Can't Login - How To Get All Data Copied To Do Windows 7 Reinstall

Jun 16, 2012

Got this problem where I can't boot into Windows 7, but I can boot into other things like Linux and Hiren's boot CD. I have access to all of my data on my internal hard drive, and would like to copy this to an external hard drive so that I can wipe the computer clean and reinstall Windows 7. How can I do this? I tried Puppy Linux, but I was unable to do stuff with the external HD as I got errors saying the external HD was write-protected.

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Clean Reinstall Windows 7 Without Going Through Login Page?

Dec 1, 2012

I cannot get to login page on Windows 7 after clean reinstall of the OS. Neither Safe mode, "repair your computer" doesn't load.

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Windows 7 Showing Is Copied And Not Genuine

Aug 6, 2011

the windows7 is copy and is not genuine

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Windows 7 Not Pasting Copied Photos?

Dec 16, 2012

Whenever I select multiple photos from either a separate location on my hard drive or from my iPhone and paste them into a folder on my Hard drive, Windows will copy them and then just stop so I have to click Paste and check Do This For the Next * Conflicts and select Don't Copy and it will copy a few more photos.

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Can An XP User Account Be Copied Into Windows 7 Pro

Dec 20, 2012

I've tried to search this but have had no luck. My wife's computer has XP Pro 64-bit installed and she wants to try (again) to upgrade to Windows 7. I have 2 hard drives for her computer, the one with the XP OS is installed and the other with Windows 7 is waiting to be installed. I only planned on installing one HD at a time, but if I can install both and copy her user files and emails from one HD to the other, that would be an option too. Eventually I want to have just the Windows 7 HD installed and archive the XP HD in the safe.Several months ago she wanted to try Windows 7 but I anticipated that she may want to switch back to XP if she didn't like the new system. I bought a new HD and installed it in her computer, then installed Windows 7 Pro on it. The new system works fine and was updated to a current state as of several months ago. I realize there will be lots of Windows 7 updates to install, and I'm willing to spend the time necessary to do that. However, I'm looking for a short cut for installing all of her personal settings and Outlook email files from XP to Windows 7. I'm thinking that I could copy her entire User file from the XP system and after Win 7 is finally updated and current, paste that User account into Windows 7. MS Office 2003 is already installed on the new HD. I realize it won't be a 100% "one for one" swap and that I may have to tweak several settings from her XP User account, but is using the XP User account even feasible? If I can't paste her XP User account, can I copy her XP Outlook PST file onto a flash drive and then paste that PST file into Windows 7? I don't see why that wouldn't work, but there are a lot of issues that I'm not aware of. Does anyone have any better suggestions on how to import her personal settings and emails into Windows 7 on the new HD? P.S. I didn't realize this was my first post. I've been lurking and reading for quite a while. I live in the Largo, Florida area and have been very active in computers for several years, but just recently upgraded to Windows 7 on my personal computers. I'm getting more comfortable with Windows 7 each day, but now that I've broken the ice with this first post, I hope to become fairly active. I hope that I can eventually contribute to the forum. I'm glad to be here!

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Get Windows 7 To Read Copied Desktop.ini File?

Mar 17, 2012

I have been trying to find a way for Windows Vista and 7 to use the Folder.jpg file in a folder as an album artwork icon (in lieu of a folder icon with skewed and obscured artwork), and since Windows no longer natively supports this feature, the best workaround I've been able to find is to replace the folder icon manually. This creates a desktop.ini file with an absolute path to the Folder.ico file I also have in each album folder. I then changed the desktop.ini to reference a relative path, like this:[.ShellClassInfo]IconResource=Folder.ico,0Here's where my questions arise:1. When I copy that desktop.ini to another folder with a Folder.ico file, Windows doesn't read it, even after restarting the computer. I've searched the web on this and have found thread after thread where people have the same issue, but no one seems to be able to resolve it without manually changing the icon, either through the Explorer interface or using the command prompt. Is there a way I can get Windows to read the manually-copied desktop.ini of every sub-folder in my music directory?

