Should Delete The System Reserve When Reformat

Feb 25, 2011

Is it safe to delete the system reserve partition when I reformat or just leave it as such. Few programs are corrupting my system settings and I need to do a clean install.

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Dynamic Disc And System Reserve?

Apr 23, 2011

after converting my internal drive to a dynamic disk, why can't it boot another os? i was interested in spanning volumes, and obviously in terms of optimized virtual raid the real issue is putting the windows partition on a raid volume, but simply put why can't i install a second operating system after i've converted a disc to a dynamic disc. is there anyway to forego that trouble? in short, i want to install linux side by side with windows on seperated partitions, striped mirrored or otherwise but not having a raid controller, vraid is the only hope i have and windows dynamic disc is telling me that i can't boot other os's except the currently booted system if i convert the discs. in fact after converting the drive initially, i couldn't even reformat and reinstall windows with the 7 disc. but in my experience, it's saying windows will no longer perform these functions but other discs and environments may not even recognize the windows os change so that the possibilities aren't closed to anything but the windows operating system.

secondly, if i installed something like lilo or grub, without linux let's say, could i delete the system reserved partition? i believe i've deleted it in the passed and not had boot issues or other noticeable trouble with windows, but i'm unsure what i had or would be doing in terms of long term os stability. i saved the reserved partition of a former install by assigned it a drive letter, opening it and saving the contents for learning purposes.

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Windows 7, System Reserve Disappeared

Dec 30, 2012

I installed Windows 7 home premium fresh on my brand new WD Cav Blk HDD. During the installation, I created a "new" partition called system reserve which is 100MB.Once my system was set up and Win 7 running, I checked under My computer and noticed that there is no system reserve there. How can it have vanished?

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Deleted System Reserve, Stuck, Can't Boot

Sep 19, 2011

I wasnt thinking and deleted the system reserve partition when formating to windows 7. Now I cannot boot at all. It is an asus laptop. It is stuck on the Asus screen and nothing happens. I cannot even go into the bios, nor can it read the harddrive or dvd drive or usb.

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Move System Reserve Partition To System Partition C:

Jun 28, 2012

Through a series of shenanigans involving experiments with mirroring on Windows 7 64 bit using Disk Management, and then subsequently removing the mirror after having recurring errors/problems with the synching, My 100MB System Reserve partition has ended up on a separate partition than my system image. For instance: Disk 1 System C: Healthy (Boot, page...) Disk 0 Healthy (System Reserved...).

In addition, the System Reserved partition has been assigned a drive letter "G:" or "E:" and is now visible in explorer and it won't allow me to remove it and supress from explorer view.

I'd like to

1) move/create the System Reserve partition to Disk 1 (with System C: drive)

2) remove the System Reserve partition from Disk 0 to free it all up as a data drive

Do I use command below to create a System Reserve on Disk 1? bcdboot C:Windows How do I then delete the System Reserve partition on Disk 0. Also a byproduct of all of this, when I reboot now, I have a "Windows 7" option and a "Windows 7 Secondary Plex" option. The "Windows 7" option no longer boots (it's stops while the logo panes are flying in circles to form the logo and goes into a fix loop that never fixes it). I have a feeling it's looking for the old mirrored hardware configuration or something. However, "Window 7 Secondary Plex" option does boot just fine. Do I use MSCONFIG to remove the "Windows 7" boot entry so I don't get this annoying option at boot?

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Reformat Crashed Laptop Without System Image Disk

Jan 20, 2013

I have a hp dv 9700 laptop that has crash, I have being experiences a few problems recently and have manage to fix it my self when it crash before with system repair disk that I brought of the internet. The following message keep on coming up when booting A Disk Read Error Occurred. I think I might of mess the laptop up buy setting the setting as default throw bios, I am looking for free software that I can download on a disk or usb and then reformat it or try to repair it via a system repair disk, I am aware there are software that you have buy over the net, but I believe in doing the job yourself free.

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User Files Will Be Deleted If Reformat System Partition?

Aug 4, 2012

I'm planning to re-install my OS and I'm backing-up my files. Right now my 'User' files (Desktop, Downloads, My Pictures, My Music, My Documents, and My Videos) are currently located in D: (I used the 'Location' tab in the properties to move each folder from C: to D: ) Now, my question is: Would my 'User' files that are currently located in D:, be deleted when I reformat and re-install my OS in my system partition (which is C:). This came into my mind because in my understanding of moving the 'User' files using the 'Location' tab, means that the files and folders are stored in D:, but still linked in C:

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Reformat External Hard Drive With Operating System

Nov 13, 2011

I have a hard drive I recovered from my old Dell laptop when the motherboard gave out. Originally, I just put it in an external hard case and have been using it as external storage. Now it is getting filled up, so I would like to reformat it to remove the OS partition (Vista) to give me access to the entire drive. I have removed and baked up all my files, but cannot find a way to repartition the drive to remove the OS volume. Disk manager will not let me access that volume to delete it - nor will diskpart. In fact, only the non-OS volume even shows up with a drive letter in diskpart.

