Cant Boot XP After Installing Windows 7

Jan 25, 2010

I have a ide hard drive with windows 7 installed on it. And a sata harddrive with xp installed on it. I wanted to be able to dual boot with the two but when i try to boot xp i get this error.

0x0000007b (0xba4c3524, 0xc0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)

On my old drive XP used to be installed on C:

But now that drive has become E:

Is there a way to pull this off? I would like XP to stay on C: because all of my old files are pointing to that location.

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Cannot Boot Windows 7 After Installing Opensuse 12.1 On Dual Boot

Apr 6, 2012

I installed opensuse 12.1 on dual boot along with my other windows 7 installation. Installation of opensuse is successful and i can use it. But when I tried to use windows 7 on grub, it says bootmgr is missing. I've already encountered this problem a long time ago so i tried to use bootrec /fixmbr, bootrec /rebuildbcd and bootrec /fixboot in the recovery console in the windows 7 DVD. Rebuildbcd and fixboot did not work and it said something like it cannot find my windows installation. I also tried bootrec /scanos, it returned a windows installation on D:\Windows but my windows is in drive C. I think this has something to do with me messing up the active partition in disk management a month ago but i already fixed it by setting the active partition to the system reserved partition. Only fixmbr is successful, but now i can't boot on any OS because it says: Missing operating system.I also tried bcdboot C:\Windows but it failed with a message that goes like: Failure when attempting to copy boot information..

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Windows 7 Won't Boot After Installing Ubuntu Dual Boot?

Dec 3, 2010

I can't get Win 7 to boot after setting up dual boot (Ubuntu 10.10) on my GF's laptop. I'll describe the problem and everything that has been tried so far. REALLY hoping somebody has an idea, I'm getting desperate.I installed Ubuntu last night via the Live CD. Used the Live version to install alongside Windows and partition the drive, install Grub, etc. At reboot, after POST it would just go to a black screen with a flashing cursor. I could only run off the live CD. A forum member determined the Grub was trying to load from the wrong partition. We changed that and voila! Grub now loads properly. I can boot into Ubunto via Grub with zero problems. HOWEVER: when I try to boot into Win 7 from Grub, it just locks at the same flashing cursor of death screen. The 7 partition is till intact, I can see and access all the files on the 7 partition from within Ubuntu, however 7 will not boot. I have tried downloading and burning the Win 7 repair disk and doing all of the following,Running the automatic Start Up Repair - several times. All it does is remove Grub, but booting still goes to the flashing cursor and I have to reinstall Grub again to be able to do anything after POST.I have used the command prompt to run "bootsect /nt60 SYS /mbr". Has the same effect as above.I have used all the bootsec.exe /fixmbr, /fixboot, and /rebuildBCD commands. Again, all have the same effect and I have to reinstall Grub to get anywhere.I don't have an installation disk to try and just do a repair install because Asus apparently doesn't feel that I would need one of these. All I have is the recovery disks from the Asus AIRecovery application that want to just re-format the entire drive and start over. This isn't an option. It's my GF's laptop (mine gave up the ghost last week) and we both have WAY too much highly important data on here. Not to mention she would castrate me . Now from all my research the only other thing I've come across that sounds possible is that the boot flag needs to be set to a different partition. Somebody had a somewhat similar problem and it turned out the way Dell set up the system the boot flag had to be moved to a recovery partition and it worked fine. I'm wondering if Asus has something similar going on, but I can't figure out how to move the boot flag. I'm going on 12 straight hours of working on this now

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Installing Windows 7 X64 From Boot

Oct 25, 2011

I was originally running Windows XP 32bit. I tried to install Windows 7 32 by booting from the CD but I had a problem where I would get past the Loading Windows Files page then I ended up on a screen which appeared to be a Windows 7 Wallpaper and only my mouse cursor but nothing else would happen. I was since able to install the 32 bit Windows 7 by loading it up in Windows XP itself and going from there. However I now need to install the 64 bit version instead. And this cannot be done whilst in the windows environment. It has to be booted from the CD, But once again I am having the same problem. I get to a black screen which says Loading Windows Files with a grey loading bar. Then it goes to a starting windows page, and then finally the blueish coloured wallpaper shows up and my mouse cursor but nothing else happens. I don't have anything to click on.

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Cant Boot XP After Installing Windows 7?

