Why Is Increasing DPI Just Decreasing Screen Resolution

Sep 11, 2011

i have a htpc at home, hooked up to a 1080p tv at 1920x1080. because i sit 10 feet from my tv, i needed to increase the text dpi to 150% so i can see what's on the screen. however, i found that increasing the dpi is just simply reducing the screen resolution to 1280x720, and then enlarged to 1920x1080 so everything is bigger. i know this is true because many program state that as my resolution. full screen Internet videos automatically go to 720p instead of 1080p (unless i disable dpi scaling for chrome, which makes my text small again). there is a dramatic decrease in detail (1080 -> 720) when watching blu-rays with 150% dpi because the resolution is lowered by dpi scaling. pictures in browsers are enlarged and not shown at the original resolution.dpi scaling is pointless if it just reduces resolution. is there a fix for this, or is dpi scaling just this poorly implemented in windows 7?

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Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcut For Increasing / Decreasing Volume

May 8, 2012

I've searched everywhere, including (when you click F1) in windows 7. I need a keyboard shortcut for increasing and decreasing volume, and I don't mean when playing a video or something, I mean the "general" one. (Not in Media Player)

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Increasing Display Resolution In Gateway W340UI?

Sep 6, 2011

After installing Windows 7 on Gateway W340UI, the display resolution is decrease till 1024x768. And it hurts eyes and makes less comfortable work on laptop.
I suppose that the package drivers of Windows 7 are not compatible with Gateway W340UI. If you know the way of increasing screen resolution

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Boot Screen: Ever Increasing Options

Oct 3, 2010

I've installed Windows 7 Ultimate on a notebook which previously ran Vista. No problems there .....

I've now installed Ubuntu (now updated to 10.04) so that it can boot to either OS. It all works fine and when I first power up, I get a screen which invites me to select the OS I want to use. There are however two problems:

1) it defaults to Ubuntu (whereas I would prefer it to default to Windows 7), and
2) the list of choices is getting increasingly complex with an expanding list of choices (with each major update of Ubuntu adding more); it even seems to include an option to go back to Vista!

As long as I move down the list and make the right selection quite speedily, I get to where I want to be (though, as I say, I would like to change the default option).

Is there any way I can edit/shorten this list without damaging the functionality and how can I change that default?

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Screen Resolution Can't Get It To Change Back To Full Screen

Dec 9, 2008

i'm having some trouble with my screen resolution . i set it at (800x600) cause i'm using a 51 inch big screen hd tv. it go's full screen but then for no reason it puts the bars back on the sides of the screen. i checked and it still reads (800x600) and i can't get it to change back to full screen until i reboot. works fine in vista . i'm not seeing anything about drivers failing so i'm not sure what's happening.

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Screen Resolution Change, Border Around Screen, Etc

Jun 30, 2012

for the past month i have had an issue where before the log in screen would show, it would be a blank screen with a cursor, that i could move. (It worked normal in safe mode) I normally would just ignore this problem and it seemed to go back to normal after a little while. Well yesterday it didn't go away, so i went online looking for a solution, in safe mode. I've read to disable/enable drivers, re-install drivers, just plenty of things. And the result of all this is that my screen resolution wont go back to normal, and there is a black border around my screen, around a half inch. Also, my computer has been running EXTREME slow lately.

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Screen Resolution Cannot Give A Full Screen?

Apr 4, 2012

my screen resultion only gives me a wide screen, but i want the monitor to have a full screen. to fit top and buttom how can i do that ?

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C Drive Space Keeps Decreasing

Sep 28, 2010

i seriously cannot understand why the c drive space keeps on decreasing, i have a windows 7 64 bit installed on my laptop and the only major software package installed on it is the adobe cs5 master collection, i use ccleaner and disk clean up regularly and also clean the adobe cache files, but still the space is decreasing just a few weeks back the disk had 77 gb of free space and now its down to 70 -my surfing is a lot and i use any video converter and Internet downloader as well due to my multimedia studies, i cannot understand why is the space decreasing so despite maintenance can anyone help me please

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Harddisk Space Decreasing On Windows 7?

May 22, 2011

I am wondering why my Harddisk space on windows 7 keeps decreasing. From 30 Gb of free space to 13Gb. As i had 2 partition. All my downloads are in my second partition while i only store applications like games in the first. However i did not download anything but my free space in the first partition kept decreasing. I tried turning off system restore but only about 1Gb was restored. Is this some system settings with windows 7?