2. On a related note, when I copy my customized folders with the relative-path desktop.ini from my Windows Vista computer to my Windows 7 computer, the artwork doesn't show up there, even for the folders I got to look right in Windows Vista. Am I going to have to manually re-associate the desktop.ini every time I upgrade computers or reinstall the OS?The album artwork looks so good, but I don't want to go through hundreds of folders and manually associate the folder to read the desktop.ini file. That would take so long, and just the few I've done manually so far have killed my wrist.

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Access Denied To Folder Copied From Windows XP?

Oct 6, 2012

I copied a folder with C# .NET programs from my Windows XP machine to my new Windows 7 machine. However, on Windows 7 the folder has a lock symbol on its folder icon and I can't use any of the programs in it, although I can browse the folder and subfolders within it.I right-clicked on the folder and checked permissions. They were all grayed out.I added my individual username and selected Full Control, and the check marks for that username are now in full black (not grayed out). I went into Advanced and selected "Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object" which is unchecked by default. I clicked "Apply" and "OK." But I still can't use any programs in subfolders, and the root folder still have a lock symbol on it. The propagation did not take effect, as all security checkmarks are grayed out on subfolders.

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Not All Files Copied With Drag And Drop Windows 7

Jul 12, 2012

I have tried to copy a complete file heirarchy from one drive to a folder on another drive but found several files and folders are not being copied.

There is no report of files missed or any kind of error message.

I am actually trying to copy the contents of a friends hard drive onto a backup drive since he is getting a new computer and wants to ensure nothing is lost. I have mounted his internal 2.5 sata drive in a caddy and am copying it to my computers second internal drive.

I expected not be be able to copy certain system files. I also expected I might not to be able to copy some of his personal files due to the standard windows system protection (I am system administrator on my PC whereas of course he was administrator on his PC where the files and folders were created which I thought might be an issue). When I first tried to view some folders I was asked by the system if I wanted to allow permanent administrator priviliges to them (namely his personal directory under "Users" ). I replied yes and was thereafter allowed to descend into and view those files. Now when I copy the entire heirarchy of some 35GB I find the new folder is only 15GB. It is not just down to any compression as I have confirmed that there is only about 1/3 of the expected number of files to what was in the original. I have since tried individually copying some of the sub-folders that were missed and they copy fine on their own. As you can imagine, trying to dentify what has copied and what has not is a mammoth undertaking.

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Windows 7 Copied To New Disk, Does Not Start Any Longer?

Jan 17, 2013

Now Windows 7 does not start from the new drive, I get "a disk read error occurred".Then I bootet from a Windows 7 rescue CD and used these commands without success:bootrec /fixmbrbootrec /fixbootI even recovered the BCD with these commands:Bcdedit /export C:BCD_BackupBootrec /rebuildbcdI have no clue what else I could do now. The partition is marked active. The Windows 7 partition is readable from within Linux, I can see everything there. I ran chkdsk from the rescue CD with no success.

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Windows 7 Clobbers File-names Copied To A NAS Drive?

Aug 22, 2010

My setup: Windows 7 Pro (locale: Polish) and a NAS drive (D-Link DNS-323) attached via a router. Just recently upgraded from XP to 7. The NAS drive reports an NTFS partition.The problem I've just discovered: when copying files to the NAS drive, if a filename contains certain characters, such as curly quotes, angle quotes, bullet characters, subscript characters, em-dash etc., only the short 8.3 filename gets copied to the NAS drive.(I would not sweat it if the troublesome characters just got dropped, but what happens is that meaningful filenames are replaced with gibberish as above.)I use the NAS drive as a backup/mirror location for the local drives, so this is a big issue, since my backups are now severely clobbered. I discovered the problem while testing my backup regime, then found out the filename change occurs no matter how the files are copied - whether it's the backup application, a file manager or just Windows Explorer.And (of course) the problem did not occur when I was running XP, and nothing on the NAS drive changed since I installed 7 a week ago. Files that were previously copied onto the NAS drive (under XP) still show up fine, which tells me that 7 is actively interfering with the copy operations.

