File Deletion Problem

Nov 12, 2009

My friend recently had her computer upgraded to Windows 7 from Vista. She used the Vista StickyNotes program to keep track of important information. I told her that this program wasn't intended for permanent information storage, but she liked it because it was simple. She upgraded her computer to Windows 7, and now her sticky notes are gone.

My question is this: Is there any way to retrieve those old sticky notes?

I told her in all honesty that I think they are gone unless she wants to pay big bucks to go to a forensic type agency that could pull the information off. I just need another opinion. I hope I'm wrong.

I also hope I gave enough information and explained the situation with enough detail.

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Old File Deletion 2nd Hard Drive

Apr 9, 2011

I am trying to clean up my second internal hard drive in my desktop in which I just upgraded the OS to Windows 7. My second hard drive (D) was the one that I think I had XP on before I upgraded to Windows 7. I installed Windows 7 on the 1st hard drive (C). So at this point I just want (D) to be as clean, empty as possible. But in trying to delete many of the files, it gets to the point where it says Admin approval required. I cant get past that part. I need help with this please. I dont care if I erase the whole hard drive, just want it cleaned up.

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Not Allowing Deletion?

Jan 12, 2013

so i reinstall my os and backed up all of my c drive and an additional hdd when i restored them on the new hdd i try to delete the old c folder and it says i dont have permission but im the only user on this computer and it will not allow me to delete this folder at all i tried to go in and allow myself full access but yet can not delete this folder can anyone give me some insight on this and a way to get rid of this restored c

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Creating A Files Log Deletion?

Jul 6, 2012

I see there is no log in windows 7 about the deleted fileI often use the shift + delete to delete files I do not need, unfortunately sometimes the parent folder gets deletedinstead (focus on the left tree area instead of the right list area)at least,a list of the deleted files would be good,is it nothing like such in the computer management area?is any program addition that would monitor creation/edition/deletion of files?

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Recovery Partition Deletion

Dec 15, 2009

I have tried to Delete my Recovery Partition on my Acer Netbook but it doesn't work. I have the boot files on the C: Drive. My Recovery Partition has nothing on it.

I have used the cmd

select volume 1

active volume 1

delete volume 1

and than cmd freezes up on me and all i can do is close the program or check for online solution

than after i try

select volume 1

active volume 1

delete partition

i get an error:

"Cannot delete a protected partition without the force protected parameter set."

I have also tried to go in the Disk Management section and delete the Recovery Partition but when I select it, I can only click on settings.

How can I make the Recovery Partition become usable?

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Windows 7 Does Not Start After Norton Deletion

Jun 23, 2012

I just used CCleaner to remove Norton 360 (trial) from my hp desktop. After deletion it asked me to restart, which I did. Upon restart the PC will not reboot. It gets to the initial screen showing boot options for less than a second and then goes blank, with a cursor flashing in the top left corner. No inputs are being accepted, so I cannot boot to safe mode or the recovery console.

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Deletion Of Windows 7 Update History?

Aug 13, 2012

I followed instructions to clear Windows7 update history, tried to delete all in the Datastore file but on double clicking the folder nothing appeared so unable to deletethe update history.

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Screen Resolution Change And Deletion?

Jun 30, 2012

My computer for the longest time ran with a 1400x900 resolution, However when I turned the PC on today, the resolution was changed, without me knowing to something that did not fit.So I said " I'll change it back to 1400x900..."When I went to do so, the resolution was no longer listed, and not able to be selected again, it simply wasn't there. Even in all the Valid Modes menu. even when I go to change it, the desktop does not change to fit the new sizes selected.I am not sure if this is a monitor malfunction, as the screen has begun to flicker slowly recently (about 2-3 days ago).I am at a loss at what to do... I want the 1400x900 resolution back.

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Install From Scratch And Deletion Of Old Partition

Dec 17, 2009

I have a compaq presario 350 notebook running XP pro.... I have purchased the full installation disks for Windows 7. This came with 2 disks, Identicale in appearance. Can someone tell me what the 2 disks are for. I have managed to what I think is successfully install Windows 7. However The reason for me upgrading to Win 7 was to remove any old data and free up the Hard disk.

This has not happened. Now I have even less disk space than before. Did I do his wrong ? Can I delete the old partition. If so How do I do it and do I need additional software to do this. Will I need to retain set up files etc or can I completley wipe the Hard disk and install fresh. Sorry for sounding a bit vaigue. I'm just not good at this sort of thing.

