Xbox 360 Video Sharing, External HDD?

Jun 4, 2011

I have my PC (Windows 7 Professional) set up to share its media with my Xbox 360. As long as files added to my media library are stored locally on my C: drive, they show up on my console. If I add a folder which is on my external G: drive, its contents appear in the media library but do not appear on the console. I'm not sure if this is because of some security settings on the external drive- I think the problem began when I updated to Windows 7 and took ownership of the external hard drive (because "<unknown contact>" was listed as the files' owner).

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Connect File Sharing From Desktop To Xbox?

Aug 12, 2012

I recently activated internet at home. We are using a modem in which through my lap top i use wirelessly. Through my boyfriends desktop he bought a wireless adapter to connect wirelessly as well.I have no problems sharing anything on my laptop to the xbox or etc considering i have a homegroup option that allows me to do so..My boyfriend wants to share his music files plus etc to our xbox located in the living room.(his computer is in another room.)

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External Drive Not Working After Format - Not Found By XBox

Nov 27, 2012

I have a Buffalo HD-LB3 3TB external harddrive. My main goal is to get it to work with my xbox 360. I was able to get it to work on my blueray player but it is not found by my Xbox. I have formatted it to Fat32 and I have partitioned it into two pieces, 1.8 TB and 1.1 TB. Still nothing is working.

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Best Video Format For MC7, Xbox Extender And Zune

Jun 28, 2011

I'm looking for one video codec and package that will play nicely on Windows 7 Media Center, Zune, and the Xbox 360 extender. I have original DVDs, and I'm able to convert them to whatever.

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Computer Keeps Disappearing From Xbox 360 Video Library

Apr 13, 2012

Just built a new system. This isn't really the most pressing of issues, but I'm curious as to why it's happening.I set my PC up to the home network, added video folders to the media center library and all that jazz, and everything seems to work just fine. Only issue is, after some time of not using it, when I go to watch something on the Xbox, my PC doesn't show up. It's set not to fall asleep, so it should be actively showing up on the network. I go into my room and reset it and it shows up just fine after that. This has happened more than once.

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Xbox 360 Media Center Extender Wrong Aspect Ratio On Composite Video

Sep 12, 2011

I recently installed a Media Center server as a centralised location for all my media including broadcast and satelite TV. I view / play media using Xbox 360's as Media Center extenders. The setup was straight forward and works really well across my network. However I have one issue that I can not resolve.

Any items that have been recorded on the composite video input (satelite TV) of the TV tuner card in my Media Center server are in 4:3 aspect, but only when watched via xbox. If I watch these recordings directly on the Media Center server, they are in the correct 16:9 format. Xbox squashes the picture and puts black lines down either side of the picture. It does the same thing if you watch live TV from this composite video input. Digital TV inputs work fine.

Perhaps this is related to the file format used by Windows 7 - WTV, which from what I have read seems to have additional information embedded.

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Sharing External USB Drive?

Mar 5, 2011

okay, so i have a 1TB external hard drive and i wanna share it between my Windows 7 ult desktop(the one its connected to,wired to router),another desktop (xp pro,wired connection as well),a Windows 7 ult laptop (wirelessly),and a xp pro laptop (again wireless)he complicated part is i wanna password protect at least part of it from the rest of my family so i can hide my

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Sharing A Directory On An External Drive

Dec 1, 2012

I have recently purchased a USB Harddrive.

I wish to share a directory on it, but when I tried through the share menu, or by clicking on 'share this' in Windows Explorer, Windows 7 told me that 'This folder can't be shared'. When I tried the advanced sharing settings, I get an error telling me that 'there are no more endpoints available from an endpoint mapper'.

Other directories, on my internal HDD, are already shared fine, and a quick test confirmed that further shares from the C drive also work. I am on Win 7 Home Premium and connect to a router via ethernet cable.

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Use 2 XBOX 360 Controllers For Windows 7 And 2 XBOX 360 Wired Headsets At The Same Time In A Game On The Same PC?

Jul 19, 2011

Is there any way to use 2 XBOX 360 Controllers for Windows and 2 XBOX 360 Wired headsets at the same time in a game on the same PC? I have tried and both headsets are working properly independently but was just hoping to get them both outputting sound primarily with both microphones recording as the secondary priority.

