Software To Sync Data Between PCs With Usb Storage?

Aug 18, 2012

I am looking for inexpensive software that runs in portable mode on a usb key that would allow me to keep data on 3 separate pcs in sync. My problem is that only one of the PCs is physically connected to the internet, and the folders I need synced are too large to feasibly be put on a usb key. For example, my data and graphic files for a project I'm working on is 33GB, but my USB key is a nominal 32GB.

I would like to run a sync program on the main pc, then take the usb key to the other machines and have it analyze for differences so when I go back to the main PC it can copy or mark for deletion only files that changed on the main pc. After that point, I would be in blissful sync glory.

Until recently I could just keep a copy of everything on the memory key and sync to and from the key itself (MainPC -> USB, USB -> test machines)

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Best Way To Sync Email And Browser Data Using Online Storage

Jan 15, 2013

I would like to sync my Firefox, Thunderbird and Windows Live Mail between my desktop and my notebook computer.I was think of switching Firefox and Thunderbird to the portable versions and storing them in a folder that syncs online. I'm not sure how it will work with Windows Live Mail. I know how to change where the mail "store" is located, but not sure if changing that will automatically copy everything to the new location. I imagine I will have to copy the current folder to the location that will be synced and then set the mail "store" to this location. Probably something similar with my calendar program.any recommendations for free online storage/syncing that will work well for this? What should I look for? Reliability and security concerns?I currently use Dropbox, but I do not have enough free space to use it for my email, browser and calendar data.I am considering iDrive which offers 10 GB free. I am also considering FileLocker, but that only gives me 5 GB free even though they advertise 25 GB free. (The 25 gb free is for five different users on the same account.) I had been thinking of using SugarSync, but it looks like their free account is now only for 30 days.

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Setup RAID1 Array With HDD For Data Storage?

Nov 22, 2011

I have an OCZ Vertex 3 SSD and 2 WD caviar blue HDDs. I have them installed on an ASUS Maximus IV Gene-Z MB. I have Win 7 Home Installed on the SSD and would like to set up a RAID 1 array with the HDDs for my data storage (music, pictures, etc.). From what I understand I must do a hardware RAID setup since Win 7 Home does not support the software RAID array. The only information I could find is how to install windows on the array and not use it as a non-bootable array for data storage.

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External Storage Device Does Not Show Any Data?

Jan 20, 2013

My computer shows the space and everything else but doesnt show the folder and files in it like pictures and videos... and also i cant copy anything to it... on other computer there is no problem.

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Formatting External Storage Device From Raw To Ntfs 7 Without Losing Data

Mar 20, 2012

Every time i plug my external storage device to my computer, i am asked to "you need to format the disk in drive F: Before you can use it. Do you want to format it?" I checked my drive and its File system is RAW. I don't want format it because all my important data are in it.

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Creating Data Volume In Hybrid SSD Intel Rapid Storage Technology

Nov 16, 2012

Skill Level: Beginner
Dell Inspiron i14z Ultrabook 500gb Hybrid SSD

Ok, I reinstalled Windows 7, it detected two hard drives, one 32gb and other 466gb, I installed the Windows 7 on the 466GB and installed all the drivers. On the Intel Rapid Storage Technology, Storage View, the SSD has 30GB Cache Volume but does not have any Data Volume like it is supposed to: Picture Below: View image: SDC11483 How do I create Data Volume?Notice it has Data Volume AND Cache Volume split in the SSD?

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Media Player In Sync For 40 Minutes, Then Out Of Sync

Jan 15, 2013

i'm running a windows 7 home premium 64 bit, and for some movies, the video will start in-sync for about 40 minutes, then slowly get farther and farther out of sync, making watching the video un-watchable after another 10 minutes. but it does not do this with all video types. it also does not do this with netflix, Internet, or anything else online.

i'm running a geforce gtx 660m, all drivers are up to date. the files that work are: mp4, files that don't work are: mkv, avi

those are the only files i have tried. it's done this since i got this computer a couple months ago

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USB Mass Storage Device Will Not Recognize External Storage Devices?

