Login Redirected To Temp User Space?

Nov 20, 2012

When I attempt to log into my windows 7 user account the login is redirected to a temp user space.. The error message indicates that the reason for the redirection is because the my user account is in use. Only user active is my account, still maintain administrator privileges, but don't have default browser/home site, and files created are lost unless I deliberately place them into my default directories. Updated MS, rebooted, ran Avast boot scan and Malwarebytes scan (with Avast antiviral disabled), nothing was found.I did manually reset the default file locations for the temp guest user to my corresponding home folders, and my home login did come back up once with full functionality, but when I ran an AV boot time scan and tried to log in again it was back to the guest area.Reset the file/folder locations again but this time had no effect. Ran MS fixit program, said all errors corrected, NOT. How do I reset my account to Not In Use??

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How To Check Computers Temp Space

Jan 18, 2013

How do I check my computer's temp space and totalfree space?

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Can't Access User Account Windows 7 Starts A New Temp User Account

Dec 29, 2012

i start my pc up (from being off) and get logged into a temp user profile. It tells me that i cannot acess my user profile and all information will be deleted on logging out. I've looked online for a soloution but none work for me ,I really dont know how to resolve this problem,I have limited knowledge and computer skills. i really dont want to scrap this drive and start over.

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User File Stored In A Folder Called Temp?

Oct 15, 2010

why is my user file stored in TEMP instead of the name of the user account?

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Windows 7 Loads Temp User Profile On Every Two Reboots?

Sep 21, 2012

since about two weeks ago, every two times I power my laptop on, windows fails to load the my user profile and greets me with the temp user profile where I can't access my files and such. however, if I reboot after that it loads my user profile sucessfully. but if I reboot again It loads the temp profile. I scanned unsing My antivirus, and it turned up no bad results. I then tried a disk check, but it only was on for less then 5 seconds when it just said "the disk is clean." i'm not sure what to do now. any suggestions? it's really irritataing having to constantly reboot every time i turn my laptop on.

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Strange Defult Login User Prompt - Local Admin, Not Domain User?

Jan 17, 2012

So a new box recently built, when booted, defaults to the local administrator account.This is a Windows 7 machine for a Linux guru that doesn't want to be bothered pressing more buttons than is necessary, if you get my drift. So my question is, after pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del...how do I dictate to Windows that the preferred used is "HisDomainAccount" on our company domain, as opposed to the local admin account?

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Cannot Login To Lacie Network Space

May 8, 2011

(Warning: I have had this disk for 2 years now and all it has given me is problems, please avoid all Lacie network products, I have had TWO of these and the second one disallowing login.) I try to login it disallows me, am not sure why no one has changed it. I never have forgotten its password. I have tried to reset it using the reset method and 3 times I have done it and still nothing. "Switch the drive OFF. Wait for the drive to power down. If it does not power down within two minutes, unplug the drive from power, then reconnect it. Switch the drive ON. After about three seconds, flip the power switch to the OFF position, then ON again. If the light on the front quickly pulses, the drive is now reset to its factory settings. The data is unaffected by this procedure." (Login is admin). Passwords I have tried. password, admin, 1234, (nothing) and all my own passwords and nothing happens. I also have tried contacting support and they redirect me to the same page I find there "solutions" very vauge and unsupportive.

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Windows User Data Take Up To Much Space On SSD

Jan 22, 2013

I have noticed that my SSD has been filling up quite fast lately. So I went to remove some programs thinking that was the issue, with no luck. *snap* So I did a disk cleaner run, removed 32gbs of info of it. Went to install ''Assassins Creed 3'' (Got the game off ''Gamerfanshop'') installed it my HDD. All was good, checked my SSD now its back down to 12gbs (82gbs total). Went to see what the issue was, it says that there is 41GBS of info on my Windows user. I open it to see where all the information was and I only find 12gbs in it...

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Home Page Keeps Getting Redirected?

Jun 6, 2011

I'm using Firefox ver 4.0.1 and my home page is set to "blank". The problem started today. Whenever I click on "Home" on the toolbar I get redirected to a site called "Global Classified--Pasar". I checked my options settings and it is still listed as "blank" for my home page.

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System Temp High And CPU Temp Low?

Oct 10, 2011

I have this problem with Asus p5q3 motherboard my system temp goes up to 60-70(celsius) and cpu (intel core 2 quad q9550) temp is low as 30-40(celsius). So how can system temp be that high?

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No Option To Login As Different User?

Oct 18, 2012

I have a system that has only one option for login: a standard user w/o admin privileges. I'm trying to do a "Windows Easy Transfer" from an XP box. Anyway, in order to do that, I must have admin privileges on the offending W7 box. I have admin privileges for my own account, but I don't get an option to log in as myself. Looking at C:/Users, I see my own profile and an admin account. How can I get around this

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BSOD Upon User Login?