I have searched the web but have only been able to find info on how to reformat the main hard drive...and this is definitely NOT what I want to do.

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Unable To Delete System Folders From A Drive No Longer Being Used As A System Drive

Mar 21, 2012

I recently reorganized my computer and this included a fresh install of Windows 7 on a new disk. I backed up all my data on the old disk so that I could make sure I wasn't losing any important documents or whatever.I'm now sure I've got everything off the disk that I needed and am using the disk as a storage disk for media. However, there are still folders that I can't seem to erase in the Program Files, Program Files (x86), and Windows directories. Most of the files are gone but about 12GB of junk remains that I no longer need. Whenever I try to delete what is left, it says I need permission from TrustedInstaller and it won't let me delete these files.Is there any way to blow these directories away without having to format the disk? I really can't format because the disk is almost full with data that I need to keep and I don't really have any other disks to temporarily back these files up to.

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Cannot Delete Old System Partition?

Jan 29, 2013

I have WinXP installed on C: and Windows 7 installed on D:. As you can see in the attached image, C: is marked as a system partition but in fact I'd like to delete it and leave only D: with Windows 7 on it. However I can't delete it because it says it's a system partition soooo... how do I do this? Is setting the C: as inactive in command prompt (and D: as active) enough? Or can I just merge these 2 partition into one? I tried EaseUS but it says that boot or system partitions cannot be modified/merged.

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Can't Delete File Because It's In Use By System?

Jan 28, 2010

I'm trying to delete an ISO image which appears to be in use by System. When I boot into safe mode and try it, the error still comes up. I've also tried deleting it via the elevated command prompt. Changing the security permissions doesn't seem to do it

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Delete Active System Partition?

Apr 23, 2010

I have installed Windows 7 on my D: drive. I have placed a NEW installation on my C: drive besides it.See the attached image.I ONLY use the W7 on the C: drive now, so I want to delete my D: partition completely (416GB).HOWEVER, I see that it is labeled: "System, Active, Primary Partition".Can I just format this drive and will my PC still boot or do I have to take particular steps?

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Can't Delete System Files On Second Disc

Apr 3, 2011

I had an old P4 system that the PSU went out on, so while I was at the store getting a new PSU, I picked up a copy of Win7 also. Put the PSU and Win7 in and the next day, the Motherboard died. Went and bought a new i-core motherboard, processor, memory and video card and put it together using two drives. The one Sata drive from the old system is a 1T that has the Win7 from the other system on it along with about 75 movies, 500 pictures and 1500 songs. I used a 250 gig SATA to load the Win7 onto the new system. So now the new system is running off the 250gig and all my files are on the 1T drive along with the old Win7 folder. I want to delet the old Win7 folder but it won't let me giving me a message saying I need permission from a trusted installer to remove these files.

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Anyway Can Delete Some Files And Not Have Them Stay On System

Aug 30, 2010

Is there anyway I can delete some files and not have them stay on my system? I plan on deleting at least 10gigs of old Music, and don't want them to stay on my Hard Drive like usual.Also, if I use Revo/PC Decrapifier, does that get rid of any pieces of the program that there is, or should I run CCleaner/Registry Cleaner as well.

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Cannot Delete Any Registry Key In HKLM / SYSTEM

Dec 20, 2010

I have Windows 7 Ultimate, and every time i want to delete a key in HKLM/SYSTEM, i get "Cannot delete (key name): Error while deleting key" Here's what i've tried: setting Permissions on the key to full control for administrators group, owner, owner rights, SYSTEM, and my own admin account, NONE of that helps. Also, in 'Advanced security settings-->Owner, i changed it to my own admin account, and also ticked "replace owner on subcontainers and objects" but i get another error "Registry Editor could not set owner on the key currently selected, or some its subkeys." I even turned off User Account Control (UAC).

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Cannot Delete An Active System Partition

Oct 12, 2010

I have always only used it to store data, so why is Windows 7 telling me it is a system partition? Did Windows put data on the drive and start using it without even asking me?At first I tried just unplugging the drive, but then Windows would not boot, so clearly it needs it for some reason.

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How To Delete Hiberfil.sys From A Non-system Drive

Jan 27, 2012

I have two drives, C and D. D used to be an OS drive in another computer, and I just use it now as a 2nd drive to store some extra stuff. So yes, the Prog Files folder is there, the Windows folder is there....

Anyway, is it possible to somehow delete hiberfil.sys off of the D drive? That is, without physically removing the drive, and using it in an enclosure.