Oct 14, 2011

Keyboard and mouse drivers unaffected.USB Mass storage device properties messagewith driver check on:"Windows cannot verify the digital signature for the drivers required for this device."with driver check off:Tells me drivers are corrupt or missing.Search show diver where it should be:C:\Windows\System32\drivers\usbstor.sys (also usbfilter.sys).Used the HP Recovery Manager to restore factory setting for USBStor.sys, it indicates it is successful but no changeon reboot, still cannot use flash drives, SD cards, external HDs. Units work find on my laptop.Called HP 4 times, after extensive troubleshooting each time, following their instructions, go to, get screen saying request has been received. Each time tech tells me he cannot find my request.After a while, read 2 hours, told they need to talk to supervisor, will call me back, KISS OF DEATH, never hear from them.

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Handle And Difference Of USB Storage And In Camera USB Storage?

Dec 15, 2011

how to handle USB removable media inside camera.With camera there is no "Safely remove hardware and eject media" option.When Photo camera is connected, a new camera device is installed and GUI window is opened with option to browse or copy photos. But there is no removable storage devise eject button on notification area. The USB removable Storage devise is also present on File Manager Computer left panel but again, there is no mouse right button eject option as normally with removable storage devices. I have checked in on several computers. How to understand. I don't believe that it's camera specific but Camera is Canon S95.

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Moving Boot Data To Data Drive

Aug 18, 2012

So I've been using my 64GB ssd as my windows 7 boot drive and i have a 1TB hdd as my data drive. Recently the my computer has begun to freeze up with errors like "explorer.exe" has stopped responding or "windows" has stopped responding and half of the time when i try to boot it says it cant find windows. This has lead me to believe that my ssd is dying despite being only a year old. I need to RMA my ssd but to do that i would be losing my boot drive for weeks. So I thought id try to create a system image so that i can simply put my boot drive on my hdd, but when i try to create the image it says that the image would be 711GB because its including all of my hdd (which contains all my user libraries and downloads). My question is: how do I make windows stop thinking that my hdd is a system drive so that I can create a reasonably sized image, or more generally: how can i easily move my boot drive to my hdd? Also, I've read some posts about using "easyBCD" to accomplish the latter but I'm not sure that's exactly what i need in this situation.

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EPG Is Out Of Sync

Feb 28, 2012

I have set up WMC on Win 7 x64 and all is well apart from the EPG.

The correct time is shown, but the programmes are all a few hours out. If I select a channel, the correct programme shows, but when I go back to the EPG, they are all out of bonk again.

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Sync Two Folders Together

Jun 1, 2011

I was wondering if it was possible to sync two folders together so that if I change anything on one of the files, the other one will automatically sync to it. I want to use this for my Mincraft Servers, as I would always have a safe backup of my servers.

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What Download To Use For Sync

Feb 23, 2012

what download to use for sync?

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Amd Data Change Update New Data To Dmi?

Dec 3, 2009

just did a fresh install of Windows 7 Ultimate on my second pc, all went well apart from it gets to amd data change update new data to dmi then..... stops, it wont budge, i haven't touched anything in the bios or added any new hardwear.When i reboot, same again, went into the bios and made sure i have it set to boot from hard drive first.

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Storing Data On Data Drive?

Jun 2, 2011

forum i have a question. I have a kingston 30 gb ssd i use as my windows drive, and a 750 gb wd hdd for data/game storage. I have heard that you can ghost a file on the data drive into the x86 folder so that all new installs go there and then you still recieve most of the benefits of your ssd w/o clogging it up. I have an amd based system (dont know if that matters or not)

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Audio And Video Out Of Sync?

Oct 21, 2012

i'm using windows 7 32-bit, i7 processor, 4gb ram, onboard audio (with realtek) and a geforce gt220 video card.when i play a video the audio is always faster than the video. i use umplayer, so fortunately i can use the plus or minus keys to sync everything up. however on Internet or other online videos it's almost always out of sync, as well as when i watch something streamed from my pc to my xbox using windows media center. i'm thinking it's either a windows 7 problem or a hardware problem. i've googled it and found nothing similar with a solution.oh, and i use avira anti-virus, not norton or mcafee.

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Windows 7 Audio Out Of Sync?

Apr 25, 2011

got a slight problem. got an acer m5201 comp which i have changed a few parts and upgraded to windows 7 premium 32bit. i have a nividia 9800gt gfx card

all the audio from films, websites and itunes are out of sync by about 1second.

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Sync WLM Accounts On 2 Computers?

Jun 20, 2011

I have email accounts set up in Windows Live Mail on my work computer and need to sync those with accounts on my personal. I've created the account on my personal and have received all the emails in my inbox... but is there any way to export and import a whole account so the sub folders are synced too?

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Bookmark Backup/Sync For IE?

