Sharing Windows 7 Files From XP?

Aug 24, 2012

Okay so I recently replaced my desktop and it has win7 and my old PC which I want to use as a backup for files and the many programs I just don't use much and cannot be bothered installing on the new machine. I have had a bitch of a time getting so that I can read files on the Win 7 from XP. No problem going the other way.

Here is what I had to do after following the instructions found in the sticky [General Discussion] Windows 7 Tips and the section from From mrface As after following all instructions I was still unable to access the files from XP what I did was go to My Data section drive partition and right clicked each folder (only 3 so not that big a deal) clicked on share with then "specific people" and then added everyone from the drop down box then gave read read/write permission and clicked share.

This seems to work but I wonder if there is not an easier way of creating this share for everyone in all folders. Not so bad with a few but a nuisance if lots and need to add new folders in future having to remember to do this.

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Sharing Files Between Windows 7 And Ubuntu 11.10?

Apr 19, 2012

So i just took the hard disk from my old computer and put it in my current one.I installed ubuntu 11.10 just before the transfer of the hard disk.Now i can boot into both of them (dual boot). So i`m asking is there any way that i can boot into windows and see all my files on both hard discs and later boot into ubuntu and see and see all my files also?

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Sharing Folders And Files Windows 7?

Dec 25, 2011

I am trying to share folders on my deskop with my laptop, but I need something that will allow me to edit photos in lightroom on my laptop that are stored on my desktop via Lightroom. Thought that maybe windows 7 "homegroup" feature might allow me to do this, but when I try and setup a homegroup on my desktop it says "Cannot create a homegroup on this computer"Accessing my desktop via, to try and set this up. My desktop is currently several miles away, and I need to access those files. I read something about deleting a file in /peernetworking/idstore.sst - Deleted it and rebooted, still get the same error.

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Windows 7 Stops Sharing Files

Mar 15, 2010

I have a computer with windows 7 ultimate.There are some shared folders and printers on this machine. This setup looks to work fine but suddenly the sharing stops. If i reboot the pc, it works again. The pc never goes in some kind of sleep modus.

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Sharing Files In VPN?

Aug 21, 2012

I connect successfully to the VPN server but cannot see any shared resources there. I am using the same work group of server side local network.

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Sharing Files With Homegroup?

May 7, 2011

every time i change my settings on my homegroup they dont change

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Sharing Folder In Programme Files(x86)?

Nov 29, 2011

I cannot today share a folder which was shared last week.No matter what I do with Sharing and Permissions I can no longer access it from another machine on my network.It's shared to Everyone with full access and has a share name, yet trying to access it gives 'Access denied'.

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Sharing Files Across Computers (XBMC)

Jan 15, 2013

I currently own a PC and a laptop. I have an external HD on my PC and I'm trying to be able to access those files through my laptop via XBMC. I've followed many tutorials online to no avail. I don't know much about networking or file sharing so there's my first downfall. I've tried setting up a home group on my main PC but the join home group option is grayed out on the laptop.

PC is windows 7 Professional x64
Laptop is Windows 8 x64

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Win7 And XP Sharing Files And Printer

Dec 3, 2009

I have 2 Laptops running under XP and 2 Laptops running under Win 7, I run the XP under workgroup with Mshome name and these 2 laptops can access files from each other, similar under Homegroup, the Win 7 laptops can see each other.

The XP laptops CANNOT see the laptops under win 7, and vice versa. I read the How-to Geek article a few times , I tried to change the name MShome under XP to Workgroup, even then the win 7 and xp cannot see each other. Even worse the XP laptops cannot access each other.

Any suggestions.

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Sharing Files And Printers Between Win7x64 And Wp

Jan 4, 2010

I have a brand new Windows 7 professional x64 system. I have just today established a wireless network between that computer and my old XP computer. The Windows 7 box has a wireless antenna and the XP box has a hardwired broadband modem that is capable of wireless. It all works fine. I can access the Internet from my wireless box through the broadband modem.

But now what I want to do is share files and perhaps even printers between the two computers. Can someone give me a step-by-step to get the two systems to see each other or point me to a previous thread or link.

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Homegroup Sharing : Share Files From Other Drive?

Dec 9, 2012

I have a 128GB SSD for booting and games and a 1tb hard drive for storage. Because my OS is on my boot drive, the location for my videos folder is on the boot drive and I don't want to store my movies on my boot drive because of space constraints. I'm using homegroup to stream movies to my mother's computer. Is there any way I can stream videos from a folder in my storage drive or any alternative method for changing the root destination of the videos folder in my C drive?

