BSOD Right Just Before "please Wait" In The Login Page?

Jul 6, 2012

Well I turned on my computer this morning, every was normal until my computer had the windows logo appear and then when the login page appears with "please wait" a BSOD appeared... So I turned off the computer and tried again, this time the login page screws up a little and then the BSOD appears again. Safe Mode won't work either as the BSOD screen comes up at the same time as when normally booted.

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Login In IE9 Starts Looping From The Login Page To The Http Page And Back To The Original Page?

Apr 28, 2012

I watch videos from this site Poker Netcast | Live At The Bike | LABTTheir login is https.Ive been in IT for 15 years and even this has stumped me.When I go to login in IE9 starts looping from the login page to the https page and back to the original page and never ends. I load firefox, same issue. I load Crome, it worked for 1 day then same issue. It used to login in fine last week. It logs in fine on my 2 other PCs and my Kindlefire.I have checked for viruses with Avast and A-Malware Bytes in safe mode - nothing. These 2 pick up 98% of stuff. Personally I dont think its a virusn IE9 - Deleted browsing history, cookies, temp internet files, everything under the Geneeral/Browsing History section. Did a disk cleanup, put the site inthe trusted zone, turned off popup blocker just in case, Cleared SSL state, Reset IE9. Zippo

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IE9 Message From Webpage 'Please Wait For Page To Load'

Apr 9, 2011

just installed IE9 and the first thing I noticed when I acess some websites is a box in the middle of the page saying " Message from webpage: "Please wait for the page to load..." it is really annoying and pops up several times if I close it or press ok

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Facing BSOD (Page Fault Non Page Area/Clock Interrupt Not Recd) + Hangs

Apr 9, 2012

i have an intel i5 2400 cpu, combined with 4gb ddr3 memory. mobo is dh67bl - revision 3. no gpu installed.power supply is via corsair vx450.problem i been facing:

1) bsod saying that a clock interrupt wasnt recd. [url]

2) bsod saying: page fault in non paging area. couldnt grab a screenshot for this.

3) display randomly goes off for a split second and reappears.. but the color of the panes go blue (i havent chosen blue. my setting is for clear pane.)[url] this error solves itself after random number of hours/mins

4) display vanishes for a split second and reappears, and a small balloon at the bottom right corner prompts that the display driver had stopped working.

5) system plain hangs/stops responding. randomly happens.. but more so while on Internet, or after hrs of it idling, i come back to the comp and try to scroll the content onscreen.sometime it revives from the stuck state as if nothing happened, sometimes i have to give it a cold boot.

6) while reading forums with blue bands.. the blue bands kinda form blurry bars which stretch till the end of the screen. i tried to grab a screenshot but the screenshots were clean. the bands moved as i dragged the image about.

7) also, my comp's display went off one day and within a second came back with a blue-ish hue. it restored itself but again has gone back to blue-ish.

other relevant information:

windows 7 x64
no other os resides/installed on system
full retail version
os was installed in july.

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Login Page Won't Respond?

Mar 1, 2011

As an employee of Home Depot we have a website we can enter from our home computer to access our weekly hours, pay benefits, etc,. I have been using this for months. As of last week my log in page will not allow me to enter this site. I have tried everything I can think of to correct this. I've called the tech support at the Home Depot. We have reset and changed the password three times. The Tech can access the site from his side and I can go to a different computer and access it. I just can't access it from my home computer. I have a Windows 7 64 bit operating system. Question? why did it work for eight months and then quit working? Last try Feb 28 2011.

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Where To Login, Cant Find The Page

Jul 4, 2012

know where to login as when i browsed to there are list of websites. where is the exact place shall i login

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Page Keeps Refreshing When Login?

Jan 8, 2013

Now, everytime I try to login in the control panel of a game I play -> link, the page just refreshes and I won't be logged in. This only seems to happen for Google Chrome, I tried it on Firefox and I could get in just fine.

This is also a newly-built and freshly installed computer, not even a week's age yet. This is also the first time I'll be on Windows 7, my old PC was Win XP, and I could login the site using Chrome just fine, so I'm inclined to say it's the OS, but my friend has Win7 too and he could get in just fine.

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How To Get Rid Of My Password Login Page Of Laptop

Jan 17, 2013

How do I get rid of my password on my opening page of my laptop, the page to get into my computer? I do not want a password there.

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Clean Reinstall Windows 7 Without Going Through Login Page?

Dec 1, 2012

I cannot get to login page on Windows 7 after clean reinstall of the OS. Neither Safe mode, "repair your computer" doesn't load.

