Freeze During First Boot While Installing

Oct 8, 2009

after a few seconds with a flashy windows logo the computer freezes. I also tried to boot it up in safe mode and it stopped loading at disk.sys. So i read around the forum a little and found some tips like unplugging secondary monitors, extra hard drives and ram chips but still, the installation stops at disk.sys. any ideas?

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Windows 7 Freeze Installing?

Feb 14, 2010

I am doing a clean install, Windows 7 from XP.Like many here I can get to the completing installation point before the installation freezes.It seems to be going well then it re-boots, at this point the display is a smaller format and the cusor freezes and the installation haults.I suspect that the graphics card might be the problem, GenForce 9800GTX.

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Widows 7 Freeze While Installing

Feb 24, 2011

I have been trying to install windows on this computer for over a day now, I used to own an MSI board and decided to upgrade to an ASUS m4a89td PRO/USB3 for a raid 0 and crossfire combo. Beforehand, I had windows 7 pro 64 bit installed just fine, playing games and running smoothly. I remember windows being stubborn to install at first, but I was able to figure it out using google and installing raid/mobo drivers.THIS TIME, I am unfortunate to be cursed by windows once again. The windows 7 64 bit install freezes at random intervals... either at the very beginning and at expanding windows files(0%), NOTE. Bios does not freeze.I've tried many things posted on the internet without success... here are the things I have tried.

-burned 5+ discs ranging from 1x - 4x on different media, dual layer virbatim and single layer ritadek dvds

-took out all useless componenets such as my extra video card, ram, sound card, extra drives etc

-tried to install windows on a single hard drive without the raid

-unplugged all usb devices

-loaded raid drivers from the chipset driver downloaded from the asus website

-leaving the install run (frozen) overnight to see if it would magically unfreeze and finish

-turned off a bunch of features in the bios. alot of them made my system unbootable?

-switched dvd burner/reader drive for burning and reading

here are my hardware specs:

1090t 6core processor
4gb x2 CORSAIR 1333MHZ ram
ASUS m4a89td PRO/USB3
700 watt OCZ power supply
2x radeon 5770 HD VAPOR-X video card
LG dual dvd burner

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Ram Usage While Installing Games And Pc Freeze

Nov 12, 2009

I've had this problem only on windows7, for every game I've installed.

Basically, during the installation all of the RAM is used up, and when it ends the system won't free up the RAM, the PC is dead slow and I have to restart it.

It's not a hardware problem, these are my specs:

Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 @ 3.0ghz

RAM DDRII 4GB 800mhz

Motherboard: ASUS P5Qpro

ATI RADEON 4850 Toxic 512mb

Windows 7 RTM x64

has this happened to anyone else?

it's never happened to me with Windows XP, nor Vista, or even Ubuntu.

i used to have 2GB RAM, then when this happened I upgraded to 4 but it made no difference.

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Freeze Installing Intel LAN Driver V17.3.0.0

Dec 29, 2012

Although it worked the first time, I hit a glitch and had to reinstall Win 7 on a new build. Now, every time I try to install Intel LAN Driver V17.3.0.0 it freezes when it starts. I've formatted and reinstalled a couple times but no luck. I got the NVM Update Utility for Intel 82579V and ran it from an admin prompt, but it says it isn't needed.

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Lockup/freeze After Boot?

Sep 11, 2012

I have a Samsung chronos 7 running windows 7x64, a few months old, and as of yesterday it has developed a problem. It boots up and I can login as quickly and effortlessly as normal, but after a short while, 30 secs to a minute after, the whole machine becomes unresponsive and incredibly cant even open windows such as "my computer", and cannot shut down, i have to force a shutdown with the power button.I noticed after a couple of reboots with that happening that when it freezes the hard drive activity light is solidly on, as if the drive is in constant use.At this point I attempted to run chkdsk as soon as i logged in, trying to beat the lockup. It crawled to 67%, stage 2 verifying indexes, 329020 of 361216 processed. At that point it froze for hours.I reset and booted into safe mode and ran chkdsk again. This time it sped through to 67% again, even the same index number and froze.In safe mode the computer was useable slightly longer before it froze and chkdsk ran faster but same result, no response, light solidly on and its now been there for 7 hours on 67%, whearas reaching that point took about 5 seconds.Also accessing logs may be a problem as i only have my phone to get on the internet with, but if theyre small files i may be able to upload them from here.I really dont wanna have to replace the drive or reinstall windows as my backup external drive died last week and I haven't got the money to buy a new one at the moment, so i have no backups of my laptop or facility to make one, so thats a last resort. Also running any programs is an issue because of the 30 sec winfow before it locks up.

