Lockup/freeze After Boot?

Sep 11, 2012

I have a Samsung chronos 7 running windows 7x64, a few months old, and as of yesterday it has developed a problem. It boots up and I can login as quickly and effortlessly as normal, but after a short while, 30 secs to a minute after, the whole machine becomes unresponsive and incredibly slow.it cant even open windows such as "my computer", and cannot shut down, i have to force a shutdown with the power button.I noticed after a couple of reboots with that happening that when it freezes the hard drive activity light is solidly on, as if the drive is in constant use.At this point I attempted to run chkdsk as soon as i logged in, trying to beat the lockup. It crawled to 67%, stage 2 verifying indexes, 329020 of 361216 processed. At that point it froze for hours.I reset and booted into safe mode and ran chkdsk again. This time it sped through to 67% again, even the same index number and froze.In safe mode the computer was useable slightly longer before it froze and chkdsk ran faster but same result, no response, light solidly on and its now been there for 7 hours on 67%, whearas reaching that point took about 5 seconds.Also accessing logs may be a problem as i only have my phone to get on the internet with, but if theyre small files i may be able to upload them from here.I really dont wanna have to replace the drive or reinstall windows as my backup external drive died last week and I haven't got the money to buy a new one at the moment, so i have no backups of my laptop or facility to make one, so thats a last resort. Also running any programs is an issue because of the 30 sec winfow before it locks up.

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Still Get A Random Lockup

Feb 12, 2010

Hello,I have upgraded from Vista 64 to Windows 7, 64bit with 8 gigs of Ram and a quad core processor, why do I still get a random lockup?

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Freeze During First Boot While Installing

Oct 8, 2009

after a few seconds with a flashy windows logo the computer freezes. I also tried to boot it up in safe mode and it stopped loading at disk.sys. So i read around the forum a little and found some tips like unplugging secondary monitors, extra hard drives and ram chips but still, the installation stops at disk.sys. any ideas?

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Boot Freeze Before Sign In Screen?

Jul 15, 2011

Windows 7 Home Premium: My Boot usually takes about 30 -40 seconds; every once in a while after windows screen boot delays 60 -75 seconds before sign in (this has happened several times and eventually (days or weeks)seems to correct). I have checked drivers, run check disc, memory diagnostics, system restore, driver backup restore, registry errors, System File Checker, etc everything checks out. I have run a boot trace but don't know how to read the results.

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OCZ Vertex 30Gb SSD - Freeze On Boot

Dec 22, 2009

just installed windows 7 64 Bit on a 30gb SSD. I also have it running on a Gigabyte 790xt motherboard with a XFX Radeon 5870 HD. The first time after installing windows the computer started extremely fast. I first noticed a freeze up when I restarted the system. It will get to the point where it says starting windows, then for some reason it freezes. After about a minute or two, the win 7 floating logo finally appears and the system process to boot.

So my problem is that installing an SSD in I expect the system to boot immediately. But with the freezing it defeats the purpose. Anyone come across this freeze before the windows pogo appears?

Idk how to handle an SSD yet. Do I enable SMART? Or is there a special option for it? Or is my system hanging on something not related to the SSD, or is there a hardware conflict anyone an see?

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Boot Log Doesn't Seem To Log Anything When Freeze Occurs

Jan 7, 2013

I am having an issue booting my Windows 7 image on some custom built hardware. The issue is, we'll say 1/10 times booting, the boot freezes when Windows says "Starting Windows, and the first red pixel of the animation comes into view.After this, as per forums here, I enabled boot logging. The boot log does not seem to log anything when the freeze occurs. This makes me think there is an issue with the BIOS. This is a custom BIOS, and I am working with the manufacturer to try and see if they will send me an update, or at least do more research on this.Here are my ntbtlog.txt file results. They seem to be consistent. Should I be concerned with any of the drivers that did not load? [code] I also enabled diagnostic startup, and still was able to reproduce my boot freeze/hang issue.