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Windows 7 - How To Prevent Internet History Deletion

Aug 9, 2011

I am trying to keep my internet history from being deleted not by the computer but by anyone using my computer. So I managed to get the group policy editor installed into my computer (because my version of windows 7 didn't come with it). How to disable the delete internet browsing option i followed all the steps until I got to the last step where it wanted me to click on internet explorer and then go to the delete browsing option. When I got this step I found I had no delete browsing option. How I can stop my internet history from being deleted..

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Ran ComboFix, Now All Registry Keys Marked For Deletion?

Dec 12, 2011

I have a serious problem on a work laptop. I have some sort of malware.I believe I got it from downloading pdf files but I'm not sure.The symptoms are I am getting a lot of disk type errors. Also, my desktopicons are mostly gone. Also there were a bunch of windows popping up.My Desktop walpaper is now black rather than the default. Now, after running ComboFix, everything I try to run says Illegal Operationattempted on a registry key that has been marked for deletion

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Slow Deletion Of Word Files From Recycle Bin

Jan 20, 2012

I was tidying up my book files in my Calibre library and deleted around 850MB. I noticed that the deletion process took around 5mins to complete. I thought that was strange as I have had multi GB files in my Recycle bin many times before which have taken no more than a few seconds to delete. I also make a backup of my Windows on the first of each month and delete the previous months back up which is over 50GB and this only takes a few seconds as well.

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Error 1075: The Dependency Service Does Not Exist Or Has Been Marked For Deletion

Sep 11, 2010

I have network sharing issues and I believe the problem is that I cannot turn on file/printer sharing. When I click the button under advance sharing settings for file/printer and hit save (as an admin) it just goes back to off. Under Services, the Server option which is on automatic does not start. When I try to start it, it says:Windows could not start the Server service on Local Computer. Error 1075: The dependency service does not exist or has been marked for deletion.

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Find 'Reverse' Tool In Windows Live Mail That Allows Reinstate Accidental Deletion In Message

Aug 21, 2012

If I accidentally delete something in an email message that I am creating and want to reinstate it, is there a Reverse arrow like there is in Word? If so where do I find it to add to the Tool bar?

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Hidden File Of Docx File Created With ~$name Of File.docx File

Sep 27, 2012

whenever I open docx file there is hidden file ~$name of file.docx created. which type of file is that? Is it in virus, maleware. for example If I open house.docx file then ~$house.docx file created which is hidden form. I had saw this file when i select show all hidden file option. when i try to open ~$house.docx file it show message the file is corrupted and cannot be open.

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Explorer EXE File Error - Windows Cannot Access Specified Device / Path Or File

Jan 17, 2009

I installed Win 7 and if i try to open my computer of click on desktop and open up screen resolution etc. I get "Explorer.exe -Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item." I did a search but could not find anything related to this error in Win 7. I have found some others attached to Win XP but have to do with the installation of some software which prevents access to explorer.exe. When I boot in safe mode this issue does not appear...

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Random Pasting Of Data From Previous Copying One File Appearing In Another File

Feb 20, 2012

After doing a copy and paste, we have, on 3 occasions so far, found the copied data in an entirely different file. Twice data from a copy appeared in an excel spreadsheet and once a picture copied in facebook appeared in an email. The excel problem is very worrysome as it is our family budget. how this could happen? In the case of the excel events no paste operation was intentionally done.

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Create A Batch File That Will Move Files Based On The File Type?

Oct 30, 2010

How to create a batch file that will move files based on the file type?My Requirement : I need a batch file to copy all .doc files in all my HardDisk to aremovable disk say (Z: drive) . Can anyone make it possible using a batch file

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Can Sort Recycle Bin On File Extensions So Can Easily Find File

Apr 24, 2011

Can I sort the recycle bin on file extensions so I can easily find a file?

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Display All Audio File Folders In Detailed File View?

Feb 20, 2011

How to force Windows 7 File Explorer to display ALL audio folder content as normal files in detailed view with file name/size/date and without title/artist/album.

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Cannot Open Resource File Cd:Program File (x86)Calendar CreatorCC Sku.DLL

Aug 3, 2011

Was using old veersion of Calendar Creator. I deleted it before installing new version. Now I get this message and it won't open

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Put File On Desktop -> Open File -> Access Denied?

Feb 25, 2011

Whenever i take a file and put it onto the my desktop, all the permissions to the file is completely stripped. Leaving none able to open the file.I am able to go into access control and add myself again, but it makes no sense at all..

