Multiple Processes For The Same Task?

Sep 2, 2011

when I open a task (Ex. Firefox) multiple processes shows with firefox.exe name in the 'Task Manager'.


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Too Many Task Mgr Processes?

Aug 20, 2011

hp g62 notebook-lots of free space-windows seems that every time i open task mgr and go to processes tab there are more items taking up space there.i don't know how to have only the necessary things running.

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Too Many Processes On The Task Manager?

Aug 3, 2012

Below is my HijackThis log file. There are too many apps on the task manager and I am unable to turn them off. When I kill a process, it immediately starts again (SearchIndexer.exe Connectifyd.exe etc., and I noticed that all are running as services). How can this happen? And more importantly is there a remedy[CODE]

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Accidentally Deleted All Processes In Task Manager?

May 3, 2011

I recently got a virus. I was trying to delete it, and my friend told me that when she deleted all the processes currently running in the task manager, it typically worked. Now the toolbar on the bottom won't show up; the desktop is blank; pretty much just a background. I tried restarting it, it didn't work. I have a Windows 7 laptop. I just need to know how to get back these processes and get my desktop back to normal.

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Copy My Running Processes In Task Manager?

Jan 15, 2013

I have tons of processes currently running in my task manager, some are duplicates or more.How do I make a copy of everything that is currently running?

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Multiple Explorer.exe Processes

Feb 19, 2011

obviously you can see that I'm new here and here for a specific reason and this being my reason. So I just noticed that I had 5 explorer.exe processes running before with no windows/browsers open. I could tell my main one apart because it used more memory and the others all had *32 at the end (I'm using an x64 version of Win 7 Home)
I ended them and nothing happened, but then I also checked msconfig under the start-up tab and saw.

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Task Manager Display - Get The Running Processes List Back?

Jul 18, 2011

I have Windows 7, Premium Home Edition. When I typed Ctrl+Alt+Delete, I used to get the Task Manager. Tabs allowed me to select some options, one of which was "processes". Maybe I clicked something that changed things, but now I only get a list of running programs (NOT processes). And I don't have any tabs to select other options,How can I get the running processes list back?

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Daily BSOD On Multiple Processes?

Apr 20, 2012

i've been getting BSOD's on a daily basis while playing , browsing , or just booting up my windows?

Computer specs : Intel QuadCore Q6660 @2.40ghz, 2.4gb RAM, 32-bit Windows 7 OS nVidia GeForce 9400 GT , maxtor ide 80gb HDD, asus p5w64 WS pro motherboard, Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC, onboard soundcard

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Windows 7 Task Mgr-"Show Processes From All Users"?

May 30, 2012

We are working on a new Windows 7 image in our company. The first tests are done but there are still some questions left, one of them is from ourIs it possible to make the button "Show processes from all users" available to all users? If you click on the button now (normal users) there is nothing happing. If you log in with a admin account this is working.A work around is to run this from C:WindowsSystem32askmgr.exe as admin and you can see all processes.But the questions is, is it possible to make this button available for all users with GPO settings?

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Multiple Iexplore Instances In Task Manager?

Oct 29, 2009

When looking in taskmgr, I find 14 instances of Internet Explorer running, each using around 21MB of RAM. why there are so many? If I close out of IE completely, they are still there...

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Multiple Explorer.exe Listed In Task Manager

Nov 30, 2009

Looked in the task manager today and noticed 4 separate entries for explorer.exe / windows explorer. Is this normal? Or does it indicate a problem? Windows 7 32 bit system.

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IE8 Multiple Iexplore.exe Running In Task Manager

Apr 14, 2009

Anyone noticed that IE8 runs multiple iexplore.exe in Task Manager?

And by the way did you notice IE8 behaves differently in that respect when installed on WindowsXP as opposed to Windows 7?

WindowsXP copies of iexplore can use up to 50,000K and every copy uses quite a bit of memory.

Windows 7 copies of iexplore only use about 5-15K.

While using IE8 in WindowsXP I thought I had a malware program running by it using so much memory and exhausted myself trying to run all kinds of scans to root out the offending program only to realize it was IE8 itself. When I uninstalled IE8 and went back to IE7, the behavior stopped.

Just something interesting that might save others the frantic search to root out adware. I suppose the bottom line is DO NOT USE IE8 on WinXP.