Sep 4, 2011

i changed my processor from 2.0Ghz to 2.7 Ghz after that i cannot install xp after installing window 7.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot After Installing USB 3 Hub

Jul 9, 2012

I recently installed a new USB 3 Hub, however, Windows 7 refuses to boot when it is plugged in (via 4-pin molex from the PSU). When the unit is unplugged it boots just fine, but when it is plugged in it just hangs at the start-up screen indefinitely.


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Installing XP Removed The Windows 7 Boot?

Jul 29, 2010

i wanted to install xp since there were some program glitches in win vista and 7. now when i boot, it doesnt give me the option to boot into Windows 7. it was gone.i created a separate 20gb partition on the same hd as my Windows 7 and installed it onto that.should i repair my Windows 7 os and delete the xp? now i removed the xp partition and now it has no os to boot into.

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How To Boot Windows 7 After Installing Ubuntu 10.10

Oct 20, 2010

I just finished installing Ubuntu 10.10 and was wondering how I could boot Windows 7 instead of ubuntu. Ubuntu loads and does not give me a choice of wanting to run Windows 7.

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No Option To Boot Into Windows 7 After Installing XP

Jul 31, 2010

I have installed Windows 7 and then I installed Linux on an other partition of the Hard Disk now I wanted to install windows XP for some project work, I removed the linux (ubuntu) and installed the XP on the same partition. The problem is that I am not able to see the option to boot Windows 7.

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Installing New Motherboard Will Windows 7 Still Boot

Dec 7, 2010

I am installing a new motherboard in my mum's pc but using the same ram, cpu, dvd rom drive and Hard drive. Her current mobo also has built in graphics, sound and Lan.My question is will her current hard drive with her Windows 7 o/s boot on the new motherboard? I don't really want to have to do a complete re-install as she has loads of her stuff on there.

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Installing New Windows 7 With Boot Disc?

Jun 5, 2011

So originally when I bought my Laptop it was Windows Vista. A while ago I upgraded to Windows 7 by downloading the OS and a valid serial key form a third party distributor associated with my school. Next week I`m putting together a new desktop PC, and want to install Windows 7 on it. I have another valid serial key to use for the registration, however do not have a boot disc to use. Wil the System Restore Disc that I can create using the wizard on Win 7 be able to boot and load a new OS on my new desktop or will i have to create a boot disc another way.Also, I still have the original installation files saved in My Downloads, although not in .iso format but expanded and just saved as files.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot After Installing Ubuntu

Sep 17, 2012

I downloaded the iso file of Ubuntu Alternate AMD64 and I extract it to partition D (Windows is installed in partition C). After that, I reboot. It went into the Ubuntu installation setup without problem but when it start to format, it says CD source not available or something like that because I didn't mention it that time. Therefore, I reboot again but it takes me to the Ubuntu installation setup again, I reboot and I place the Windows 7 Home Premium disc into my DVD drive and boot from it.

I went in to delete the partition D and never extended partition C and kept the unallocated space, I reboot again. It says "Missing Operating System" and boot from the Windows disc again, I click on Startup Repair and it took about 20 minutes and kept saying "Attempting repairs...". Some files are backup but some programs and big sized videos are not and for the programs, I don't want to lose the saved games and for the videos I don't want to download them again because my internet speed is only 512Kilobits/s on here.

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PC On Won't Boot Up After Installing Windows 7 64bit?

Nov 20, 2012

My laptop won't start after installing windows 7

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Installing Windows 7 On HP Pavilion G6 - Won't Boot Up From DVD Drive

Jan 8, 2013

I recently purchase an HP Pavilion G6 which comes with windows 8 so i have decided to reformat the hard drive and install windows 7. My problem now it won't boot up from the DVD drive even an USB DVD drive still won't boot up.

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Windows 7 Failed To Boot After Installing New Usb Mouse

Jul 15, 2012

i just bought this new mouse razer lachesis 5600..when i plugged in the mouse, install the driver, it went ok, no problems at all.the problems start when i reboot, the screen just freeze at the motherboard screen (MSI 890fxa-gd70)..i remember reading from this forum, to try unplugged all usb device, i did that, and my pc can boot normally.. mouse also have no trouble if i plugged it after i got on windows.. but everytime i reboot with mouse plugged in, it always freeze at the mobo screen..or i should unplugged my mouse everytime i want to reboot?