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Boot Freeze Before Sign In Screen?

Jul 15, 2011

Windows 7 Home Premium: My Boot usually takes about 30 -40 seconds; every once in a while after windows screen boot delays 60 -75 seconds before sign in (this has happened several times and eventually (days or weeks)seems to correct). I have checked drivers, run check disc, memory diagnostics, system restore, driver backup restore, registry errors, System File Checker, etc everything checks out. I have run a boot trace but don't know how to read the results.

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OCZ Vertex 30Gb SSD - Freeze On Boot

Dec 22, 2009

just installed windows 7 64 Bit on a 30gb SSD. I also have it running on a Gigabyte 790xt motherboard with a XFX Radeon 5870 HD. The first time after installing windows the computer started extremely fast. I first noticed a freeze up when I restarted the system. It will get to the point where it says starting windows, then for some reason it freezes. After about a minute or two, the win 7 floating logo finally appears and the system process to boot.

So my problem is that installing an SSD in I expect the system to boot immediately. But with the freezing it defeats the purpose. Anyone come across this freeze before the windows pogo appears?

Idk how to handle an SSD yet. Do I enable SMART? Or is there a special option for it? Or is my system hanging on something not related to the SSD, or is there a hardware conflict anyone an see?

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Boot Log Doesn't Seem To Log Anything When Freeze Occurs

Jan 7, 2013

I am having an issue booting my Windows 7 image on some custom built hardware. The issue is, we'll say 1/10 times booting, the boot freezes when Windows says "Starting Windows, and the first red pixel of the animation comes into view.After this, as per forums here, I enabled boot logging. The boot log does not seem to log anything when the freeze occurs. This makes me think there is an issue with the BIOS. This is a custom BIOS, and I am working with the manufacturer to try and see if they will send me an update, or at least do more research on this.Here are my ntbtlog.txt file results. They seem to be consistent. Should I be concerned with any of the drivers that did not load? [code] I also enabled diagnostic startup, and still was able to reproduce my boot freeze/hang issue.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot - Odd Freeze Followed By Random Color

Nov 5, 2011

I went to hop on my computer as it wasn't in standby, just had been sitting there in the on position, I clicked on one of those catchy news articles on Yahoo, and then the screen freaked out and the color pink started to slowly take over my screen. I couldn't move mouse, nor keyboard. A hard reset was the only way out.

Alas, upon reaching the log in screen, I click my name, and await the load. Oh, but my computer wasn't having that, it decided that I will be presented with a big gray screen at first, then I restarted again, a pink screen, upon another restart a black screen. This happens always after I click on my name, and it goes to load the desktop.

So I tried scouring the net, tried every possible little solution I could think of, except most of the people's problems I found weren't like mine, theirs was the blinking mouse and black screen deal, mind doesn't even show a mouse cursor, it just goes into a solid color and freezes. Which a hard reboot is the only way out.

My computer:
Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 26 Stepping 4
Processor Count: 8
RAM: 6135 Mb
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280, 1024 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 476937 MB, Free - 42706 MB;
Motherboard: ASUSTeK Computer INC., P6T DELUXE
Antivirus: AVG Anti-Virus, Disabled

I am currently sitting in safemode with network support, camping this thread. So with that knowledge, safe mode boots up just fine with everything in tact. The things I tried: Check disk, it came back with an error I was only able to get to pop up once, so I don't have an exact phrasing of what it said, but basically something about a software change that couldn't be updated and then went to load up.

I did the memory check and it had no errors Did all the standard checks with my anti-virus software. I will even virtually kiss your face to death. Cause I am a broke college girl with like no money to buy extra hard-drives to backup all my school work. Which is pretty significant considering we're late into the semester.

