Windows 7 Fails To Boot, Resetting At "Starting Windows" Splash?

Oct 23, 2011

Was wondering if anyone could shed some light on my issue, my computer has worked pretty flawlessly for quite some time but after restarting my computer it kept resetting at the "Starting windows" splash screen.I've tried formatting but after installing windows (on the first restart), it tries to boot from Hard Disc and encounters the same problem (The last thing I see on screen is the text "Updating registry" at the "Starting Windows" splash).Any ideas how to fix this problem?, my assumption is that the hard drive has failed but I was able to access and recover data from it using an Ubuntu Live CD so I'm not sure. The only other relevant information is that I'am planning to RMA my motherboard due to one of the memory slots not working, but it has always been working even with that fault.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot Past Windows Splash Screen - Will Boot To Safe Mode

Dec 29, 2011

WIndows 7 premium home version on a lenovo laptop freezing at splash screen. I can boot into safe mode just fine. Whereby I have to run a system restore back to an older date but the issue still comes back up and this seems to be especially true when trying to wake it from sleep mode.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot Past Acer Splash Screen?

Jun 12, 2011

I have an ACER extensa 5630Z. It's been running all day, and I looked over and it had restarted and got stuck at a blank screen with a blink cursur, Every reboot will show the Acer splash screen, then straight to the blank screen with the blinking cursor. Any ideas what I can do to fix this? I've hit F2 and can get into the bios, but other than that I don't know what to do..

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Flashing Splash Screen - Windows 7 Machine Won't Boot

Nov 19, 2012

When I get to the splash screen it just blinks. It won't boot. I've tried going into the safe mode by pressing F8 at the previous screen. I've tried booting from a start disk. It won't go into the advanced boot options, and booting from a disk made no difference. This has happened before but I was able to get in through safe mode. Once I get in I can do a system restore and it will work for a while. How can I get in to my machine?

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Windows 7 Won't Boot Past EVGA P55 Splash Screen After Update

Jul 18, 2010

I have been using my Windows 7 x64 system for about 5 months without a problem. I booted it yesterday, and an autoupdate occurred as soon as Windows 7 started up. It looked like this autoupdate made changes to /COMPONENTS. As soon as it finished, the system rebooted, and got stuck on the eVGA P55 splash screen. It was stuck there for about 10 minutes, so I manually shut down the computer. Every time I turn it on now, I get stuck on the eVGA P55 splash screen. I can not get into safe mode or anything. Any suggestions on how to go about fixing this? Did some stupid Windows autoupdate crash my new computer? I am turning those off if that is what happened.

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Windows 7 Wont Install, Hangs At Splash Page On Boot?

Oct 22, 2011

I regularly clean and reinstall windows on my computer, but this time it won't work. I am trying to upgrade my system from 32 bit to 64 bit, and when I try to boot (from DVD or flash drive) it gets to the windows splash page but never gives the option to install. It's just the mouse on a blue background.

I've done everything I can think of, even downloaded a pirated version to see if it would make a difference!

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Windows Boot Splash Screen Not Working In Windows 7 Pro

Oct 23, 2010

I had to do a "Windows repair" boot on a Windows 7 X-86 Windows 7 Pro machine. Now when I boot it up I get the boring "Vista" like blank screen with the Microsoft Bar instead of the nice "Windows 7 Windows starting " with the spinning Windows 7 cube.

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No GUI Boot Screen Splash?

Jul 7, 2011

I have a Dell Alienware Aurora ALX, Windows 7 64 bit system. A dell tech came to my house and replaced dead video card. No problems now. But i noticed when i boot up, it bypasses the Bios boot screen and goes directly to windows to login my password. It used to have an Alienware wallpaper background and you were able to see where it says hit f2 etc for boot setup. I no longer see that. I checked msconfig and the no gui is not checked off. i checked it and then re-checked it, no luck.

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Windows 7 Fails To Boot?

Feb 27, 2012

I have an intermittent problem with my Windows 7 programme installed on my laptop.
Very occasionally when I boot it will fail to launch stating that certain files cannot be found. I didn't record exact message but it is a system 32 file error.

I am able to reboot as the start launch is there, although it resembles the old 98 start launch, and it starts up again without issue.

I know it is vague but has anyone else experienced this? It affects me say 1 out of every 25 boots.

