System Crashing When Trying To Come Out Of Standby

Apr 17, 2011

I am having a serious problem with sleep mode in WIN7. Whenever I put the PC in sleep mode, it will come back on when I hit ESC or move the mouse, but the monitor never comes back on and the PC is crashed. I can't do anything other than cut the power to get it to shut off. My bios is only the same version that came on the CD that came with the board. In the directions, it stated not to update the bios if I am not having problems, and up until I went to try to put it in sleep mode today everything has been running perfect. I have also not updated my ATI Catalyst software either, just still running the same stuff that came on the CD with the GPU.

I guess I figure why mess with success if all was well. My memory shows to be running at 1600 with the voltage at 1.65. I've done a bit of research on the topic, but there's lots of varied opinions on other forums I've seen. This symptom is very problematic and I am nervous about keeping on causing it to occur if I can't get a good handle on what to do first - when it did this I had to try rebooting twice for my machine to finally come alive again (the first reboot was unsuccessful and the monitor never responded similar to the first crash).

My build:
Intel i5 2500k CPU
Asus P8P67 REV 3.0 mobo
XFX Radeon 6850 GPU
Antec 750W PSU
Antec 902 case
Corsair CPU cooler
Western Digital Sata-6 1TB HDD
LG Bluray burner
Win7 Home Premium 64 bit

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System Does Not Hibernate Just Log Off - Wakes Up After 2 To 3 Hours In Standby

Aug 2, 2010

I have windows 7 Home Premium and I am facing some problems with Hibernate and Standby. The first Problem is that my system doesn't hibernate but instead it just perform a log off. The second problem is that when I put the system in standby, it wakes up automatically after 2 to 3 hours which makes a serious problem if my laptop is in the bag.

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Error CryptSvc Prevents System Standby

Oct 3, 2012

When I run the command: powercfg -requestsI notice there is a SERVICE named CryptSvc preventing my laptop from going to standby. I have looked up on how to disable it using OVERRIDE command to no avail.If anyone have experience on this, please advise.Here is a screenshot of the problem.URl.

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Deleted Some Files - System Won't Standby Or Shutdown

Oct 13, 2012

I accidently managed to delete all files in my c:/users directory and now my system won't go into standby or hibernate mode. It just shows a blank screen when I choose either or these but the PC never hibernates or sleeps and the only way to get it out of this state is a hard shutdown. I deleted all Files/Folders except my own user folder.

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PC Doesn't Hibernate / Locks Instead - Standby State Not Supported By System Firmware

Mar 28, 2010

For some reason, every time I try to hibernate my PC (start -> hibernate), it locks itself instead and goes brings me straight to the login screen. This problem has only occurred recently and I haven't had problems with this before. The command line "shutdown /h" does the same thing and results in "The system cannot find the file specified. (2)".

"powercfg -a" results in:
The following sleep states are available on this system: Standby < S1, S3 > Hibernate Hybrid Sleep
The following sleep states are not available on this system:
Standby < S2 >
The system firmware does not support this standby state.

My specs are:
Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
Intel core i7 CPU
6gb RAM
Radeon 5770 graphics

I'm running dual boot with windows XP on another partition as well. My windows 7 partition is active and system but the windows XP partition is boot.

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Windows Resumes From Standby And Goes To Standby Right Away

May 27, 2012

Windows 7 home premium, 64-bit HP Envy 3D laptop with 8GB memory, no custom hardware

I have configured a backup job which wakes up the laptop at midnight, takes a backup and puts laptop into standby again. All this happens with the laptop lid closed. The power scheme is configured to put laptop into standby when lid is closed.

The resume from standby, backup and suspend after backup is controlled by Windows Home Server (2003) console which is installed on the laptop. I had purchased the HP laptop in October of last year and this job used to work just fine. Sometime in March of this year, the backup stopped working.

