Windows 7 Task Mgr-"Show Processes From All Users"?

May 30, 2012

We are working on a new Windows 7 image in our company. The first tests are done but there are still some questions left, one of them is from ourIs it possible to make the button "Show processes from all users" available to all users? If you click on the button now (normal users) there is nothing happing. If you log in with a admin account this is working.A work around is to run this from C:WindowsSystem32askmgr.exe as admin and you can see all processes.But the questions is, is it possible to make this button available for all users with GPO settings?

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Show Processes From All Users, With No Other Users

May 4, 2011

I am cleaning a laptop out and i created a brand new user name. I deleted the other 2 users using the control passwords2.

So the machine starts and i select the user. Process usage is very high and it says 50, but actual user shows about 9. I click show processes from all users and i find the culprit as well as 50 processes. I deleted the users so there shouldnt be that option.

Why is there more processes if this is the only user, why does it even have the option?

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Too Many Task Mgr Processes?

Aug 20, 2011

hp g62 notebook-lots of free space-windows seems that every time i open task mgr and go to processes tab there are more items taking up space there.i don't know how to have only the necessary things running.

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Multiple Processes For The Same Task?

Sep 2, 2011

when I open a task (Ex. Firefox) multiple processes shows with firefox.exe name in the 'Task Manager'.


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Too Many Processes On The Task Manager?

Aug 3, 2012

Below is my HijackThis log file. There are too many apps on the task manager and I am unable to turn them off. When I kill a process, it immediately starts again (SearchIndexer.exe Connectifyd.exe etc., and I noticed that all are running as services). How can this happen? And more importantly is there a remedy[CODE]

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Accidentally Deleted All Processes In Task Manager?

May 3, 2011

I recently got a virus. I was trying to delete it, and my friend told me that when she deleted all the processes currently running in the task manager, it typically worked. Now the toolbar on the bottom won't show up; the desktop is blank; pretty much just a background. I tried restarting it, it didn't work. I have a Windows 7 laptop. I just need to know how to get back these processes and get my desktop back to normal.

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Copy My Running Processes In Task Manager?

Jan 15, 2013

I have tons of processes currently running in my task manager, some are duplicates or more.How do I make a copy of everything that is currently running?

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Task Manager Display - Get The Running Processes List Back?

Jul 18, 2011

I have Windows 7, Premium Home Edition. When I typed Ctrl+Alt+Delete, I used to get the Task Manager. Tabs allowed me to select some options, one of which was "processes". Maybe I clicked something that changed things, but now I only get a list of running programs (NOT processes). And I don't have any tabs to select other options,How can I get the running processes list back?

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Show Windows 7 Build Number For All Users?

Mar 2, 2011

When I go to HKCUControlPanelDesktop and change PaintDesktopVersion to 1 it shows build number only to one user.
But I want to it show that to all users and when I create new user.

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Switch Users With Task Manager

Mar 7, 2012

when I have more than one user logged in, I open the Task Manager, User Label, and when I try to connect to the other user it gives me the #1327 Error.Is there a way to solve this without adding a password to the accounts?

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Windows 7 Task Manager Doesn't Show Up?

Jul 12, 2012

I have a small problem with my Windows 7. Here's what happened:Yesterday, my pc was running fine. I turned it on at 10am and it was running well. My sister ordered a new router so I set it up for her (AirPort Extreme). I installed the utility for it, was a simple setup for me. After that, I connect to it wirelessly and I see that windows update has a few security updates. They install as I turn off the pc. I then turn it back on a few hrs later and notice that when it reaches the login screen, it takes a few secs for it to load. This is unusual being that the days before it was always ready to receive input. So I login, get the welcome screen, and my desktop screen. Taskbar loads as usual, however I can't get anything to show up when I click on it. I think at first that its Comodo (is in training mode) so I close it out. Still nothing. I then press ctrl+alt+delete. Nothing. I then press it rapidly to see what happens. After a few mins, my screen turns black. A message then shows up that ctrl+alt+delete has been pressed but due to something that it won't show up. Had to press either the power button or esc to leave the screen. Safe mode works. I do a system restore back to when the windows update and to the installation of the router. I scanned and haven't found anything yet. Today, my pc looks like its running fine but its still taking a few secs on the login screen and the desktop still idles. I'm going to contact HP to see what they can do but I wanted a second opinion.