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Windows 7 Fails To Boot

Sep 23, 2012

I recently acquired a used computer and put the hard drive from my old one into the new one and it would freeze and at the Windows boot logo and then BSOD. The previous owner suggested that I get a new hard drive as the motherboard is having issues reading an already formatted hard drive. I decided to recover the bootloader by following these steps: [code] You will need to replace C:\ in the example below with the letter for your boot drive! It's most likely C:, but it could be something else!attrib -h -s C:\boot\BCD..Now it takes me to the Windows Boot Manager and says that winload.exe (0xc0000428) Windows cannot verify the digital signature for this file.

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Windows 7 Fails To Boot

Aug 27, 2011

Ok so about 6 months ago my dad bought an HP p6674y Desktop. Two days ago it failed to boot to windows 7 home premium. I ran the diagnostics that came with the HP's motherboard. It checked everything (CPU, RAM, S.M.A.R.T. status, Hard drive's connection to the motherboard) and everything checked out fine. But after the motherboards boot screen the screen goes black. Nothing, besides a little underscore (_) blinking in the top left of the screen. I really hate windows because there is no way to find out what failed like there is in linux. Does anybody have any ideas? I just ran a Norton scan and all we have is 18 tracking cookies that where deleted. Unless you have a bulletproof plan I really dont want to reboot the desktop. I got it up and running after leaving it without power all night long.

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SSD Fails To Boot Windows 7

Dec 15, 2012

Recently i panned to build my system and put together the following config, all items were brand new....

1. MSI b75 motherboard (one SATA 6GB/s, Three SATA 3GB/s)
2. Intel i3-3220
3. Kingston SSD NowV100 64GB (SATA 6GB/s)
4. Corsain RAM 4GB 1600MHz, single module
5. DVD drive.
6. Cooler Master 550W

Now, during assembling i installed my new SSD on SATA 6GB/s port, DVD drive on SATA 3GB/s port and RAM, processor etc.Then i proceeded with standard Win7 installation through DVD and completed it successfully, installed all the drivers etc, and now my system was up and running.After few days of successful running, i am frequently encountering errors regarding boot failure and when i go to BIOS it does not show/detect my SSD drive and shows only DVD drive.So, i figured out that, as my SSD is not detected, boot process is unable to load windows.But strangely, when i ran my standard check procedures (i.e. i removed my PC off power supply, removed CMOS battery and reconnected all then boot again) then my system booted successfully.Now, the problem is that, my system runs for 4-5 days continuously and then suddenly the same boot failure error occurs my SSD does not show up in BIOS and then i again have to go through the whole process of removing power and clearing CMOS by removing battery and then reboot.

Note: I have checked my SSD firmware... it is up to BIOS is also up to date.

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Laptop Won't Boot Passed Splash Screen

Apr 6, 2012

My laptop boots to the splash screen and then hangs. I tried loading Safemode and it hangs at the screen indicating the list of drivers it is loading.

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Computer Fails To Boot Into Windows After Sp1 Installation

Mar 10, 2011

i've had some issues installing sp1 (7 ultimate, latest windows updates) via windows update when the installation fails on a few different error codes, but i have gotten it to install a few times. each time the installation finishes, i restart the computer when prompted and it goes through the update process when shutting down, then after the windows 7 splash screen ("starting windows") passes, the screen goes blank (black screen, no video- monitor displays "going to sleep" message) and the HDD light on the computer is lit solid. i've left the computer sitting for hours with no change- i eventually get Windows to boot again by using the install disc to do a Windows restore, but i haven't been able to get past this yet.

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Windows 7 Fails To Boot After Power Failure

Sep 14, 2011

I just received a computer I bought about a week ago, yesterday. Last night, while it was on and downloading files, the power board it was plugged into shut off. Now, it's stuck in an endless loop of failing to boot. It keeps asking me to insert the Windows 7 installation disc and restart. I put the disc in but it stays stuck in the loop and I am unable to do anything. I've managed to get it to go to the system repair setup, but it continued to try to repair the problems for over 6 hours and nothing has happened.

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Windows And Installation Disk Fails To Boot?

Jul 24, 2010

This issue has just start a couple of days ago were the computer would restart at the point of the boot logo just before the orbs came in, i have tried booting in all safe modes and the computer would restart, tried repair and it restarts before finished loading. I have tried using the os install disk but it also restarts. There is no BSOD. Is there a way to fix this or would i have to replace my motherboard?

