Clean Reinstall Windows 7 Without Going Through Login Page?

Dec 1, 2012

I cannot get to login page on Windows 7 after clean reinstall of the OS. Neither Safe mode, "repair your computer" doesn't load.

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Login In IE9 Starts Looping From The Login Page To The Http Page And Back To The Original Page?

Apr 28, 2012

I watch videos from this site Poker Netcast | Live At The Bike | LABTTheir login is https.Ive been in IT for 15 years and even this has stumped me.When I go to login in IE9 starts looping from the login page to the https page and back to the original page and never ends. I load firefox, same issue. I load Crome, it worked for 1 day then same issue. It used to login in fine last week. It logs in fine on my 2 other PCs and my Kindlefire.I have checked for viruses with Avast and A-Malware Bytes in safe mode - nothing. These 2 pick up 98% of stuff. Personally I dont think its a virusn IE9 - Deleted browsing history, cookies, temp internet files, everything under the Geneeral/Browsing History section. Did a disk cleanup, put the site inthe trusted zone, turned off popup blocker just in case, Cleared SSL state, Reset IE9. Zippo

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Clean Reinstall Of Windows 7?

Feb 9, 2012

Ok, my parents tried fixing their own computer. They tried the clean reinstall but the windows 7 home premium looks like it is in safe mode and it keeps saying "no internet connection". I looked at their partitions but I'm only seeing one... the (OEM)... I tried reinstalling from the "reinstall" dvd they got with the computer but I don't think they have an OS at all now.or am I gonna have to buy them a new windows 7 program??

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How To Do Clean Reinstall Of Windows 7

Sep 10, 2010

I need to do a clean reinstall of Windows 7. I have two hard drives, C: and F:. I screwed my F drive up messing with hidden folders and now my permissions are gone. I bought the Windows 7 student edition and downloaded it onto my C drive a year ago and it is on the desktop. I bought a 1 terrabyte hard drive (F) and installed it early this year. When I go to copy my expandedsetup folder from my C: desktop to my F: drive, I lack the permission to do it. When I go to use the .exe in expandedsetup up I get a "Windows was unable to create a required installation folder, error 0x80070005." I also cannot save documents to my documents folder, download a multitude of things, even install the latest SC2 patch. Mozilla has also died on me.Where I am currently stuck at is trying to use cmd.exe and use "C:Windowssystem32" instead of the default "F:Windowssystem32" What I did is create a shortcut and make the target "F:WindowsSystem32cmd.exe" but I changed the start in to "C:WindowsSystem32" This works just fine, except when i go to use this page, Make bootable iso from student I can't get past the cmd text, it says I do not have permission to do it.

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Windows 7 Not Loading After Typing User Account Password On Login Page

Jun 25, 2011

When I try to start up Windows normally, I type in my password for the user account and then it just freezes, it doesn't load. So I think, okay, I'll just try to start up it in Safe Mode, no problem. But when I try to start it in Safe Mode the computer freezes at classpnp.sys and doesn't continue. I'm at a loss about what to do.

My computer is a Gateway Desktop, running Windows 7 Home Premium (64bit), intel premium processor, 1 TB hard drive, 6 GB DDR3 memory. I tried using the "Last Known Good Config" option, to no avail. I got the "Replacing invalid security ID" message. I let that go for about an hour when I stopped it, as it was going nowhere. If it makes any difference, I have also installed another operating system (Ubuntu).

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Can't Login - How To Get All Data Copied To Do Windows 7 Reinstall

Jun 16, 2012

Got this problem where I can't boot into Windows 7, but I can boot into other things like Linux and Hiren's boot CD. I have access to all of my data on my internal hard drive, and would like to copy this to an external hard drive so that I can wipe the computer clean and reinstall Windows 7. How can I do this? I tried Puppy Linux, but I was unable to do stuff with the external HD as I got errors saying the external HD was write-protected.

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Windows 7 Freezes/hangs After Clean Reinstall?