Here's my specs (looks like this):

HP Pavilion dv7t-7000 Quad Edition
Windows 7 Home Premuim 64-bit
Intel core i7-3820QM CPU @ 2.70GHz
1TB hard drive
NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M

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Picture Show In All Users?

Oct 23, 2012

How can one add pics and videos to their windows without showing on other persons window

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Show Multiple Users On Login Screen?

Aug 14, 2010

My home pc (Windows 7 Ultimate) is part of my business domain, but I also have local user accounts for my wife and kids.

At the login screen there is a icon for the last user that logged in and another labeled "Other Users" for the rest of the users, so that if a different user needs to login they have to select "Other Users" then enter the DOMAIN/USERID and password to logon.

Is there a way to have it show all three users with their icons at the login screen so they can just click their icon and enter their password (all have passwords) to logon. Getting them to enter the DOMAIN/USERID correctly everytime is a challenge since the slash has to go the correct way and the domain name is somewhat long.

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Task Bar Icons, Show Up Twice When Opened?

Mar 26, 2010

I just reformatted my W7. For some reason on my tasktbar, when I open a program lets say AIM, the icon will show up twice. Or Photoshop, it shows up twice. Screenshot below:[URL]But it never used to do that. And some programs like Firefox, do not, or MSN.When I launch a program from the taskbar, I want the icon to just get highlighted, not open another icon.

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Kill A Task Using A Task Scheduler On Windows 7?

May 14, 2011

programme a task scheduler to kill a programme at a specific time on wwwin7 other that using softwares like kill task

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Windows 7 Single User, Merging Users-all Users, Default User, Public, Etc?

Jan 24, 2012

My father replaced his Windows 98 machine with a new computer running Windows 7.He's currently on 32-bit ultimate, but we could change versions if needed.He's really hoping there's some way to force Windows 7 into a single user mode, primarily so C:usersAll Users, Default User, Public, and his own user are merged into one. It's absolutely driving him nuts the way it is.

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Windows 7 64bits Task Scheduler, The Selected Task "{0}" No Longer Exists

Oct 3, 2012

So I don't know when this: "the selected task "{0}" no longer exists. to see the current task, click refresh" error started but I don't know how to repair this.
When I start task scheduler I first get this error and than no matter what folder I click the error pops up again. After this 2nd error it doesn't pop up anymore but all the folders show up empty.

Tried fixes:

Emptying all task folders in C:WindowsSystem32Tasks Download Fix My Task Scheduler 1.0 Free - Repair all Task Scheduler errors - Softpedia
/sfc scannow
Programs believed to cause this issue:

Sadly I have both

it causes some programs to not boot correctly. Like MSIafterburner gives an error, so I have to go to the config settings of MSIafterburner because it tries to boot using the taskscheduler really weird I know :/

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Creating A Task Scheduler Task To Move Files Over A Network?

Mar 31, 2011

i need to have a task run that will move the contents of a folder from one computer to another over my home LAN. Files get downloaded during the night on one computer and then need to be transfered to another. Usually I am doing this by hand, but then though maybe I could get the task scheduler to do it for me.I understand how to create a task, however I am having trouble with the action tab. I was thinking that I should start windows explorer (where is explorer located for win 7 x64 machines?) under the action tab, but once I do this I am not sure how to tell explorer to check the source folder, select all the files in it and then move it to the target folder.

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Set The Duration The Images Show In Slide Show In Windows Explorer?

Aug 25, 2011

I'm putting together a slide show of 3D images that I want to show on my TV next week when we have company.I would like the images to stay on the screen a little longer without having to actually create a slide show in some special application like Premiere.
The Slide Show function in Explorer works great if I can control the timing.

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Game Runs From Task Manager With New Task Not From Shortcut Or Exe?

Sep 24, 2012

I have installed this game, Singularity. The game worked fine for a week then suddenly It would crash as soon as it was opened from the desktop shortcut. The game is patched to it's latest version, I have direct x all other runtimes and PhysX installed from the CD. The shortcut it set to run as Admin in compatibility. No matter if i try with the desktop shortcut or from the exe in the folder or from the shortcut in the start menu the game will crash asap. The only way this game runs is by pulling up task manager and selecting New Task then browsing to the games exe. Malwarebytes reports no viruses or any malware. Tried reinstalling, and it didn't help.

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Missing Task In Task Scheduler After Computer Name Change?