After checking the logs and physically observing the laptop at midnight, I found that the laptop resumes from standby at the scheduled time but immediately goes into standby if the lid is closed. The backup fails. Windows event logs indicate that laptop lid close action is putting system into standby.

If the lid is open, then the laptop resumes from standby, stays awake, backup proceeds and laptop goes into standby again.

Here are my problems:

a) Why did the backup work for several months and then stopped working?

b) I have other laptops in the house running Windows 7 home premium on variety of hardware (all HP) and they do not have any issue. Even with the lid closed, they resume from standby, do a backup and go into standby again. The power scheme on all these laptops is set to put laptop into standby when lid is closed. I have verified from physically observing the laptops during backup time.

I have checked all the usual suspects like BIOS updates, driver updates, run sfc, completely deleted the Windows Home Server console from laptop and re-installed after deleting all past backups. Is there some setting that I have overlooked?

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System Crashing With 6GB RAM Fine With 4GB

Sep 9, 2011

Intel i7 920
windows 7 home premium 64 bit
MSI x58 platinum motherboard
nvidia GTX 260 graphics
750w power supply

I got my system being fixed by a professional, but we're stuck right now trying to find a solution to my problem. The system is fine with 4GB in any slot, but when the third stick is put in, the system crashes.

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Aug 19, 2012

I am using BlueScreenView to provide me with a read on the .dmp file. I've got an export of the crash:

Dump File : 081912-26130-01.dmp
Crash Time : 8/19/2012 3:23:30 AM
Bug Check Code : 0x0000001e
Parameter 1 : ffffffff`c0000005


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Could Graphics Card Be Crashing The System

Dec 30, 2011

[URL] These have continued and recently come to a head when trying to play Assassins Creed 2. It freezes the minute the game loads and I just get white noise from the speakers & have to hard reset the system.I'm not getting any BSOD's - the whole system just hangs.I'm just wondering whether (seeing as the ESTools came back clean) it's my graphics card that is causing the problem (and whether AC2 is triggering it?), but don't know how to check?

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System Crashing While Playing Games?

Aug 31, 2012

well i am facing a very strange problem with my computer , my CPU is started crashing when i play games like Darksiders 2 , Max payne 3 or The Witcher -2 . it works sometime for hours and someting it crashes 5 times in 30 mins. , and when it crashes i see brown screen and the a sound like errr and then system restart. i took it to the service centre of ASUS and they checked my MB , GPU and RAM all is working fine . i tried almost 15 different RAM's but non helped problem remains same, i am telling my hardware specification: CPU: AMD Phenom 2 X4 955 black editionMB: ASUS M4A88T-MRAM: Corsair XMS3 4gb single chipPSU: Cooler Master ELITE 500 WATTS GPU: ATI RADEON HD 4850 Cabinet : Cooler Master ( with 2 120 mm inflow FAN's and 1 , 120 MM outflow) i also did all the bench mark tests for CPU ( using CPUZ) , GPU ( Fun Mark) and memory test all results are normal ) 

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System Crashing & Freezing Randomly For Several Months

Jul 10, 2012

Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64-bit 7601 Multiprocessor Free Service Pack 1
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz


Wireless Microsoft keyboard & mouse

This computer is 4-5 years old. Originally had Vista installed. Did a fresh install of Win 7 Pro x64when I bought the SSD drive.

In the last several months I have been upgrading it:

Installed 8 GB of 800MHz RAM - 4 months ago Installed a Crucial M4 SSD drive - 2 months ago Throughly cleaned all fans and the computer - 1 month ago Replaced Power supply that had failed - 2 weeks ago

This has been driving me crazy for quite a while. Before I replace the motherboard and cpu I wanted to see if someone could decipher the log files for me.

I have played with the BIOS settigs quite a bit. It may be time for me to return to default values..