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Can't Get Windows 7 To Boot FAter Installing Ibuntu

May 17, 2012

It's been a nightmare ever since doing factory restore with discs from acer. Do not have windows 7 install discs to try and get windows to boot so I installed ibuntu to see if hard drive still good. Ibuntu loaded and worked. Did restore with disks and now grub rescue. Windows repair disc doesn't work. I believe this is an mbr problem. Right now stuck at grub rescue. Would like to delete ibuntu and just use windows but would be happy to just boot windows as default.

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Error When Installing XP To Dual Boot With Windows 7?

Mar 4, 2010

When I go to create the new partition in Windows 7 that I want to install XP on it creates it as a logical drive. How do I create a primary partition instead?

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PC Unable To Boot After Installing Windows 7 Updates?

Jul 12, 2012

I'll be ecstatic if this could be solved. After installing windows updates my pc no longer boots. It turns on with some beeping noises and then is just stuck on a black screen where I can move the mouse cursor around to my hearts content but cannnot do anything else as it doesn't boot any further. I am not sure if I still have the windows disc as I upgraded from vista many a moon ago but it maybe here somewhere.It doesn't give me the option to run in safe mode, do any sort of system repair or go to the BIOS screen due to the fact it doesn't boot up that far.

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Windows Won't Boot After Installing Display Driver

Sep 2, 2010

It's my parents computer out in the living room, a Compaq Presario SR1135CL.

I installed an EVGA GeForce FX5600 Ultra to enable Aero and so that the computer will run at the monitors native resolution of 1366x768. The generics work fine, but then it only supports up to 1024x768 and no Aero.

Once I install the drivers and reboot the computer it goes to a blank screen after running through the boot screen. I ran updates and then tried it again with the same problem.

After a reboot it recommends startup repair, and startup repair reports that the problem cannot be repaired automatically.

I've installed in safe mode and in compatibility mode, almost any possible form of installing the drivers. I've tried doing it via Device Manager and pointing it to the directory that the installer package is extracted to, all with the same result.

It is important that I get this resolved because the computer is used mainly for work purposes and the low resolution of 1024x768 doesn't meet the requirements of the desktop real estate needed.

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Installing Windows 7 On A Secondary HDD And Changing It To Boot Hdd

Nov 18, 2011

Im currently using a 32 bit OS and thinking of changing to a 64 bit OS. I currently have 2 1TB HDD. Will it be ok if i install a fresh 64 bit os in my secondary HDD and change it to my boot drive?

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Cant See Linux Os On Boot Screen After Installing Windows 7

Feb 28, 2012

i had two os win 7 and backtrack5 in separate partitions and today i reinstalled win 7 but now it does ask me to choose between the two even i can't see boot screen to choose ,it automaticaly loads win 7 without asking me to choose , i waant see the boot screen with where i can choose which os should be loaded.

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When Installing Antivirus On Windows 7 64 Bit Wont Boot?

Oct 8, 2012

I recently attempted to install Anti-virus software on my Mom's HP laptop running Win 7 Home Premium. After that, the system would not boot. So I did a System Restore, and tried again thinking the Defrag I did after messed up the files. I then tried to install it again. Same result. At that point, I figured I would part ways with what I was using, AVG free 2013, and try Microsoft Internet Security Essentials. That ALSO produced same result. The only thing I could think of was that she had some kind of software conflict vying for the same space in the machine. She has a Norton online back up program installed and CC Cleaner, neither of which seem to be an antivirus.

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Can't Access System Recovery Or Boot To Windows 7 After Installing XP

Dec 17, 2011

I recently created a new partition with 200GB of space on my Windows 7 64bit (HP Elite) PC system. I installed Windows XP Professional on that new partition (trying to create dual OS). After Windows XP was installed, I was unable to find "Windows 7" as a boot option under "Startup and Recovery"... I could only see Windows XP Professional. I went to Disk Management and right clicked on the partition where my Windows 7 OS was under, and chose "Make partition active"... I got a warning system MAY not be able to boot, but I chose to proceed anyways. I tried restarting and got an error "BOOTMGR is missing / Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart" ... I tried pressing F11 after restarting to get into "System Recovery" but it would go directly to the error message. I was still be able to access everything else during boot except "System Recovery" such as BIOS, etc.I re-installed Windows XP Professional on the same partition... and was now able to get into the Windows XP Pro OS again. I'm still unable to access "System Recovery" when booting. F11 option is being bypassed and going directly into XP OS. This is my first concern, how do I get "System Recovery" to get working again? It used to work before as I re-installed Windows 7 couple of months ago. I can still see "FACTORY IMAGE" drive in My Computer (could be on a different drive letter than before). And second, how do I boot to my original Windows 7 OS (C-drive seems intact and all Win-7 system files are there)?