Jun 22, 2012

I don't have the zip attachment but I couldn't run System Help Report as I can't even access Start menu So recently my mother told me she couldn't use her PC anymore so I checked and she gets the so called Black Screen of Death upon log in. It doesn't even work on safe mode. I tried restoring to the last known good configuration and it worked after trying the different restore points, but only temporarily as the next time she logged in the black screen welcomed her once again - it's like that everytime. Now the restore points have changed and none of them work anymore. When I log in a reminder from Norton pops up on the screen (her anti-virus has expired) and when I click the button for online support the default browser, Google Chrome, opens up and I'm able to surf the Internet just fine. Also, maybe it's not related but I noticed that the volume adjustment keys on the keyboard have stopped working. When I press the Windows key, Start menu doesn't show either. If someone could tell me how I can proceed onto Step 3 (running System Health Report via Start when I can't access it)

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Run Service Before User Login?

Sep 25, 2011

I am using Windows 7 and this is my situation. I have a desktop connected to an interactive whiteboard used for teaching. My problem is that the board doesn't work until a user logs into the system. The board's operation is controlled by a system service which starts on user login. What I want to do is to start the service at Windows startup BEFORE login so that the board is activated and I won't have to use a mouse just to click on a users account. I tried, opening services.msc but it startup was already set as AUTO. I also tried creating a batch file with the command SC start <serviceName> and add it in the registry, in HKLM/Software/Microsoft/WIndows/CurrentVersion/Run but all these only executed after user login. After many hours of searching in the net, I fould 2 more ways, through task scheduler and local group policy editor as a startup script (Haven't tried them yet)....However I am almost sure that a service can run before windows login, because other Software, for example Teamviewer, when you enable start with Windows, it is activated before login. The teamviewer service has the same settings with my classboard service. I even used a registry monitoring software to find out what teamviewer changes when starting with windows is enabled, and the only thing that changes is a registry key in Teamviewer settings about autostart and always on, which are irrelevant to the system sevices as far as I can tell....

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Special Folder Redirected To A Drive Letter?

Oct 29, 2012

Being the hurried idiot that I was, I accidentally redirected the My Music folder to the drive letter D. Now I can't restore it to it's default location because the system tries to copy system volume information and other system folders with it.How do I go about this? I wanna avoid having to reinstall windows because I had only just done so before this happened.

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Cannot Login To User Invalid Password

Jul 4, 2012

My father has a laptop that he received from his work. My father works at a high school and the school is currently closed for the summer vacation. All of the technicians are on vacation now and the school board is also closed. There is no technician to help my father. The computer technician has set up his user name and password. It has been working for the last few months but suddenly, a few days ago, when he types in his password, he gets the message that his username or password are incorrect.

I have tried starting it up on safe mode, but it is still asking for his login and it is still incorrect. I have tried logging into the administrator password but it is not a blank password and nothing I have put in works. I have also tried switching user but there is no other user. I have tried restoring the computer but it states that I need to have administrator clearance to restore. I have the windows 7 disk but I am unsure how to activate it. My father has not made a password restore disk and when I tried to follow the instructions of saving the password on a usb or a disk, it did not work because I did not have the password disk.

I am currently trying to reinstall Windows 7, as that is what a lot of forums were telling me to do but it is taking forever. I am hearing people tell me to download recovery tools, but I have no idea how to do this as the only computer I have currently is my father's computer, which I cannot get onto the internet! (I am typing from an ipod). How do I download ISOs and recovery files when I cannot access the internet?

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Disappearing User Login Screen?

Aug 16, 2012

My daughter has a Toshiba Microsoft windows 7. She tried creating a guest user login in, when she tried to toggle between the admin log in and the guest all it would show is the guest. She went in and disabled the guest login now she does not have either option.

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How To Remove User From Login Screen

Nov 1, 2009

I have created a useraccount via CONTROL USERPASSWORDS2 in windows 7 called SharedAccess, this will be for anyone attempting to login to my machine to try and view files etc etc. I have given it a standard User Account, however i want to remove the user from the login screen so i don't have to click my main username for me to be able to log in. Firstly, have i gone about the right way fo creating this account? Secondly, if yes, then can i remove just one username from the login screen but keep the account on my Laptop for shared access purpose?

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[ACCOUNTS] Can't Login In Guest User?

Oct 23, 2011

I can't login in Guest user. My administrator account is working properly and without any problems, but my guest account doesn't. When I login to that account then its automatically logging off and coming back to the login Screen.I created standard user, but anyway I can't login there. When I click the icon it automatically logs off.

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Login Locked Until Switch User?

Dec 16, 2010

I have only one user account in the login screen. Recently, when I try to log in after my laptop has gone to power saver mode my password is rejected (initial login @ startup is not a problem). I try multiple times being very careful and it always gets rejected, every time, for 3 days now. It says "locked" under my account icon, above the password entry field. I hit the "switch user" button and the screen refreshes showing my icon and says "logged on" above the password entry field. I can then successfully enter my password (excatly the same as I did before) and it is accepted. CAP LOCK is off! Nothing changes accept the word "locked" changes to "logged on".

