Run Service Before User Login?

Sep 25, 2011

I am using Windows 7 and this is my situation. I have a desktop connected to an interactive whiteboard used for teaching. My problem is that the board doesn't work until a user logs into the system. The board's operation is controlled by a system service which starts on user login. What I want to do is to start the service at Windows startup BEFORE login so that the board is activated and I won't have to use a mouse just to click on a users account. I tried, opening services.msc but it startup was already set as AUTO. I also tried creating a batch file with the command SC start <serviceName> and add it in the registry, in HKLM/Software/Microsoft/WIndows/CurrentVersion/Run but all these only executed after user login. After many hours of searching in the net, I fould 2 more ways, through task scheduler and local group policy editor as a startup script (Haven't tried them yet)....However I am almost sure that a service can run before windows login, because other Software, for example Teamviewer, when you enable start with Windows, it is activated before login. The teamviewer service has the same settings with my classboard service. I even used a registry monitoring software to find out what teamviewer changes when starting with windows is enabled, and the only thing that changes is a registry key in Teamviewer settings about autostart and always on, which are irrelevant to the system sevices as far as I can tell....

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When I Start The Computer Up It Says "the User Profile Service Service Failed The Login?

Oct 6, 2011

I have a Dell XPS M1730 with Windows 7 Ultimate and it was doing an iTunes update and the lid got closed during the update process. Now when I start the computer up it says "the user profile service service failed the login, user profile cannot be loaded". The computer starts up in safe mode and won't let me do a system restore because it says it is shut off.When I look at User Profiles in Windows 7, it states that the users profile is as backup and the default profile is the local profile. How can I fix my computer to get my user profile back up and working?

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User Profile Service Service Failed Login

Feb 10, 2011

When you boot you get the login screen, click login, then instantly displayed with this message:"User Profile Service service failed the login.User Profile cannot be located."You cannot log into windows normally or in safe mode, I don't use the PC as its someone else's so I don't have any other information as they don't know either they just turned it off and this is what happened when they turned it on.

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The User Profile Service Failed To Login

Aug 31, 2011

I have a Windows Vista CPU that was updated a few months ago to Windows 7 Home Premium. Last week, we could no longer log on to this CPU and received the message in the title. Please note, we know the password...The machine no longer recognizes it, We only have one account on the CPU which is an administrator. So, we simply cannot log on to the machine normally. However, I can log on in Safe Mode. I changed the password in Safe Mode, restarted, went to the normal login screen, and still cannot log in with the new password. I have yet to find help for my specific problem.

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User Profile Service Failed Login?

Jul 24, 2012

A couple weeks ago, my Dell studio XPS laptop started having startup issues. When restarting my computer, the "preparing to configure windows" message came up, then immediately it would reboot. At the time I fixed it by doing a system restore to before the windows update. Well today I tried logging in and the message "user profile service failed login..." came up after which the system restarted. I tried doing a system restore, but it came up with an error 0x8000ffff. I've tried safe mode as well to no avail.

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Failed To Connect To Windows Service - Standard User Cannot Login

May 5, 2011

"Failed to connect to a windows service. Windows could not connect to the System Event Notification Service". This problem prevents standard users from logging on to the system. As an administrative user, you can review the System Event Log for details about why the service didn't respond. This is the error message I receive when I log on to my computer. It doesn't seem to happen every time I log on but probably 50% of the time. When this error appears the only things I seem to notice differently are that the audio doesn't work and the windows tool bar's graphics are basic (as if i was in safe mode).

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"the User Profile Service Failed To Login"?

Dec 8, 2011

i recently received my new computer which is running windows 7. i created one user account to begin with and was using that for a few hours and then i decided to create a couple of other user accounts. it lets me create these accounts but if i try to log in to any of them (including the guest profile) i get the error "the user profile service failed to login". i have read a number of articles and watched a video on Internet about the issue. they all say to do roughly the same thing, go into regedit and then the profile list and they give some steps involving changing values and such. i have tried this numerous times in different ways and it will not work, it seems my problem is a bit different. in "profile list" in regedit there doesn't even seem to be any record of these accounts whatsoever and no sign of a "corrupt" account which the previously mentioned articles talked about

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User Profile Service-service Failed Logon-user Profile Cannot Be Loaded

Nov 17, 2012

when i try to create a new user profile ~ with or without a password, it shows up on the main login page, but when i click on it to open, the message "UserProfileService_service failed the logon_user profile cannot be loaded". i have searched microsoft support with little solutions listed. and the ones that are listed seem too technical for me to be trying on my own. there are many posts there with this problem, but they all seem to be several years old.

i am using windows 7. i have never been able to create any accounts other than my administrator account & the one account i use for all my general computer use. i have been using norton 360 with no problems. i have resorted to just using any "log in/log out' links on all the sites my husband wants to use.i am really not all that confident doing anything super technical to fix this, since i don't have a real understanding of different extensions or types of files. i am afraid i could really mess everything up really bad. but, it would just be SO MUCH EASIER & FASTER if i had my account & my husband had his own account.