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Windows Install & Bootup Freeze On Boot Screen

Aug 11, 2012

I'm having trouble installing windows on a new rig I just built. I'm not sure if its a driver error or maybe some other hardware error I'm overlooking. Here's the problem I'm encountering. I've tried to install 3 different windows. Windows 7 64bit(burned), Windows 7 32bit (burned), Windows Vista OEM. Upon the fresh install my computer goes to the "Loading files from disk" than will try to boot up to the install. When the boot up screen comes on with the horizontal bar it freezes after about 10-15 seconds, then nothing.I have 3 hard drives I've tried to install every copy on (2 SATA HDDs, and a SSD). Same symptom. My old HDD with windows still on it, I tried to boot it up and it still freezes(shouldn't boot up anyway right?). When I try to load safemode on the HDD with windows on it, I am able to. I tried installing the Vista copy through this method and it is successful until the PC reboots during the install and freezes back up bootup. This made me think it was a driver error.

I also mistakenly tried installing windows with no HDD's attached to the motherboard.. That also made it to the bootup screen, but froze(duh) at the bootup screen too. So from that mistaken test, could this be a hardware issue if its freezing at the same spot with and without the HDD? [code]I've also tried removing the video card and using the onboard video, leaving only one stick of ram in, and I've swapped ram from another PC to test(can't remember the model ram). I haven't tried swapping the dvd drive yet. I've read places that a heatsink could be causing this problem, but if I can get into safe mode on an old windows install could it be hardware such as the heatsink/cpu, or just drivers?

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Weird Screen Freeze / Programs Failing, Just Complete Freeze On Computer

Jul 13, 2011

Im having screen freezes every couple of days. My whole computer just freeze what its doing.Been

-on word
-on a game
-watching movies
-transfering data

So no specifi thing sets it off.Cant alt-cnt-delete.Its like a screen shot of my computer and watching a picture. Cant even move the mouse.My keyboard can change colours via buttons on it (logitech g110). I cant even change the colours coz its like the whole pc is in a time freeze..Due to this i dont get an "windows had an unexpected error" message when i restart the computer...

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Cannot Boot Windows 7 After Installing Opensuse 12.1 On Dual Boot

Apr 6, 2012

I installed opensuse 12.1 on dual boot along with my other windows 7 installation. Installation of opensuse is successful and i can use it. But when I tried to use windows 7 on grub, it says bootmgr is missing. I've already encountered this problem a long time ago so i tried to use bootrec /fixmbr, bootrec /rebuildbcd and bootrec /fixboot in the recovery console in the windows 7 DVD. Rebuildbcd and fixboot did not work and it said something like it cannot find my windows installation. I also tried bootrec /scanos, it returned a windows installation on D:\Windows but my windows is in drive C. I think this has something to do with me messing up the active partition in disk management a month ago but i already fixed it by setting the active partition to the system reserved partition. Only fixmbr is successful, but now i can't boot on any OS because it says: Missing operating system.I also tried bcdboot C:\Windows but it failed with a message that goes like: Failure when attempting to copy boot information..

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Windows 7 Won't Boot After Installing Ubuntu Dual Boot?

Dec 3, 2010

I can't get Win 7 to boot after setting up dual boot (Ubuntu 10.10) on my GF's laptop. I'll describe the problem and everything that has been tried so far. REALLY hoping somebody has an idea, I'm getting desperate.I installed Ubuntu last night via the Live CD. Used the Live version to install alongside Windows and partition the drive, install Grub, etc. At reboot, after POST it would just go to a black screen with a flashing cursor. I could only run off the live CD. A forum member determined the Grub was trying to load from the wrong partition. We changed that and voila! Grub now loads properly. I can boot into Ubunto via Grub with zero problems. HOWEVER: when I try to boot into Win 7 from Grub, it just locks at the same flashing cursor of death screen. The 7 partition is till intact, I can see and access all the files on the 7 partition from within Ubuntu, however 7 will not boot. I have tried downloading and burning the Win 7 repair disk and doing all of the following,Running the automatic Start Up Repair - several times. All it does is remove Grub, but booting still goes to the flashing cursor and I have to reinstall Grub again to be able to do anything after POST.I have used the command prompt to run "bootsect /nt60 SYS /mbr". Has the same effect as above.I have used all the bootsec.exe /fixmbr, /fixboot, and /rebuildBCD commands. Again, all have the same effect and I have to reinstall Grub to get anywhere.I don't have an installation disk to try and just do a repair install because Asus apparently doesn't feel that I would need one of these. All I have is the recovery disks from the Asus AIRecovery application that want to just re-format the entire drive and start over. This isn't an option. It's my GF's laptop (mine gave up the ghost last week) and we both have WAY too much highly important data on here. Not to mention she would castrate me . Now from all my research the only other thing I've come across that sounds possible is that the boot flag needs to be set to a different partition. Somebody had a somewhat similar problem and it turned out the way Dell set up the system the boot flag had to be moved to a recovery partition and it worked fine. I'm wondering if Asus has something similar going on, but I can't figure out how to move the boot flag. I'm going on 12 straight hours of working on this now

