Access A Crash Log In Windows 7?

Nov 27, 2011

How do I access a crash log in Windows 7

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[CRASH] Random No Network Access. Freeze When Disabling Adapter

Jul 27, 2012

Everyday, at least once a day I have my wired connection drop with the message 'No Network Access'. I try to disable and re-enable the wired adapter only to have the computer freeze. No BSOD, Windows simply freezes, mouse doesn't move, nothing at all.I have to restart my computer for it to function again.Windows 7 64 Bit TA890FXE Motherboard (Realtek onboard LAN adapter)I can't seem to find the cause of it I've uninstalled and reinstalled the adapter drivers from the motherboard's manufacturer website, windows update and even the manufacturer website, it still drops the connection after a decent session on the computer.

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Windows 7 Explorer.exe Crash/restart/crash?

Jan 21, 2013

I read through a few threads with similar topics but the issues were either not quite the same and/or resolved comparatively easily. I am trying to repair a 1.5 year-old HP Pavilion running Windows 7 Home Premium 64. This machine is used as the main office computer in a small doctor's office. In spite of my warnings, anti-virus software was not installed until it was too lateThere was a major issue about seven months ago that required another company to repairThe problem is explorer.exe will not run. Double-clicking a shortcut on the desktop, clicking the text name of a program from the Start menu, and even in the cmd results in the same response, a dialog box pops up stating windows explorer has stopped working.

windows is checking for a solution to the problem. followed by another box stating windows explorer is restarting. But the requested application never starts. I have run the Ultimate Boot CD 4 Win, replaced the hard drive and cloned all data, run numerous registry scans, malware scans and antivirus scans. Initially removing over 1500 virus/malware hits and over 1400 registry errors. But the main problem persists, explorer.exe won't open programs.

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Access Vista Shares From XP But Not From Windows 7 (access Denied)

Sep 20, 2011

I have one PC running Vista (home basic), one running XP (professional) and one running Windows 7 (home basic). There is a printer connected to the Vista box, which is shared.

On the XP box I can both see and use the printer on the Vista box (i.e. a "net view \vistabox" shows the printer, and under "printers and faxes" I can install and use it).

On the Windows 7 box, however, I can see the Vista box (i.e. a "net view" shows it in the list of available PCs on the network) but a "net view \vistabox" gives me an "access denied" error.

The Windows 7 machine has a password on it, the Vista and XP machines don't. All machines are on the same workgroup name (which is "WORKGROUP"). On the XP box I don't need a password to access the shared printer on the Vista machine; it just works.

Extensive Googling has failed to render enlightenment, nor has browsing this forum. I'm sure it has something to do with security and passwords, somewhere, somehow, but I have no idea in which direction to look for it, let alone fix it. I have also read some things about workgroups and homegroups not being the same in Windows 7, but I'm not sure if this is correct (and if so, relevant).

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Windows Can't Access File - May Not Have Permission To Access

Feb 22, 2012

I am attempting to access an application.exe file on my desktop. Each time that I click on it the Windows message, "Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item." pops up. I am the system administrator so this should NOT be a problem but apparently many out there are dealing with this as well. I can delete, move and even copy the file but I cannot run it. There is no option for override with password or grant permission. It just says that I cannot run it. Also, the system I am running is Windows 7 Ultimate x64.

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Windows 7 - IE 9 Tab Closing Causes Crash

May 20, 2012

I just got a new HP laptop running Intel Core i7 and Windows 7 Home Premium. I'm also using IE 9. A lot of times when I have a tab open in IE9, and open a new tab, either by clicking on the new tab, or a link inside the current page opens the new tab when I click it - when I'm done with what I needed and go to close the new tab, I get an error message 'Internet Explorer Has Stopped Working' IE freezes until I close the error window. It doesn't happen every time a new tab is opened - I just can't narrow it down to what is actually causing it.

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Windows 7 X64 Crash [With HDMI Only]?

