Windows Error And BSOD - Windows Update Installed On Wrong Drive (?)

Jan 31, 2012

my computer has been dead for the last few days so to speak. For two days ago I turned on my computer - it started up just like any other day. I saw the Desktop and bang, blue screen of death. This has not happened since I installed Windows on my new SSD Harddisk (I'm running with two disks, one SSD for Windows and a HDD for everything else), so I simply started my computer again. (My computer worked just fine last weekend, no problems at all. I had a Windows Update and then this happened..).During the set-up it stopped after the Motherboard-image - I had to chose between starting Windows Normal or repair it. Starting Windows normally does not help - it just give me BSOD right before or right after hitting the desktop. (Sometimes even before the Welcome-screen). So choosing to repair Windows during the setup is the only thing I can do.

By doing so, Windows searches for errors. I get the following error codes: 0x0 0x490 ..and some with 6 f's.(Today and yesterday I only got 0x0, which apparently stands for 'unknown').Hitting F8 during setup and loading Windows in safe-mode (/secure mode?) does not help either, I get BSOD here as well.I have tried to change the boot location (different disks and from CD). As a standard, its booting from my harddisk - all though it's booting from the wrong disk (the HDD). When I'm choosing the SSD I can't get any further and I get the message: "Missing Bootmgr..". The only way to boot the computer correctly (and maybe fix the missing boot manager) is by booting from a Windows 7 CD. I get the same two options (Normal / Repair) when booting from the CD though.. When I chose repair it seems to be fixing something - but in the end it says it couldn't find any errors. I have also tried to enter the following commands into the CMD: Bootrec /fixmbr Bootrec /fixboot Bootrec /rebuildbcd.The first two are completed with no errors or messages. The last one is unable to find any Windows installations (this happen when using both C and D).

I am able to use a safety backup copy which I took when I all out of sudden got access to the computer.. (Don't ask my why or how!), that is however not solving the problem, it's only allowing me to load the computer once. When it's loading it's checking the disk first and then loading normally -- I just tried that for a few minutes ago and my screen just turned black.

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Installed Win 7 On Wrong Drive Do-over?

Oct 31, 2009

So I've decided that I want to use a Western Digital VelociRaptor 150GB for my Win 7 OS C-drive and my WD 500GB drive as my E-drive for files.

The problem is that I thought of this after installing it on the 500GB drive.

Will it be okay to reinstall on the new drive if I delete Win 7 on the old one?

If so, is it pretty simple to reformat a drive with an OS on it?

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Windows Update Could Not Be Installed Because Of Error 2359302

Jun 18, 2012

Running Windows 7 Professional, SP1 - 64 bit Installing the new, (supposedly compatible with SP1) June version of KB2667402 breaks RDP - i.e. the service fails to load properly and the computer is not listening on port 3389 for RDP connections. This has happened on several of our computers - but not all. Don't yet know why some and not others (we're all running Windows 7 Pro, SP1).Installing the update reports that it installed correctly -The Setup log contains an error message:Windows update could not be installed because of error 2359302 "" (Command line: ""C:Windowssystem32wusa.exe" "C:UsersxxxxxxxxDownloadsWindows6.1-KB2667402-v2-x64.msu" ")The TerminalServices-LocalSessionManager/Operational log contains Error 17:Remote Desktop Service start failed. The relevant status code was 0x800706b5.At this point, the computer is not accepting RDP connections, and is not listening on port 3389. Running "sfc /scannow" reports that it is repairing corrupted files: Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:46{23}]"??C:WindowsSystem32"[l:30{15}]"rdpcorekmts.dll" from store Repairing corrupted file [ml:520{260},l:46{23}]"??C:WindowsSystem32"[l:20{10}]"rdpwsx.dll" from storeBut stopping and restarting the RDP service has no effect: There is no listener on port 3389 and (not surprisingly) no RDP connections can be made to my computer.The upshot is that the only way I can get RDP to work is to remove KB2667402 and restart the RDP service. how to get KB2667402 onto this system?

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Installed Windows 7 On Wrong HDD?