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Laptop Windows Boot But Freeze At Animated Windows 7 Logo Screen

Jun 28, 2012

i have a desktop computer i used it to install Windows 7 ultimate x86 and i have a laptop i used it to install Windows 7 ultimate x64 the desktop and laptop both support x64 systems, i cloned both computers with Norton ghost and when i restore the cloned image to it's own computer it works with no problem but when i try to restore the image from my laptop to my desktop computer or the image from my desktop to my laptop windows boot but freeze at the animated windows 7 logo screen? i tried to generalize the system with sysprep but i failed cause my computer want start after i used sysprep?

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Installing Windows 7 X64 From Boot

Oct 25, 2011

I was originally running Windows XP 32bit. I tried to install Windows 7 32 by booting from the CD but I had a problem where I would get past the Loading Windows Files page then I ended up on a screen which appeared to be a Windows 7 Wallpaper and only my mouse cursor but nothing else would happen. I was since able to install the 32 bit Windows 7 by loading it up in Windows XP itself and going from there. However I now need to install the 64 bit version instead. And this cannot be done whilst in the windows environment. It has to be booted from the CD, But once again I am having the same problem. I get to a black screen which says Loading Windows Files with a grey loading bar. Then it goes to a starting windows page, and then finally the blueish coloured wallpaper shows up and my mouse cursor but nothing else happens. I don't have anything to click on.

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Cannot Boot Win 7 After Installing Ubuntu

Nov 24, 2009

cannot boot win 7 after installing ubuntu.

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Cant Boot XP After Installing Windows 7?

Sep 4, 2011

i changed my processor from 2.0Ghz to 2.7 Ghz after that i cannot install xp after installing window 7.

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Cant Boot XP After Installing Windows 7

Jan 25, 2010

I have a ide hard drive with windows 7 installed on it. And a sata harddrive with xp installed on it. I wanted to be able to dual boot with the two but when i try to boot xp i get this error.

0x0000007b (0xba4c3524, 0xc0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)

On my old drive XP used to be installed on C:

But now that drive has become E:

Is there a way to pull this off? I would like XP to stay on C: because all of my old files are pointing to that location.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot After Installing USB 3 Hub

Jul 9, 2012

I recently installed a new USB 3 Hub, however, Windows 7 refuses to boot when it is plugged in (via 4-pin molex from the PSU). When the unit is unplugged it boots just fine, but when it is plugged in it just hangs at the start-up screen indefinitely.


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Installing XP Removed The Windows 7 Boot?

Jul 29, 2010

i wanted to install xp since there were some program glitches in win vista and 7. now when i boot, it doesnt give me the option to boot into Windows 7. it was gone.i created a separate 20gb partition on the same hd as my Windows 7 and installed it onto that.should i repair my Windows 7 os and delete the xp? now i removed the xp partition and now it has no os to boot into.

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How To Boot Windows 7 After Installing Ubuntu 10.10

Oct 20, 2010

I just finished installing Ubuntu 10.10 and was wondering how I could boot Windows 7 instead of ubuntu. Ubuntu loads and does not give me a choice of wanting to run Windows 7.