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Windows 7 Upgrade Lockup And Now Will Not Continue

Mar 6, 2011

I was running the Windows 7 home premium 32bit upgrade on a Toshiba laptop that was running Vista Home Premium 32bit. The upgrade process rebooted at somepoint and now it keeps rebooting to a DOS window with a command prompt on drive X. If I try to run the install.exe off drive D (CD-ROM) it starts the process and then stops saying the installation booted of the Windows 7 installation CD please remove the CD and restart. I cannot get past this endless loop. Nothing will boot completely.

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New PC Showing Blocks And Complete Lockup

Feb 24, 2012

[code] I built it at my house got it all setup and running fine with Win 7 and then hooked it up for them. About a week later they start to see this on their screen which is followed by a total lockup of the system that can only be fixed by powering down the system.Hooked it up at my house and ran memtest. I saw similar effect in memtest where it was blocks with smiley faces of some sort inside them. Computer completely locked up had to restart. Other than that memtest detected no error in the ram.Updated BIOS to newest version. I left the PC running for 24 hours after updating BIOS without any problems. Sent it back to their house and the problem is still occuring for them.I do not know what else to try at this point other than returning the mobo or CPU. Im not even sure what would be at fault in a Sandy Bridge CPU.

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ACPI Driver Lockup Error

Sep 10, 2009

I'm running windows 7 professional 64 and I keep encountering at random times an error in the event log that causes my computer to lockup. This lockup comes in the form of a slow lack of access to programs and no luck at rebooting via restart or CTRL ALT DEL.

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Computer Lockup Steaming Videos

Jun 17, 2009

when i stream video full screen the video slows down then locks up my computer but when running save video non full screen runs fine. videos saved to the computer work fine full screen. have tryed FireFox and chrome and the bolth have the same problem. using all upto date drivers. does not have the issue when i run on my xp partition.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot - Odd Freeze Followed By Random Color

Nov 5, 2011

I went to hop on my computer as it wasn't in standby, just had been sitting there in the on position, I clicked on one of those catchy news articles on Yahoo, and then the screen freaked out and the color pink started to slowly take over my screen. I couldn't move mouse, nor keyboard. A hard reset was the only way out.

Alas, upon reaching the log in screen, I click my name, and await the load. Oh, but my computer wasn't having that, it decided that I will be presented with a big gray screen at first, then I restarted again, a pink screen, upon another restart a black screen. This happens always after I click on my name, and it goes to load the desktop.

So I tried scouring the net, tried every possible little solution I could think of, except most of the people's problems I found weren't like mine, theirs was the blinking mouse and black screen deal, mind doesn't even show a mouse cursor, it just goes into a solid color and freezes. Which a hard reboot is the only way out.

My computer:
Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 26 Stepping 4
Processor Count: 8
RAM: 6135 Mb
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280, 1024 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 476937 MB, Free - 42706 MB;
Motherboard: ASUSTeK Computer INC., P6T DELUXE
Antivirus: AVG Anti-Virus, Disabled

I am currently sitting in safemode with network support, camping this thread. So with that knowledge, safe mode boots up just fine with everything in tact. The things I tried: Check disk, it came back with an error I was only able to get to pop up once, so I don't have an exact phrasing of what it said, but basically something about a software change that couldn't be updated and then went to load up.

I did the memory check and it had no errors Did all the standard checks with my anti-virus software. I will even virtually kiss your face to death. Cause I am a broke college girl with like no money to buy extra hard-drives to backup all my school work. Which is pretty significant considering we're late into the semester.

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Explorer Lockup When Plug In External USB Drive?

Dec 10, 2012

I have just re-built my windows 7 machine after a harddisk failure. All seems to be working fine except for my external USB drive which locks up explorer and windows in general, only way out is the magic reset (even Task manager locks up).

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Random Lockup When Playing/using Windows Software?

May 20, 2012

Unfortunately I'm not getting any BSOD's or error messages of any kind. Using Windows 7: 32 bit (I have no logical reason other than ignorance at the time for the 32 bit, and only laziness is keeping me from reinstalling to 64).

