Cannot Login To Lacie Network Space

May 8, 2011

(Warning: I have had this disk for 2 years now and all it has given me is problems, please avoid all Lacie network products, I have had TWO of these and the second one disallowing login.) I try to login it disallows me, am not sure why no one has changed it. I never have forgotten its password. I have tried to reset it using the reset method and 3 times I have done it and still nothing. "Switch the drive OFF. Wait for the drive to power down. If it does not power down within two minutes, unplug the drive from power, then reconnect it. Switch the drive ON. After about three seconds, flip the power switch to the OFF position, then ON again. If the light on the front quickly pulses, the drive is now reset to its factory settings. The data is unaffected by this procedure." (Login is admin). Passwords I have tried. password, admin, 1234, (nothing) and all my own passwords and nothing happens. I also have tried contacting support and they redirect me to the same page I find there "solutions" very vauge and unsupportive.

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Win 7 Freezes When Copying Files To LaCie Network Drive

Jan 27, 2009

Having a weird problem with a LaCie 1TB Network space. It is plugged into my router and i can see it on my windows 7 computer, map its folder as a network drive and even create folders/new word documents on it.

However whenever i try and copy a file larger than a few kB my entire computer freezes (completely unresponsive). The computer recovers fine on a hard reboot.

Any Ideas?

Also my computer freezes after being left on for a while (this may be due to utorrent, saw some mention of it causing windows to crash after an hour).

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Login Redirected To Temp User Space?

Nov 20, 2012

When I attempt to log into my windows 7 user account the login is redirected to a temp user space.. The error message indicates that the reason for the redirection is because the my user account is in use. Only user active is my account, still maintain administrator privileges, but don't have default browser/home site, and files created are lost unless I deliberately place them into my default directories. Updated MS, rebooted, ran Avast boot scan and Malwarebytes scan (with Avast antiviral disabled), nothing was found.I did manually reset the default file locations for the temp guest user to my corresponding home folders, and my home login did come back up once with full functionality, but when I ran an AV boot time scan and tried to log in again it was back to the guest area.Reset the file/folder locations again but this time had no effect. Ran MS fixit program, said all errors corrected, NOT. How do I reset my account to Not In Use??

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External Lacie Hdd Isn't Recognized

Feb 18, 2012

I`ve upgraded my laptop`s ram today from 4gb to 8gb, why not do a fresh install of windows as dell support center wasn`t loading up anymore .Anyhow I have a lacie 500Gb hard drive which seemed to work fine till now . Right now , after the reinstall my hard drive just isn`t accesible anymore . Basically i can see it in the devices and printers section , i can see it on disk management ( i also tried changing the letter etc , the partition is active i can see that it`s 500gb but i can`t acces any data ) and i can also see it on My computer as a partition but not as a storage device . What does happen is after 2-3 minutes or so , a windows pop`s out to format the disk which i can`t even do , on my girlfriend`s laptop works very well . Now this is extremely strange as i did nothing and all but reinstall windows , also i`ve updated to date .Now i`ve also tried uninstalling the usb driver from disk management still no joy .

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Using A LaCie 4big Quadra 8 TB On Windows 7 64 Bit?

Jan 21, 2011

Is anyone using a LaCie 4big Quadra 8 TB on Windows 7 64 bit? I have a Dell XPS 8100 and I cant seen to be able to setup the device.I have configured the device as a RAID 5 plus spare connecting it to my PC via a e-sata port. After setup and partitioning, I only see free space of 1.63 TB. Ofter several e-mails to and from LaCie, they have said that I may have a bad unit. This I will look into.I just want to verify that this unit "plays" nicely with my PC. Anyone using this device?

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LaCie - External Hard Drive Problem

Nov 30, 2009

Currently, I have a 500gb Lacie external hd which was working fine a couple days ago but now it won't show up in my computer. So I went to Disk Management and it turns out that it had no letter assigned, I tried to change it but the option was grayed out. I also went to "cmd" and typed in Diskpart and list volume/disk. The hard drive doesn't show up under volume though, only under disk. Is there anything else I can do?

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Auto-play And LaCie External Hard Drive With Windows 7?

Jan 30, 2012

how to prevent the Autoplay box from appearing every time LaCie backs up? It happens several times a day even though I've set Autoplay to Take No Action. When I go and check I see Autoplay has reverted to Ask me Every Time even though I click Save. LaCie is backing up ok and this only happens with Mixed Content.I have Windows 7, MalwareBytes, AVG and use FF as my browser.

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No Login Pop Up On Network Share?

Jun 5, 2011

I have a network in the house with a mix of windows operating systems.My server is just windows XP SP3 sharing folders across the network by user name login. They are all on a workgroup not domain and the Windows 7 PC's do not have homegroup enabled and all the settings are enabled in the sharing centre options, ie network iscovery etc.WirelessLaptop 1 running Windows 7, Laptop 2 running Windows XP SP3, when accessing the shared folders on the server will bring up a login screen so you can input your user name and password. You then can access your allocated shared folders.WiredAll wired PC's when accessing the shared folders on the server will bring up a login screen so you can input your user name and password. You then can access your allocated shared folders. Mainly Windows 7 now. Windows XP was previously installed and worked ok also.The problem is that on a new install of Windows 7 on a laptop when you click the Server icon in windows explorer, the server automatically shows all of the available folders and no-login screen. This means that you cant login to view your allocated folders on the server.