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User Profile Service Service Failed Logon / User Profile Cannot Be Loaded

Jul 13, 2011

My wife's Dell desktop (after a nighttime thunderstorm) will not permit her to log on. When she enters the password she gets the following message: "The User Profile Service service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded". Has anyone encountered this issue and is there a user fix, or should we take the computer back to where it was bought for service?

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User Profile Service Service Failed Logon

Sep 27, 2012

I've tried going into regedit and changing the RefCount to 0 and restarting but it keeps going back to 2 - it was at 3 originally but keeps reverting to 2 when I restart.

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The User Profile Service Service Failed The Logon

Sep 22, 2009

When trying to log onto my user account, i get this error.

"The user profile Service service failed the logon.

User profile cannot be loaded" Unfortantly this is the only account i have so i have no way to access my computer.

I am running Windowns 7 Ultimate 32 bit (non beta)

Any help please?

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'User Profile Service Failed' When Changing Default User Location

Apr 22, 2011

I changed the values in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList in order to move the default user locations to my second partition. I then created a new user profile but when I try to login I get the message 'The User Profile Service failed the login'. When I set these values back to normal, new accounts work fine but I really want my user accounts on the second partition.

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Strange Defult Login User Prompt - Local Admin, Not Domain User?

Jan 17, 2012

So a new box recently built, when booted, defaults to the local administrator account.This is a Windows 7 machine for a Linux guru that doesn't want to be bothered pressing more buttons than is necessary, if you get my drift. So my question is, after pressing do I dictate to Windows that the preferred used is "HisDomainAccount" on our company domain, as opposed to the local admin account?

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Failure Of User Profile Service?

Dec 6, 2012

Just had error report " user profile service service failed the login User profile cannot be loaded" on a longstanding Standard User Account. Password entered was OK and no other Accounts giving any probs.

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User Profile Service Failed

Apr 29, 2011

I created a new User but when trying to logon the following message appears:"The User Profile Service failed the logon.User profile cannot be loaded"I have tried both Administrator and Guest account types

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User Profile Service Failed

Sep 9, 2011

I get the message "The user profile Service failed the log on. User profile cannot be loaded" This is for the Administrator account. I can logon successfully as the standard user but cannot change the Administrators account or delete it and create a new one. What are my options. Do I need to reinstall Windows? Hope there is another way, like a repair process. This is on a Dell laptop as a stand alone machine (no network logon)
Windows 7 Home 32bit.

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User Profile Service Error

Sep 16, 2009

I got this error message when logging on this morning.

"The User Profile Service service failed the log in. User Profile cannot be loaded".

I was able to log in on an other user account and ran system restore and the account was repaired.

Any ideas on what happened?

Running Win 7 Ultimate RTM from Technet.

The last program that I was messing with was VMware Workstation.

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User Profile Service Failed To Logon?

Jan 16, 2011

When I boot up I get to the sign in page .When I sign in I get the message: User Profile Service Failed To Logon and things go round in a loop, I can't get to the Start Menu.

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User Account Service Failed To Load?

Feb 14, 2012

Today I started windows with it's default settings and randomly crashed at logon screen,it says that user account service service failed to load,I tryed to restart but same problem.I don't have another account so I can only log with safe mode

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Service Failed Logon - User Cannot Be Loaded

Jun 29, 2012

Just finished uninstalling certain things I did not need any longer and when I was done I started to notice that my desktop items disappeared when I refreshed the desktop and My Computer complained about the location of login details. (I cannot remember the exact error) now when I restarted my computer I receive the error at the welcome screen saying "The User Service service failed the logon. User cannot be loaded". I've researched this error and many things talk about starting in safe mode which I have managed to do but nothing else seems to be clear from there.

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The User Profile Service Failed The Logon

Nov 28, 2011

I have just upgrdaed from windows 7 home to professional. I changed the computer name and rebooted, then I put the computer on the domain, and reboted. I can login as the donamenameadministrator I can login as: computernameackup admin account I can login as computernameusername

but when i try to login as: domainnameusername

i get the follwoinf error: The user profile service failed the logon

I have tried to look in the registery and there are no .BAK profiles. I delted all profiles. I am not sure why I cn log in to the domain as the administrator but not as the user.

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Prevent User From Killing A Windows Service

Jun 23, 2011

how to prevent a user from killing a service.

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No Option To Login As Different User?