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[FIREFOX] Excel 2010 - Multiple Windows On Task Bar

Sep 19, 2011

Using Firefox All open excel 2010 workbooks are placed into the single excel window on the task bar

Is there a way to open up another, or multiple, excel windows on the task bar, like in XP.

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Creating A Task Scheduler Task To Move Files Over A Network?

Mar 31, 2011

i need to have a task run that will move the contents of a folder from one computer to another over my home LAN. Files get downloaded during the night on one computer and then need to be transfered to another. Usually I am doing this by hand, but then though maybe I could get the task scheduler to do it for me.I understand how to create a task, however I am having trouble with the action tab. I was thinking that I should start windows explorer (where is explorer located for win 7 x64 machines?) under the action tab, but once I do this I am not sure how to tell explorer to check the source folder, select all the files in it and then move it to the target folder.

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Game Runs From Task Manager With New Task Not From Shortcut Or Exe?

Sep 24, 2012

I have installed this game, Singularity. The game worked fine for a week then suddenly It would crash as soon as it was opened from the desktop shortcut. The game is patched to it's latest version, I have direct x all other runtimes and PhysX installed from the CD. The shortcut it set to run as Admin in compatibility. No matter if i try with the desktop shortcut or from the exe in the folder or from the shortcut in the start menu the game will crash asap. The only way this game runs is by pulling up task manager and selecting New Task then browsing to the games exe. Malwarebytes reports no viruses or any malware. Tried reinstalling, and it didn't help.

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Missing Task In Task Scheduler After Computer Name Change?

Apr 11, 2012

Setting up a new Windows 7 install and goofed up the computer name and didnt immediately notice. I had already setup a task to run upon logon when I noticed that the PC's name was all jacked. So I changed the pc's name and rebooted. After reboot the task disappeared from the task scheduler list but still runs. Is there anyway to remove this ghost task when it is no longer visible in the task scheduler?I thought about changing the name back temporarily to see if the task would show up but I have no idea what that name was, so that is not an option.

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Task Scheduler Error 2147944309 When I Change Task From

Oct 10, 2009

I have a simple task (cmd batch file). Whenever I try to change the settings I get a dialog box that reads as follows:"An error has occurred for task RemoteBk. Error message: The following error was reported: 2147944309".

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Kill A Task Using A Task Scheduler On Windows 7?

May 14, 2011

programme a task scheduler to kill a programme at a specific time on wwwin7 other that using softwares like kill task

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Task Scheduler Not Running Missed Task

Mar 2, 2011

When i set task scheduler to run a program it works. But if the pc is not on at the time it will not run unless task scheduler is opened.It is set to run as soon as poss after scheduled time and task scheduler itself starts and runs properly

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Task Scheduler - Create New Task

Jul 16, 2009

How to Create a Automated Task that Runs at a Set Time in Windows 7 ?

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Windows 7 64bits Task Scheduler, The Selected Task "{0}" No Longer Exists

Oct 3, 2012

So I don't know when this: "the selected task "{0}" no longer exists. to see the current task, click refresh" error started but I don't know how to repair this.
When I start task scheduler I first get this error and than no matter what folder I click the error pops up again. After this 2nd error it doesn't pop up anymore but all the folders show up empty.

Tried fixes:

Emptying all task folders in C:WindowsSystem32Tasks Download Fix My Task Scheduler 1.0 Free - Repair all Task Scheduler errors - Softpedia
/sfc scannow
Programs believed to cause this issue:

Sadly I have both

it causes some programs to not boot correctly. Like MSIafterburner gives an error, so I have to go to the config settings of MSIafterburner because it tries to boot using the taskscheduler really weird I know :/

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Multiple BSOD At Random Times With Multiple Drivers Identified?

Nov 13, 2011

I am trying to get my wife's new computer up and running without any BSOD or program failures. Note that the system was not initially set up to capture the dmp files so all the earliest ones are missing. I presented the initial problems to the original seller who recommended sticking with MSE and uninstalling Norton 360 and I did that. Another forum suggested that Virtual Memory was the problem and I disabled and restored VM. Still having multiple crashes and I am hoping that I can get real help here. I do note that all the crashes have ntoskrnl.exe in the driver stack although sometimes alone and sometimes with other drivers.[CODE]

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Multiple Users On Multiple Windows 7-64bit Systems?