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Attempting To Login To Most Websites Results Page Refreshing

Jan 24, 2012

when i attempt to log in to many sites (hotmail, Internet, steam community, razerzone, thinkgeek, my bank, etc.) after hitting "login" the page refreshes to show both the username and password fields blank and i am not logged in. i'm running windows home premium 64bit, and i'm using firefox primarily but the issue is present in ie and chrome as well. i think the problem is logging into secure servers, i can view https sites without issue, i just can't login.
i have tried deleting cookies, history etc.

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Login Page Only Showing Others - Normal User Disappeared?

Aug 14, 2012

I switched off today and switched back on and now have only 'other user' on the login page. All of my normal user logins have disappeared.

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Fingerprint Scanner Works Within 2 Seconds Of Login Page Appearing?

Apr 15, 2012

I have a problem with the login process for Windows. A while ago (nearly a year now) I installed a USB fingerprint reader and this worked fine for a while when all of a sudden it appeared to stop working on the login page. It turns out that if I scan my fingerprint within the first 2 seconds of the login page appearing then Windows recognizes the device and allows me to log in using biometrics, if I try after the 2 seconds then it doesn't work and I have to use a password. I really don't understand, the device is recognized, working properly and even if it doesn't work for logging in then I can still access biometric settings and everything as if it was completely fine. I'm presuming that this is a driver conflict somewhere that during the loading process something happens after 2 seconds that prevents the fingerprint reader from operating correctly but how do I find out what?

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Windows 7 Not Loading After Typing User Account Password On Login Page

Jun 25, 2011

When I try to start up Windows normally, I type in my password for the user account and then it just freezes, it doesn't load. So I think, okay, I'll just try to start up it in Safe Mode, no problem. But when I try to start it in Safe Mode the computer freezes at classpnp.sys and doesn't continue. I'm at a loss about what to do.

My computer is a Gateway Desktop, running Windows 7 Home Premium (64bit), intel premium processor, 1 TB hard drive, 6 GB DDR3 memory. I tried using the "Last Known Good Config" option, to no avail. I got the "Replacing invalid security ID" message. I let that go for about an hour when I stopped it, as it was going nowhere. If it makes any difference, I have also installed another operating system (Ubuntu).

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BSOD While Reading Page File

May 20, 2011

Got a BSOD regarding PAGE_FILE.

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Process Page Lock BSOD?

Jan 11, 2012

Attached my recent Minidump folder going back a month to when the crashes started happening. I have just about no idea what is causing them in all honesty. Leading up to the crashes it seemed like the computer was just slowing down more and more as time went by. I used to be able to run Livestream Procaster and photoshop at the same time while staying at about 80% CPU usage, and now even running just the Procaster brings it to 85%. This is something that could be related, If I'm missing any information here thato provide it.LenovoWindows 7, 64 bit4 gigs of RAMIntel Duel Core E5700 @ 3.00 Hz

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BSOD - Page Fault In Non Paged Area

Sep 19, 2012

I've been getting the BSOD "Page fault in non paged area" a few times every day on my laptop and I don't have a clue why. I've had this laptop for around a year, and it has only just happened once I've got to university. I haven't changed any hardware or installed any new software recently and the only thing I can think of that has changed is that I am using my accommodation's wired internet - but I don't know whether that could cause this or not.

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Page Fault In Non Paged Area Bsod?

Dec 15, 2012

Im getting a Bsod for page_fault_in_nonpaged_area bsod

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BSOD NTFS.SYS Page Fault In Nonpaged

Dec 21, 2011

I got an HP laptop in September and have had a problems with the system fan within a month. Got the battery replaced for the fan and now I'm having a number of BSOD's. From watching videos online, startup and shutdown, to installing updates. They are happening everywhere. Best Buy told me to do a completely erase everything. So I used the OEM / system recovery on the laptop and started off fresh, but I'm still getting same BSOD's. I purchased a new laptop in hopes of selling this one, however, my new one was stolen yesterday. So, I'm back to trying to work with this one and figuring out the BSOD's.

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BSOD - Page Fault In Nonpaged Area?

