Why Is Browser Not Loading Videos, Pictures And Pages Anymore

Oct 2, 2011

I have a strange problem. My internet usage is way below over, so I have a fine internet connection, yet when I try to watch videos on the internet, they will stop playing a couple seconds into the video and act as if that was the end of the video. if I try to make the video load, then it will just load forever and NEVER work. I also have issues when viewing images, some images are half loaded and look very strange (google images for example). Also, alot of th web pages I load up go straight to the page saying an error has occured. I have had windows seven for a few months and have no viruses (that I know of).

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Browser(s) Sometimes Do, And Sometime Don't Open Web Pages?

Dec 8, 2012

I have a problem with BROWSING the WWW when i am logged into tunngle, i am also unable to log into uPlay for example, which is used for playing Far Cry 3. The weird thing is, that my P2P and Skype continue to work without any issues.If it's any good, my internet connection isn't stable neither when I'm NOT logged to tunngle.Some times my browser works normally, sometimes it doesn't work at all and it acts like I'm not connected to the internet , however, P2P works all the time, even when the browser is "dead".

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Can't Download Mp3 Files Anymore In Either Browser

May 5, 2012

I have an habit of downloading Podcasts to listen to, and these podcasts are usually available to download via direct .mp3 file links.However, for some reason, lately I can't do it anymore, be it with Firefox, Chrome or Internet Explorer, I can't download my .mp3 Podcast files anymore.


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Opera Browser Won't Load Pages / Says Blocked

Sep 19, 2012

I'm using Opera on WIN 7 32x. Darn thing won't open any web pages or almost never. Something going on here I didn't know about?

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Browser Settings - Font Size Enlarged On Web Pages

Jun 12, 2012

Running windows 7 home premium. The other day I was messing around with printer settings trying to enlarge what I was printing. Now my browser experience has taking a turn for the worse. My font seems out of whack from web page to web page. Giant bold headers on some and overlapping links on others. I am constantly having to use CTRL -or+ to adjust it depending on what I am looking at. Not sure if I accidentally changed a setting that affects my everyday browsing while I was messing with the printer settings.

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Certain Web Pages Not Loading?

May 25, 2012

Strange thing has started happening, i have upgraded to 100MBb broadband and i am connected via Ethernet and speed test showing average 94mb. yet random web pages links i click in Google open in an new window but the page will not load, never happened before when i was on 50mb, i have run anti virus and spybot which found maybe 1 or 2 things but it has not resolved the issue,

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IE, Not Loading Pages?

Jul 16, 2012

a week ago the IE stopped loading pages, i have also firefox installed which is working fine. googled the problem and show a suggestion to reset the IE (tools - internet options - advanced - reset). but this option was in grey. i tried tune up utilities to fix the win but it didn't heventually i removed the IE9 (control panel - programs and features...). the problem was solved or so i thought. the problem came back again in the next time i run ie8. i tried to re install IE9 but the problem was till there. i removed again the IE9 and again i thought the problem solved but it came back in the next time i run ie8.

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Web Pages Not Loading Correctly

Dec 7, 2012

I have a really weird issue that I just cannot figure out, but it is annoying as ever.I use Google Chrome and sometimes when I am loading a webpage, the entire page doesn't load properly. For instance, below are 2 pictures.This first picture displays how everything is messed up and did not load correctly.how the website should normally load up to look like.Notice the difference between the two? And it's not just this page that does it, it's almost any page I go to and it happens randomly.how all of the smiley faces didn't load and all of the images above the message box? I don't think it's my connection. I've called my ISP a few times already and seriously questioned different reps and none of them can see any kind of problem with my connection.

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Some Pages Not Loading On New Computer

Jun 4, 2012

This is a brand new Acer Aspire x1430g desktop. I cannot get some microsoft websites to load and windows live messenger will not sign in. Is it possible that Windows 7 is not compatible with my Westell 327 router/modem? Is there a setting that needs to be changed?

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Interent Pages Not Loading?

Feb 13, 2013

sometimes when I click on a link or a website etc...it won't load up or it takes a while to do so but when I use the browser back then forward arrows they will load right up with no problem? Whats causing this? Happens on Firefox and Explorer.

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Windows 7 And IE 9 Loading Pages And Games Very Slowly

Oct 13, 2011

Ever since I installed Windows 7 and IE 9 my computer has been giving me fits. Pages and games load extremely slow and I have to refresh constantly. Windows live mail is a nightmare as it takes over 2 minutes to load an email just so that I can delete it. Can I uninstall IE 9 without causing any problems on my computer? And will it revert back to IE 8? I'm thinking that IE 9 is what is giving me such problems and I have heard that it causes a lot of problems with other programs and games. I scan and defrag all the time so I know that isn't my problem with too much junk on the computer.

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Computer Is Connected To The Internet, But Is Not Loading Web Pages.