Nov 9, 2011

ntoskrnl.exe+4b16cc seems to be my issue. My PC only crashes when I have my 32" HD TV Plugged in.Here is my .dmp file for you to check out! Only just reformatted, this wasn't happening before also.

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IE 9 App-crash With Windows 7 Professional?

Feb 18, 2012

I have IE 9 and Windows 7 Professional.I can no longer use IE, every time it stops working and gives me the following message:Internet Explorer has stopped working

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:iexplore.exe
Application Version:9.0.8112.16421
Application Timestamp:4d76255d


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Windows 7 Crash Dump

Nov 29, 2012

I used to get a crash dump opening certain folders, usually was one of my car picture folders, recently it's my downloads with my minecraft etc in it.. I've run check disk but it happens over and over and over, never fails.The bug check is as follows 0x000000F4 (0x00000003,0x87558828,0x875899 4,0x8321CD60)When it runs check disk it deletes thousands of orphan files it tells me, 12kb in bad sectors, deleting corrupt file record segment 37572, deleting index entry for a ton of dll files. Also since this started my computer is convinced it isn't genuine windows when it really is..

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Windows 7 X64 Crash After Install

Nov 25, 2010

First, the hardware:

Mobo: Gigabyte CA-H55-USB3 (latest BIOS - F7)
CPU: i5-650
RAM: G-Skill DDR3 2x4GB (F3-10666CL9D-8GBRL)
HDD: Intel SSD X25-M 80GB (latest firmware)
Video: Onboard (using inetgrated graphics)
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64

Now the problem:Insert disc and boot, no problem. Windows 7 sees the SSD and installs.Once install completes, PC reboots and attempts to complete installation. Another reboot occurs now and upon restarting a message pops up saying that an error occurred and installation cannot continue and to start it all again.Sometimes instead of rebooting it will flash different colours on the screen.BIOS is set to AHCI (i have tried IDE as well, same problem)Installing the OS to a normal SATA drive works OK.Have tried using Acronis to clone the disk but this doesn't work, i'm assuming the 100MB partition Windows 7 creates may causes some problems when imaging and redeploying.

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Cannot Boot To Windows 7 DVD After Crash?

Dec 21, 2011

I have a dell xps laptop that crashed and when I restarted it went into a never ending startup repair loop.I tried using the recovery function to no luck and now I have created a bootable windows dvd.The problem is when I try to boot from it, either the bios or hitting F12 to select dvd it just goes into the same repair loop - sometimes its the graphical ui and other times it's the black and white text telling me to repair or restore.I searched this forum and it seems that most answers want you to use a usb. Unfortunately, I do not have one large enough to put the Windows 7 iso on it

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Windows 7 Static Ip Crash

Mar 6, 2011

I have a problem setting up a static ip on my computer, every time i try my computer crashes...

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Printer Causes Windows 7 Crash?

Oct 20, 2012

Yesterday my windows began to crash each time I sent a document to print. I am using windows 7 with a Brother MFC 9440cn. I have tried system restore and reinstalling the printer software.

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McAfee And Windows 7 64bit Crash?