Feb 13, 2013

We have three medical clinics and the front desk staff float from clinic to clinic depending on their schedule. I only started here a few months ago and I am working on upgrading their Dell xp systems to Windows 7 systems.The problem begins to crop up when say a user named Sally will come in and sit down at this system for the first time.. Well, she needs to login, click on outlook icon, let it find her exchange PST and copy settings to her user profile, then she launches the application for the scanner that she uses to scan in ID's and insurance cards for every patient coming in.. The scanner is set to default settings and needs to be tweaked on color depth and double sided, etc.. Then after that, she needs to launch her Medical EMR application.. and then choose various options in the citrix client, ..TL;DR - Each user needs to spend 20 minutes resetting the defaults at this updated system.
Well this is fine except, I am planning on updating 2 front desk systems at each clinic, the user Sally will need to do all these things EACH time she finds herself sitting down at a system I just swapped out the previous evening.My thought is this, put a single system down in one clinic and let it sit a week giving most of the float users a chance to work on it for a day, setting all of their preferences etc.Once I get a bunch of them with user profiles on the local drive, grab an image of that drive and just deploy that to each system I roll out..Couple issues I am running into:First would be that I would have to register each Windows 7 copy with a new serial, which I have The next issue is, we have a mis-mash of Dell optiplex systems. 330's - 380's even a couple 320's..

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Multiple Blue Screens With Multiple Reasons

Dec 13, 2012

I have been getting a fairly random blue screens and I cannot pin point it myself. I know a bit about diagnosing and repairing issues but this one is just a pain in my butt. I am uploading the dump files and I hope someone can give me a hand I am running a sfc scan right now to test for any problems too. Also got this off the TSG SysInfo Program.

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) II X3 445 Processor, AMD64 Family 16 Model 5 Stepping 3
Processor Count: 3
RAM: 8191 Mb
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT, 512 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 476837 MB, Free - 246483 MB;
Motherboard: BIOSTAR Group, N68S3B
Antivirus: Norton Security Suite, Updated and Enabled

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Working With Multiple Monitors Does Not Allow Multiple Desktops

Sep 7, 2012

I have attached a second monitor to my laptop which runs Windows 7, however, I need to set different resolutions for different monitors, because the display does not fit to fill the screen on both monitors.

It is also noted that the display is replicated, and I would like to have the effect of having different desktops e.g. being able to use different applications such as debugging code on one monitor on an IDE such as Visual Studio, and, viewing the browser on the other monitor.

Currently it does not seem possible since the behavior seems to be that the same resolution is replicated on both monitors.

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Scheduled Task: Wake From Sleep, Run Task And Return To Sleep?

May 21, 2012

I have a Win7 Ultrabook. I'm using Areca backup software to backup my personal data.I created a Scheduled Task to run my backup weekly.I set it so that it would wake from sleep to run the task. But I'm having trouble finding a setting to tell it to return to sleep if it woke itself up. Is it possible to do so?In the alternative, is there something I can insert in my batch file (the scheduled task runs a bat file) to tell my book to enter sleep mode?

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Restart All Processes Except One?

Jul 25, 2012

I've created an application like windows 7 toolkit and i need to restart all the process including explorer.exe(and all its child processes) excluding the application i've there any batch commands or batch file that would restart all the processes running on my laptop except the one I've created.

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IE Processes Not Closing Down

Mar 17, 2009

Are you finding processes left behind by IE8? Sometimes when you close a tab or IE itself it doesnt always shut down the corresponding process.

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Scheduling Processes On OS?

Aug 9, 2011

I'm familiar with the fact that the processor is actually shared among many processes on every OS. That means that every process is actually running a portion of the time on the processor before it is paused and scheduled for later.If that is the case why for example when you play music or video on PC isn't the sound dicontinuous - it should be if it's played just a portion of the time? Or is the period between process switches so small that people don't even notice when it stops and starts again?

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Performance Says CPU 60% But Processes Only 5%

Oct 26, 2011

My CPU/RAM gadget shows the cpu at about 60%. The task manager performance graph agrees. I look at the processes in task manager, and order by CPU usage, and the top two or three processes are using 2 or 3%! What gives? Why doesn't the processes window show the processes that are using this 60%of cpu? How do I find out what is using the cpu that much?

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To Many Processes Running?

Apr 12, 2012

when i open my task manager i have 79 processes running and im not sure if thats to many or normal? I also dont know how to tel which ones are ok to stop or not? any help?

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