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External Drive Losing Sharing Settings On Reboot

Jun 27, 2011

I have two external drives that I'd like to share. I have them mapped as an X: and Y: drive. I go into advanced sharing settings > permissions, and add Full Control for the group "Everyone". I hit apply and it looks fine and dandy. When I reboot my machine the sharing settings are lost.

When the computer initially starts up Auto Play opens for both drives. Not sure if this has anything to do with it though. how to get my sharing settings to stick for both externals?

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Automatically Sharing USB External HD Or Flash Drive When Plugged In

May 19, 2012

I am running WHS but the same principal applies as 7. I have a HP N40L Server and have no problem sharing anything internal or external after it is connected following standard procedure.

My question is, is it possible to make Windows 7/WHS automatically share plug and play storage devices. The Server is over Wi-Fi and sometimes for big files it can be too slow and is easier just plugging in a HD.

1. File is too big to rip directly to Desktop or Laptop from Server.

2. Plug in storage device to Server via any of the four USBs on the Servers front.

3. Go back to my regular Desktop or Laptop

4. Go to My Computer and notice the new drive has appeared under the Sever with my other internal shared drives

5. Drag and Drop to and from Server and Computer as I wish.

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Xbox Wired Controller Works Perfectly With Pc Like In Xbox?

Dec 12, 2012

I want to buy an xbox wired controller to play games on pc with the controller. My question is that the controller works as the same like on xbox? Actually, I mean the analog sticks. It has the same sensitivity on pc like on xbox? Because in the keyboard you can push the button or not. With the analog sticks you have more possibility, sensitivity.

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Can't Add To Video Library From Two External Drives

Nov 1, 2009

So today is my first day with 7 and overall I love it... but I have run into a strange problem with my video library. I have many videos organized by folders on two separate (but identical, both Lacie 1TB) drives that I would like to add to my video library. I can add one drive without trouble. When I try to add folders from the second drive from within media center, the program seems to be adding it but says 0 videos found and when i check back, the folders are no longer listed under the library (essentially the same thing happens from wmp.)

It doesn't matter which drive I try - as long as I delete the libraries first and only plug one drive in, either will add its folders to the video library individually. It's when I try adding the second drive that I can't add its folders. I can always access videos through explorer and view them just fine - strictly a library problem. I can also add the folders from the 2nd new drive to any other library without problem (there are no folders in either that I included in any other libraries - it's only a problem when there are folders in the same library on the first drive.)

When I try right clicking on folders in explorer from the 2nd drive (after adding the first) and try to 'include in library,' it starts to work and then says "The folder could not be included in Videos." I've tried changing the names of the drives and the drive letters, swapping cables and USB ports and nothing works.

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External Video Card Dock

Jan 15, 2013

I have a Canon GL2 professional camera. I have been able to live record onto a laptop with firewire connection into moviemaker. I am trying to get some external device to hook up to my pc that does not have a firewire connection.

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Windows 7 Media Sharing - DLNA TV - "Jerky" Video?

Sep 7, 2012

I have a Windows 7 starter netbook and have recently purchased a Panasonic DLNA enabled TV.I've put the TV into 'media server' mode, and enabled Media Streaming in WMP12.Using the TV remote control, I can now play music from the PCs library and look at pictures on the PC. But when I play video (esp HD video - AVCHD light 720p) the playback is very jerky with broken up sound.The videos do play OK on the PC itself in GOM media player.The TV plays BBC iPlayer HD programs fine.So the questions are: 1. How do I investigate whats causing the jerky video on the TV and is there anything to 'tweak' to get smoother playback.2. When you enable Media sharing does the PC use Media Player (WMP12) to do the service or is it Windows 7 itself? i.e. can I use GOM to 'serve' the video to the TV?TV - TX-L37DT30Netbook - Atom N455, 2G ramThe TV is connected to my router via power cable ethernet adapters.The Netbook is connecting wirelessly on an 'n' link at 65.0Mbps, 'Excellent' signal strength

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VLC Media Player - Cannot Play Video Files From External Hard Drive

Aug 3, 2011

I was messing around with the permissions and sharing properties of an external hard drive last night. not sure what I did but I cannot play video files from that hard drive anymore. I get this error message in vlc media player.