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Screen Resolution Not Right?

Apr 4, 2011

I have recently been running my computer for really long periods and have only just turned it off last night.When I turned it on this morning it did a file corrupt scan which sometimes randomly happens. When windows fully loaded the screen resolution had been changed, almost to safe mode resolution.

So iI have tried changing the resolution (Normal is 1920x1080), with no luck. Even though it says it is on 1920x1080 (recommmended), I know for a fact that it's not actually that resolution.You can tell by this photo that the desktop is way to large for 1920x1080. Unfortunetly I do not have a photo of my original desktop resolution .I have installed the latest NVIDIA graphics driver, and it is the right driver for my card. Also checked all windows updates.

Graphics Card - GTX 460
Monitor - BenQ G2420HD

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What Screen Resolution ?

Apr 23, 2009

I have just purchased a 9600GT which is capable of a resolution of 2560x1600 but my monitor is only stated to be 1680-1050, My question is this, would it do my monitor any damage to force upon it the said 2560-1600?

Edit: It is an acer 22" and not one in specs.

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VNC Screen Resolution

Sep 13, 2009

i have used to connect to my pc (vista x64 Radeon 4670) through vnc that is connected to a fullhd tv via hdmi. When i shut down the tv nothing happened to the screen resolution when connected through vnc but now with Windows 7 x64.

when i turn off the tv the resolution changes to some lower and i cant use the whole 1920x1080 and after turning the tv on again it resizes to the full resolution but with icons on desktop without any order! Is there any way to Windows 7 not automatic change resolution when turning off the tv like in vista?

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Screen Resolution

Oct 31, 2009

I was wondering if I could enter my own numbers or get a smalller resolution.

The highest as far goes up to 1040 * 743 [NUMBERS MIGHT BE WRONG]

Can i make it go up to like 1240 * 840?

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Screen Resolution Does Not Look Right

May 20, 2011

, i am running windows 7 on a flattron lg screen my resolution does not look right. my computer has me at 800x 600 is that the right setting i thought it was1024x600

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Can't Keep The Screen Resolution At Max

Nov 30, 2011

I have tried everything to keep the screen resolution at it's max but to no avail. When I change pages the screen reduces to a small size. After repeated attempts to keep the screen size to it's fullest the size changes back to small. Yes, I had done everything that the help section said to do and hit the apply button and keep changes. It only stays for a one page then reverts back to the small screen.

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Hard Drive Speed Rapidly Decreasing?

Dec 20, 2012

I run my computer off an SSD.But I have 2 Samsung 2TB drives for storage.I regularly have to transfer filed from one 2TB drive to the other. Until not it has always been a fairly speedy process.I am transferring a large file (5GBish) and for the first 5/10 seconds it transfers between 120 MB/sec - 150 MB/sec, but after that it suddenly starts slowing down, until about a minute later it's sitting at around 20 MB/sec.

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Hard Drive Space Decreasing Rapidly?

Aug 4, 2012

My hard drive space is suddenly decreasing rapidly (30MB every few seconds), and I don't know what's causing it. It was 14 GB a couple of days ago. I've restarted my computer, and I've deleted some data, so it's just under 1 GB now (it got to a critical point earlier where it was at 96 KB).My firewall was also oddly deactivated when I restarted my computer, but I've reactivated it now. I'm running a virus scan with AVG at the moment, but I have no idea what this could be.

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Native Screen Resolution

Jul 2, 2012

i recently upgraded my OS from winxp sp3 to win7 pro. Before the upgrade my native screen resolution is 1360x768 and after the upgrade, it has changed to 1900x1080, i dont like the change although it gives me bigger space on my desktop, but it seems everything on my screen are smaller than before. I always design in photoshop and when i make banners, its really small i dont see the details. I tried to change the resolution back to 1360x768 but when i do, its not that sharp, kinda blurry.

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Screen Resolution Settings?