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Can't Find Boot Disk Error In Installing Windows 7 Using USB

Aug 8, 2011

I am getting problem while installing windows 7 on my single partition hard disk. I am using bootable USB drive for the installation. The error I get is "Setup was unable to create new system partition or locate an existing system partition. See the setup log files for more information". When I opened the setup log file(setuperr.log), it shows the error "Couldn't find boot disk on the BIOS based computer". Have anyone got this error before.


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Can't Access System Recovery Or Boot To Windows 7 After Installing XP

Dec 17, 2011

I recently created a new partition with 200GB of space on my Windows 7 64bit (HP Elite) PC system. I installed Windows XP Professional on that new partition (trying to create dual OS). After Windows XP was installed, I was unable to find "Windows 7" as a boot option under "Startup and Recovery"... I could only see Windows XP Professional. I went to Disk Management and right clicked on the partition where my Windows 7 OS was under, and chose "Make partition active". I got a warning system MAY not be able to boot, but I chose to proceed anyways. I tried restarting and got an error "BOOTMGR is missing / Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart". I tried pressing F11 after restarting to get into "System Recovery" but it would go directly to the error message.

I was still be able to access everything else during boot except "System Recovery" such as BIOS, etc. I re-installed Windows XP Professional on the same partition... and was now able to get into the Windows XP Pro OS again. I'm still unable to access "System Recovery" when booting. F11 option is being bypassed and going directly into XP OS. This is my first concern, how do I get "System Recovery" to get working again? It used to work before as I re-installed Windows 7 couple of months ago. I can still see "Factory Image" drive in My Computer (could be on a different drive letter than before). And second, how do I boot to my original Windows 7 OS (C-drive seems intact and all Win-7 system files are there)?

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Can't Access System Recovery Or Boot To Windows 7 After Installing XP?

Dec 17, 2011

I recently created a new partition with 200GB of space on my Windows 7 64bit (HP Elite) PC system. I installed Windows XP Professional on that new partition (trying to create dual OS). After Windows XP was installed, I was unable to find "Windows 7" as a boot option under "Startup and Recovery"... I could only see Windows XP Professional. I went to Disk Management and right clicked on the partition where my Windows 7 OS was under, and chose "Make partition active"... I got a warning system MAY not be able to boot, but I chose to proceed anyways. I tried restarting and got an error "BOOTMGR is missing / Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart" ... I tried pressing F11 after restarting to get into "System Recovery" but it would go directly to the error message. I was still be able to access everything else during boot except "System Recovery" such as BIOS, etc.

I re-installed Windows XP Professional on the same partition... and was now able to get into the Windows XP Pro OS again. I'm still unable to access "System Recovery" when booting. F11 option is being bypassed and going directly into XP OS. This is my first concern, how do I get "System Recovery" to get working again? It used to work before as I re-installed Windows 7 couple of months ago. I can still see "FACTORY IMAGE" drive in My Computer (could be on a different drive letter than before). And second, how do I boot to my original Windows 7 OS (C-drive seems intact and all Win-7 system files are there)?

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Installing Windows 7 Over Vista On Dual Boot With Ubuntu

Jan 14, 2012

I want to upgrade Vista to Windows 7, but without disturbing my Ubuntu installation, which is dual boot with Vista. I would prefer to do a clean install of Windows 7 over Vista, which has had niggling little issues (I resolve them and new ones appear) ever since I bought the pc. I don't have the recovery discs for Vista (the ones you make when you buy a new system) as they went missing during a major move.

What is the best way to accomplish all the above? Also, from what I understand, a clean installation can be done with an upgrade version of Windows 7 as long as a previous version of Vista or XP is already on the machine?