Sep 27, 2012

Ill try to make this short and simple, i had same pc for around 3 years now, finally managed to ruin my first win 7 instalation by being lazy, that resulting in long needed reinstall, no problem there,But after everything was done, my pc started randomly freezing for around 1-5 mins ( depends, usually around 3 mins ) then it just comes back alive like nothing happened, sometimes video driver crashes My first thought was that my hdd finally dying on me, but after numerous test found nothing wrong on any of them and freezes doesnt always occur on hdd usage i ruled that out, some googling blamed it on new video drivers, got other ones, same, still freezing, reseted my bios to default, still same, sometimes i can turn on a game and play 2 hours straight and nothing will happen, next time i can startup movie and it will freeze 2 times in 5 mins, already reinstalled coddecs and video players i am just running out of ideas here, never had this issue before, using same windows 7, same install, same pc and all of my drivers/programs are same ones i used

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Complete Wipe And Clean Reinstall Of Windows 7?

Oct 31, 2012

wipe my hard drive clean of everything (including my current installation of windows 7)I currently have a dell inspiron 1545 running windows 7. I bought it new and I think with Windows pre-installed. That hard drive crashed, so I got a replacement one and that one did not come with any CDs or DVDs.First question:I've read that nowadays that most manufacturers don't ship disc's, but rather deposit recovery partition on the hard drive.If I create a DVD with this recovery partition will it be exactly the same as if I buy a new windows installation disc?

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Can Clean-reinstall Windows 7 On Its Partition Without Hosing Down XP

Aug 15, 2011

I have been running Win 7 and XP Pro in dual boot per Method Two of this tutorial, without any problems.When I tried to install SP1 of Win 7, it crashed and went back to the previous Restore Point which isworking OK for now. BUT--Windows Installer is now broken so I can't install anything from Windows Update,including taking another crack at SP1. Can I clean-reinstall Win 7 on its partition without hosing down XP?After the install I plan to run EasyBCD to re-connect XP to the initial boot menu. Does EasyBCD handle the writing of NST tldr and boot.ini to the right spots? Or do I have to save them somewhere?

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Clean Reinstall Windows 7 On Laptop Drivers

Nov 12, 2012

Performing a clean reinstallation of Windows 7 on a Dell Inspiron N5010. Should I let Windows Update give me everything that I need, and then look for drivers on the Dell website for anything that does not work properly?

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Windows 7 Oem Clean Reinstall Is Slow As HADES?

Jan 15, 2013

Following the clean oem reinstall tutorial to a tee, I finally got the Recovery Management to start copying files to system and completing to 100%, which took only 12+ hrs. The next step of restoring and updating system started and has been running 14+ hrs and is only at 27%... Slow as Hades is an understatement. Something isn't right. Should I let it keep going till it fails or finishes? Or start it over?

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High CPU Usage After Windows Clean Reinstall?

Jul 2, 2012

I'm having a problem with my CPU after I did a clean installation of Windows. Any time I put my CPU under any stress, major or not, my CPU runs at 100% and makes my whole computer slow. It can be little things such as launching a program, navigating though my files on my computer, taking a screenshot or opening and running Chrome. It can also be major things such as running games, such as Terraria which I could run at 60 fps all the time before my install, but now can only run at 2 or 3 because my CPU is at 100%. I know there are not processes that are running extremely high, trust me I've checked, and also when my computer is idle it goes down to 20-ish% or rarely down to 2% I was running Windows Ultimate 32 bit previously and decided to upgrade to Windows Ultimate 64 bit so I can run my 64 bit only Adobe programs. I bought a 2TB external hard drive to put my files on and an extra 2GB stick of RAM.

I did a clean install of Windows and noticed that my CPU ran at 100% (I had not installed any drivers instead of my Graphics Card, Network Card, Sound Card and External Hard Driver). I though it might have been a dud install, so I reinstalled 64 bit a second time. This time I installed all my driver for every component in my computer, but again 100%. I decided to go back to 32 bit, however it lagged so bad I couldn't even reach the login screen. I decided to give 64 bit one more chance. I installed all drivers and essential programs, but again like I've seen so much, 100%.I decided to go to Windows 8 64 bit Pre Release. The first time I tried to install it, I tried keeping all my apps, settings and personal files, but my CPU ran at 100% so it took 6 hours and failed at the end. I tried once again, but it failed the same way. I then burned the ISO to a disc and did a clean install of it. Again, the same problem arose and my CPU runs at 100%.