Mar 7, 2010

I have had an ongoing subscription with McAfee for several years and recently bought a new laptop loaded with Windows 7 64-bit. This came with a free 60 day trial version of McAfee antivirus software installed on it which seemed to work fine. When the free trial expired I decided to use my current subscription, (which allowed protection for up to 3 different machines and had used on my old laptop) on my new laptop. When I called McAfee to do this I asked the rep if it was compatible with Windows 7 and I was told that it was. After receiving download instuctions via email I noticed that Windows 7 was not on the list of compatible Operating Systems, just Win 2000,Win XP and Win Vista. I called McAfee back to verify Windows 7 compatibility and again, they assured me that is was fine. So I went ahead with the download. I clicked the RUN button for DMSetup.exe and then RUN for the IE Security warning as per the instuctions from McAfee and the BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH appeared for about 2 seconds and my machine shut down! After attemting to restart it went into Windows Error Recovery mode then Launch Start-up Repair and then could not repair problem and shut down again. This sequence repeated every time I tried to restart. I called McAfee back and again I was assued that it was compatible with Windows 7 and they said I should do an online diagnostic on their site. I told them this was impossible as my machine would not start up even in safe mode so I could not even go online at all! They finally said to contact the maker of my machine as that is where they thought the problem was, which I did. The maker told me that the machine would have to be reformatted after several attempts to get it going. 1 Day and $200.00 later with a reformatted machine I called McAfee again and told them of the crash and that I thought their software was the cause. They advised me this was impossible as their Software is compatible with Windows 7 and that there was no problem in trying to install again. Hesitantly I tried the download again. At the same point in the download the exact same thing happens...shut down. This time thankfully, the system recovered after several attempts. I called McAfee AGAIN and told them they had nearly crashed my machine again! They said my operating system must be corrupt. I told them it was reinstalled only 1 hour earlier so how could it be corrupted? I insisted on talking to a technical rep which they agreed to (and didn't charge me the $9.95 per incedent fee thank you very much). I finally got an explaination after 6 hours, 5 phone calls. McAfee does not have a product that is compatible with Windows 7 64-bit yet. It should be ready in a month or so. They then offered to extend my trial version for an extra 30 days! I said "you just told me there is nothing compatible with Windows 7 64-bit" so what good is it to extend my trial version. Besides I was told to uninstall the trial version before installing the new one so it was gone from my machine.

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Windows 7 Ultimate Explorer.exe Crash

May 13, 2012

I have read the past posts regarding this issue and I have tried the so called hotfix that Microsoft issued regarding this issue but it did not work.

Asus G74sx
Intel i7 2670qm processor
16gb ram
Windows Ultimate 64bit version
I have done the hotfix, I have ran check disk, I have run Norton 360, I did not have this problem before the last windows update. I even tried rolling back. I got fed up and ran the recovery disk that came with my laptop, and I still have the same problem.

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Laptop Crash Dump Windows 7

Jun 17, 2012

Recently re installed windows 7 from my windows 7 disc.Hard drive was formatted.Worked fine for about 4 weeks then it crash dumped.When i re start the laptop it goes to windows error page and goes to system repair or start windows normally. Either of these starts windows then goes blank and re starts.When i go into the bios and boot from a disc it starts windows but then the windows screen shows but it has no start up and just freezes. I have tried to re install windows again and it get to the language settings page and the goes starting windows and it does not do anymore just stays on the strating windows page.

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Windows 7 Will Not Start After Uknown Crash?

Feb 18, 2011

so this problem started a few days ago while i was watching a Internet video, for no apparent reason the video froze and the sound started lagging over a few seconds (audio slowed down), then my computer went completely unresponsive and the only way i could turn it off was by unplugging it. once i turned it back on i noticed the motherboard splash screen was a bit pixelated and distorted, and every time the computer goes to the win7 splash screen it loads the little windows icon animation but then when it begins to transition to the login screen, the screen remains black and hangs and never makes it to the login screen.i have a spartan brand laptop (a few years old) with a intel dual core cpu, phoenix technologes motheboard, running windows 7 professional and an nvidia gefore go 7600 video card.once this problem occured i tried numerous attempts to fix it.

1. i tried to run a system repair and the only error i got was something about a patch being the cause of the problem, i proceeded to delete windows patches through safe mode but this did not solve the problem.

2. i attempted numerous system restores to all the dates available to me via safe mode but win7 still does not strat up.

3. i used the repair tool to repair to the most recent point of good working configuration but this did not work either.
i've also run a chkdisk or whatever it's called. it took a while so i left the room to do something else, when i returned i had assumed it finished and restareted my computer because my laptop was hanging on the black screen after the win7 splash screen as usual. the odd thing is, is that i can use safe mode as well as safe mode with networking (which i'm using as i type) and i've also reinstalled windows once while keeping my files and a second time as a completely clean installation. when i've reinstalled win7 both times it goes straight to the desktop after the installation and the computer works completely like normal. i can install things, use the internet, everything. the problem is that some of my drivers are not installed (like the video card) and when i install them i have to restart my computer, and when i restart the computer hangs like usual after the win7 splash screen and i'm back to square one.i don't unserstand why everything works normally but i just can't get past the splash screen. after my second installation of windows7 i ran the repair utility again and the only error i get is that there is an "unspecified error due to changes to the system configuration."