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Can't Login Using Network Administrator Account

Oct 28, 2009

Windows 7 Ultimate - in a domain:

I'm not able to logon to my machine using our Admin account. I just get the usual error that the account isn't valid. Is there something I need to change locally or in Active Directory?

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How To Make Network Login Persistant

Oct 8, 2011

Is there any generic way to make my connection to a wireless network persistent in windows 7? i can connect to the network, but i have to type in my name and password every time i boot. How can i make it automatic?i have one of these connected to the computer, with the program it came with running. However, the 7 version is somewhat different from the xp version, and i cant do the same thing as i did in xp with 7,i have added a credential to the vault, but it does not log me in automatically

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Computer Has Now Been Stuck In Pre-login Network Settings

Jun 4, 2011

I just upgraded to windows 7 (rather a repaired version from windows 7) and why setting up, I was prompted to chose how to connect to my network. My computer has now been stuck in this pre-login network settings thing for over an hour now. I finally figured I'd cancel and fix it later, but there is no cancel. So i restarted my computer, only to have it start exactly where it left off. I was sure to completely turn off my computer, then it started over when I turned it back on. After unplugging my internet, it skipped the process.*

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Timeout Mapping Network Drives At Windows 7 Login?

Jan 15, 2013

This is my situation: I have a virtual machine running, and a network drive which is mapped to that machine.The problem here is that when I am trying to login on windows, windows is first trying to connect to that mapped network drive - which it cannot because my virtual machine has to start up first. This results in a rather long login-time.So my question is, is there some (registry) setting which allows me set this connection timeout to 0? Or that it won't automatically reconnect the drive at login? Of course the setting 'Do not automatically reconnect at login' is too obvious and does not work, because it also removes the whole mapped network drive at system restart - in my situation the drive should be there, just not connected

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Windows 7 Network Login - Username And Password Setup

Jun 14, 2011

How to set up a User name and password on a Windows 7 pc so that I can access it on a network. I have shared the whole drive and turned on full access to all users.

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Win 7 Does Not Save Network Login Credentials ( Username And Password )

Sep 21, 2009

This problem has been driving me up the wall, so I hope you fine folks can help me out with it .

I have a network storage device with several network folders and each of them are passworded for added security (in case someone manages to connect to my wifi). When I try and access them in any application or Windows Explorer, I am often (but not always) prompted to re-enter the username and password. This happens even though I tick the box to remember these details.

This is on an almost new install and I am completely stuck. Any thoughts?

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Laptop Booting Windows 7 To Login Screen - C Drive Accessible From Network

Nov 21, 2011

Dell M6500 laptop boots W7 to login screen. Display (and external display) goes dark, computer is unresponsive. From network, C drive is accessible. If I remote desktop into the machine, it runs fine. End the remote session and login local, crash within 2 minutes.

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Computer Freezes Seconds After Login, However Safe Mode With Network Works Perfectly

Jan 3, 2013

I am writing this while my computer is in safe mode. After I click on an account when I boot normally, it will freezes a few moments later on the desktop.I have an HP DV8 that is about three years old. Here are the specs:

i7 Q720 @ 1.60 Ghz
4GB Ram

I've tried doing the boot repair by pressing F8 during startup and it said everything was working perfectly fine.I also tried going to previous restore points and it still froze.I did a scan using hijack this and here is the results:

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4
Scan saved at 6:49:58 PM, on 1/3/2013
Platform: Windows 7 (WinNT 6.00.3504)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v9.00 (9.00.8112.16457)
Boot mode: Safe mode with network support


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Does Allocated Space For System Restore Affect Allocated Space For Backup

Jan 7, 2012

I just allocated more space to my system restore to ensure that when i back up files/docs there will be sufficient space. But does the allocated space for system restore affect at all how much space is allocated for backup? If not, i will would like to turn back down the allocated space for the restore.

Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
Service Pack 1
Computer is ASUS laptop
4 gb of ram
64 bit system

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Windows 7 Pro Login As Admin But No Need To Have Login Screen?

Apr 12, 2012

I'm using Windows 7 Pro. I have remove the login pw in my user account now I do not need to do the login and able to use the computer right away. But I found I am using the computer as a user not administrator. How can I skip the login screen and go straight into desktop as administrator.

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Windows 7 Professional Blinking Twice At Login And Again Once Login

Jan 25, 2013

There's nothing wrong with my computer that I know of, just noticing these black flashes for some time now and thought I would finally seek information on why this could be happening. It happens everytime I turn on my computer, two black screen flashes at the login screen and another black flash in the main menu screen right after logging in.