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Windows 7 - File Not Copied To Removable Disk / Access Denied

Nov 24, 2012

I saved my music and other files into local disk d. When I copy the file from this disc to removable disc, there is one comment will appear like your access is denied.

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Windows 7 64-bit Corrupting Large Files Copied To External NTFS Drives?

Jan 26, 2012

a number of backup copies of large files on external USB-connected NTFS drives differed from the source versions still on my hard drive. I also discovered that I could reproduce the issue with newly-copied files.Here are the specifics of the issue, following a series of experiments:

- On my system, copies of large files, files typically larger than 500MB, are corrupted (altered) roughly 30% of the time when copying them under Windows 7 64-bit to USB-connected NTFS-formatted external drives.

- No error occurs / no error message appears during the copy

- The file size of copy is always identical, whether or not data was altered during the copy process.

- File differences are confirmed via either the command-line "FC" command or a utility such as WinDiff

- The issue impacts copies made via the Windows GUI -OR- via command-line copy or xcopy

- The issue occurs with multiple external USB NTFS-formatted drives, no matter what make or model.

- Subsequent attempts to copy an affected file will ultimately yield an identical copy. This would seem to rule out interference by an external program such as an anti-virus program (and the only AV I am running is Microsoft Security Essentials)

- The USB drives involved pass error checks, and copies made to these drives on other (non Windows 7) systems produce identical copies

- So far, the third party utility "TeraCopy" manages to consistently produce clean copies, and therefore is a temporary workaround. This utility apparently works because it, by default, bypasses the NTFS memory caching operation used by the Windows 7 OS...a caching system which I have so far found no way of disabling.

- The problem does not appear to impact relatively small files (1 to 100MB or so). I have not found any particular threshold, but I have seen the issue impact numerous files in the 500MB neighborhood.

- The problem seems to date at least to the version of Windows 7 that was in release as far back as the Fall of 2010, as I discovered corrupted backup copies of files dating back that far. Again, the files are corrupted with respect to the original copy...NOT with respect to file structure itself.

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Windows 7 Pro Login As Admin But No Need To Have Login Screen?

Apr 12, 2012

I'm using Windows 7 Pro. I have remove the login pw in my user account now I do not need to do the login and able to use the computer right away. But I found I am using the computer as a user not administrator. How can I skip the login screen and go straight into desktop as administrator.

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Windows 7 Professional Blinking Twice At Login And Again Once Login

Jan 25, 2013

There's nothing wrong with my computer that I know of, just noticing these black flashes for some time now and thought I would finally seek information on why this could be happening. It happens everytime I turn on my computer, two black screen flashes at the login screen and another black flash in the main menu screen right after logging in.

2x flash at the login screen
1x flash at main menu screen

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Login To RDP Session From Windows Login Screen

Nov 26, 2011

I have an RDP Server on a windows 7 ultimate 32 bit and i would like to be able to use another system login screen to connect to this server. As in when i turn of display last local users, so that if i was to enter XXX into the username and XXX into the password and it will connect Although i wouldnt mind being able to set up roaming profiles between these systems either.

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FIles Copied To 2nd Drive Gone?

Jun 21, 2012

I have a very important question about files I copied on to a different drive.I copied all my data(user account) from my C drive to my E drive. The E drive already had data on it before and has plenty of room.I saw that the data was copied then I did a "Windows Easy File Transfer" of the same C User data and also put it on the E drive. The windows easy transfer made one file.Then I reinstall Window 7 Pro on to C drive. I booted up the computer and looked in the E drive for my data, but Windows changed that drive to F from E. I looked in F and there were the files, but I could click on them. I rebooted the computer and upon boot-up the computer wanted to do and chdsk on F and I let it. Now I cannot see those files that I copied before the reinstall, but I can see the other files that were on that drive. Also the used space does not add up to what the drive says, so I think the files are there, just cannot see I can get those files back.