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System Reserved Partition - Delete

Mar 16, 2010

How to Delete the Windows 7 100MB System Reserved Partition ?

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Can't Delete Old XP System Volume Information?

Nov 26, 2012

I have installed Windows 7 on my C: however my old Windows XP was installed on my D: deleted my Windows XP, and want to use my D: as primarily a data disc, however there's an old System Volume Information lingering around from XP, and no matter what I do (take ownership, add permissions, try to toggle off read only and it goes back) I can't delete it.

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How To Completely Delete Backup System Image

Oct 7, 2009

I been backup my system to second internal hard drive E. But the system image file take almost 160 gb that take up too much space. So I want to change to backup my system to an external hard drive. Now even I did delete all backup files in E: drive. But looks like that 160 gb system image still in my E: drive. Because when I check my E: drive properties I still missing 160 gb space so I think that system image still in there somewhere. How can I completely delete that system image to free up that 160 gb space on my hard drive.

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How To Delete Intermediate System Backup Images

Jun 9, 2012

how to delete only intermediate system backup images of windows own backup facility? I want to keep the first and the last images and delete all images between them.

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Delete Files All Time / Re-start System

Dec 19, 2011

When I download a file or not, or install any program or any action on the desktop once the reboot delete all your likes. [code]

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Can't Delete Pagefile.sys And System Volume Information

May 17, 2012

I had an additional Windows installation for testing purposes, on a different partition and now I want to delete everything associated with it because I need some free space.

Although I managed to take ownership and delete the Windows folder and few others, I can't delete System Volume Information and the pagefile.sys file.

System Volume Information - I can't get "ownership" of the files in the directory. Although I'm listed as an "owner" of the directory with "full control", when I check "Replace owner on subcontainer and objectes" I get "Access is denied" and then "Stopping propagation of the owner leads to an inconsistent state..." I think I came across this before, but I have no idea what to do. I also get "access denied" when I try to change the read-only attribute of the directory.

pagefile.sys - when I right click on it, the security tab says "The requested security information is wither unavailable or can't be displayed"

note: I can't format the partition

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Delete These Specific Components From The System Partition?

Sep 8, 2012

I originally partitioned my Toshiba NB205-N210 for Windows XP, so I only gave the system partition 8GB.Recently I installed Windows 7 Ultimate (x86) and of course 8GB is too small for it to really work well. This is even if I have enabled "compress files" for C: and I've already removed everything from "Turn Windows features on or off".I have actually been able to run Windows Update and update everything, but now it wants to install Service Pack 1, and there's not enough room - I only have 300 MB left.When I was researching what I could delete to make more room, I came across a torrent called "Windows 7 Lite - Dark Netbook Edition". The creator wrote that he had removed these components:

- Projector Connectivity
- Speech Support
- Welcome Center
- TV Tuner
- NVIDIA & ATI Video Drivers


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System Protection Restore Points - Delete

Jan 5, 2009

How to Delete System Protection Restore Points in Windows 7 ?

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How To Delete A Compressed On System Boot File

Apr 15, 2012

I have compressed my system but unfortunately when i opened my computer earlier on my computer said THCP is compressed

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Delete A Listed Operating System At Boot In Windows 7?

May 3, 2011

i have windows 7 ultimate before and it goes to slow and i decided to reformat my pc,Now I use home premium. Every time I boot there a list that I have to choose.When I choose the other windows 7, I'm shocked that I still have windows 7 ultimate.I think it serves as the dual boot..I mean dual os.. I can run home premium, and also i can run ultimate.. Now I want to get rid of windows 7 ultimate, which is my first os... I know how to delete, but I'm not sure if it will give any problems...I type msconfig I see the boot list try to delete since

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Delete System Protection Restore Points In Windows 7

Dec 1, 2008

This tutorial will show you how to delete the System Protection restore points in Windows 7.

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How To Properly Delete Windows 7 Backup System Image

May 2, 2010

I have a system image on my external HDD made by Windows 7 Backup & Restore utility on my old computer. Now I am using a new machine and would like to delete my old system's system image but do not know how to properly do so.

Since I have not ran a backup yet on my new machine, there is not option for "manage space" in the backup & restore utility

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Delete The Host File From C Windows System 32 Drivers

Apr 16, 2011

Can i delete the host file from C Windows System 32 Drivers etc ?

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Delete Locked System Files From Old Windows Install

Jan 21, 2012

I have recently updated my hdd with a clean windows 7 install, but had the old one on a secondary hard disk as a back up. I now need to delete these files to save space on my data drive, but am unable to delete the system and windows files as they are owned by TrustedInstaller.

I discovered how to take ownership of these directories, but now the UAC is telling me that I need permission from myself to delete the files which I own!

Is there anyway to get round this without shipping out my data and doing a format, which I don't want to do as I always seem to miss something important..

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