Feb 22, 2012

I bought a copy of Windows 7, one pc worth and I installed it to my 32g SSD by accident. I have a 500g HDD just sitting there wishing it had Windows 7 on it and I am curious how I can resolve this situation. I bought the SSD to put my game on it and run it much faster

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BSOD During Windows Update, Error 0x0000000a?

Apr 13, 2012

Computer is still under warranty (purchased in January) but after a couple months, the customer support hasn't been able to hone in on the problem(s), so I'm just attempting some research myself on the blue screen codes I'm getting. Yesterday the motherboard and both RAM sticks were swapped out and I ran the recovery disks, so the operating system is fresh as well. (Hard drive has also been replaced and one RAM stick was replaced previously too.) Didn't see the blue screen happen, just came back and the computer was off and when I turned it back on it went to the windows recovery screen. When I booted to Windows normally it gave me the error, then finished installing the updates.After the motherboard switchout, it automatically boots from the front USB ports first, despite the fact that I've gone into the BIOS and excluded everything from the boot order other than the hd and cd/dvd. (So it'll boot from my jump drive and say 'missing operating system' and I have to restart.) Not sure if it's relevant information, but figured I'd include it.

Windows 7 Home Premium x64
OEM, reinstalled
intel i3 2120, intel hd graphics 2000

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Msn Installed In Wrong Language?

Mar 19, 2012

I live sometimes in Finland but am American and need MSN installed in ENGLISH. Right now it is in Finnish and I do not know how to change that.

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Installed Wrong Driver For Sapphire

Nov 16, 2011

im not too good at computers but i just got a new graphics card for my pc, its a sapphire 6790, today i saw there were new drivers available and when i downloaded it and installed it windows shutdown and then when it started back up everything, icons etc were all large, this is the download i did which a guy on bf3 advised me to do which may not of been the smartest option but anyways


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Windows 7 Boot Files Or Boot Manager Installed In Wrong Partition?

Dec 25, 2012

this is what I did, since I have no CD-ROM, to install Windows 7 I created a partion X: NTFS and set it as the ACTIVE ONE, the put there the Windows 7 installation files, and opened prompt command to type bootsect.exe /n60 X: , next I restarted my computer, and automatically it booted into the Windows 7 setup, I installed Windows 7 on the partition C: and formatted the partition C:, everything installed and after the installation finished, a multiple choice menu appears that reads:[CODE]

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Windows Boot Files On Wrong Drive

Jan 22, 2013

I have a system which installed some boot files (i.e. Boot manager, Memory Tester and Windows Legacy OS loader) on the lowest numbered drive D: (the rest of course on C: which is the RAID partition where I want everything). I now know I should have disconnected the "D:" drive when I set the RAID up.

Anyone know of a sure-fire way of moving these files over without risk from D: to C: and then I can demote D: and remove the drive?

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Windows 7x64 Bsod Cant' Find Video Drive Error

Sep 21, 2012

i just bought a new Asus laptop a few months ago everything seemed well until it started crashing saying that it faield to initialize video drive.i tried a couple of methods using gparted testdsk chkdsk,it wont boot into safe mode but i managed to boot from cd.

I tried all tools from system recovery like startup repair system restore and none seem to work also i get a message in the system recovery box Operating system:Unknown on(Unknown)Local Disk

my laptop is an asus k53s model with a 750hdd ntfs format i used gparted to make new partitions out of the 750hdd.

Nothing seems to work and id rather not make a clean install because i have very important files on it that i cant afford to lose.

Also when i boot into gparted i can see all partitions,but yellow triangle with a ! is shown near my C partition where i have windows installed.I have no idea what to do to make it see my C:

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Windows Is Showing Wrong Disk Space In C Drive?