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Backup Dvd Copied But Don't Work

Jun 4, 2012

I created backup DVDs (5 of them) of my Windows 7 system, my notebook crashed, so I copied whole system from DVDs, it said everything is ok and 100% copied, but when I start my notebook, it just loads grey screen with mouse, LED indicator of HDD is not blinking so it looks like its not working. How can I figure this out? Sorry for mistakes if any, I am not native english speaking person.

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Copied User Folder?

Apr 20, 2011

my dad screwed up his computer somehow, so i took out the hdd and copied all his c:userusername files from his vista machine and then reinstalled windows 7. now i have all that data and his 1000s of files, but they're not like they were. now there are only a few files all tagged something like i know the data is there because they're the same size as it was whenever i copied them. anyone have any idea what the hell i do now?

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Desktop Can Be Copied To New Profile?

Feb 7, 2012

if my current desktop - not just the picture but also the shortcuts and files on there- can be copied to a new profile? If so, how do I do this and have the programs work? Currently just have a new profile but haven't copied any of my files to it yet. Been having admin issues with the existing profile like not being able to do certain deletes, thumbnails not all showing. etc.

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DVD Drive Can Not Read Copied Cds

Nov 25, 2012

my dvd drive can not read copied cds?

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Pasting A Copied File Into System 32?

Oct 20, 2011

I just want to apologize in advance for this dumb question and if this is not the right place to post this or if this is something too random to help me with (I'll be honest with you, I'm not going to use my newfound knowledge for a good cause; I'm trying to hack into my dad's password-protected admin account from my limited account because the parental controls he set up on my account won't even let me save any pictures. I think it's ridiculous.) but I figured it was worth a shot. The title is pretty self-explanatory...I just need to know how to paste this certain executive file I copied into the System 32 panel. Let's hope this works so I can finally download Skype without the constant inquiring of my dad's admin password!

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Copied Files Not Visible On External HDD?

Feb 22, 2013

I recently got a new iMac so am trying to copy/move some files around. However ANY file i copy onto the hard disk (which is in NTFS format) are not visible in Win7. The folder into which i copied into is visible but shows size as 0 bytes, whereas there is around 1.7TB of data in that folder. ALl older folders which were created/modified in Win7 earlier are visible. If i attach the disk to the Mac, the the files are there.. Am using Paragon NTFS if that matters...

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Just Paste Copied Folders Onto A New Computer?

Aug 8, 2012

I am now sharing a computer with someone (we each have our own User Account). I copied all of my folders/documents that were under the Program Files folder on my previous computer onto an external drive.Can I now just copy those folders and paste them under the Program Files folder on the new computer I'm now sharing?

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Can't Get Rid Of Xp Temporary Copied Files After Reboot

May 20, 2011

I have windows 7 on my HP desktop and i needed windows xp for a certain program for school so i created a partition of 40 GB and formatted it as NTFS... I booted the installation disk and it was loading setup and it said the thier is no disk drive or partitions so i booted 7 back up and Googled it and it said something about raid drivers and SCSI or something needing to be updated... so i booted into setup and noticed that my SAta controler or waterva it is was set to raid so i set it to IDE and booted it this time after loading setup fles my partitions were there so i selected the 40 gb partition and pressed install it copied seup files for Windows xp and said rebooting... it rebooted and all i see is ( _ ) <-- that thing blinking forever so what do i do i've been googling it for ever and cant find what i want so either what do i do to fix it and install windows xp so it's working or just get rid of xp and it temporary copied install files

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Not All Files Being Copied/not Appearing In Properties

Apr 24, 2011

I'm trying to back up my "data" drive to an external hard drive. The properties on the disk show that there is 910 GB of data on the disk. But, when I select all files on the drive (hidden files/folders shown), it only adds up to 899 GB. Even worse, when I begin copying files, only 835 GB is found and begins to copy. What could be causing this/how can I copy ALL my data? Running Windows 7 Professional x64 Drive contains media files (lots of media files), software installers, .iso files, backups, and system images. Plus a lot of other stuff. Image of drive + file information: [URL] Edit: Tried taking ownership of all files and directories, and allowing my user full control.

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Copied Folders Are Larger Than The Original Folder?