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Windows 7 Boots On Restart, But Fails To Boot After Shutdown?

Jan 9, 2012

I have been having this problem for the past 2 months now where my computer would not start after complete shutdown, but if i start the computer press F8 and boot in safe mode it boots ok and if i restart it, the computer starts back fine. I have tried diagnostic tests on my hardware (HDD, RAM, CPU, MB) and all have passed. Neither has there been any voltage fluctuations or any type of physical damage to my computer hardware

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Windows Fails To Wake From Sleep Then Corrupts Boot?

Apr 24, 2011

I am running Windows 7 Pro x64 and I am having an issue where my computer goes into sleep mode, fails to wake from sleep, strangely resumes its state once I do a cold restart, and then after restarting again, refuses to boot.Computer goes to sleep based on the time set in the Balance Power options scheme. Fine. Often, computer wakes up perfectly fine from moving the mouse or pressing a key. Fine. Very occasionally however, upon waking up the computer, the lights, keyboard lights, fans and everything else except for the display comes on. I am forced to do a cold shutdown by pressing the reset button. Upon booting up, Windows displays "Restarting Windows" rather than "Starting Windows" and resumes its state when it went to sleep. Strange but OK. Everything seems to work normally. The problems come in when I then do a shutdown or restart after it has resumed from the cold shutdown. The computer shuts down perfectly fine but during the next boot, freezes right during the animation of the windows logo and immediately restarts the computer and launches into the DOS-looking prompt asking whether I want to do a Startup Repair because the computer failed to boot.

I have tried Startup Repair from HD and from the Windows disc and neither have done anything. I am usually forced to just reformat everything and start anew. This problem recently started occurring after I installed an Intel X-25m 120GB ssd and put the Windows partition on it. I'm not sure if that's related to the problem. Also, all of my power options are set to the Windows default.

My hardware is:

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 factory 2.4Ghz
RAM: Corsair Dominator DDR2 4x1GB
HDD: Intel X25m SSD 120GB (Windows) + Seagate 400GB HDD (everything else)
Mobo: Intel DG965OT
Video: ATI HIS Radeon HD 5770

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Old PC New OS: Windows 7 Fails To Boot Using OEM DVD On Clean Hard Drive

Apr 6, 2012

I have a PC on which the hard drive died. I had previously done the Advisor and it said everything is OK for new install of Win 7 Home Premium.

I removed old hard drive and 2 gigs of memory (now 2 gigs installed) installed new hard drive, set appropriate ( i think) BIOS parms. When I start the DVD I get the 'loading files' message and the colorful logo then a blank screen with a large arrrow cursor -- and nothing. Wait 5, 10 15 minutes and the only hint of activity is the hard drive light is flickering about once every 2 seconds. I've now waited for over an hour and still nothing else.

I've tried to do all the things that have been suggested for others who have had problems but it hasn't helped. Machine is a Dell 4700C with 3.4 GHz processor , 2 gigs of memory, only keyboard, mouse, and monitor attached in addition to the hard drive.

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BIOS Disk Error - Resetting Boot Priority To Correct Drive?

Jan 27, 2012

When there is a Restart required after a software upgrade, the BIOS on my system (Win 7/64) will go to an external HDD (I have three for storage and backup). If I force it off and go into the BIOS on startup, it will show any of the other three HDD's in the boot priority. I reset the priority to the correct drive, save and start (repeat this process several times) and finally it will start from the correct HDD. I thought it might be the CMOS battery but with a new battery in place I still ran into this. This system (HP desktop) is less than a year old.

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Windows 7 Fails To Boot After Installing MS Security Essentials Update

Feb 6, 2011

I have seen this problem on other forums. None had a satisfactory answer (besides the usual reinstall).Windows now fails to boot, after Win update automatically installed the update and insisting I restart. The update was Definition Update for Microsoft Security Essentials - KB2310138 (Definition 1.97.1113.0). Startup repair finds no problems. The BIOS recognizes the system drive and reports no errors.

I had done (before the update installed itself): repaired the "windows can't find the DVD drive" problem using the Microsoft "Fixit" for that problem it was successful). Also the external storage drive on a USB 3.0 controlled was dropped by the system at some point (hence my anxiety; all my backups, including a rather stale system drive image, are on that drive). I can access the Win 7 system drive with another OS on the machine (XP SP3).