Dec 25, 2012

I was wondering if it's actually possible to change my screen resolution to anything I want. I have tried the right click then Screen resolution but it doesn't display the screen resolution I need.Specifically I need my screen resolution to be 1600x900.Computer specs if it helps: Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M 460 @ 2.53GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 5 Processor Count: 4 RAM: 7989 Mb Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics, -325 Mb Hard Drives: C: Total - 456088 MB, Free - 99351 MB; D: Total - 20546 MB, Free - 2986 MB; F: Total - 99 MB, Free - 81 MB; Motherboard: Hewlett-Packard, 144A Antivirus: Norton 360, Updated and Enabled

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Screen Resolution In Windows 7?

May 15, 2011

My OS is Windows 7 32-bit. I'm using 2 monitors. The first one is from my laptop, Thinkpad T400 which has a resolution of 1440 x 900 pixels. The second one is a 18.5-inch LCD (G900HD from BENQ), which has a resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels.

I need to use both of them at the same time (to view more windows simultaneously). We all know that this is possible if we choose the right option in "Control PanelAppearance and PersonalizationDisplayScreen Resolution".

My problem is that I cannot choose the right setting for my second resolution, because its native resolution (1366 x 768) does not appear in the suggested list, as you can see from the below picture:

As a result, text and images displayed in my second monitor seem to be blurry. So my question is how to set my second monitor's resolution back to its original state?

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Screen Size And Resolution

Nov 4, 2009

I have installed Team Fortress 2 and Combat Arms EU on to my Asus F7Se laptop with the Radeon HD 3400 series graphics card and when ever I run either game the screen resolution goes all screwy! It is like when you are watching a 4:3 TV program on a 16:9 TV.

All of my settings are correct within Windows and the game. I have noticed that when I start a game there is a message that windows is changing the theme back to basic (or something like that).

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Screen Resolution And Sound

May 24, 2009

So I just downloaded Windows 7 and the screen is not showing up full size on my laptop. I went to the control panel and went to the screen resoltution thing and it is set on the largest setting; 1034 x 768, and only has two options which are 1024 x 768 and 800 x 600 on the slider. Any one know how to make it full screen?

Also on the sound thing on the taskar it has a red x and says no audio output device. Anyone know where I can download one?

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UAC Changing Screen Resolution

Feb 4, 2009

Sometimes when UAC pops up my screen resolution changes from the native 1680x1050 resolution to 1024x768. There doesn't seem to be any reason for the change. Is anybody else having this problem or is it just me?

Windows 7 build 7000 32-bit

Core2Duo E7300 @ 2.66 GHz OC'd to 3 GHz


NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT / 181.22 Vista drivers

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Screen Resolution W7 64-bit Vs Virtual XP

Dec 22, 2009

32-bit programs installed and launched in Windows 7 64-bit have LOWER

resolution than the same program installed and launched in Virtual XP Mode.

In the attached example, The left Chrome was opened in 64-bit, the right

in XP Mode. The resolution on the right is visibly greater.

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Set Lower Screen Resolution

May 19, 2009

I still use an old CRT 19" monitor (Philips 109p4). It displays best, sharpest picture at 1152x864.

But Windows 7 "thinks" and persists that my Philips should be fed with 1600x1200 image (it calls it "Recommended resolution") . But it's too much for my monitor - and the picture quality suffers (everything gets a bit blurry).

What's the problem, one could ask, simply go to the display settings and set the screen resolution to 1152x864. And here's where the tricky part begins! Windows 7 only pretends to let me set lower resolution!

The desktop size changes to 1152x864, but the nVidia graphic card still generates 1600x1200 image (which is confirmed by OSD function in my monitor). Thus the smaller desktop gets smoothly (with some kind of antialiasing or rather bilienear texture filtering) magnified (projected) to fit the big phisycal 1600x1200. Result - lack of sharpness.

I can understand that this trick may be usefull for some kind of users with some type of LCD displays. But in my case - CRT - this sucks big time!

How to make Windows 7 *RELLY* set the resolution to a lower one?

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LG 24 Inch Screen Resolution

Jun 2, 2009

I've widnows 7 build 7100 ... an i've a problem in resolution, i've screen LG 24 inch, and the desktop look very small when i put 1920*1200 (recomanded), when i put other resolution the length and the high look very small, how i solve this problem?? ...

show the images , first when i put 1920 * 1200, secondly when i put 1024*768, and show the skype fonts how they were when i keep the resolution 1920 * 1200.

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Screen Resolution Got Messed Up?