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Can't Access System Recovery Or Boot To Windows 7 After Installing XP

Dec 17, 2011

I recently created a new partition with 200GB of space on my Windows 7 64bit (HP Elite) PC system. I installed Windows XP Professional on that new partition (trying to create dual OS). After Windows XP was installed, I was unable to find "Windows 7" as a boot option under "Startup and Recovery"... I could only see Windows XP Professional. I went to Disk Management and right clicked on the partition where my Windows 7 OS was under, and chose "Make partition active"... I got a warning system MAY not be able to boot, but I chose to proceed anyways. I tried restarting and got an error "BOOTMGR is missing / Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart" ... I tried pressing F11 after restarting to get into "System Recovery" but it would go directly to the error message. I was still be able to access everything else during boot except "System Recovery" such as BIOS, etc.

I re-installed Windows XP Professional on the same partition... and was now able to get into the Windows XP Pro OS again. I'm still unable to access "System Recovery" when booting. F11 option is being bypassed and going directly into XP OS. This is my first concern, how do I get "System Recovery" to get working again? It used to work before as I re-installed Windows 7 couple of months ago. I can still see "FACTORY IMAGE" drive in My Computer (could be on a different drive letter than before). And second, how do I boot to my original Windows 7 OS (C-drive seems intact and all Win-7 system files are there)?

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Assistance With Installing Another Instance Of Windows 7 X64 Ultimate Dual Boot

Aug 26, 2012

I had a new system made up for me a few months back and as I was so insistent on excellent cooling - fans - RAM etc, I didn't pay enough attention to the HDD's.Subsequently the system was installed on an SSD 60GB. For a normal user this would be adequate, but I work with a lot of digital programs that write to the app data folders and I can't safely move those onto the D:Drive where I have programs and Docs - all libraries. I have hard linked everything I could, but the more Windows updates and other updates I do, the Winsxs folder is already 7.2GB.I only have 30GB's left after a very short time and would like to be able to install another Windows 7 x64 on a 1TB drive I can free up easily. Ideally, I want to keep the SSD drive as an OS to use for general use and get all my graphics programs onto a different system for work purposes.I have not ever dual booted before and have no idea how to go about it - or I do but it could be wrong.Is it even possible to have one OS on an SSD and the other on a normal HDD? I do have an extra unused OEM version of Win 7 x64 ultimate and hope that is legal to use two identical OS's on same machine - with different keys..If I cannot dual boot I am willing to erase the SSD, probably use the space for something else, and use a normal spinner. It's that important for me to be able to work without disabling everything and have space left over.

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Windows 7 Fails To Boot After Installing MS Security Essentials Update

Feb 6, 2011

I have seen this problem on other forums. None had a satisfactory answer (besides the usual reinstall).Windows now fails to boot, after Win update automatically installed the update and insisting I restart. The update was Definition Update for Microsoft Security Essentials - KB2310138 (Definition 1.97.1113.0). Startup repair finds no problems. The BIOS recognizes the system drive and reports no errors.

I had done (before the update installed itself): repaired the "windows can't find the DVD drive" problem using the Microsoft "Fixit" for that problem it was successful). Also the external storage drive on a USB 3.0 controlled was dropped by the system at some point (hence my anxiety; all my backups, including a rather stale system drive image, are on that drive). I can access the Win 7 system drive with another OS on the machine (XP SP3).


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Windows 7 Refusing To Boot After Installing Latest Nvidia Drivers

Feb 7, 2013

This combination of drivers works fine in windows vista 32 bit.. boots up fine and everything. Today I finally got my SSDD for my OS and a copy of Windows 7 64 bit. I installed it fine without error. Then installed my chipset drivers that I downloaded off of Nvidia's website (64 bit, worked fine, rebooted), installed my nvidia display drivers, rebooted.. now whenever I start windows up. I get the flowery blue background windows logo. It just hangs there and never boots. However it will boot fine into safe mode and after I uninstall the display drivers... though my gaming computer is going to be pretty useless if I can't game with it!

Relevant Info
Windows 7 64bit
Asus Striker II Formula (with 15.58 64 bit drivers installed)
2x SLI EVGA Geforce 560 TI 448 Special Edition (with64 bit 310.90 Drivers Installed)

I am going to try installing the motherboard chipset drivers from Asus's website. I believe the version number is 15.43, then try reinstalling the video drivers. However I don't think this is going to make much a difference.

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