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Sharing Files Between Two Computers On Same Network - No Access To Folder

Aug 28, 2011

Whenever I Click on the folder of next network computer on Network of my Computer then it says 'windows cannot access to saurav-pcphotoshop" both the computers are mine.. how can i share that file between these two computers?

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Homegroup File Sharing - No Permissions To Add Or Rename Files

Feb 5, 2011

Having difficulty with a homegroup and file sharing: one desktop PC with the family's main documents (which are on a separate drive to the system) and two laptops which need to access those documents. I've got them all seeing each other, and they can see the folders in the drive, but when I try to add files or rename files, it tells me that I need permission. I've gone through the advance settings to make sure the correct permission is selected, they all have the same workgroup name and different computer names. Sharing the printer attached to the desktop is fine.

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Sharing Files Between Windows 7 And Windows 8 In A Homegroup

Oct 6, 2012

I'm quite frustrated after trying to share files between my Windows 8 PC and Windows 7 Laptop. Sharing files between Windows 7 PC and laptop was flawless.

I tried creating a homegroup in Windows 7, joined it from Windows 8, when I tried to open shared files, it gave permission error. I've disabled password protection on both PC. Tried adding HomeGroupUsers$ in Advanced persmissions of folder sharing, still the same.

Tried other way round too i.e created a homegroup in Windows 8 and joined it from Windows 7. Still the same issue of permission.

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Windows 7 Mkv Sharing?

Jul 24, 2011

I have a Windows 7 computer that I have a shared folder setup on. I have a Windows 7 laptop that I'm accessing that shared folder on. All the files in that shared folder is showing up except for one folder that contains MKV files. That folder isn't showing up at all on the laptop.

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Sharing Between Windows 7 Pc And Xp?

Mar 5, 2012

in our office we have a windows 7 pc sharing some folders over our domain, now other windows 7 pcs have no problem getting into the shares, and most of the time the xp machines can get in too but every now and again the xp machines cant get into the windows 7 sharing pc it can see the name but says doesnt have permissions etc we have to restart the windows 7 pc in order for it to work again, now the permissions are fine there set to everyone and its not the firewall turned it off etc, also in the sharing centre the settings all seem to be correct. The shared printer also on the windows 7 pc doesnt work when you cant access the files other windows 7 pcs can use it but not xp pcs.

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Windows 7 And Mac 10.6 Sharing Via SMB?

May 22, 2011

I am running the latest version of windows home edition and can't seem to get it to connect to my SMB shares on my mac, or even see or acknowledge my mac's existence. I'm more of a mac guy so I'm positive my MBS shares aren't the problem. I can even put my mac's IP address into the windows side browser and get the "It works!" message. Under the windows network however I can't get it to access the mac. I've tried being in the same homegroup, no home group, creating identical users on each machine, shutting off the firewalls, adding registry hacks for LmCompatability level and still nothing. Most online help guides I have found point to things that don't even exist on this operating system, such as Local Security Policy or secpol.msc?

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Sharing From Win Xp 32 Bit To Windows 7 Pro 64 Bit?

Oct 24, 2012

sharing from win xp 32 bit to win 7 pro 64 bit

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Network Sharing Between Windows 7?

Sep 25, 2012

Our office has 4 computers set up with Windows 7. One computer has a bunch of shared files and acts like a file server. The other two computer can connect to the \fileserver okay. No problems at all. I can not. I have tried IP address, name, going through work arounds, turning off firewalls, anti-virus, etc. But when I go to it I get the "You do not have permission to access \fileserver. Contact your network administrator to request access. Nobody else has an account set up on any machine, so i fear adding mine to the other three.

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File Sharing On Windows 7?

Jan 22, 2011

I got 2 PCs (A & B) both running Windows 7 ultimate networked through an ADSL2+router. On PC A, I have a folder X. On PC B, I got two user accounts: 1 and 2. I wanted to share folder X on PC A with PC B user 1 but not user 2. How do I implement it?

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Web Sharing Option In Windows 7?

Mar 1, 2011

In Windows XP there is option of Web sharing on right clicking on specific folder. How can we make web sharing in windows 7 OS?

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Sharing Printer On XP From Windows 7?