Sep 11, 2011

I have one more problem with my laptop this time . i have a Dell xps 15 , i re partitioned it and made my C drive of 141 GB . i installed all the required application and from the last few days i was watching the there is less space in my C drive than it should be there. i checked out the properties and found out that only 32.6 GB of disk space is utilized out of 141 so there should be around 108 GB free instead it shows me that only 92.9 gb is free .i cleared out the temp folder and there is nothing except 3-4 files which is of some Kbs . then where is the rest 15 GB gone ? is there a virus in my pc which is eating up the space ? i am really freaked out

i have a genuine windows 7 ultimate and microsoft security essential and it is updated and i scanned it and found nothing . btw there is something more , few hours ago there was 94.8 GB free , i installed a game in another drive and i removed it after 2-3 minutes coz i didn't liked it , so after un installing the game i saw there there was 93.4 GB left in my c drive again , i removed files from the temp folder but nothing happened and now there is just 92.9 gb left ! what is happening ! i am really freaked out now

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Installed A New Hard Drive And Got An Error

Aug 7, 2012

My HP Pavilion DV7 4267CL's hard drive went out last week. I bought a new one, the same brand name and specifications. I installed the drive, turned it on, inserted the first disc, restarted it and follow the prompts. I selected to reset factory default and continue to follow the on screen prompts. After installing all four discs, it restarted by itself and gave me an HP logo. It ask me to restart to complete installation. When it restarted again, it gave me a bootmgr is missing press ctrl+alt+delete to restart. I pressed it and it gave me the same error again. I did all the reinstallation 3x but no luck. I was getting the same error. So, I went to the bio boot utility by restarting the pc and preesing F10 while booting. I rearrange the booting sequence, dvd/cd rom drive, internal computer hard drive restarted it, inserted the first disc, turned off pc and reinstalled it and all 3 other discs. But at the end, I'm still getting the same error.

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Windows Update Error / Not Search Or Update / Install Critical Items

Jan 30, 2011

I'm out of ideas. I've been running Win 7 on this machine for more than a year without issues in updating etc. Now it will not search or update/install critical items. I'm running Symantec (even tried turning the firewall off without any success). I get an error code 80072F7C. When I run hijackthis, I get an error message that my system denied write access to the Hosts file. I proceed with the scan but am unable to produce a log file. I've included a screenshot from the windows update error as well as the error I get when trying to run hijack this.

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Unable To Update Using Windows 7 Update (Code 8000FFFF Error)?

Oct 30, 2012

A while back, after successfully downloading and installing some updates in the Windows Update, it prompted me to restart the computer to finish the update installation process. However, I continued to use the computer for quite some time before restarting it, and then when it tried to configure the updates on the start-up screen, it showed that it was not successful in doing so. In the past, I noticed that this would typically happen when I did not restart the computer immediately (or within a short time) after the updates finished and I got the prompt to restart. I would have to go to Windows Update and do it over again, and then upon immediate restart, it would always work properly. But this time, it did not, and I keep getting the 8000FFFF error message instead.

Also, now, every time I start the computer, it shows that it's "Preparing to configure Windows... Do not shut off computer" (presumably the updates that never got completely and correctly configured) in the start-up screen... gets to 35%..fails... shuts down (screen goes black)... restarts again... tries to configure again, fails again, shuts down and restarts again... tries to configure again, fails again, and finally it apparently gives up and says "reverting changes" and finally goes to the desktop.I've looked at the answers in several threads at the forum that were started by people with similar problems, and also tried several of the Microsoft "FixIt" files on the Microsoft site, but none of them worked. I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium.

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BSOD When Formatting Or Installing On Drive Drive, Error 0x0000003d?

May 1, 2012

I've just finished building my new computer and I'm getting BSOD errors when first formatting a hard drive and secondly (after a successful format) installing a game on it.My boot up SSD drive seems to be fine, it's just my other hard drive.64bit Windows 7 Home premium. Full version I bought a a few days ago. The whole computer is new. If you need any further information, let me no.8GB RAM. Intel Core i5 2500k CPU. Radeon 7850 graphics. 120ish SSD. 1Tb hard drive. Asus P8Z68-V Pro gen3 motherboard.Edit:having just seen a notice, I've updated the post to contain two attachments. Or atleast I think I have

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How To Reinstall A Printer Installed With Windows Update

Sep 8, 2012

I just went from XP to a new Dell Windows 7. I have a multi-function printer that used CD drivers on XP, but with Windows 7, I had to install the printer with Windows Update and a scan utility from the manufacturer's web site. All of a sudden after a month, I can't scan, so I want to uninstall & reinstall the printer. How do I do this when it was installed with Windows Update? I see a list of drivers in the DriverStore/FileRepository folder.