Apr 4, 2012

My comp recently BSOD

Computer Spec:

Intel C2D E7500 2.9GHz (OC'ed to 3.6Ghz)
Kingston 2 x 2GB DDR2 RAM
Asus P5Q SE2
Inno3D Gtx 560 Ti
Windows 7 Ultimate x64

i think its due to my HDD. Drive sentinel says:

The drive tried to examine and reallocate data sector(s) 7 times. The examined data area is perfect. Problems occurred during the spin up of the disk 1 times. This can be caused by the disk itself or huge power load (weak power supply). There are 25 weak sectors found on the disk surface. They may be remapped any time in the later use of the disk. 8466 errors occured during data transfer. This may indicate problem of the device or with data/power cables. It is recommended to examine and replace the cables if possible. At this point, warranty replacement of the disk is not yet possible, only if the health drops further. It is recommended to examine the log of the disk regularly. All new problems found will be logged there.

Seriously not a power supply issue. since it's 600w true rated. Checked the cables too. Oh i plugged in an external HDD too. Is this related?

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BSOD Page Fault In Non-paged Area

Jul 3, 2012

Im getting restarts due to BSOD usually when accessing many files such as during antivirus scans or backups.

Windows 7 x64 ? - full retail version

- What is the age of system (hardware)? 3 years

- What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?) 1 year

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BSOD Page Fault In Non-paged Area?

Sep 16, 2012

I just build a new system,

core i5 2500
asus nvidia gtx 560
gigabyte ga-b75m-d3h motherboard
G.Skill NT DDR3 4 GB (F3-10600CL9S-4GBNT) ram
Seasonic s12 520 w psu .

when i installed windows 7 32-bit everything worked fine for 2-3 days then i started getting bsod's, then installed windows 7 64-bit and after 3 days again bsod, when i start the pc. after loging in bsod appears, and pc restarts after that everything works fine.... i also did run a memtest for 11hrs not a single error found.

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Same BSOD Everytime - Page Fault In Non-paged Area?

Nov 5, 2011

lately i have been getting quite a number of BSODs, even though there were no hardware changes.

error code : 0x00000050

according to the bluescreenviewer, it was caused by ntoskrnl.exe & ntfs.sys took out my rams, cleaned the 'golden' area. makes no difference

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BSOD When Booting From CD - Page Fault In Nonpaged Area

Jun 30, 2012

HP Pavilion a4316f-b, Home Premium, 64-bit

The PC was displaying symptons of page hijacking, so I ran MalwareBytes and got rid of 17 objects. Did not make a difference, so I ran TDSSKiller. It found 1 bit of malware but the hijacking persisted. I downloaded ComboFix and ran it in Safe Mode. It gave me some sort of error that was only visible for a split second before it disappeared, leaving only the initial small blue CF box, which stopped functioning, and I noticed that the CF task was gone. This happened 3 times in a row.

I then tried a system restore to about 3 weeks ago. It probably sat on the 'restoring files' screen for a half hour before finally saying 'Shutting Down'. After 45 minutes of (not) shutting down I pressed the power button and turned it off.

A restart brought me to the Windows Error Recovery Screen where I am presented with but 2 choices - Launch Startup Repair or Start Windows Normally.

The 'repair' option takes me to a Windows Boot Manager screen which prompts me to insert the install disk and reboot, indicating that The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible

So I use the CD. When booting from that CD I can see it loading files, then it says Starting Windows, the initial blue sky screen displays for a few seconds - then the BSOD: PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA with an 0x50 code. This always happens with this disk.

A different Windows 7 CD has given me the same start up to the blue sky, but with 3 different BSODs. One had Bad Pool Header and the other said An attempt was made to write to read-only memory and the 3rd had the same PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA

Only 3 of the 4 choices presented to me at HP opening boot screen seemed to work when I first started this awful task. F11 for Recovery did nothing. I DID use f9-Diagnostics and it passed all the tests. Now, sadly, the only option that works is ESC to change the boot order.

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BSOD Page Fault In Non Paged Area 0x50?

Jul 1, 2012

I just got a BSOD. I think it's about my memory or hard drive. I have attached the required files.When the crash happened I was streaming from netflix using Firefox, working in Word, Outlook was also open.This time it created the minidump file. Code: Is Windows 7 . . . - 64 bit - the original installed OS on the system? Yes - an OEM or full retail version? TechNet download - What is the age of system (hardware)? 2 years - What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?) May 2011

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Constant Page In Nonpaged Area/ 0X00000050 BSOD

May 23, 2012

I have trawled the forums and tried what seem to be the usual tricks.

Including: Running anti virus (AVG)
Running a registry cleaner
Running a Malware cleaner
Replacing old RAM with newer and more RAM.
Removing Daemon tools

Some of these measure have provided (the illusion of?) stability, but never for more than a day. SO, I'm a bit stumped and hope someone can advise. Perhaps interestingly I am having some problems updating my ATI driver, it is 12.3 instead of 12.4 at the moment. I have included specs below, unfortunately I don't seem to be able to attach Minidumps.