What is happening and how can I get rid of this annoying feature/bug. I have not installed new software. I already changed my account password to see if that would help. I also deleted the ASP.net account. Neither one did anything. After reading I probably should have keep the ASP.net account..

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Login To Windows 7 By Hidden User

Sep 13, 2011

I create a hidden admin type user account as "Night" with 123 pass How Can I login to win 7 Ultimate with this ?

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Displaying Only 1 User At The Login Screen.

Sep 3, 2009

At the login screen there administrator and user1 . I want only user1 to appear. And when i want to log into administrator i would click switch and the administrator login would appear. Is this possible or does administrator is always display. And no i don't want to delete the administrator account.

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Login Has Suddenly Added User

Sep 18, 2012

my login has suddenly added a secondary user with the same name as my account and when i click onto this other user it leads to my account this second user account also ahs the same name and seems to be a copy?

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Move The User Icon On The Login Screen

May 22, 2009

I used the tutorial to change what the default logon screen is, which is super awesome that it was so easy to change... but I was wondering if its easy to move the size/position of the user icon? Any info would be great!

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User Login Loads Up With Black Screen

Sep 15, 2010

Every time I make a new User and log in it loads up with a black screen and the task bar and says that the system as loaded the default profile. This even happens if I log on as the system admin. My original profile loads fine but nothing else. I think It may be because the folder that holds all the basic information to make a new user profile has been deleted from my Users folder. Is there anyway of fixing this? Prohapps a place where I can download and replace that folder? I am using windows 7 ultimate 64bit. System restore has already been tried but the folder was deleted too far back to recover by that method.

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Why User's Name In System Info Differs From Login Name

Oct 9, 2010

I login as John (account type = Administrator) on my Windows 7 Home Premium. My computer System Name is HomePC.When I launched the "System Information" via msinfo32.exe, why does it show the "User Name" as HOMEPCuser instead of HOMEPCJohn

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The User Profile Service Failed To Login

Aug 31, 2011

I have a Windows Vista CPU that was updated a few months ago to Windows 7 Home Premium. Last week, we could no longer log on to this CPU and received the message in the title. Please note, we know the password...The machine no longer recognizes it, We only have one account on the CPU which is an administrator. So, we simply cannot log on to the machine normally. However, I can log on in Safe Mode. I changed the password in Safe Mode, restarted, went to the normal login screen, and still cannot log in with the new password. I have yet to find help for my specific problem.

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Created User Account, Unable To Login?

Oct 15, 2011

I created a secondary user account on my PC. When I try to login, it will look like it's logging in, but it just logs back out, returning to the main screen to choose an account to login to.If I'm logged into my main account, and I switch users and try to login to the newly created secondary account, it logs me out of my main account, and doesn't login to the secondary account, and once again, returns to the main screen to choose an account to login to.This also happens with the guest account.In addition, it does not give me the generic error: "The User Profile Service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded"How can I fix this?

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Deleted User Account Reappears At Login?

Oct 22, 2011

A couple of months ago I had to take my HP TouchSmart in to get a new fan put in, when It came back it had a user account called 'test' on it. I assumed the repair guys set it up to test something but I've tried deleting it and it just shows back up at the next login. As far as I can see there's nothing on it so I don't know why it won't delete, does someone know how I can get rid of it?

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How To Hide Other User Icons At Login Screen

Mar 14, 2012

I am the primary user of my computer and would like to see only my icon at the Sign On screen. There are 2 other infrequent users and I would like to hide their icons and just show mine. Recently on two occasions when I booted up the Sign On screen had only my icon and I was pleasantly surprised. I was not aware this was even possible, and still do not know what I did to make this happen. It seems to me that there is a way to adjust the software to make this happen at every boot up. I spent hours seaching this site but could not find any information on how to accomplish this.

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User Login Profiles Missing From Screen

Apr 17, 2012

I came across this issue this morning on my home PC. I have a Windows 7 64-bit PC with three profiles, my wife's, mine, and my daughter's. Previously when someone tried to log in all three profiles would be displayed so each profile could be selected. However this morning instead of seeing the three profiles I see two options: the active profile and a button that says other users. I select other users and I can log on to any profile so nothing appears to be missing. If I power the system down, when it comes back up I see the last profile logged on and the other users option.

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Put The User Login Icons In The Taskbar In Windows 7?

Jul 15, 2012

I'm setting up a new computer with Windows 7 Home Premium as the OS.

My wife uses a QWERTY keyboard but I've shifted to a Dvorak. I've set up Windows 7's language selections so that the Admin and I have the Dvorak keyboard, and my wife has the QWERTY. And that's all working properly.

I've found the Windows options, change user process to shift among the three users and their S/W keyboards. Is there a way to simplify that? Can I place a copy of the two user icons (or any other button) on the task bar (or anywhere else) that would allow a single mouse click to shift between users?

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