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Laptop Not Starting Normally Without Crashing - Cannot Repair System

Sep 30, 2012

I own a Samsung QX410 and while I was browsing the Internet it crashed and would not start normally without crashing. So I've tried running Repair my system, even Repair my computer from my windows disk. But every time I do that it comes to a blue splash screen (with the bird, leaf, etc.) and it would not do anything. No options would come up and it would just sit there.

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Windows 7 Constantly Crashing On High End System?

Dec 3, 2012

I have just built a "Dream Machine" for the purpose of graphic design, and other intensive activities (though not gaming, as this is a work PC!).I won't go into all of the specifications, however the PC does use a Gigabyte X79-UP4 motherboard, and I have 16 Gigs of Patriot Viper Extreme (PC 17000) memory installed. Initial FSB / RAM results are shown below:I also installed 2 x Samsung 830 SSDs in RAID 0!The hard drive transfer rates are truly out of this world -The read speed is close to 1 Gbps...almost made it!!!Now that I have built an impressive PC I am having trouble making it behave, it is a bit like a wild stallion, full of raw power, but quite frankly untamed!Windows 7 (x64) is constantly crashing, it crashes about every 20 minutes, and it doesn't seem to matter whether the PC is doing work or not.

I have setup the RAM to use an Xtreme Memory Profile, which runs at 2133 MHz, which is not an issue for my RAM (as this is the RAMs) natural running speed.*** At any rate I plan to test the RAM for a good 48 hours using MemTest to see if there are any issues on this front ***I am thinking that there may be a conflict between the motherboards RAID chipset and the SSDs, in so far as perhaps the motherboard can't keep up with the SSDs.

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Jet Stream 660ti Geforce GTX - System Keeps On Crashing

Nov 1, 2012

I recently Upgraded my card to Jet Stream 660 ti and now I am facing problems, I play BF3 on my pc a lot and ever since I upgraded my card my system keeps on crashing , games minimizes sometimes and never get to fullscreen, sometimes I my get stuck at red screen and nothing comes up just the red screen. I play BF3 online a lot and never faced these kind a problems with my previous card gtx 9800 gtx +. And just a moment ago I still got hanged while playing BF 3 online and was able to see the notifications saying something about gtx 660 ti display drivers, but wasn't able read it fully, how I can I check what was that error. I am on win 7 pro x 64

I have Dual Xeon E5620
MOBO S5520sc
Kindston 12 gb ECC
Intel Workstation Chasis 5650

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System Started Crashing After Updating WiFi Settings?

Jan 9, 2011

My system started crashing after updating my WiFi settings I believe. Have not been able to trace the cause. Dell support site no help yet. I have attached the crash dump as suggested.

Windows 7600 Pro, X64 OEM install, Dell M6400, 8gig RAM. About a year old.

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BSOD Crashing On Desktop/playing HL:S And On System Repair

Sep 13, 2012

I recently got my first crash(0x00000050) on my pretty new Asus G74SX-A1 laptop while playing Half-Life: Source and never had any other blue screens before that. After that, I restarted and went to desktop and it eventually crashed again but when it did I opened Steam(not sure if connected). After that second crash, I went and scanned my PC on safe mode and then restarted again and tried to do a system repair but right after it was done I got the second BSOD(0x0000001a).

I have not recently installed any new hardware or anything that could change my system in any way. The last time I updated my PC's hardware was when I updated my graphics card (Nvidia gtx 560m) to a beta client about 3-4 weeks ago and haven't had any problems.

I looked through some of the error dumps my self to see what was causing the problems and it says it was "ntoskrnl.exe+7f1c0" but I'm not too sure what to do.

I provided the dump files in the attachements(2 dump files zipped). Edit: I think I might have fixed it by updating my graphics card, performing hard drive error checking, and chkdsk /f. I am not totally sure if it is resolved yet and if it is not, I will post back with more information informing that it has not worked.

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Operating System Crashing On Boot Up - Newly Built Machine

Feb 23, 2012

Last night, I built my first desktop machine. Most of my components were brand new, but I kept my old hard drive.(Which contained my Windows Home Premium 64 bit OS on it.)