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Login Page Won't Respond?

Mar 1, 2011

As an employee of Home Depot we have a website we can enter from our home computer to access our weekly hours, pay benefits, etc,. I have been using this for months. As of last week my log in page will not allow me to enter this site. I have tried everything I can think of to correct this. I've called the tech support at the Home Depot. We have reset and changed the password three times. The Tech can access the site from his side and I can go to a different computer and access it. I just can't access it from my home computer. I have a Windows 7 64 bit operating system. Question? why did it work for eight months and then quit working? Last try Feb 28 2011.

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Where To Login, Cant Find The Page

Jul 4, 2012

know where to login as when i browsed to there are list of websites. where is the exact place shall i login

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Page Keeps Refreshing When Login?

Jan 8, 2013

Now, everytime I try to login in the control panel of a game I play -> link, the page just refreshes and I won't be logged in. This only seems to happen for Google Chrome, I tried it on Firefox and I could get in just fine.

This is also a newly-built and freshly installed computer, not even a week's age yet. This is also the first time I'll be on Windows 7, my old PC was Win XP, and I could login the site using Chrome just fine, so I'm inclined to say it's the OS, but my friend has Win7 too and he could get in just fine.

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Cannot Login After Format / Clean Install Of Windows 7

Sep 14, 2010

I am having real issues installing Windows 7, Home premium 64mb. Have formatted & clean installed it 6 times now. The PC is a new build so the HDD is fresh. It installs ok, then when asked I use my name as user name, Jon, cant type that wrong. I don't set a password just yet as I am the only user. Windows then takes me to a log in screen. I enter user name, wont let me in..!? Says incorrect password or user name!

I try to log in as Admin, I know now its disabled by default. I can get into Windows via the safe mode, so I used the command prompt to enable the Admin, yet when I went to log in as Admin, it was disabled! So I pretty much get locked out of my pc every time I install. Am I missing something simple? I cant find any answers except on how to switch on the Admin which didn't work...

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How To Get Rid Of My Password Login Page Of Laptop

Jan 17, 2013

How do I get rid of my password on my opening page of my laptop, the page to get into my computer? I do not want a password there.

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Clean Page File Without Rebooting?

Dec 4, 2011

After my computer has been running for some time (maybe days), it gets really slow. I found a great memory manager that cleans the memory. I was wondering if there was a way to clean the Page File without rebooting. BTW, I use Process Explorer so I know there is nothing running that shouldn't be hogging resources.

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Trying To Wipe HD Clean And Reinstall Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit OEM

Apr 30, 2012

Would like to know what the proper way to go about formating hard drive and reinstalling windows 7 all I have is the repair disk, data back up disk & the Image disk i got the dell laptop from bestbuy and geeksquad did the set up well actually 3 weeks ago my motherboard and processor took a crap and it was replaced but i dont have a windows disk and actually had to get a program to track down the cd key but i dont have any dell software installed in here and its missing to many system files to run down. so i fifgured i would just "start over".

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Attempting To Login To Most Websites Results Page Refreshing

Jan 24, 2012

when i attempt to log in to many sites (hotmail, Internet, steam community, razerzone, thinkgeek, my bank, etc.) after hitting "login" the page refreshes to show both the username and password fields blank and i am not logged in. i'm running windows home premium 64bit, and i'm using firefox primarily but the issue is present in ie and chrome as well. i think the problem is logging into secure servers, i can view https sites without issue, i just can't login.
i have tried deleting cookies, history etc.

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Login Page Only Showing Others - Normal User Disappeared?

Aug 14, 2012

I switched off today and switched back on and now have only 'other user' on the login page. All of my normal user logins have disappeared.

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Fingerprint Scanner Works Within 2 Seconds Of Login Page Appearing?