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Perl File (.pl) File With Arguments As Windows 7 Service?

Jan 1, 2013

I am running Windows 7 32-bit. I have a perl script which i want to start everytime computer starts. Setting it as service will be a good option as i can start and restart the service from command line.In windows XP I was using srvany.exe but that is not a good solution. Is there any way I can make this Perl Script which takes in some command line arguments as windows service. Tried using sc.exe, with that service is created but it fails to start.To run that perl script i run on command line:Quote: perl --arg1 Hello --arg2 Buddy --arg3 Good

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Cannot Turn On File Discovery And File And Print Sharing?

May 22, 2012

The problem I believe is that on the �change sharing options for different networkprofile page (Control Panel>Network sharing) I cannot turn on the Network discovery and File saring options. click on the two enabling buttons forTurn on File DiscoveryndTurn on File & printer sharing I then find the save changes tab greyed out

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Reducing Wav File Size (audio File) For Powerpoint?

Nov 5, 2011

I had completed a beautiful 82-slide PowerPoint presentation, but the wav file I embedded was HUGE (about 200 MB) and not to my choosing. I just had to have the music a certain length to span across 82 slides. Is there ANY WAY to reduce the size of this music wav file (so that it conforms to the 50 MB max file size for PowerPoint). I would rather embed this music file than to have a link.

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File Too Large For Destination File System?

Feb 27, 2012

So I found a post on this forum with a similar problem. I'm trying to move a file that is larger than 4GB in size from my main hard drive to an external, and getting the error message in the title. The consensus on the other post was that the hard drive must have been a FAT format, and that too fix the problem either split up the file or reformat the hard drive as NTFS.Well, by all accounts, my computer is telling me that my external hard drive is ALREADY formatted as NTFS, but I'm still getting this error. I would prefer not to split up the file, but other than that, what are my options?

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Deleted File Mapped Onto Existing File?

Sep 4, 2011

I'll give an example: two files, names 1st_file.avi, 2nd_file.avi, nearly same size, at different locations. Now I deleted 1st_file.avi and 2-3 weeks after deletion, I open 2nd_file.avi (which wasn't deleted) and find that instead of the original 2nd_file.avi, the contents of 1st_file.avi are being played.How can the contents of 1st_file.avi mapped onto the the contents of 2nd_file.avi?

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Cannot Rename File Because File (Doesn't) Exists

Oct 7, 2010

I tried to save a file and got an error on saving it, so I quit the program. The file appears as if it was never saved and doesn't show up in directory listing (GUI or cmd.exe).

However, if I try to rename any other file to that filename, it says "Cannot rename file, because file exists" and appends a number to the end. I cannot remove the number. This happens both in the GUI and cmd.exe as well.

So, basically cmd.exe del says the file does not exist, but ren says a duplicate file name exists....

I have no idea how to delete that "ghost" of a file so I can actually use the filename. I checked folder options and it's not a hidden file or anything like that - it just (doesn't) exist, but it does?

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While Trying To Open A File From Explorer / Could Not Scroll Down To File

Jan 28, 2011

I had an unusual happening on my PC. First noticed some instability while trying to open a file from Explorer, could not scroll down to file and it was jittery. Then, every time I tried to enter on an input line, an endless string of zeros were input and I could not overide or erase. Even on Email addressees. I tried a reboot and the zeros appeared on the start up password line and I could not logon. Same thing after complete power cycle. I suspected a stuck key on the keyboard and tried a different keyboard but no help. So I tried a complete restore. At first, it seemed to have the same problem, but somehow, eventually, I got logged on and now everything seems OK. But I don't really know what caused this and fear it could happen again.

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Using File Permissions With An Online File Manager?

Apr 30, 2012

I am using Ajaxplorer which is great but I am having some issues with file permissions. Let's say I create a file which is read only in Ajaxplorer it says it's changed file permissions but when I right click on the file to check it it's the same permissions as it was so didn't actually change.

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Replace Default Pst File With Existing Pst File

Jan 9, 2013

I upgraded from Vista Business to Seven Home Premium. Used Office 2007 in Vista and using it in Seven. In Vista, my .pst file was C:OutlookMyOutlookFolder.pst. Added it to Outlook using Data File Management, but none of my calendar entries appeared (my inbox and all my other folders are OK). When I upgraded from XP to Vista, this worked fine.Where are my Calendar entries?

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