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Computer Fails To Boot After Fresh Install Of Windows 7 Ultimate

Feb 13, 2012

Ok so after years of running XP, I finally got an external HDD to back all my crap on and Windows 7 Ultimate. I backed up all my stuff, ran the win7 DVD through start up, reformated my hard drive, installed windows 7.

It installed fine, rebooted a couple of times through the install, finishes, and logs me to the desktop. Its all working fine, I can use the net etc. I shut it down to restart it, and it doesn't start back up. It gets to the bios window where it decides to start off the dvd or hdd, just prior to where it should normally change to the 'windows is loading' screen, and just sits there, blinking and doing nothing.

I've done three installs, I took out the hard drive, reformated it with another computer, made sure it had a ntfs file system, everything, it's working fine. But every single time I install windows 7, It logs me into the desktop for the first time, I can do everything fine, but then if I Shutdown or restart, it hangs on the screen prior to windows loading. I can't even choose a boot option.

I've seen some ideas on other forums, pulling the power out, resetting the bios/cmos, changing boot sequence, unplugging all non-essential hardware.. nothing. It's like as soon as I install windows 7 my hard drive isn't there anymore.

Abit AX78 - Latest BIOS version
AMD 9950 quad core 2.6
4GB DDR2-800
ATi HD 5870
Western Digital 500GB

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Windows 7 Startup Repair Completes But Window Fails To Boot

Dec 13, 2012

After rebooting my system, it recommended that i do a start up repair. After the repair completed i recieved the black screen right before choosing USER, so i tried 3x more to repair which each completed but same outcome till the point it just says cant repair automatically . Then i tried to system restore which failed also , but the catch is my system boots fine from Safe Mode.. what to do from Safe Mode to return my boot up back to normal?

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Boot Corrupt And Unreadable, Repair/re-install Of Windows Fails

Nov 26, 2012

It's my daughter's computer. A little e-Machine, 250G HD, Windows 7 32-bit on it. Out of nowhere her computer wouldn't boot up. I can get it to try to boot using the Windows disk, it gets so far, and then the repair fails saying:

The file or directory C:/Boot is corrupt and unreadable. Please run chkdsk utility.

I try to re-install. she had backed up everything on my external just days before. It gets near the end, and then the same error comes up. I cannot get into anything else. Nothing else will load. I don't even know how I can run chkdsk. Unfortunately the computer is about three years old and she can't remember the specifics except there is only one HD in it. She had no internet at her place so it's not because she suddenly installed something. She was using it to watch movies and listen to music mostly. I'm at wits' end, can't figure it out.

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Windows 7 Start-Up Repair Completes But Window Fails To Boot?

Dec 14, 2012

After rebooting my system, it recommended that i do a start up repair. After the repair completed i recieved the black screen right before choosing USER , so i tried 3x more to repair which each completed but same outcome till the point it just says cant repair automatically . Then i tried to system restore which failed also , but the catch is my system boots fine from Safe Mode.

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Windows 7 Boot Hangs On Starting?

Mar 20, 2010

When I boot up Windows 7 it gets to the "Starting Windows" screen which includes the Windows Logo with some animation. Once there it just hangs for about 5 minutes, then starts normally.I have Home Premium, 64 Bit, Dell XPS, Intel i7, 6BG of memory. I have several peripherals connected directly to it: Display, USB External Drive, Webcam, Bluetooth adapter.I tested booting in Safe Mode and it was very fast with no delay.I don't restart Windows 7 often so not 100% sure of when this really began. After the install booting up was very very fast. So this happened over the last month or so.The only hardware item I would mention is a Realtek card/usb reader which is built in to my unit as part of it. After Win 7 install it did not work at all and it took quite a while including working with Dell to finally track down the appropriate drivers. Now the unit works fine but I believe the problem began around that incident.Prior to uninstall or disabling the item I just wanted to check and see if this problem has been seen and make sure I am not going to do something to simply create a new problem. Also, since it was so difficult to finally get this Card Reader up and running I am concerned about just uninstalling it.

