Windows 7 Aero Changing To Basic In Games?

May 28, 2011

I know that a feature of Windows 7 is changing the theme from aero to baisc during resource intensive moments particularly games. how can I disable this? I just upgraded from Vista to 7 Ultimate x64bit and I find this very distracting when playing games in windowed mode. This did not occur in Vista when playing games in Windowed mode.

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Windows Aero Keeps Changing To Windows Basic

Apr 2, 2011

I do a lot of video editing with different software and just lately when rendering a video,some programes are crashing after about 5 mins,and some change from Windows aero to basic and an alert in the taskbar shows "The color scheme has been changed to Windows Basic - The current color scheme has exceeded its allowed memory so the color scheme has been automatically changed to improve performance. Click to see more information." I've tried this ("Fix Run menu > sysdm.cpl > Advanced Tab > performance > select adjust for best performance > make sure you do not allow Windows to choose for you because your computer does not know whats best --- Make sure Enable Aero Peek is checked") but it made no difference. I've noticed a few people who have this problem also have high spec gaming pc's. My pc is'nt that high spec but not to bad here are my specs [URL] Also when using Camtasia screen capture after about a minute i get alert your pc is running slow and changes to Windows basic. I've run the Windows aero troubleshooter and it says there are no issues with anything. My Windows experience score is 5.4.

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Missing Windows 7 Basic In Aero Package?

Dec 18, 2012

I have windows 7 Home premium. I am unable to change to windows 7 basic in aero package, it is grey and cannot load. theme is stuck in windows classic. wondering if I need to reinstall windows 7.

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Windows 7 Automatically Switching To Basic (non Aero) Theme

Jan 15, 2013

I'm having an issue with the Windows 7 OS themes of my laptop. It's a HP DV4-2116la. When I open an application or software, no matter how big or small, Windows automatically switches to the basic (non aero) theme every time. This behaviour has never happened to me before.At the sistem performance options, Aero Peek is enabled. I haven't made any changes to my laptop, it's supposed to run smooth (it is optimized, no addware, no unnecessary background processes), and I don't have any software that stresses the computer.

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Windows 7 Basic Settings Keep Changing On ME

Sep 27, 2010

Simple stuff like mouse speed pointer color, and power settings are always changing on me?

The only clean up utility I use is ccleaner? What could be doing this? As a gamer its VERY annoying to have my mouse settings always changing within windows.

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A Full-featured Windows 7 Aero To Starter And Windows 7 Home Basic?

Aug 8, 2011

A full-featured Windows 7 Aero to Starter and Windows 7 Home Basic Quote: Originally Posted by hb860 My friend Mr. dUSHA, who helped me with Personalization Panel, found a way to include the full personalization of Windows 7 Starter and Windows 7 Home Basic. With one click, you turn to any of these systems of digits:Aero, transparency and buns like Win + Tab (Flip3D), Aero Peek and Aero Shake - will work.Application *. theme files, *. themepack files and *. msstyles files.Change of wallpaper, including the automatic change of wallpaper.The full color design.Support for third-party themes - you can install any topic, what you like.In short, you can transform your Windows 7 Home, or Windows 7 Home Basic to a full Windows 7 Ultimate.Further instructions on using and demo video of Windows 7 Initial unlocked with Aero.How to enable Aero and personalization on the Windows 7 Home Basic and Windows 7 Starter If you have a panel of, remove it (and Personalization Panel DWM Controller, if you have it installed) - it will hinder you.Download the patch from Mr. dUSHA. Install it, then the computer automatically restarts.Everything! You will select "Personalize" from the context menu and all of the above functions.The video below demonstrates Windows 7 Start with personalization unlocked: - Microsoft Windows...

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Windows 7 Home Premium Basic Theme Is Slow But Aero Theme Is Fast?

Jun 22, 2011

For the past few days, if not a week now, I've noticed that when I switch to Basic theme for RAM intesive programs like Adobe After Effects, Windows is quite slow, almost running as though my laptop is 1GB not 2GB RAM.Though when I switch to Aero theme, Windows is only slightly slower with Adobe After Effects running. My laptop is Compaq Presario CQ56, 2GB shared graphics and I can't explain why the Basic theme is running slow whereas Aero is responding faster, so much so, programs tend to stop responding more frequently on Basic. I have run MSE, MBAM and SAS (MSE realtime, others are standalone mode) and found no viruses and I update them all either daily or every two days. I only have Realtek Audio and MSE on Startup so I can't figure out why this happening!

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Changing The Info On Basic Computer Details

Dec 15, 2009

I guess this can go in customization since it kinda is. but when you right click My computer and click Properties it says:-

Windows Edition:

Windows 7 Ultimate

then some copyright things. I am wondering how I change this to any name I want? common there has to be a way!