Apr 11, 2012

Setting up a new Windows 7 install and goofed up the computer name and didnt immediately notice. I had already setup a task to run upon logon when I noticed that the PC's name was all jacked. So I changed the pc's name and rebooted. After reboot the task disappeared from the task scheduler list but still runs. Is there anyway to remove this ghost task when it is no longer visible in the task scheduler?I thought about changing the name back temporarily to see if the task would show up but I have no idea what that name was, so that is not an option.

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Task Scheduler Error 2147944309 When I Change Task From

Oct 10, 2009

I have a simple task (cmd batch file). Whenever I try to change the settings I get a dialog box that reads as follows:"An error has occurred for task RemoteBk. Error message: The following error was reported: 2147944309".

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[ACCOUNTS] Move C:users To D:users?

Jan 30, 2011

I just installed a new 64 gig SSD in my computer. I also have a 2T secondary hard drive.The SSD is not big enough to contain all the stuff that will eventually be in "My documents",i.e. under "users" so I need to move the users directory to my secondary hard drive but havewindows behave as it were in its original location.I did some research and found the following technique which seemed plausible (and several people said it worked for them)

1. Install windows normally.
2. After install, boot from installation disk.
3. Get into the command prompt by clicking "repair".
4. Use robocopy to copy c:users to d:users. The command line should be: robocopy c:users d:users /mir /xj /copyall
5. Verify all files copied successfully.
6. Delete c:users. Command line should be: rmdir /s /q c:users
7. Delete c:documents and settings. Command line should be: rmdir "c:documents and settings"
8. Create junction to new users directory. Command line should be: mklink /j c:users d:users
9. Create junction for the old "documents and settings". Command line should be: mkdir /j "c:documents and settings" d:users
10. Restart computer.

Note:When in recovery mode the disk drives end up with different drive letters than what the normally have.Consequently my SSD drive which is "C" became "E" and my hard drive which is "D" became "C". Confusing, but I adjusted the above commands to reflect this.All seemed to go well until I rebooted. The computer booted up fine, but when I entered my password to log in windows complained that it could not find my profile. Since I could not log in at all I was forced to re-install windows. Supposedly, this is doable and I NEED to do it asap as my SSD will not hold all the stuff that will eventually be in "users".

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What Are The All Users And Default Users Folders

Apr 3, 2012

What are the all users and default users folders? Do I need them or can I delete them if I am the only user.

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Users / All Users Redundant Folders?

Nov 10, 2012

I will if I have to manually delete them, although I'm not sure what other files may still be around on my drive that are located in Users/All Users that are redundant any recommended programs that I could depend on for this task ?

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Task Scheduler Not Running Missed Task

Mar 2, 2011

When i set task scheduler to run a program it works. But if the pc is not on at the time it will not run unless task scheduler is opened.It is set to run as soon as poss after scheduled time and task scheduler itself starts and runs properly

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Software That Analyzes Processes In Windows 7?

Feb 8, 2012

Is there any software out there that analyzes your processes in windows 7 and removes unnecessary ones that are running i have a list a mile long in task manager

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Windows 7 Runs 100 Processes Right After Boot Up

May 19, 2012

My HP laptop runs about a hundred processes right after a fresh reboot and idles at about 2.2 GB (RAM). I have disabled almost everything in msconfig.. It still runs 95 processes minimum. It's windows 7 home premium service pack 1 (64 bit) if that's needed.. My antivirus/firewall is Avira Internet Security 2012 (not the free edition).

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Task Scheduler - Create New Task

Jul 16, 2009

How to Create a Automated Task that Runs at a Set Time in Windows 7 ?

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Windows Green Bar Running All Processes Slow

Aug 19, 2011

I am having a very weird problem that started suddenly Im using windows 7 since beta stages and it was perfect untill now

Each time i enter a folder the green bar on the adress bar starts to run slowly like something is being indexed or read... the files all become (in use) so i cannot delete or edit them and of course all going slow , that is untill the process ends what is the proble and how i can fix that ?

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How To Minimize Windows 7 Background Write Processes

Aug 20, 2012

I will be building my new PC shortly with an SSD as main OS drive and Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit OS. I'd like to minimize as much as possible all non essential background processes that write to disk. So I was thinking:

1) Disable all event logs that write txt files to disk (if possible, how is this done?)

2) Disable unnecessary services (which ones?)

3) Disable unnecessary scheduled events (disk defrag, etc)

4) Disable windows page file (I will be installing 32Gb RAM so maybe page file is not needed? And if so, how is this done?)

5) Disable System restore

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