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Existing External Graphic Card Or Video Card For Integrated Laptops?

May 11, 2012

Is there existing external graphic card or video card for integrated laptops?

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Can Use A Xbox 360 HDD As A Normal HDD On Pc

Aug 19, 2011

so basically can i like reformat it to be used as a HD on my pc because i got a new Xbox 360 that doesn't use the old HD anymore?

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Way To Get Xbox Controller

Aug 6, 2009

Is there a way to get Old Xbox controllers (the better ones imho) to work with windows 7 ? Windows 7 does not seem to be smart enough to understand the XP driver. It will not pick up my controller, even after the drivers appear to install.

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Xbox And PC Do Recognize Each Other

Mar 28, 2011

I have been pouring over countless threads on issues related to this. Yet none of these solutions seem to be working for me, and I am fairly certain that I am implementing them correctly.Xbox and PC do recognize each other and I can access the libraries on my computer via xbox.I have setup the Windows Media Center on my Xbox.WMC on my computer shows the Xbox is setup as an Extender. It also states that it is ready for use. Every time I try to run WMC on my Xbox it enters the black screen that says Windows Media Center and has the load "bubbles" underneath with the word Contacting... after a period the screen times out and gives me the message:"Connection Failure.The Xbox could not connect to the Windows Media Player PC. Turn the console off and and back on again, and try again."

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Stream TV From WMC To My Xbox?

Jan 20, 2012

I've got a TV Tuner in my PC, is it possible to stream it via Windows Media Center straight to my Xbox? If so, is it possible to record things straight to my Xbox?

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Cannot Connect To Xbox

Aug 18, 2012

I have windows 7 home professional 32bit and an xbox 360, and I just cannot get media center to work. I have moved from wireless to wired, disabled windows firewall, tried just using a switch instead of my BT Home Hub 3.0

It gets as far as the xbox displaying 'connecting to media center' but the PC comes up with an error was encountered.

The event viewer error message is :

Media Center Extender Setup cannot create an account for the Extender with ID: uuid:10000000-0000-0000-0200-0025AEEBD738.

Error: Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed.

The event ID is 545

Source : Media Center Extender.

I've been at it all morning, so I'm popping out for a bit to calm down But will start again later. Are there any connectivity issues with the Home Hub 3.0 ? UPnP is enabled.

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WMC Is Not Connecting To Xbox 360?

Nov 13, 2009

I've had windows 7 for about two weeks now, and when i first installed it every thing was fine, WMC was working the way it was suppost to with my 360. But one day it just stop working when ever i try to connect it says "contacting" then after waiting minute's for it to start it says "Connection failure".i don't know what could have stopped it from working but its driving me crazy trying to find out what the problem is. i tryeduninstalling my xbox extender from WMC, and setting it up, again with a new Setup Key.(i did this many many times now.)Disconnecting my router and connecting my 360 directly to my laptop (wired)

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How Ato Display Xbox On Screen

Sep 9, 2011

Basically I have an acer aspire z5761 all in one pc and I installed the hdmi pci card. After it was installed I plugged in my hdmi cable from my xbox to my pc, my only problem is, how do I display the xbox on my screen? When I turn on my computer it runs normally as if it would, is there a button or something for me to switch mode?

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Computer Can't Add Xbox As An Extender To WMC But Others Can

Jul 11, 2011

My computer info:

Toshiba protege m750 S7212
Windows 7 Ultimate
Service Pack 1
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P8600 @ 2.40GHZ 2.40 GHz
Ram: 4.00 GB (2.87 usable)

I can not get my Windows Media Center to connect to my xbox as an extender. I decided to attempt to use another computer to connect and as soon as WMC opened up it ask if I wanted to connect my xbox 360 as extender, which worked. That computer was a new Dell laptop. I haven't been able to set my Xbox 360 up as an extender to my Toshiba, with both the new sleek black one with the built in wifi, or the older 360 I had. This tells me 1: It is not my Xbox. 2: It is probably not my router settings. 3. Its a computer specific problem. When I search for my xbox as an extender on the Toshiba it Can't get past "configuring device". But I can see the xbox from Toshiba under the network window in explorer as a media device. My WMC runs fine. I haven't actually tried to use for anything other than adding my xbox as an extender but it does not crash. My xbox is not now or previously set up with another device before my Dell computer attempt.