Feb 10, 2013

I am having trouble with my laptop. It says I am connected to the internet, but whenever I open a browser( Chrome, Firefox or IE) it doesn't open any web pages. I get the message "the remote device or resource won't accept the connection". And it's not the router because we have another laptop in the house connected to the same router and it works fine. I have a Lenovo V570. Also my laptop works fine on other connections and routers, just for some reason doesn't accept this one.

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BSOD - Viewing Videos Through Browser/VLC

Feb 20, 2012

Is Windows 7 x86 (32-bit) or x64 the original installed OS on the system?What is the age of system (hardware)? <1yr (Approx 8 months) - What is the age of OS installation Same as above CPU? i3 550 3.2GHz?

2 ACER X223W monitors Having an issue where I will get a BSOD while watching videos. Have tried onboard video and 2 different vid cards and it happens every time. The onboard video was designed to support dual monitors as well as the video cards.
Current video card installed - evga GeForce 210

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Sending Large Pictures And Videos?

Jan 19, 2011

I tried to use Picasa 3 but what a complacated mess. They give you 1 gig of space on the Internet and you can upload so your friends can see without sending huge files through the Internet. Do I just need to learn this or is there something more simple?

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Where Are Imported Pictures And Videos Located

Jul 30, 2012

I imported some video from my handy cam and they were placed in my "imported pictures and Video" file, but when i tried to find them via the search tool accessible by the windows button, it could not find "Imported pictures and Videos". i have spent a half hour trying to find them but the computer seems to have no such file called "Imported pictures and videos". Of course, I checked my regular videos and pictures file and found nothing... Why is this folder nowhere to be found?

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Can't Access Videos Or Pictures In My Laptop

May 17, 2012

I have a Sony Handy Cam But i can't access the videos or pictures in my laptop . I don't have the CD drive in my laptop & i want to connect the handy cam by USB cable to my Idea pad , But i can not see the pictures & Videos

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Firefox Stopped Loading Web Pages - Connecting Circle Keeps Spinning

Feb 14, 2012

Suddenly, about two weeks ago Firefox 10 stopped loading web pages. The "connecting" circle keeps spinning and absolutely nothing happens. I have Thunderbird email and may have found a temporary way around it: I right click on "Reload tab" on the website tab I'm trying to access. I have to do it several times for it to connect to the site. I uninstalled FF 10 and reinstalled 9 to see if the problem persisted: it does. I actually had to use Internet Explorer (!) a few times to be able to access the various websites, and I downloaded Chrome as a temporary stop-gap measure in case FF doesn't work at all. Although I don't want to use any browser but Firefox, this malfunctioning is getting me down a lot; I might be going to Chrome permanently. What can be causing this vexing problem of web pages not loading? [I have Windows 7 Profession 32 bit SP1].

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Can't Open Pictures / Videos And Music Folders

May 3, 2012

I can't open My pictures, my videos and my music folders in my documents.It says the location is not available and access is denied.

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Cannot Open Documents, Computer, Videos, Pictures, Etc Folders

Sep 22, 2011

They were working then I rebooted the pc today and went to click on computer and nothing happens, the only thing is the little folder icon comes on the taskbar and that's it, it doesn't open.Also all of a sudden my events viewer doesn't work either, get this error, specified query is invalid 15001BTW system restore wasn't on, I guess when I fixed my booting problem it turned it off, the only drives that had restore enabled where my other 2 drives not the one I needed.

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Transferring Pictures, Videos & Music To Second Hard Drive

Mar 13, 2011

Recently I noticed that my 500GB hard drive was beginning to get full. It has everything on it. I installed a second hard drive, 1TB, and my intention was to keep all of the programs and OS on the primary 500GB hard drive and transfer all of my documents (pics, vids, docs & music) to the 1TB drive.

When I go to C:UsersMyName and I go to "cut" a folder like MyMusic and then "paste" it in my new E: drive, it says that the folder is shared and if I move it others will not be able to use it.

Now, before I do this, with MyMusic, MyPictures, etc. I have a question: By moving these over to the E: drive (the new 1TB) drive, am I going to do something I regret, like losing access to these files, the OS not being able to find them, or something like that?

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Music, Pictures And Videos Links Not Showing Up On Start Menu?

Jan 25, 2012

As the title states, I cannot get my music, pictures and videos links to show up on the right side of my start menu. I have used all of Brink's tutorials and or registry hacks and double checked everything...but to no resolve.

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Media Center Deleted All Folders For Pictures / Videos And Music

Aug 25, 2011

On Windows 7 I installed the xbox 360 extender using Media Center, all my media files show up, but after exiting the extender, all my media files do not show anymore on their default windows folders for Pictures, Videos, and Music. Re-enter Media Center, and I am able to see all my media files, but unable to reach them through my PC, even after exiting again, and using my PC normally.