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Visual Settings Changing To Basic During Playback

Apr 19, 2011

Visual Settings Changing to Basic During Playback

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Games Running Slow On Windows 7 Home Basic

Sep 27, 2011

I have a pc with the following specs: Intel DG31PR motherboard, Intel dual core E5300 2.66 Ghz processor, 2GB ram,ATI Radeon 4670HD Graphics Card.My operating system is Windows 7 Home Basic. I'm having problems with playing games. They're really slow. I can play them after installing gamebooster, but after sometime the game becomes too slow. Previously I had windows xp sp3. I had no problem there.I want to know which part should I upgrade? Should I upgrade my processor or ram. How can I play games without gamebooster?

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Games Running Slow On Windows 7 Home Basic

Sep 27, 2011

I have a pc with the following specs: Intel DG31PR motherboard, Intel dual core E5300 2.66 Ghz processor, 2GB ram,ATI Radeon 4670HD Graphics Card.My operating system is Windows 7 Home Basic. I'm having problems with playing games. They're really slow. I can play them after installing gamebooster, but after sometime the game becomes too slow. Previously I had windows xp sp3. I had no problem there. I want to know which part should I upgrade? Should I upgrade my processor or ram. How can I play games without gamebooster?

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Out Of Sudden , Aero Theme It Switches To Basic Theme?

Nov 29, 2009

I was surfing net and listening to music , then the aero theme switches to basic theme out of nowhere. I tried to go to personalize and set it back , but could not.

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Windows Is Minimizing / Changing To Windows Mode To Games / Browser

Oct 20, 2011

I want to play BulletStorm, i'm playing like 2 min and it's minimizing the game all the time (I get back to the game and it's still minimizing).In Battle Field Bad Company 2 it just changing the game to window mode (I know it because suddenly I can see the bar where's the start/clock and name bar where's the game's name shown + I need to click the game window to go back to Full Window mode ( I can't play when it's window mode I have to click it)In the Google Chrome/Firefox I can see it when I type (like now) the flickering line of typing disappear suddenly and I need to click the browser again to see it and obviously writing again.

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Changing A Dynamic Partition To A Basic Partition?

Mar 16, 2012

i have a hp laptap with a core i3 . with 8gig of ram. 500 gig hard drive. i made a 100 gig partion and it went to dynamic changing it back to basic. i read the mini tools application. if i tried that would it erase my hard drive if i went back to basic. all i wanted was a back up for my files.

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SiS671 Mirage3 - NO AERO But W/o Drivers = AERO

Oct 18, 2009

I am currently looking a way to enable Aero in my machine. (as note, currently I am missing the Aero Glass, Aero Peek, and Aero Flip.

I did a clean install of Windows 7 on the machine. Because my screen is WideScreen, at first the graphics are all large and mushy. But at this point I HAVE AERO!

Then, I installed the driver for the gfx card, which was SIS UniVGA3 v.3.85. After installing and restarting, I get the normal resolution (1280x800) but NO AERO.

I thought this was driver problem, so I downloaded UniVGA5 v5.07, UniVGA5 v5.20 (which is the driver for Windows7, according to the site), and the SiS driver update from Windows Update, all of which didn't enable Aero for me.

I am completely stumped on this. I just don't get why the heck I get Aero WITHOUT driver, but no Aero with drivers.

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Font Size Changing Whenever Changing Settings In Personalization?

Jul 8, 2012

This all started whenever I wanted to change my text size different by changing my DPI settings. What I did was right click, go to screen resolution, and clicked on "Make text and other items larger or smaller". From this I changed it to 100% from 125%. I noticed it had changed my font size to the 100%. It then made everything SUPER small when I changed my theme settings.Whenever I right click and go into personalization settings, I do the usual customizing to my likings. Since I want to save the theme, I do so by naming it, blah. Now I want to use the blah theme by click on it, and I do so. Everything is fine and dandy until I right click my desktop to refresh(out of habit). This is the before and after of the font sizes.


My workaround was to set a custom DPI setting, log off like it prompts me to, then changing it back to 100%, again prompting to do so. It is so annoying to do so.

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BSOD After Changing Already Changing Rams?

Jan 29, 2012

my system is stock ;

vertex2 120gb
i7 860
value rams ddr3 1333 2x2gb
odin pro 550w
gtx 460 1gb
windows 7 x64 ultimate

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How Much Ram Does Windows Aero Use

Dec 27, 2011

Does anyone know how much system ram or video ram (not sure which) Windows Aero uses when all features are enabled?

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Windows Aero Not Working

Sep 3, 2011

i booted up my comp and Aero wasnt enabled. I reinstalled my graphics drivers, it came back on. However, whenever I restart my comp, Aero disables again. so , if I reinstall my graphics drivers every time i boot there wouldn't be an issue, but thats a bit annoying. So I ran the windows diagnostic tool for aero and it told me that my desktop window manager was disabled. So I ran services.msc and found the desktop window manager in the list, only it said that hte desktop window manager was in face running and operational. [code]

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Add More Windows To Aero Snap?

May 16, 2012

I'm looking for something like this to occur. Instead of having just two screens side by side in Windows 7, it'd be awesome to have more or to customize the screen sizes and shapes as well.

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Windows 7 Aero Compatibility

May 11, 2009

I have recently downloaded the Windows 7 RC, mainly for the areo visuals etc.

BUT i cannot seem to enable them.