Apr 15, 2012

I have a problem with the login process for Windows. A while ago (nearly a year now) I installed a USB fingerprint reader and this worked fine for a while when all of a sudden it appeared to stop working on the login page. It turns out that if I scan my fingerprint within the first 2 seconds of the login page appearing then Windows recognizes the device and allows me to log in using biometrics, if I try after the 2 seconds then it doesn't work and I have to use a password. I really don't understand, the device is recognized, working properly and even if it doesn't work for logging in then I can still access biometric settings and everything as if it was completely fine. I'm presuming that this is a driver conflict somewhere that during the loading process something happens after 2 seconds that prevents the fingerprint reader from operating correctly but how do I find out what?

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Clean Off Residual Files To Reinstall OS?

Jan 1, 2013

I tried installling windows 7 over a windows 8 installation,because I couldn't get win 8 to boot up without the disc in the drive. But it doesn't load the normal way, showing you the partitions and then after you pick one you get the " press any key to continue" then it finishes. It's an Hitachi desk star HD. I used to format it by hooking it up as a slave to my other desktop but it's not working. Is there a disk that I could run to clean the residual files off the HD so I can reinstall Win

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Find Media DVD Maker, Center And Player Without A Clean Reinstall?

Apr 10, 2012

How to find Media DVD maker, Center and Player without a clean reinstall?

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BSOD Right Just Before "please Wait" In The Login Page?

Jul 6, 2012

Well I turned on my computer this morning, every was normal until my computer had the windows logo appear and then when the login page appears with "please wait" a BSOD appeared... So I turned off the computer and tried again, this time the login page screws up a little and then the BSOD appears again. Safe Mode won't work either as the BSOD screen comes up at the same time as when normally booted.

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Facing BSOD (Page Fault Non Page Area/Clock Interrupt Not Recd) + Hangs

Apr 9, 2012

i have an intel i5 2400 cpu, combined with 4gb ddr3 memory. mobo is dh67bl - revision 3. no gpu installed.power supply is via corsair vx450.problem i been facing:

1) bsod saying that a clock interrupt wasnt recd. [url]

2) bsod saying: page fault in non paging area. couldnt grab a screenshot for this.

3) display randomly goes off for a split second and reappears.. but the color of the panes go blue (i havent chosen blue. my setting is for clear pane.)[url] this error solves itself after random number of hours/mins

4) display vanishes for a split second and reappears, and a small balloon at the bottom right corner prompts that the display driver had stopped working.

5) system plain hangs/stops responding. randomly happens.. but more so while on Internet, or after hrs of it idling, i come back to the comp and try to scroll the content onscreen.sometime it revives from the stuck state as if nothing happened, sometimes i have to give it a cold boot.

6) while reading forums with blue bands.. the blue bands kinda form blurry bars which stretch till the end of the screen. i tried to grab a screenshot but the screenshots were clean. the bands moved as i dragged the image about.

7) also, my comp's display went off one day and within a second came back with a blue-ish hue. it restored itself but again has gone back to blue-ish.

other relevant information:

windows 7 x64
no other os resides/installed on system
full retail version
os was installed in july.

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Windows 7 Pro Login As Admin But No Need To Have Login Screen?

Apr 12, 2012

I'm using Windows 7 Pro. I have remove the login pw in my user account now I do not need to do the login and able to use the computer right away. But I found I am using the computer as a user not administrator. How can I skip the login screen and go straight into desktop as administrator.

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Windows 7 Professional Blinking Twice At Login And Again Once Login

Jan 25, 2013

There's nothing wrong with my computer that I know of, just noticing these black flashes for some time now and thought I would finally seek information on why this could be happening. It happens everytime I turn on my computer, two black screen flashes at the login screen and another black flash in the main menu screen right after logging in.

2x flash at the login screen
1x flash at main menu screen

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Login To RDP Session From Windows Login Screen

Nov 26, 2011

I have an RDP Server on a windows 7 ultimate 32 bit and i would like to be able to use another system login screen to connect to this server. As in when i turn of display last local users, so that if i was to enter XXX into the username and XXX into the password and it will connect Although i wouldnt mind being able to set up roaming profiles between these systems either.

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When Press Next Page It Goes To Wrong Page

Mar 5, 2011

When I click to go to the next page on a web site it takes me to the sites home page instead and in order to get to the correct next page I have to backspace and click NEXT again.

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Make A Certain Page Home Page?

Jul 22, 2011

How do I make a certain page my 'home page'?

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