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Windows Boot Manager Keeps Starting Up

May 12, 2011

Everytime I start up i get this annoying screen:

1. How do I removed this from my startup

I have set my msconfig right:

and i also did disable here:

What the **** is wrong!

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Boot Hangs On Starting Windows 7?

Feb 15, 2012

tion-issue for more info on that. Anyway I am past that point and windows is up and running fine except for one issue. It's my dad's laptop and he always thinks he can fix issues himself, one day when he had vista about 3 or so months ago he was having some boot issues, so he went inside bios and I believe changed some things around, he really has no idea. I addressed the issue but ever since he made changed his computer takes an incredibly long time to boot up, could this be something he changed in bios? On windows 7 it hangs on Starting Windows and with Vista it did it at basically the same place when the windows logo first appears with the loading bar.

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Boot Error - Status: 0xc000000e Info: The Boot Selection Fails

Nov 27, 2009

I Installed Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.1 yesterday on my Windows 7 and got this problem when it boots up I get the option to choose OS. Windows failed to start. A Recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:

1. Insert your windows installation disc and restart your computer.

2. Choose your langugae settings, and then click next

3. Click "repair your computer."

Status: 0xc000000e

Info: The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible.

Then I tried to run the Windows 7 installation disk, I go to the cmd prompt and run the



list disk

select Disk X (X=disk where I installed all the OS, should be Disk 0)

list partition

select Partition X (X=partition containing OSX)

Virtual Disk Service error:

The pack is not online

and then i run the Bootrec /ScanOS, it came with 0 identified Windows Installations, this is why I come into the cmd prompt as I could not select the installed OS.

I've tried that from bootable cd to repair the install but the partition of windows7 is not recognized still.

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Computer Reboots After 'starting Windows', Cannot Boot Into Safe Mode

Nov 21, 2011

Computer rebooted after 'starting windows' When starting in safe mode, it rebooted after loading classpnp.sys

This happened after I installed MSE and it detected a Trojan located in c:/windows. On hindsight deleting it was a bad idea.

I've tried using startup repair as well as sfc/scannow. I've also ttried unplugging the hard drives as well as changing the hard drive mode in the BIOS from ide to ADHCI and back.

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PC Suddenly Extremely Slow At Boot, Starting Windows Takes For Ever

Oct 19, 2012

The problem started 3 days ago when I was playing World of Warcraft and I was alt-tabing (nothing special, just ordinary stuff). After a load screen, where the game normally starts loading stuff, the alt-tabing was inresponsive and while I was in desktop, clicking WoW icon had no effect, like I wasn't clicking it. Soon I realized Firefox wasn't working as intended, so I pressed the reset button on my case. The pc gave me an error that, if i remember correctly, was that no boot device found. I played a little with plugging-unplugging my USB devices and the problem fixed after about 10 minutes. All good since yesterday afternoon.

So yesterday I got the exact same problem while I was playing an another game, but still at loading screen. The computer boots (from zero) very slow, even getting to "Starting Windows" screen takes a minute, and until I see the windows icon (the one about the SW text) 15 minutes pass. I left home and left the pc at that icon, and when I was back it was at login screen (weird because I only have 1 account without password so I don't ever get there). I pressed my account icon and after around 10 seconds (notice the time for just pressing a button) I got the "Welcome" screen, with the circle moving smoothly. I tried to use my Windows installation disc to find a boot problem, however it takes for ever to find a problem. Also tried booting in safe mode, but it takes a long time to load (haven't left it enough hours to load, I think it got stuck at some point).

My initial thought was of course a HDD failure. I have tried removing the ram sticks, unplugged everything but the DVI cable, played a little with the HDD sata cables, but nothing. The only thing I haven't tested is PSU.All the few operations I have managed to see (like the SW screen or the clicking) take a huge amount of time. I suspect it might not be a boot, or even HDD related, error but something else. The problem so far is the speed. The only thing I have seen to be working normally is navigating in the BIOS menu (which is graphical, I have an Asus motherboard). Also notice that just before I manually rebooted my PC, alt-tabing was inresponsive (not crashing, just very slow probably).

** EDIT ** : chkdsk reported no bad sectors

PC specs:

Windows 7 64-bit
Intel i5 2400
2x2GB Kingston 1333 MHz
Asus GTX 560 Ti
OCZ 700W
2 HDDs (Windows at WD 5400 rpm, 500gb one)

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