Sep 9, 2011

So today, (9/9/2011) I noticed my Catalyst Control Center had an update from my version 6 to version 8. So I clicked install and all of a sudden my screen resolution get messed up. Now when I switch to my default resolution 1920x1080, my taskbar gets covered 80%. Now I'm using 1680x1050; my taskbar isn't covered now but when I start up the browser, I can't see the scroll bar on the right and the top part is covered a little now.

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Screen Resolution Different In Windows And 7MC?

Feb 2, 2012

I am confused by the screen resolution of my Windows 7 Media Centre PC. I'm running Win 7 Pro with a 16:9 widescreen monitor which claims to have a native resolution of 1366 x 768. I've never been able to set that in Windows or the video driver.7MC has the monitor set to 1024 x 768 (4:3) but nevertheless shows a fullscreen image with a 16:9 aspect ratio and works perfectly. When I first installed Win 7 the desktop was also set to 1024 x 768 but the image was stretched horizontally so that it filled the widescreen but was horribly distorted.I discovered that setting the Windows desktop to 1148 x 648 (16:9) almost fills the whole display, just leaving thin black lines on either side and filling it vertically. As this is the correct aspect ratio I was happy to live with the slight reduction in size. 7MC is unaffected and continues using the whole screen at, presumably, some secret alternative to 1024 x 768.Since the 648 vertical resolution is being stretched to 768 to occupy the full height of the monitor I presume the 1148 horizontal resolution is being stretched by the same factor. This would make the horizontal resolution 1361, very close to the 1366 x 768 the monitor wants.

I took screenshots of both the MCE screen and the Windows desktop, expecting that the image dimensions would be related to one of the preceding resolutions. However, they are both 1952 x 648, with the actual screen image in the left hand 1148 x 648 area and an empty desktop section to the right. This makes no sense to me whatsoever. Somewhere and somehow there's a lot of rescaling or cropping of the monitor image and I'd love to know what's going on. I need to know this because I'm trying to set TunerfreeMCE up and want to tell it the screen coordinates of various buttons on a flash catchup service for a particular channel so it can trigger play etc. I just don't know which coordinate set to use!The display adapter is a Radeon 9600...did I mention this was old? I had exactly the same problems with Vista previously, have just upgraded and would like finally to get it right.

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Screen Resolution Broken

Aug 19, 2009

i moved into a new house last week and when i turned on my pc i noticed how there was a 3/4 inch black gap between where the screen displayed colour and the end of the screen. I have installed the newest graphics drivers on my sapphire radeon 4850HD but it doesn't seem to change.. There are no new important windows updates, which i thought it would've fixed it in the first place. anyone have any idea?

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How To Increase Screen Resolution

Feb 23, 2012

I have Asus Eee 1015PX netbook. It has 10 inch.

Well, Windows 7 starter came pre-installed. One fine day, I was trying Linux and accidentally deleted my Windows. Hidden partition was also deleted. So I downloaded Windows from Microsoft site and deleted the ef.cgi file so as to get all the Windows install option when I start thr install from USB. Everything is fine but the screen resolution is wrong.

My screen resolution is 1024X600 but in the Windows setting it is 800X600. I can't increase it. It's just set to 800X600.

Also drivers are not installed. I have to install them.

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Resolution Too High For Screen

Jan 16, 2009

I have installed Windows 7 beta. Previously I was using Windows Vista Ultimate. The Graphics is an AMD X1200 and is plugged in to a LG plasma screen using the hdmi interface. When the installation of windows 7 reboots the resolution automatically sets itself to 1960 x 1080 hd resolution although my screen doesn't seem to handle the resolution. It is meant to be able to take a 1080p input and scale it to 720p but in this case i get a blank screen with 'out of range' displayed.

Previously I had the resolution set to 1360 x 768 on Vista. I can plug in a second monitor which extends the desktop to it and then I can change the resolution in the settings for the TV to 1360 X 768 and the TV displays fine, but it seems to store these settings as a multi monitor profile and as soon as the second monitor is removed the single screen reverts to the 1080p resolution.

I also searched through the registry for xresolution and changed any references to 1960 X 1080 to 1360 X 768 but it still set a 1080 resolution on reboot. These settings must be stored somewhere so if anyone knows how i can change them with another monitor plugged in that would be great then i change back to my TV and it will load with a 1360 X 768 resolution.

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