Oct 10, 2012

This issue is absolutely frustrating. I recently did a reinstall of Windows on my Gateway LT20 laptop. I did so from the recovery console (Press F8 at boot, restore from recovery partition and retain user data).After the reinstall, I decided to Backup the rather large collection of personal files that I have on the C: drive. (Actually, this would be a second backup) As I began copying folders over to the external drive, permission dialogs would occasionally pop up......very odd as I am the sole user of the computer and am the admin. I noticed an "account unknown" set as the owner in the security tab and I figured that it was because the files were carried over from the previous install and the unknown account was just my admin account from before. So, I took ownership of each folder (and selected "replace owner on subcontainers and objects). Alas, I was still getting the UAC permission dialog when copying some subfolders. I said 'screw it" and just clicked "OK" to get on with the backup. This is followed by a "do you want to merge folder A with folder A?" dialog.

And so the folder begins copying to the new drive with it's subfoldersHere's the weird part:After I click "OK" the displayed amount of data left to be copied shows zero.....but it keeps copying data. And it just keeps going. The status bar of the copy dialog box shows a smaller amount of data to copy than there actually is in the source folder. And by the time the main folder is done copying, the resulting folder is larger than the original O-o What the deuce?! The properties dialog box tells me there is more files present than what's in the original folder.I.....I just want to copy my damn music and photos to a portable drive. Why do you curse me computer gods?!! *shakes fist at sky* I'm very confused and want to know why and how a source folder that is 18GB turns into a folder that is 28GB when copied.

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Files Corrupted After Being Copied To A Different Hard Drive

Feb 11, 2012

I copied several large files (between 1 and 4 GB) from one USB hard drive to another. At the target destination several of the files had defects. They were in general not completely unreadable. Most could still could be opened but had clearly corrupted data. how can this be detected/prevented. Doesn�t Windows 7 have some kind of an integrity check when copying files? Also is there any good software to compare files for being exactly identical down to the last bit? Ideally with the capability to compare whole folder contents so that it hasn't to be done file by file.

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Copied Files Icons Missing On Desktop?

Nov 25, 2012

I have recently been using some .bat tools to speed up searches in root directories.The tools search for the files in a list.txt, and copy them to a new folder which appears on my desktop. It has been working, until I used a new version today.It copied the files correctly, but I could not see the new folder appear on the desktop. I searched for it and found it where it should be, C:UsersEvanDesktopWhy does this folder exist, but not appear visually on my desktop? is it an error in my.bat file or something else

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Clipboard Doesnt Seem To Hold Onto Last Copied Item Long At All?

Sep 2, 2010

It was bad in XP, but seems worse in Windows 7.Clipboard doesnt seem to hold onto last Copied item long at all. I will copy a string of text and if I I dont paste it very soon after it wont paste.Usually I hcopy a piece of text, and if I have to minimize a few windows or do too many keystroke before pasting it gets lost and I have to go back and re-copy it.Its just beuggier than expected for such a nice OS.

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Copy Partition To A Copied Disk With MINITOOL WIZARD?

Feb 4, 2012

Im a newbee and i made a diskcopy from my HD 1 TB to LA Cie USB disk 1 tb.The source disk have a * hidden recovery part,C: aktiv bootD: data diskAfter copy disk I saw a differens in the aktive boot part on the target disk with aboNow I deleted the aktiv boot part on the target disk and made a copypartiation from the sorce disk to the target and now it became exaktly the same.y questions:Will this copy work allright if I have to copy back all the parts.Using Minitool 7.1 bootable CD didnt find my target disk so I used Minitoolver 7.0 bootable cd and it works ! Whats the problem with 7.1

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Preserving Date And Time Stamp On All Files Copied?

Jan 15, 2013

I have a new computer with Windows 7 on it - and I want to copy the files from my old computer to my new one. I'm looking at copying about 300 GB worth of data.When I copy all files and insert them onto my new desktop, I notice that all of the date/time stamps are changed to today's date.Is there a way to preserve the date/time stamp for each file, so that it keeps the original one?

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