Oct 18, 2012

I have a system that has only one option for login: a standard user w/o admin privileges. I'm trying to do a "Windows Easy Transfer" from an XP box. Anyway, in order to do that, I must have admin privileges on the offending W7 box. I have admin privileges for my own account, but I don't get an option to log in as myself. Looking at C:/Users, I see my own profile and an admin account. How can I get around this

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BSOD Upon User Login?

Jun 22, 2012

I don't have the zip attachment but I couldn't run System Help Report as I can't even access Start menu So recently my mother told me she couldn't use her PC anymore so I checked and she gets the so called Black Screen of Death upon log in. It doesn't even work on safe mode. I tried restoring to the last known good configuration and it worked after trying the different restore points, but only temporarily as the next time she logged in the black screen welcomed her once again - it's like that everytime. Now the restore points have changed and none of them work anymore. When I log in a reminder from Norton pops up on the screen (her anti-virus has expired) and when I click the button for online support the default browser, Google Chrome, opens up and I'm able to surf the Internet just fine. Also, maybe it's not related but I noticed that the volume adjustment keys on the keyboard have stopped working. When I press the Windows key, Start menu doesn't show either. If someone could tell me how I can proceed onto Step 3 (running System Health Report via Start when I can't access it)

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The User Profile Service Failed The Logon On Domain

Dec 14, 2011

I have the same issue the other user mentions. I can log on as a domain admin, but not as a domain user. There are only 4 profiles in the registry, with no .bak extensions:

1 is the default user
2 is the localservice account
3 is the networkservice account
4 is the local "Administrator" account

I was assuming the problem was with the default user, so I followed the article previously mentioned, and changed the RefCount from "1" to "0", and the State was already set to "0". I am still unable to log in with any domain account except for domain administrators.

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Cannot Login To User Invalid Password

Jul 4, 2012

My father has a laptop that he received from his work. My father works at a high school and the school is currently closed for the summer vacation. All of the technicians are on vacation now and the school board is also closed. There is no technician to help my father. The computer technician has set up his user name and password. It has been working for the last few months but suddenly, a few days ago, when he types in his password, he gets the message that his username or password are incorrect.

I have tried starting it up on safe mode, but it is still asking for his login and it is still incorrect. I have tried logging into the administrator password but it is not a blank password and nothing I have put in works. I have also tried switching user but there is no other user. I have tried restoring the computer but it states that I need to have administrator clearance to restore. I have the windows 7 disk but I am unsure how to activate it. My father has not made a password restore disk and when I tried to follow the instructions of saving the password on a usb or a disk, it did not work because I did not have the password disk.

I am currently trying to reinstall Windows 7, as that is what a lot of forums were telling me to do but it is taking forever. I am hearing people tell me to download recovery tools, but I have no idea how to do this as the only computer I have currently is my father's computer, which I cannot get onto the internet! (I am typing from an ipod). How do I download ISOs and recovery files when I cannot access the internet?

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Disappearing User Login Screen?

Aug 16, 2012

My daughter has a Toshiba Microsoft windows 7. She tried creating a guest user login in, when she tried to toggle between the admin log in and the guest all it would show is the guest. She went in and disabled the guest login now she does not have either option.

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How To Remove User From Login Screen

Nov 1, 2009

I have created a useraccount via CONTROL USERPASSWORDS2 in windows 7 called SharedAccess, this will be for anyone attempting to login to my machine to try and view files etc etc. I have given it a standard User Account, however i want to remove the user from the login screen so i don't have to click my main username for me to be able to log in. Firstly, have i gone about the right way fo creating this account? Secondly, if yes, then can i remove just one username from the login screen but keep the account on my Laptop for shared access purpose?

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[ACCOUNTS] Can't Login In Guest User?

Oct 23, 2011

I can't login in Guest user. My administrator account is working properly and without any problems, but my guest account doesn't. When I login to that account then its automatically logging off and coming back to the login Screen.I created standard user, but anyway I can't login there. When I click the icon it automatically logs off.

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Login Locked Until Switch User?

Dec 16, 2010

I have only one user account in the login screen. Recently, when I try to log in after my laptop has gone to power saver mode my password is rejected (initial login @ startup is not a problem). I try multiple times being very careful and it always gets rejected, every time, for 3 days now. It says "locked" under my account icon, above the password entry field. I hit the "switch user" button and the screen refreshes showing my icon and says "logged on" above the password entry field. I can then successfully enter my password (excatly the same as I did before) and it is accepted. CAP LOCK is off! Nothing changes accept the word "locked" changes to "logged on".

What is happening and how can I get rid of this annoying feature/bug. I have not installed new software. I already changed my account password to see if that would help. I also deleted the account. Neither one did anything. After reading I probably should have keep the account..

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Login To Windows 7 By Hidden User

Sep 13, 2011

I create a hidden admin type user account as "Night" with 123 pass How Can I login to win 7 Ultimate with this ?

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