Things I've tried: Every setting possible for two different routers I've owned that both boast media center compatibility (which is true for the Dell). All the port forwarding and opening and even putting my xbox into the DMZ. DO NOT TELL ME TO GO TO A SITE ABOUT ROUTER SETTINGS.

Uninstalling WMC by turning it off and on as a windows feature via the programs and features menu. Turning my firewall completely off to update and connect to Xbox Direct connecting both computer and xbox to router. Updating all my drivers. "Download now" option under WMC general settings to try and the most recent update.

command prompt: sfc /scannow. Everything came back verified. Create another user account with admin rights.

Both the Dell and my Toshiba are the most recent version of WMC: 6.1.7601.17541 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850). The only feature the Dell has that I don't is "Cyberlink Power DVD" which might be a Delly only feature. Both computers have the same setting on the router as well. My computer wasn't able to use the last cisco one to add the xbox and now we have a d-link DIR-685. With updated firmware. All my drivers are updated except for the PCI Simple Communications Controller which I tried an automatic and manual update through the intel set. And the AYGOK82A IDE Controller driver which didnt even show up after a web search.

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Xbox 360 Controller Not Working On PC?

Mar 16, 2012

which is why i made myself an account to post on this forum.The problem is when i'm plugging my xbox 360 controller on my computer , the lights are flashing and i can't use it.I have downloaded the good drivers on microsoft website. (My controller is wired by the way.)I have downloaded the driver multiple times , uninstalled it , restarted my computer etc.I have tried everything that was on the internet , at this point i don't know what to do anymore and i'm frustrated.In fact , the controller works fine and the driver too , but when i move the controller or take it in my hands , the lights start flashing and it looks like the driver ''disconnect''. have made a video of it where you can see me taking the controller in my hands and the lights flashing , you also hear a noise of ''new material detected'' when it flash because the driver stop working for a second or two.Also , if i move too much with the controller , i get a blue screen of death.All my drivers are up to date , i'm using a program called DriverUpdate and i have the full version of it.

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Xbox 360 Wireless PC Controller?

Oct 17, 2011

I purchased the above for an upcoming game. I purchased 1, thinking that's All I needed, however, I should of ordered 2. When I order the second, will it

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BluRay Drive For The Xbox 360

Oct 28, 2008

Blu-Ray drive for the Xbox 360? Nope.

This week, rumors popped up again that Microsoft was working on a $100-$150 Blu-Ray add-on drive for the Xbox 360. And once again, the rumors are untrue.

Here's the official statement.

"As we've said before, Microsoft has no plans to introduce an Xbox 360 Blu-ray add-on. Games are what drive consumers to purchase game consoles, and we remain focused on providing the largest library of blockbuster games available." Read more at the source.

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XBox Controller As Mouse

Jan 29, 2009

Tried xpadder, switchblade, both running as admin and with various compatibility modes with no success.

Anyone else had any luck with this?

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How To Format A Original Xbox 360 HDD For Use On PC

Dec 22, 2011

i was trying to find out on the net how to format my old xbox 360 hdd for pc since i can't use it anyways because i got the new xbox that doesn't use those anymore so i stumbled across a thread showing how to do it and i thought i would explain how to do this so you can use it as a normal external HDD.first what you need is a xbox hdd and a xbox 360 hard drive transfer cable a tool called Hard Disk Low Level Format Tool link: [URL]

2.once you install that start the hard disk low level format tool and select your xbox 360 HDD? the tab called low-level format?

4.Then click "format this device" and wait a while for it to finish formatting the xbox hdd?

5.When its finished formatting go to your windows start menu right click on computer and choose manage? on the tab called disk management and there should be your xbox hdd but un-formated so your going to have to make it NTFS format and right click on it and make a new simple volume. If it does not allow you to make a new simple volume then right click were it says disk on the side like for example disk1 depending how many HDD's your pc has and choose convert to GPT disk,mines already formatted should look similar just without the NTFS and custom named hdd?

7.once that is done it should make your xbox HDD usable on your pc like any normal pc HDD ?

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Connect Xbox 360 As Extender?

Oct 3, 2011

How do you connect xbox 360 as a extender? I would also want to know what model of xbox 360 would work?

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