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[CRASH] BSOD While Loading Windows?

May 9, 2011

While loading windows 7 64 bits ultimate i have several, if not many, crashes. Although loading my other system (XP SP3 32bit) don't have any crash by loading it (sometimes).i'm kinda tired of this problem, it annoys me and keeps me wasting time

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Reinstalled Windows 7 BSOD Crash

Jul 20, 2011

I just re-installed windows 7 to my pc after a recent update caused it to completely crash. Now, about an hour after i turn on my computer it randomly decided to reboot (but not before flashing the BSOD of course).

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Crash On Initial Setup - Windows 7 X64?

May 23, 2010

Set-up isn't finishing as the install will crash BSOD 0x0116 with atikmag.sys causing the problem.(**Note, there is NO Minidump found after this crash - I"ve lookedlooked.. and looked... so I took a digital photo of the BSOD screen in the moments it flashed)I can't complete the install using safe mode, but in safe mode I can get to the part where set-up is trying to finish.So, how can I force the install to bypass graphics card driver install and install a standard SVGA driver until I can get the thing to finish set-up??

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[CRASH] Windows Locks Up After PSU Failure

Feb 26, 2011

I recently had a PSU failure and replaced with a new unit. System now powers up.

However Windows is now randomly locking up. No BSOD, no warning, it just locks and stops responding. No screen corruption either. The only solution is to power off. It never once did this prior to the PSU failure.

The lockups happen randomly, maybe after 20 mins, maybe an hour and have occurred when:

Internet browsing
Running a large Backup
Installing the new SP1

There is nothing in the event logs that suggests anything happening prior to the lock up. There are no heat issues.

To try to isolate the problem, I have: Run Memtest86 for hours with no problems and also the Windows memory test, all fine.

Run Prime95 for a while again with no problems. I am gonna do some more tests later in Prime to check cache specifically. Reinstalled Windows on different a Hard Disk and still get exactly the same problem.

I am now coming to the conclusion that the PSU failure may have caused some sort of damage either to the motherboard or processor. I am going to return the new PSU to the supplier and get a replacement sent out just in case the new PSU is at fault.

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[CRASH] Windows 7 Hangs On Shutdown?

Mar 26, 2011

I just bought a new Lenovo Thinkpad T400. This is my 5th Thinkpad. It is a 2767-P1U. It is running Windows 7. I have the Lenovo drivers installed and have upgraded them to the latest available. I have also got Norton Anti-Virus 2011 and Office 2007 Professional. Windows is fully updated as well.The processor is: Core 2Duo T9400 with 2GB Memory.I am having issues getting the machine to shut down from the "Start > Shutdown" command. It continues to the shut down splash screen and has the rotating circle "hourglass" and stays that way. There appears to be little to no hard drive activity and it just sits there. After about 5 minutes of waiting, I am forced to use the actual power button to hard shut down the system.In order to investigate possible causes to this problem I began by determining what programs are running at start up in MSCONFIG. Aside from a few IBM applications, Windows and Norton services nothing seems to be in there that should cause any issues.

I checked the Event Viewer and can see that there seems to be some issues with "miniport" drivers from AMD. I thought this may have something to do with the video drivers as they are ATI (now AMD) and removed the extra Catalyst stuff and left the drivers. No change.I removed the Anti-Virus software completely. No Change.I tried disabling the network adapters, including Wireless. No change.One thing is certain. If I start the computer and sign into windows and then immediately click Start>Shutdown, it goes down in 10 seconds. Is this a power management driver issue? A video driver issue still? Some other "miniport" issue? Something I can't see?