I started noticing the issue when playing the onine MMO called Rift. The computer locked up a few times during play there, but then that stopped (I'm trying to pull this from memory...the issue has been going on for several months now). After it stopped locking up in Rift, I thought the issue was gone, but it would lock up tight when I'd play one of the card games that are installed with windows! The issue became a real problem when I started playing Age of Empires Onlilne (another microsoft product). I might go 10 minutes playing the game before it locks up tight, or I may go for hours (if I had to give it an average time after reboot, I'd say 40 minutes or a little less).

I NEVER get a BSOD, error message or anything else out of the ordinary. I can hit reset button to get out of the lockup, but no key functions will help me. Mouse cursor freezes/screen freezes, and I have to hit reset or on/off button to escape it.

I've updated all my drivers, used registry cleaning software (what a waste of money!), tried shutting down any background programs possible...I'm just tired of the issue, and want to fix it without total hard drive wipe. I actually bought a new hard drive and ram upgrade, and want to have a dual boot system with 64 bit installed on the second hard drive if someone can tell me how to to that setup (I think I can manage, but I'm not afraid to hear someone's instructions, when they KNOW how to do it for sure). I would still like to resolve this issue if possible. I don't know if it could be a known issue from a past security update, or something along those lines, but I know for sure that this hasn't always been an issue.

I actually ran Event Viewer to look for a repeated issue that was there many times. The one that stood out was under the information tab. There were over 1500 events in the last 7 days alone on this one hit. It was a service control manager issue (whatever that is). Under Admin. Events, there are several tags around each freeze, but I dont know if any of the information is relevant to this issue.

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System Lockup After Login Screen Following BSOD?

Sep 3, 2012

I had a BSOD two days ago coming out of standby and ever since the system locks up after reaching the desktop whilst trying to log in. Logging into safe mode works perfectly fine and also logging into the Ubuntu partion has no problems. I have run malware bytes and hard disk diagnostics and found no problems.

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Windows Install & Bootup Freeze On Boot Screen

Aug 11, 2012

I'm having trouble installing windows on a new rig I just built. I'm not sure if its a driver error or maybe some other hardware error I'm overlooking. Here's the problem I'm encountering. I've tried to install 3 different windows. Windows 7 64bit(burned), Windows 7 32bit (burned), Windows Vista OEM. Upon the fresh install my computer goes to the "Loading files from disk" than will try to boot up to the install. When the boot up screen comes on with the horizontal bar it freezes after about 10-15 seconds, then nothing.I have 3 hard drives I've tried to install every copy on (2 SATA HDDs, and a SSD). Same symptom. My old HDD with windows still on it, I tried to boot it up and it still freezes(shouldn't boot up anyway right?). When I try to load safemode on the HDD with windows on it, I am able to. I tried installing the Vista copy through this method and it is successful until the PC reboots during the install and freezes back up bootup. This made me think it was a driver error.

I also mistakenly tried installing windows with no HDD's attached to the motherboard.. That also made it to the bootup screen, but froze(duh) at the bootup screen too. So from that mistaken test, could this be a hardware issue if its freezing at the same spot with and without the HDD? [code]I've also tried removing the video card and using the onboard video, leaving only one stick of ram in, and I've swapped ram from another PC to test(can't remember the model ram). I haven't tried swapping the dvd drive yet. I've read places that a heatsink could be causing this problem, but if I can get into safe mode on an old windows install could it be hardware such as the heatsink/cpu, or just drivers?

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Home Network Large File Transfer Lockup?

Oct 29, 2009

Just installed Windows 7 64 Home Pro from XP two days ago. The last remaining issue I need to solve is a drag and drop file transfer to my other home network computer (HNC).o far I've been able to d&d files from the HNC via Acronis WD in it's explorer mode without any issues, some sized in the multi Gb range. I'When I try to d&d a large file, specifically my NVIDIA drivers sized at 123Mb the Windows 7 computer freezes immediately. The cursor is stuck and the computer is absolutely locked, the only thing that works to recover it is the power off button.When I come back I don't get any indication of anything going wrong and if I look on the HNC drive the file has been transferred successfully

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Lockup / Hang When Computer Is Vertical, Fine When Horizontal

Jan 30, 2012

I'm running a homemade rig, which worked fine on my 42" TV as a "HTPC/Gamer." Moved it from its spot in the entertainment center to my desk and BAM! Locks up or hangs during gaming. Zero activity, temps on my Strike-X drop to ambient, no Ctrl+Alt+Deletes, power button press resets, or power button hold resets. Only option is to flip the power switch on the PSU. Now, here's the kicker, when I lay the case horizontally, it works without a hitch.

