the shortcut or directly, it just sends an error "Couldn't start the application correctly (0xe06d7363). Accept to close", there is no other option. Later I found out that moving exactly the installed content somewhere else out side the Program Files x86 dir, the application works flawlessly. Browsing, finding and deleting all references in regedit for my program didn't fix anything. I double checked my project is fine, and also created another installer version using the tool Inno setup producing exactly the same behavior; good install, error message when executing it inside the Program Files folder. Am clueless what else to do with the OS to fix this. Using CCleaner and/or my anti virus don't show any broken reference to my program, it seems clean. Can anyone help me?

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System Health Report - "Missing Events In Event Log.....19% (3,985) Missing"

Jul 2, 2011

what this notification means and what could be done to rectify matters:--- "Missing Events in Event Log.....19% (3,985) missing"

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