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[CRASH] Windows 7 Restarts Without Loading?

Oct 1, 2011

I am running windows 7 ultimate 32 bit installed on a partition size of 270GB.The system worked for two months.Now when I start the pc, after the bios screen I get "Windows is loading files with a white completion bar.As soon as the bar gets completed or is full the system restarts.I tried start up repair from the install dvd using repair my computer.The message is failed to repair.Could not find os loader.Its a single boot system without third party boot loader.Tried restoring with an image backup.There is no difference.When memory diagnosis is selected from the repair options the pc restarts and the windows memmory diagnosis tool runs without any errors and on completion of the test windows boots normally.But if I restart or shutdown the pc the next time the system reboots after windows is loading files.I have interchanged the memory modules to and from another system to confirm the memory.The memory modules does not have any problem.

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Windows 7 Explorer Crash On One Directory?

Oct 27, 2011

If I click on one directory I get "Windows Explorer has stopped working". It used to be fine but crashes WE every time now. A colleague suggested right click and reset the properties, but right click causes the crash too.I can open it remotely from an XP system, and I can navigate it in a DOS box so I know the files are all still good.Disk check says "No problems".Sophos anti-virus scan finds nothing. Malwarebytes scan finds nothing.None of these crash or report corruption.

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Windows 7 Crash In Samsung Laptop?

Feb 7, 2012

started when I allowed a site to update my adobe reader.after 5 minutes all my icons turned to be adobe reader icon including the taskbar icons.then my youcam (webcamera in cyberlink software)suddenly inverted image of mine.icould not make it upright.After setting to previous restore point it started working.then I would like to ask what is the duty of Norton anti virus that came with windows 7 package,and what the windows defender doit are that much vulnerabl

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Windows 7 Crash About 4 Minutes After Startup?

Jun 11, 2012

This only started today when I arrived home. Windows would just stop, sounds continued but i couldnt click anything or ctr alt delete. The mouse can still move and after a few more minutes the computer would black screen and SEEM to reboot but be stuck at black screen with no post. I have another hard drive with the same windows installed (but its hd not ssd). and it ran normally without crash so this is not a hardware issue.

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BSOD Crash While Gaming On Windows 7?

Jun 20, 2012

Two days ago, my system started Blue screening for the first time since I built it ~ 2 months ago. It first started happening while playing Diablo3 and streaming using the streaming software Xsplit. broadcaster, and now it has happened while Idle with nothing running ( while I slept overnight ).All windows updates are installed.Latest drivers for my video card are installed.


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App Crash When Playing Nfs Carbon In Windows 7 X32

Jun 13, 2012

error code:

Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:NFSC.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp:562b029a


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Windows 7 Crash When Starting A Game?

Nov 17, 2012

My windows started to crash ... when I open Some games .. Like Dragon nest , need for speed , 2 RO clients .. etc ... my pc crash when I open i always went black out but I can still hear the sound coming from my Pc

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Windows 7 - Certain Programs Crash As Soon As Start Them?

Aug 22, 2010

This problem started about a month ago with Windows Live Messenger. Since then i had no problems until last week when my game recording program WeGame began to crash when i start it up. Now today one of my favourite games Counter Strike : Source has started having the same problem.When starting Windows Live Messenger i am given the Windows Live Messenger has stopped working.. then it closes.When starting WeGame it usually crashes when i log in, with the same error.When i start Counter Strike : Source it says Hl2.exe has stopped working and needs to close.I have tried running as an administrator, in compatablility mode, restarting computer, reinstalling all 3 programs, using CCleaner and Windows Cleaner, closing other applications, disabling antivirus, scanning for viruses and many other things.

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App-crash Using Outlook 2010 With Windows 7?

Dec 2, 2010

Here is the error message:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: OUTLOOK.EXE
Application Version: 14.0.4760.1000
Application Timestamp: 4ba8fefd


I have tried to disable add-ins, office re-installation and even system restore?

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