When I finally went to power it up for the first time, it booted up normally, and then when it goes to the black screen with the colors swirling together to make the windows logo, right away it quickly flashed to a blue screen and then restarted.

I then went into the repair windows mode, but the automatic repairs failed. They left me with these details:

Problem Signature 01: 6.1.7600.16385
Problem Signature 02: 6.1.7600.16385
Problem Signature 03: unknown
Problem Signature 04: 21200924
Problem Signature 05: Autofailover
Problem Signature 06: 3
Problem Signature 07: No Root Cause
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033

The hard drive with the operating sytem was working fine for me yesterday in my old machine. So I am assuming it has to be a problem with the new hardware, or I failed to connect something, or i need to change a setting.

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New PC Goes 2 Standby Even Though Skype Is On

Oct 13, 2011

i've noticed that when i have utorrent working, because of the constant upload etc. , the pc doesn't go to standby. What i mean by standby is that the pc doesnt do anything, the light in the front is filickering slowly, and the internet connection is off. When i move the mouse, the pc springs to life , followed by the internet connection , and in a few seconds i'm connected to the internet. Needless to say, i believe u understand the flaw with this - skype gets disconnected even though i want it to remain on, and i'm guessing the same would happen with facebook. As much as power saving is indeed, important i want my computer to not go into this mode , at least not while there is a program that requires internet or even chat websites.

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Pc Does Not Wake Up From Standby?

Feb 1, 2013

my pc does not wake-up from standby. I tried different power management settings, but no result. I always have to system (built Oct 2010):Corsair HX 850WGigabyte X58A-UD3R rev. 2 [BIOS FH, suspension set to S3]Intel i7 950Corsair XMS3 12Go (3x4Go) PC16000Sapphire HD5870-1024 VaporXAsus Xonar essence STOCZ Vertex 2E 120Go2 x WD caviar Black 1ToWindows 7 ultimate x64 SP1all drivers updated (except firmware for OCZ SDD, I could not do it because it's the Win 7 main drive)hibernate is disabled.

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Computer Overheated In Standby?

Jan 22, 2013

I know this thread is a year out of date but my computer experiences the same problem. I will leave it on and after [x] number of minutes it will go into 'standby', but then the BIOS Overheat alarm will sound repeatedly. To clear the problem I have to shut the computer down.

I have recently installed more memory and an additional fan, thinking that this would solve the problem.I've also disabled some startup programs and cancel tasks etc, to try and stop it from over-working but this doesn't seem to solve the problem.Computer never used to be like it until about 3 months ago. It has always done it but it was never a regular/daily occurance.


Operating System: Windows 7 x64 SP1
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-MA770-UD3 (Rev 1)
RAM: 6GB (2x1GB + 2x2GB) DDR2 800MHz/PC2-6400 Memory CL6 1.8V
Processor: AMD Phenom II X3 720 Processor, 2800mHz, 3 cores/3 logical processors.

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Stop The STANDBY In Windows 7?

Jul 31, 2011

I am using Windows 7 Professional.I am playing the songs and about minutes later it becomes standby automatically so it's the interruption of my watching, especially when there is no touching. What must I do to keep it active though I am not touching any keys or mouse?

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Computer Won't Sleep / Standby

Dec 4, 2009

It will turn off the monitor but won't go into standby.

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Computer Wakes Up From Standby?

Aug 1, 2012

My computer occasionally wakes up from Standby. I have a USB-based KVM switcher providing mouse and keyboard. When I want to put it in Standby, I first switch the switcher to my other computer, then I go into Standby by pressing the power button. When I want to use the computer again, I first switch the switcher back to the computer, then press the power button. Waking up from Standby spontaneously is not a major problem, as it is set to go back to Standby after several minutes. But I'm curious as to what might be happening.

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If I Tap My Laptop, Standby Activates

Feb 15, 2010

My laptop monitor is broken, so i use an external monitor via VGA cable.