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W7 Won't Boot Up After Installing NVIDIA Drivers

Aug 7, 2009

Well, I have this problem: After installing 64bit 186.03 (tried 185 too) NVIDIA drivers for notebooks (I have geforce 9200m gs) and restarting, windows just won't boot up. The screen goes black and then reboots without even showing the "welcome screen". I've tried this with 7100 and RTM builds (Didn't have any problems with xp though).

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No Option To Boot Into Windows 7 After Installing XP

Jul 31, 2010

I have installed Windows 7 and then I installed Linux on an other partition of the Hard Disk now I wanted to install windows XP for some project work, I removed the linux (ubuntu) and installed the XP on the same partition. The problem is that I am not able to see the option to boot Windows 7.

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Installing New Motherboard Will Windows 7 Still Boot

Dec 7, 2010

I am installing a new motherboard in my mum's pc but using the same ram, cpu, dvd rom drive and Hard drive. Her current mobo also has built in graphics, sound and Lan.My question is will her current hard drive with her Windows 7 o/s boot on the new motherboard? I don't really want to have to do a complete re-install as she has loads of her stuff on there.

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Installing XP While Keeping Win 7 Boot Screen

Jul 15, 2009

I want to installing XP while keeping Windows 7's boot screen.

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Installing New Windows 7 With Boot Disc?

Jun 5, 2011

So originally when I bought my Laptop it was Windows Vista. A while ago I upgraded to Windows 7 by downloading the OS and a valid serial key form a third party distributor associated with my school. Next week I`m putting together a new desktop PC, and want to install Windows 7 on it. I have another valid serial key to use for the registration, however do not have a boot disc to use. Wil the System Restore Disc that I can create using the wizard on Win 7 be able to boot and load a new OS on my new desktop or will i have to create a boot disc another way.Also, I still have the original installation files saved in My Downloads, although not in .iso format but expanded and just saved as files.

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Boot And Installing Multiply OS's From ExtHDD?

Sep 3, 2011

I have a external hard drive made from a spare laptop hard drive. Size is 160GB, enclosure is a Sharkoon Quickstore Portable Pro (USB 3.0).I wanted to make 2 partitions on this disk. The first partition will be around 50GB and will contain the data for booting and installing different OS's.The second partition (100GB) will be used a data storage, in short: just a external hard drive for storing files like music, pictures, etc.I wanted to make the first partition bootable, and program a menu to choose between different OS's. Main concept is I want a hard drive with Windows 7, Windows XP, Ubuntu, etc. on it to INSTALL this to the PC it's plugged in. I already have a bootable USB stick containing Windows 7, that's where the idea came from. So I don't want to run a OS on the drive, but I want to be able to INSTALL a OS from the drive.

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Can't Dual Boot After Installing W7 Retail With W7 RC

Dec 28, 2009

I was running Vista on one partition, and Windows 7 RC on a second partition. Was able to dual boot with no problems. I just installed Windows 7 Retail Upgrade on the partition where Vista was located, after reformatting that partition. I can run the new installation fine, but I can't boot into the RC version. I can access the partition using explorer, just can't find a way to boot it.

I'd like to get in there to pull some configuration information from programs, to enter when I reinstall the programs on the new system. I'm not sure what I messed up here, but is there a way to find a fix to the problem?

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It Is Asking For Boot Device Download While Installing

Aug 27, 2012

I am trying to install new widows to my laptop but it asking me for BOOTMGR. How can I fix it please?

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Windows 7 Won't Boot After Installing Ubuntu

Sep 17, 2012

I downloaded the iso file of Ubuntu Alternate AMD64 and I extract it to partition D (Windows is installed in partition C). After that, I reboot. It went into the Ubuntu installation setup without problem but when it start to format, it says CD source not available or something like that because I didn't mention it that time. Therefore, I reboot again but it takes me to the Ubuntu installation setup again, I reboot and I place the Windows 7 Home Premium disc into my DVD drive and boot from it.

I went in to delete the partition D and never extended partition C and kept the unallocated space, I reboot again. It says "Missing Operating System" and boot from the Windows disc again, I click on Startup Repair and it took about 20 minutes and kept saying "Attempting repairs...". Some files are backup but some programs and big sized videos are not and for the programs, I don't want to lose the saved games and for the videos I don't want to download them again because my internet speed is only 512Kilobits/s on here.

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