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Reinstall A Printer Installed With Windows Update?

Sep 8, 2012

I just went from XP to a new Dell Windows 7. I have a multi-function printer that used CD drivers on XP, but with Windows 7, I had to install the printer with Windows Update and a scan utility from the manufacturer's web site. All of a sudden after a month, I can't scan, so I want to uninstall/reinstall the printer. How do I do this when it was installed with Windows Update? I see a list of drivers in the DriverStore/FileRepository folder. Do I delete those so Windows Update can reinstall them, or were they already there when I bought the computer?

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Windows 7 Won't Boot After Java Program Update Installed

Jul 24, 2010

My installs of Windows 7 was working fine and all of a sudden it wont boot anymore. Yesterday I put in a required Java Program update install and I think Windows just added a couple of critical updates as well. I have tried booting in every way possible, rolling back, safe mode, etc, and nothing works.

I keep getting the screen telling me there is a problem and must do a system repair. Then the repairs and all it wants to do is shut down. I managed to pull up some error reports and it seems two files are corrupt which are TCPIP.SYS and one called FWPKCLNT.SYS.

TCPIP.SYS is located in C:/WIndows/System32/Drivers
FWPKCLNT.SYS seems to be in drive F:/ which is not an actual drive. It must be a temporary boot drive created by Windows 7.

I have an older XP on another partition on the same hard drive so I booted in XP to see if I could possibly delete the reported corrupt TCPIP.SYS file and replace it from another Windows 7 install from my laptop just to see if that might work. But it wont let me delete the TCPIP.SYS file. It says it is in use, but I can't understand that since I am trying to delete it from the Windows 7 partition while I am booted up from the XP boot partition.

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[DRIVERS] Reinstalling Printer When Installed With Windows Update?

Sep 8, 2012

I just went from XP to a new Dell Windows 7. I have a multi-function printer that used CD drivers on XP, but with Windows 7, I had to install the printer with Windows Update and a scan utility from the manufacturer's web site. All of a sudden after a month, I can't scan, so I want to uninstall/reinstall the printer. How do I do this when it was installed with Windows Update? I see a list of drivers in the DriverStore/FileRepository folder. Do I delete those so Windows Update can reinstall them, or were they already there when I bought the computer?

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Installed Windows 7 SP1 Update - Computer Restarts About Every 10 Minutes

Feb 24, 2011

I installed the SP1 update on all thee of my machines. Now my desktop continually restarts about every 10 minutes or so. The other two seem fine.

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BSOD Because Ram Sticks Being In Wrong Slot

Oct 11, 2011

I initially fixed my first string of BSODs due to my ram sticks being in the wrongs slots. That fixed it for about 3 months. But I just recently bought a new video card. GeForce GTX560ti. My older card being ati radeon 4850. I updated my drivers the other night to a beta driver for the Battlefield 3 beta. That is when I noticed 2 BSODs in 1 day. I'm attaching my mini dump folder in hopes that maybe I can find some technical support as I am not the most knowledgeable on computers

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Windows Live Mail 2011 Installed But Windows Update Not Complete

Oct 25, 2010

I applied a Windows Update the other day without realizing that I was doing a major update from Windows Live Mail to WLM 2011. The installation progress window stopped at about 50% complete and just stayed there. After doing some Googling about the update (KB2434419) I read that behind the progress window is another window which asks the user whether all Windows Live apps are to be installed and updated or just the ones that have already been installed. I had been using only Windows Live Mail, so I chose to update only that application to WLM 2011. The installation appeared to run successfully, and I have been using WLM 2011 for two days. It works fine, although I've had to get familiar with numerous changes to its appearance and user interface.