IF i TAP my laptop, (the slightest tap, even if i flick it with my finger), it will go in to standby mode, and I haveto press the power button to get it out.

Previously, the computer would go to a 800x600 resolution when i touched it, but I just reformatted, and now it goes to standby mode.

I have NO idea what would cause this. Do you guys have any ideas?

EDIT: I disabled sleep and hibernate and now it goes back to 800x600 when i touch the laptop.

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Laptop Has High CPU Usage When On Standby?

Jun 8, 2011

I have a Lenovo laptop with Win 7 Pro.

When I leave the laptop on standby, and come back to it after 10 minutes, the fans are blowing loudly. I have a CPU gadget which monitors CPU usage, and I see that right when I resume from standby (move the mouse), CPU usage drops to normal.

At first I thought Security Essentials is doing some scanning or windows is indexing some files, but this happens every time the computer is idle for longer than 10 minutes. I have a suspicion that my laptop could be part of a bot network.

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Sound Distortion After Sleep/standby?

Dec 10, 2009

When I bring my Windows 7 Home Premium desktop out of sleep or hibernation, all the normal system sounds play in a distorted manner. If I reboot, then the sounds play normally. I have an on board 5.1 HD 6 channel audio codec and have removed the driver, then got Win 7 to find the latest driver (Microsoft) but that makes no difference.On my purchase order details I find:Microsoft UAA Function Driver for High Definition Audio Adi 1986. If I try to play anything in my media folder all I get is a distorted hiss, I can't detect any 'music' at all.I don't have a spare PCI slot to fit a sound card so I would like to find the reason for this on board audio problem but not sure what to do next!

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Computer Won't Wake From Standby / Hibernate

Dec 6, 2011

My computer is several years old, and just a few weeks ago started having a problem waking from standby. Up until now, it had no issues going into and coming out of sleep.Now, whenever it goes to sleep (whether due to inactivity or putting it to sleep manually), it won't wake up. The lights come on, the fans come on, but the monitor stays in standby. I've looked around online and found that many people get a black screen when booting up, i.e. the monitor comes alive and they may get a mouse cursor, but that's not what's happening to me. I don't get a black screen--my screen is never getting a signal from the computer. I have to do a hard reset, after which I get the 'Start Windows Normally' screen.I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the graphics drivers, changing hybrid sleep settings, using hibernate instead of standby, uninstalling random programs, etc, to no effect. I don't think I had any major windows or driver updates that caused it.

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How To Run Program When Computer Returns From Standby

Aug 17, 2010

I simply want to run a program when the computer returns from standby, but I see no options in the scheduler.

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Computer Crashes When Left On Standby ?

Jul 9, 2009

the problem im having is when i leave my computer on for an hour or 2 hours it crashes gos back to the password page saying password locked ? i put my password in but it dosn"t reconize it so i have turn off pc from the power button ? did this on my old win 7 now im on win 7 7264 still got the same problem any ideas ?

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Computer Will Not Enter Standby Automatically

Jul 25, 2009

I have a PC that I use as a media center attached to my TV running Windows 7 RC and it worked perfectly until about a week ago when I upgraded my laptop to Windows 7 and placed them both in the same Homegroup. Every since then the Media Center will not enter standby mode either automatically, after 10 minutes as configured or from the MC remote control. To get it to enter standby I have to select "sleep" from the WMC "tasks" menu.

As it only happened since creating the Homegroup I am assuming it is something to do with that, but I may be wrong. The MC PC is set to the "Balanced" power profile.

Any ideas?

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Windows 7 Automatically Logs In When In Standby?

Oct 5, 2012

When I log off of my profile, but leave the computer on, after a certain amount of time, it always logs in to the first user profile in the list, which starts with an A. I have looked on how to stop this from happening but can't find how. It doesn't effect the performance at all,m but is kind of annoying to have to log off of that profile and log in to another.

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