2x flash at the login screen
1x flash at main menu screen

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Login To RDP Session From Windows Login Screen

Nov 26, 2011

I have an RDP Server on a windows 7 ultimate 32 bit and i would like to be able to use another system login screen to connect to this server. As in when i turn of display last local users, so that if i was to enter XXX into the username and XXX into the password and it will connect Although i wouldnt mind being able to set up roaming profiles between these systems either.

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Mouse Works At Login, But Not After Login?

Dec 27, 2011

I have a Microsoft Intellipoint 2000 usb mouse that has been working flawlessly for about 8 months, and a windows 7 laptop 64 bit. Recently however, the mouse would work at the login screen, but after I would login, it would stop working. Its drivers are up-to-date. It seems as though something changed recently that disables it after login, and if I reconnect it I sometimes get Error Code 43, and it says it is not recognized, then again, sometimes it will work flawlessly, until i put my computer to sleep.

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Login In IE9 Starts Looping From The Login Page To The Http Page And Back To The Original Page?

Apr 28, 2012

I watch videos from this site Poker Netcast | Live At The Bike | LABTTheir login is https.Ive been in IT for 15 years and even this has stumped me.When I go to login in IE9 starts looping from the login page to the https page and back to the original page and never ends. I load firefox, same issue. I load Crome, it worked for 1 day then same issue. It used to login in fine last week. It logs in fine on my 2 other PCs and my Kindlefire.I have checked for viruses with Avast and A-Malware Bytes in safe mode - nothing. These 2 pick up 98% of stuff. Personally I dont think its a virusn IE9 - Deleted browsing history, cookies, temp internet files, everything under the Geneeral/Browsing History section. Did a disk cleanup, put the site inthe trusted zone, turned off popup blocker just in case, Cleared SSL state, Reset IE9. Zippo

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Padlocks On Photos On Old Login, New Login Cannot View Photos At All

May 16, 2012

I've been using my parents computer for the last few months and decided to make my own user/log-in the other day. After doing so, I cut/pasted my photos folder into my new user directory (or whatever, I'm not very techie..). I have thousands of photos, my BF is a photographer, and I can view most of them. However, in one particular folder 90% of them aren't viewable! Says I don't have permission... When I log back into parents windows, I can see the photos in my directory (as they are no longer located in theirs) but there are little gold padlocks on the ones I cannot see on my log-in. I've tried changing permissions, ownership, you name it.. I've looked for help on line and tried everything. The only thing that seems to work is if I right click on each individual photo and change things that way.

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Add Space To USB?

Aug 5, 2011

i want to add space to my USB drive which is only 480mb and I went to Disk Management and sliced some space off my Hard drive to put onto the USB but when I right click on it the option 'extend' is blanked out! By the way I want to add space, not overwrite but if that what it takes then I will do it: [URL]

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Free Space On HDD To C:?

Jun 3, 2011

I originally had the free space as a D: Drive but decided to reallocate the space used back onto C:. I have gotten this far but am unsure how to continue because the extend drive option for C: is grayed out. I believe this is because the space which used to be D: is still shown as an extended partition. I have a Samsung RC512 with an Intel Core i7 Quad core processor and Windows 7 Home Premium.

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Low Disk Space On C?

Apr 4, 2011

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium , 64 bit
Processor: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10
Processor Count: 2
RAM: 3999 Mb
Graphics Card: Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family, 1807 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 292216 MB, Free - 16441 MB; D: Total - 12826 MB, Free - 2145 MB;
Motherboard: Wistron, 3612, 09.66, 2CE9489BJP
Antivirus: None

My computer keeps saying it is running out of room on C drive. I don't feel like I have that much stuff on my computer. And I feel like seeing as it is a relatively new computer I shouldn't be having this problem. is there an easier way to clean out my computer then to go through every file, every picture, every song to decided if I should delete it or not?

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Swapped Os Low Space

Jun 2, 2011

i was running Slitaz Linux (before that Lubuntu) and swapped to Windows 7. computer runs pretty slow, and says i need more disk space. as far as i know i have 2 hard drives installed Seagate ST340810A ATA DEVICE (MASTER) and Quantum Fireball EX6.4A ATA Device (SLAVE) My question is which is bigger? is it possible i installed windows 7 on the smaller one and its not allowing other drive to read? how can I fix this?

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Clear Space On PC

Jan 17, 2012

My sister sent our PC to her friend to have Windows 7 put on it and now the C: drive is almost maxed out. I don't know if it was that way before it was sent out or not, but it's definitely closer to the max than i would like it to be. I was able to clear about 30gb of space so now there's about 45gb worth of free space out of 143gb total. I have absolutely NO clue what is taking up so much space. Any help to get that number down would be great. We don't have an exorbitant amount of movies, pictures or music files on the computer either. So i'm really lost as to where it could be coming from.

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Disk Space To Use?

Jul 19, 2011

I'm using IE 9 and I am trying to set my "disk space to use" to 50. Every time I close the browser and re-open it it reverts back to 250.

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How To Get More Space In C: Drive

Jan 24, 2012

how to get more space in C: drive

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Find Out How Much Space HDD Have?

Dec 14, 2012

I'm using Windows 8 but I guess it would be the same.

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