The Windows Update icon is still at the right end of my taskbar, however, and when I click on it, the progress window is still showing "Installing update 1 of 1" about 50% complete as if it does not realize that the installation of WLM 2011 finished two days ago! The only option in that window is a "Stop installation" button. I am afraid to click that button in case it initiates a rollback of the WLM 2011 installation. Why does Windows Update think that the installation isn't complete? How do I terminate the session of Windows Update and not disturb the WLM 2011 installation that completed two days ago? Do I dare kill the Windows Update process that is running?

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Keyboard Laptop Writes Wrong Letters For Wrong Keys

Dec 6, 2012

Keyboard laptop writes wrong letters for wrong keys

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Got Wrong Version Installed / Need To Install Correct Version

Dec 8, 2011

So I bought what I thought what the full version of Windows 7 Pro online for the student discount for $65. I got it all installed and the activation key wouldn't work.Long story short I got the upgrade version on accident. So I got that refunded and I'm about to just go buy Home Premium. I need to install it. Do I need to uninstall Pro before I install Home Premium? Or will it just get rid of it for me when I install it?

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BSOD On A New Laptop, Windows 7 Pro 64 Bit Installed?

Aug 19, 2012

i got several BSOD on my computer the last day. I got the laptop yesterday from the shop. when i come to the bluescreen it says something about fysical dump problem.

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BSOD During Windows 7 Update?

Jan 30, 2012


I have been having some troubles with this computer since day of purchase. The first BSOD I had was posted and resolved here: BSOD during battlefield 3.Previously, my computer would BSOD during game activity, such as battlefield 3. Elmer identified the probable cause being Avira, and sure enough when I attempted to delete it the computer BSOD; I managed to delete it in safemode and have had no BSOD's during game sessions ever since.However, lately I have encountered random BSOD's during Windows update and System start up (Just before the windows logo screen) of the same error code; I have posted the DMP file and CPUz screenshots.I think it is also worth mentioning that in games I have noticed stuttering no matter what graphical settings I set it to.I am having difficulty tracking down the Hardware responsible for this BSOD; I have run memtest overnight and it passed without fault. Could the 60gb Force 3 SSD be responsible? Or the RAM?

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BSOD After Windows Update

Jun 17, 2012

I had a windows update I belive yesterday and ever since then I've been getting blue screens. At first it was while I was playing GTA IV so I thought nothing of it but then it recently started happening after about 5 mins after startup. I'm posting this in safe mode right now and will attach a dmp file

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BSOD During Windows 7 Update?

Jul 14, 2012

I was just redownloading Windows 7 Home Premium to fix any possible errors and BSOD'd.

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BSOD After Windows Update?

Aug 15, 2012

It seems after today's updates, I'm having BSODs when trying to login to Windows. The worst thing is, the updates failed to install and I get the "Reverting back" message and my PC restarts. The updates are "Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB2647753), (KB2729094), (KB2732487), and (KB2732500)." I suggest everyone avoids this right now because after a quick Google search I'm not the only one. I've attached my Seven Forums zip file.

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Windows 7 Update Error...error 80246008?

Dec 15, 2012

seeing as it had infected my services.exe, part of the fix was to get a new copy of it, or something around those lines; this will come in to play later, I think. Anyway, its been a LONG time, my last update whenever I try running windows update, it runs for a bit and tries to receive the updates, but then stops and displays a message saying it failed to update, and gives me the error code of 80246008. I've looked this up, and I see that it possibly has something to do with the background intelligent transfer service.

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Installers Use Wrong Drive / Partition, Fix

Feb 11, 2009

Okay, I'm dual booting Windows 7 right now, as drive G: (Vista is C: ).

My problem is that installers like to use C: rather than G:, is there a setting somewhere where I can make my absolute main drive G:, rather than C:?

Some installers correctly use G:, while others (NSIS based, some others) use C: -- perhaps it's an installer issue, I don't know.

When I try to install Microsoft software, the installer extracts temporary files.. okay, but it extracts them to my external drive, and often they are not removed. How can I stop that from happening?

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