Intel® Coreā„¢ i5 750 Quad Core Processor (2.66GHz, 8MB Cache) - LGA1156
Windows 7ā„¢ Home Premium with Service Pack 1, 64-bit - English
Midi-Tower ATX Chassis + 550W PSU + CardReader- Silver


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BSOD - Memory Management And Page Fault In Non-paged Area?

Apr 28, 2011

I just bought my new laptop 1 month ago, but BSOD occurred for many times.Window 7 Home Premium


Manufacturer Hewlett-Packard
Model HP G42 Notebook PC
Total amount of system memory 4.00 GB RAM
System type 64-bit operating system
Number of processor cores 2


Total size of hard disk(s) 596 GB


Display adapter type ATI Mobility Radeon HD 6370
Total available graphics memory 2746 MB
Dedicated graphics memory 1024 MB
Dedicated system memory 0 MB


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Random But Frequent BSOD : Page Fault In Non Paged Area

Jan 3, 2012

I have a computer as described in my profile and ive had it for about a year now. about 6 months ago i occasionally got BSOD and ignored it Then i upgraded the ram to 16gb (was origionally 6gb) and it was great (ran so smooth) but recently ive been getting this BSOD more and more frequent and now the pc is quite unuseable.

i searched up online and found that it could be software, ram or hardrive most probably so first i tried a factory restore and still got bsod and freezes then i tried factory restore once more... no luck then i downloaded a home premium iso installed that and it appeared to be working then that started doing it.

next i tried Ram first i downgraded it to 8gb then swapped it back to the 6gb it came with none of this helped

now i think it must be the harddrive or something wrong with the motherboard. since i cant use it atm im quite ****** off (Ps:the blue screen error message is "Page fault in non paged area" every time)

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BSOD Page Fault In Nonpaged Area Stop 0x00000050

Aug 2, 2012

I have been trying to fix this computer and i cannot get this BSOD to go away. I have installed new RAM and re-installed windows to no avail. I have updated the drivers for the video card and the cpu.

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Constant BSOD If Not In Safemode, Page Fault In Non Paged Area?

Aug 17, 2012

I constantly bsod on reboot. Yesterday I took out my graphics card because i was selling it in an old computer. It was a ati 4770. I threw in an old xfx 8500 gt because my motherboard doesnt have an internal gfx. It ran for about an hour or so and then i started getting this BSOD. Not thinking I assummed it had something to do with the old card going bad. Today i went and bought a new one to through in and I am still receiveing the same issue.

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Continuous BSOD After Login?

Feb 15, 2012

Everytime I start the computer in the normal way I get a bsod about 1-2 seconds after the desktop appears (after I log in) and the system crashes. When I then start the computer in the safe mode it does not instantly give me another bsod, but even in the safe mode I have gotten a bsod. I actually downloaded the exe file from the posting guide and while running that for the first time it actually crashed in safe mode again.

I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit.Its the original OS.It is not an OEM version I think.. I did not order this computer, it was done for me. I'm pretty sure its retail, but at the moment I can not ask this to the person who ordered the computer for me.The computer is tomorrow 1 week old. (yes I managed to crash it in a week)The OS was installed 7-8 days ago, I'm not sure of that but its more then 7 days and less then 14 days for sure. Can ask if its important, but again not at this moment?When trying to do the system health report as stated in the guide (perfmon /report), it gives me a viewer stating that the system cannot find the path.

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BSOD Upon User Login?

Jun 22, 2012

I don't have the zip attachment but I couldn't run System Help Report as I can't even access Start menu So recently my mother told me she couldn't use her PC anymore so I checked and she gets the so called Black Screen of Death upon log in. It doesn't even work on safe mode. I tried restoring to the last known good configuration and it worked after trying the different restore points, but only temporarily as the next time she logged in the black screen welcomed her once again - it's like that everytime. Now the restore points have changed and none of them work anymore. When I log in a reminder from Norton pops up on the screen (her anti-virus has expired) and when I click the button for online support the default browser, Google Chrome, opens up and I'm able to surf the Internet just fine. Also, maybe it's not related but I noticed that the volume adjustment keys on the keyboard have stopped working. When I press the Windows key, Start menu doesn't show either. If someone could tell me how I can proceed onto Step 3 (running System Health Report via Start when I can't access it)

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