1- Advance searched my files to no avail, restored WMP library to no avail, restarted several times to no avail.
2- Used old Vista tricks in regedit to no avail, files still don't show up, they only do when I start the extender, and I see them through the extender only.
3- Restored to previous point in history on Windows to no avail.
4- Disabled WMP and WMC in Windows services and features, and re-enabled them, to no avail.

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Way To Fast Loading Browser (Firefox)?

Feb 29, 2012

I use Firefox ... you said that cleaning registry is not a good way to ensure faster loading. What do YOU recommend? I heard that toolbars (Yahoo, Google, Bing etc.) slow down a computer. In FF I only have Yahoo toolbar installed.

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Browser Goes Blank About Loading Website

Dec 19, 2012

I am currently facing some problems in loading webpages from browsers. I have tried every browsers with me like Firefox, IE and Chrome. But every time i enters an url, it loads the url( as i can see the title bar showing the website title) but the browser shows the blank page. So it does suggest that my internet connection is in good shape since the page title loads.

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Slow Loading Videos And Lagging

Feb 29, 2012

I am completely stumped as to why videos tend to lag & freeze my screen for 10 second intervals, aswell as cause my browser to freeze with a busy icon. I've tried everything I know to do with no progress. I've tried numerous different browsers with no luck, scanning for all bugs.as well as disabling firewalls, cycling my router/modem & making sure all of my drivers are up to date. My computer should handle everything just fine.

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Loading Videos On Few Similar Website - Circle Keeps On Moving

Nov 22, 2012

i used to watch a lot of videos and tv shows online, and everything went great, videos loaded good, buffering was great, etc.. now i wanted to watch an episode of a show i missed on tv, so i went on putlocker and when i clicked play, it just kept doing this moving circle that means its loading. it kept doing this until i just gave up. after chrome didn't work i tried firefox, exact same problem. i've tried the same episode on the website movpod and exact same problem on both firefox and chrome, kept trying to load and fail...

now i reinstalled flash flayer, shockwave flash, etc., nothing. i tried same thing with different episodes and different shows , same problem. Internet videos loaded and worked perfectly, both 5 mins ones and 2hrs ones. i remember like a month and a half ago, after i stopped watching online, it kept said " shockwave flash crashed" so i got an answer where i got into somewhere with a list of a lot of things and i disabled something in shockwave flash that fixed the crashing problem but i never tried to watch online videos since then but i don't know how to enable that thing again.

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Pictures Missing On Websites - All Stuff Not Loading Properly

Dec 27, 2011

I am having a problem on my system, when I go to a web site (don't matter what one) I cant see all of the little pics that are suppose to be there, its like half of my stuff on the screen is missing, thought it was flash player, but that's not it.

System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E7400 @ 2.80GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10
Processor Count: 2
RAM: 7057 Mb
Graphics Card: Intel(R) G41 Express Chipset (Microsoft Corporation - WDDM 1.1), 1804 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 476929 MB, Free - 436873 MB;
Motherboard: Intel Corporation, DG41RQ
Antivirus: avast! Antivirus, Updated and Enabled

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Which Backup Software To Backup Pictures/Documents/Videos

Apr 10, 2012

Which backup software to backup Pictures/Documents/Videos so that when you do a fresh install you don't loose anything.apart from your programs of course, just the documents backed up what do you use?

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Laptop Running Extremely Slow In Windows 7 Browser And Internet Browser?

Feb 21, 2013

My computer has been running slow for months, but it is now getting to the point where it is almost unbearable. For example, just clicking on a folder to open it can take up to 15 seconds to respond. It also lags a ton during internet browsing.

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FireFox - Mouse & Browser& Browser Freezes In Facebook Page?

Dec 30, 2012

I have FF 17. The mouse is freezing in facebook & I find the only escape to release the browser is reboot. The same FB page works fine in internet explorer.

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Imported Pictures Using Picasa 3 - The Pictures Became Grey Boxes?

May 23, 2011

I imported my photos from my SDCard to my PC using Picasa 3, and everything was going smoothly... until I tried to take a look at the photos! all of the photos that I've imported using this method for some reason all became greyed out! Viewing them on Picasa3, all you can see is a grey rectangle, in place of the photos. However, when using the windows explorer folder, i can see that the photos were imported correctly (it's not just a grey box, but the actual photos), but when I try to open it (using any program: Paint, Picasa3, etc), it is still a grey rectangle instead of the photos. I tried to upload the image and send it via email, and I get the same result.In my mistake, I chose to "delete the uploaded photos after uploading" option..it's my vacation photos from Croatia I'm not sure if there were any errors when I imported it... i stepped out for a bit while I was waiting for it to import. I looked around my SD card, and looked at the "Lost.dir" folder, and copied all of what's in there.I did use Glarysoft to recover the images, and I'm using a Windows 7 laptop as my computer. Also, are there other alternatives? I did save the lost.dir with all of the photo files in it, both in my SD Card, and on my laptop.

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