I have tried all the hacks out there on the Internet and cannot seem to get it to work.

I have also updated my driver etc.

My question is, with my current hardware, is there anyway to get aero to work?

I have previously had vista and i got aero to work somehow, but i cant remember.

My PC Specs:

AMD Athlon 64 Processor 3000+ 2.0 GHz
512mb RAM
Nvidia GeForce Mx 440 with agp8x
Windows 7

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Aero Is Gone After Windows 7 Update?

Aug 20, 2010

This morning I've received a message in my taskbar that says there are new updates for my windows live beta.After restarting the computer to apply the updates, I lost the Aero look.

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Disabling Windows Aero

Oct 13, 2009

I ran the upgrade advisor and it said for my video card that I had to upgrade the video card. Any chance that by disabling windows aero i can skip having to upgrade my card?

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Windows Aero Not Working

Sep 13, 2012

[code] This was the error I received for many months when I attempted to play a game or watch a video through Media Player Classic.At the same time, I always got the error that Desktop Window Manager had stopped working and was closed upon start-up, so I had no access to Windows Aero et al. Basically, the errors went hand in hand with each other.Then after a while, the computer began freezing after 20 minutes of use. So now, even if I went and used Driver Sweeper to remove all old drivers for the GPU, and installed fresh drivers, the computer would freeze within 20 minutes of use. (Previously to that, a fresh install guaranteed no problems atleast for a week)I finally decided it had to be a GPU error, so I sent in the GPU for repair at ASUS. I still haven't received it back, but in the meanwhile, installed an old BFG 7800GTX I had lying around to have a temporary computer.Clearly it means it's not the GPU's fault. Is it the RAM? The Motherboard? Maybe not enough power to the system? [code]

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How To Install / Enable Aero In Windows 7

Jul 22, 2011

I want to know how to enable or install the aero in windows 7 home basic.

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How To Enable Aero In Windows 7 Starter

Jan 18, 2013

I tried a lot of software like the aeroenabler ,aeropatch or regedit but allcan't.....the windows 7 advisor say my pc is support aero but why still can't enable??

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Windows Aero Themes Have Been Disabled

Aug 22, 2012

Yesterday after doing a malware scan I restarted my computer when I turned it back on my tast bar was old so I checked the themes and windows aero themes have been disabled it also won't let me connect to any networks as it doesn't show any.It won't let me access the network adapter settings but they are definitely enable.

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Windows 7 Aero Randomly Shut Off?

Jan 25, 2013

I was just sitting on my bed next to my computer when I saw something weird happen, my aero theme turned off and my CPU and GPU temps both started to rise. I saw my CPU temps getting higher than I normally see them go even while gaming so I reached over and wiggle my mouse around a little. My theme went back to aero and the temps went right back down to idle. Anyone know what this could have been? I'm extremely scared to leave my PC on when I leave the house now thinking that it might overheat.

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Windows 7 Aero Animations Quirk?

Sep 15, 2009

The IT department has decided to install windows 7 on a few of the computers at the campus library. These machines equipped with Windows 7 already feel MUCH faster and more reliable. We now have the benefit of being able to run the aero interface now. So, you can see how much of a positive difference this is.There is one detail that annoys the heck out of me, that I have noticed on all types of computers able to display aero, regardless of the brand or the speed of the computer. This has to do with the fade in / fade out animation that that aero uses. When a window gets created and fades in, the "blur" of the transparent glass effect is not enabled until the last few frames of the animation. This makes it look like the last few frames are skipped, giving the window a "jump" effect, because the glass theme blur is not enabled until the last few frames of the animation, much unlike Vista.The exact same thing happens for the fade out animation, except this "jump" or "jerk" happens during the first frames, because the glass in the titlebar is unblurred, then the rest of the transition happens. This effect makes Windows 7 feel buggy and cheap, and detracts from the GUI experience that I have expected to at least be like Vista's, or better.

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Aero Peek On Windows 7/64Bit Sometimes Not Working?

Aug 12, 2010

I have a peculiar problem with aero peek. It sometimes just decides not to work anymore, and only shows labels instead of a preview. This is only temporary, because when I switch between other windows, the aero peek is activated again. I actually reproduced this behavior by switching to this post, and writing for 1-2 minutes. Hovering now only produced labels/tooltips. By switching to another window, aero was "activated" again.

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Windows 7 Installed - Aero Peek Not Always Working

Nov 3, 2009

I just installed Windows 7 a week ago and today a very weird thing happens - Aero Peek doesn't work all the time. One thing I noticed is that when it does not work the taskbar icons seem like stuck in selected mode. What I mean is when you go over them they change their color - e.g. like they are selected. But when you go away they become transparent once again - well when Aero Peek stops working mine don't go to transparent.

I've attached an image. The bar on the left is how all bars should look like when they are not hoped over, yet as you can see the right bar has its "selected" color stuck. After I make a few "show desktop" switches, and then switch between windows - it somehow gets fixed. Totally random. I've tried closing programs, did the troubleshooter (said it's all OK), went into settings... basically everything I managed to find and thought of - I tried and nothing worked. All other functions of Aero work.

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