ASUS M4A79T Deluxe
AMD Phenom II X4 955BE
G.Skill Ripjaw Series 8GB (4x2GB) @ 1600
XFX Radeon 5970HD
Liteon DVD Burner
LG Blu-Ray Burner
Aerocool Strike-X Fan/Temp Controller
6x120mm fans, 4 on the Strike-X, other 2 straight to mobo headers (fans are not LED or anything fancy)
Rosewill 600W PSU
All stuffed in a Cooler Master Centurion 590.

Now, I've ran a compliment of stress tests with the PC laying flat, no problems or spikes or anything. Furmark, Prime95, Unigine Heaven DX11, even CustomPC (a UK magazines') benchmarking suite for hours, no problems.

I've already updated BIOS for the Mobo and Video. Up to date drivers all around (as of 1/28/2012).

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Weird Screen Freeze / Programs Failing, Just Complete Freeze On Computer

Jul 13, 2011

Im having screen freezes every couple of days. My whole computer just freeze what its doing.Been

-on word
-on a game
-watching movies
-transfering data

So no specifi thing sets it off.Cant alt-cnt-delete.Its like a screen shot of my computer and watching a picture. Cant even move the mouse.My keyboard can change colours via buttons on it (logitech g110). I cant even change the colours coz its like the whole pc is in a time freeze..Due to this i dont get an "windows had an unexpected error" message when i restart the computer...

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Laptop Windows Boot But Freeze At Animated Windows 7 Logo Screen

Jun 28, 2012

i have a desktop computer i used it to install Windows 7 ultimate x86 and i have a laptop i used it to install Windows 7 ultimate x64 the desktop and laptop both support x64 systems, i cloned both computers with Norton ghost and when i restore the cloned image to it's own computer it works with no problem but when i try to restore the image from my laptop to my desktop computer or the image from my desktop to my laptop windows boot but freeze at the animated windows 7 logo screen? i tried to generalize the system with sysprep but i failed cause my computer want start after i used sysprep?

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Ie Freeze

Dec 15, 2009

i am using windows 7 (norton 360) with my whole hard disk encrypted.

when i have been on the internet for say 3 hours i get at least 3 crashes (mouse pointer will not respond and ctr alt del will not respond.

my daughter says that windows 7 is prone to crashes. could my problem be due to the encryption? or is it due to a fault with windows 7.

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Pc Freeze For Few Seconds

Aug 29, 2011

i've had this pc for a year almost now and it just started to freeze at random moments for like 10 seconds, but after that it return to normal. it can really be annoying while watching Internet or something the sound gets really irritating. the picture stays the same, and after few seconds it just quickly rewinds in few pictures.
pc config

cpu : intel core 2 quad cpu q8300 2.5ghz
mother : asrock p43de3
memory : xms3 (ddr3 2x2gb)
graphic : ati radeon hd 5850
supply : cx600 corsair

if anybody can help i would be grateful.... and yea i think (but im not 100% sure) the longer the pc is up and running the more often it will happen... and it happens while im watching Internet most of the time (or any streams). it doesn't happen while i'm playing any video games or anything like that (maybe it does but it is rare).... and it can happen while im on desktop just copying some files any that.

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Right Click Freeze?

Sep 6, 2011

I run WIn7 32 bit and when i right click on my mouse, it says windows error and the screen freezes

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Lag, Freeze, And Turning Off On It's Own?