May 28, 2012

Is there such a thing? Chrome and FF import of bookmarks and backup is seamless. It took me half an hour to update IE bookmarks. And sorting them A-Z. is there an easier way? I'd like to start using IE some again--but this is WAY too labor intensive.

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WD Pasport Sync Software?

Aug 18, 2011

I can't get my WD Passport to sync with my Windows 7 laptop. The WD site tells me the WDSync software is not compatible with windows 7 and that is true. ActiveSync won't recognize my WD Passport either. Is there a patch or other free software I can download to keep my Passport and laptop synced?

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Sync From My Desktop Pc To My Notebook?

Jan 27, 2011

In last SEVEN days I've added music in WMP on my desktop pc. It took me so much because I watched out to get all of the artist, album, genre, year,etc... information correctly and believe me doing it with 70GB of music was pain in the a**. When I finally finished it, I wanted to transfer all the music (with all mp3 data) to My notebook WMP via LAN-cable and I couldn't do it. I only can transfer all the music to my notebook but when i add it to my WMP, files don't have the information mentioned above.

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Video & Audio Out Of Sync?

Sep 9, 2012

Recently, within the past couple of weeks or so, whenever I play a video (avi, wmv, mp4) in Media Player (or VLC) the the video and audio is out of sync. It's not out by much, but it is clearly noticeable. Oddly, if I play them in Media Player Classic they appear to be in sync (or as near as).I know for a fact that these videos used to play fine, so it's not a problem with the files themselves. I haven't knowingly downloaded any codecs or anything else that may have caused this, and I've scanned extensively for viruses and spyware.I want to reiterate that up until a while ago the videos played fine, so it's not a spec problem. For information, I'm running Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit on a G840 2.80GHz dual core with 8Gb of RAM.Internet searches have so far turned up nothing. I'm tempted to fish out my old XP machine and test the videos on there,

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Offline Files Sync But All Have A Red X?

Apr 16, 2012

I have a 2003 SBS server and several users all on Windows 7. One of the users just got a new Sony laptop with Windows 7 Pro, his existing laptop was also Windows 7 Pro.

I am trying to make same file share available offline again and the files sync with no errors in sync center. But when the user goes offline all the files have a red X and the files are partially transparent. All the KB's and threads I can find involved people getting access denied errors, but I'm getting no sync errors.

I tried formatting the offline files database earlier and I made a dozen files available offline. No errors but again red x's when he went offline.

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Skydrive - How To Sync Folders

Oct 31, 2012

I have Skydrive for Windows installed. Copied a folder to the Skydrive location, shows up as a Skydrive sub-folder. All the files in the folder were immediately uploaded to Skydrive, but new files are not being uploaded.

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Sync Toy Versus SkyDrive

Jan 15, 2013

sync files between my desktop and notebook, and using other devices. I have been using SyncToy for quite a while, with fairly good results. Sometimes though I seem to get edits (deletions and overwrites) that I really do not want. Is there a better solution for syncing large amounts of files? I am starting to try out using SkyDrive, but I�m not totally comfortable with putting sensitive documents online, also I often use my notebook without any internet access and I would like to be able to have a local copy available. Optimally I would like to be able to have a master drive that both desktop and notebook sync their local versions to.

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Sync Files Between Two Computers

Dec 11, 2009

I have a PC running Windows 7 64bit, and a Laptop running windows vista 32 bit (I can install windows 7 on this if necessary).....

I want to set up a system where I can easily sync files from my PC to my laptop.

Is this possible, and if so, how!

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Sync Offline Files

Dec 31, 2009

How to Manually Sync Your Offline Files in Windows 7 ?

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HP USB Sync Driver Errors

Nov 26, 2009

I keep getting an error when I attempt to upgrade to windows 7. It says I have to upgrade my HP USB sync driver, that driver isn't even supported on Vista. I can't find it anywhere on my computer, and it won't continue the upgrade till it's fixed. Any suggestions?

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Active Sync For Windows 7 64 Bit?

Oct 30, 2011

free download active sync for windows 7 64bit address

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Active Sync For Windows 7 32 Bit?

Jun 23, 2012

i need active sync for window 7

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2 Computers In Sync With Same Network?

Jul 9, 2012

I was just wondering; if i get a laptop that uses the same network as my pc , would they be in sync.

For example lets say at work i created files, edited some , created new images ext. when i go to home the new stuff on the laptop will be on pc automatically?

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