Mar 30, 2012

Obviously I use Windows 7 since i am posting in this category. I am in desperate need of some assistance. My computer lately has been lagging or momentarily freezing when I open a program or window. The most disturbing problem is that my laptop shuts off whenever it feels like it. I had to do a System Restore just to get it to turn on yesterday. Luckily I have come acrossI have a working knowledge of computers, enough to get me by so far, but this is way out f my league. In case the info is important I use AVG for anti-virus and also Windows Advanced Care (recommended by a friend). My computer is used mainly for gaming so I would love to get this fixed ASAP since shutting down mid boss fight is highly irritating.

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All Other Browsers Other Than IE Seem To Freeze

Jul 22, 2009

why does my firefox browser freeze when i right click the very top aero part of the window?

im on Windows Rc 7100

and this seems to be the only problem i have

it also does this when i hold right click on WMP

any ideas y?

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IE8 Freeze Problem

Nov 12, 2009

On many occasions, after I close IE8, seems like iexplorer.exe freezes. I can open Task Manager via Ctrl+Alt+Del but it does not respond to any mouse/cursor action. Therefore I can't "End Process" since the window does not respond. I can see two iexplorer.exe processes still running but I cant terminate them.

The workaround is to "Log Off" and then log back in. I am the only user and have full administration rights.

When I log off, I can see all pending actions blink momentarily before I am logged off. Ex; Start pullup opens, Taskbar right click popup shows up, etc.

Other than that it seems to work fine. Only four (4) add ons on the Browser; IDM, AVG, Adobe and Google.

SpyBot, AVG and Malware Bytes don't find anything wrong.

Any suggestions?

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Scrollbar Freeze

May 25, 2009

Every time I click on a gray scrollbar and drag to scroll, Windows 7 freezes. I notice this most in explorer (first happened in control panel), and it seemed to be just a problem with any scrollbar in explorer, but then it happened in OpenOffice too.

In Firefox however, there doesn't seem to be a problem. I have just installed Windows 7 RC (32-bit) on my brand new computer, so surely not a virus/malware issue. All drivers up to date.

I'm able to reset or hard shutdown. Cannot Ctrl+Alt+Del.

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Mouse Lag/freeze

Apr 6, 2009

every time i move my mouse, my mouse will freeze for few sec. Also while it' freezes, the plug and play sound is played.

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Not Responding/freeze

Apr 29, 2009

I have recently installed windows 7100 x64 on my acer 5920G laptop.

t7300, 8600mgt, 2gigs of ram

antivirus: nod32 v4.

The problem is that after a period of time of using my laptop (movies, browsing,...) it just ends responding. (I'm talking about 10-15minutes of use) for example:

Im watching an xvid, the xvid freezes, I say '**** not again'. Then I try to exit the mediaplayer and get to my desktop, try to get to the taskmanager but can't. Then it freezes. The hdd light remains on and stays like this. after this I do a forced shutdown but pushing the button for 7sec.

This same problem also occures when I'm on the net with my mozilla firefox browser, I don't know about the other browsers but I'm guessing that they would have the same issue.

All my devices work fine except for the intel turbo memory (pci memory controller) for wich i can't find a driver... there's another thread about it on this forum but the people don't seem the have the same problem I'm experiencing.

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May 12, 2009

Im using Windows 7 RC 64 BITS and i have one soundcard "C-Media CMI8738/C3DX Audio Device PCI" in my computer and every time that i click on the XEAR 3D icon to configure my audio, my computer freezy...he just stop working and i have to restart.

I try to download the last driver from C-MEDIA website but it doesn't work.

Is there's something else i can do?

I have one home theater 5.1 in my PC and i cant use the 5.1 CH because of this, i need to configure with this C MEDIA XEAR 3D.

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Programs Freeze

Jan 25, 2010

I have a problem with my computer. It started when i play world of warcraft. Sometimes the game would freeze but i can still see the mouse cursor move around it would stay like that for about less then a minute and then continue like normal. It would happen a few times when i played.

Now its starting to do it when im not playing the game it happens if im browsing the Internet or messing around wint a media player or with anything i have installed on my computer. it just stops and says that its not responding for about a minute and then its working again. i don't know what it could be.

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Pc Gets Flicker And Freeze

Jun 16, 2012

What would cause some of the games and printing flicker and freeze on me?

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