May 10, 2012

ISSUE: Trying to print to a printer with it's drivers installed on an XP computer.I have 6 computers running (not all the time), 3 laptops and 3 desktops. I'll number them for ease of ID.1. Dell Laptop running W2K. Hardwired.2. Gateway Laptop running XP. Wireless.3. HP Laptop running W7 Ultimate. Wireless.4. Desktop ATX running XP similar to a server where I keep the big apps, printer drivers and backups, not used for web surfing. Hardwired.5. Dell 1100 desktop running XP used mostly for surfing and downloads. If I get a virus I just reformat and reload XP. Hardwired.6. Compaq desktop running XP. Hardwired.When I use Window Explorer to look at all the computers on my home LAN, I get the following.Systems: 1, 2, 5 and 6, see all 6 systems, one being itself.System: 4 with the printer drivers sees the other five, but not itself.System: 3 sees 1, 2, 3 (itself), 5 and 6. Does not see #4. On this #4 I have three printers' drivers installed.I can print from 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 to any of the three printers. But not from #3 which is running W7. I tried adding printer and driver as per plethora of instructions on the web without success. But since it does not see system #4, the printers are not available to choose.

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Sharing Between Windows 7 And Vista?

May 11, 2011

I have tried to share Brotherhood MFC-7420 on my Windows 7 computer with a Vista machine (both 64bit, Home Premiums). If I try to add new printer through "add printer" option, I get this error message:"The server for the 'Brother MFC-7420 USB Printer' printer does not have the correct printer driver installed. If you want to search for the proper driver, clock OK. Otherwise, click Cancel and contact your network administrator or original equipment manufacturer for the correct printer driver."I dug around in Google for awhile, and some people used the trick where they installed the printer locally and changed the port name to \ComputerNamePrinter. When I do it, it gives me an error message: "Access Denied."I updated the driver.Network discovery is on.Printer Sharing is on.Password-Protected Sharing is off.The Windows 7 machine is in a Homegroup with 2 other Windows 7 computers.I tried lowering my Windows Firewall during connection.

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Internet Sharing From XP To Windows 7

Sep 6, 2011

i have an old dell laptop with windows xp. It has a USB wireless adapter, and an ethernet pc card. then i have an emachine desktop with windows 7, and an ethernet port, but no wireless. this seems easy to do with 2 windows 7 computer but i can't figure it out in xp. i want to share the internet connection i get from xp to window 7 via ethernet.

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File Sharing Between Windows 7 And XP?

Dec 18, 2011

I am trying to share files between and old home PC running XP, to a new PC running Windows 7. Both PC's are connected directly to a router via LAN cables. I am looking to transfer all the old files and documents to the new Windows 7 PC.The Windows 7 PC currently shares files with other laptops (running Windows 7). I believe that I have setup up both PC for file sharing, but I am unable to see the other PC on either machine.On the PC with XP, I can see under 'M Network Places', the folder and file structure that would like to share.

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Windows 7 Will NOT Allow File Sharing

Jan 31, 2012

I've read the OLD posts on this problem, and tried the 'fix' described. Doesn't work. I've reset the permissions, I've done everything I can think of, and this blasted OS will NOT allow me to change from the LOCKED/Nobody setting.

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Windows 7 Pcs Not Sharing Their Index's

Feb 10, 2012

I have two Windows 7 PC's one media center PC acting as a server and one regular pc, call it the client. Both Have SSD systems drives. The Server has all content saved on backed up RAID 0 arrays.

I have two problems that my be linked. If I search for an item on the client search facility I get no results from the server apart from 'My Videos'. Also until I physically go into a folder on the any of the Mapped Network Drives they all show as offline.

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Folder Sharing Windows 7 / Xp?

Apr 15, 2012

Can someone give me baby steps to share files and folders between windows 7 and my other computer with XP?. I have scrapbook folders on both I would like to share.

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Sharing A Printer From Windows 7 To XP?

Jun 21, 2012

Well i used to not have a problem when all the machines were XP but now when i try and add the printer its saying that i dont have the correct driver installed on the main PC when im trying to add the shared printer on my XP machine.

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Sharing From Vista To Windows 7?

Jun 21, 2012

My music and movies are on my desktop (Vista64) in my bedroom. I bought a netbook to use in the family room (Windows 7) to stream and share. The homegroup workgroup won't work for me.So when I'm looking on the Windows 7 machine and many of the music files are missing. The band name is te. Under that the album name is there. But the tracks are not. Just empty's where it gets even worse. Only some of these folders appear empty. Not all. They exist on the desktop but only maybe 10% have music in them when the folders are explored on the netbook.

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Windows 7 Print Sharing With Mac's?

Oct 19, 2009

My network at home is a mix of Mac's and PC's. So when I decided to start messing with Windows 7 on the box that I was using for print sharing I as well as file sharing I didn't realize that I would have such a hard time using my Win 7 box to share printers with my Mac's. Has anyone else had any experience trying to share on win 7 box to Mac's? I have been able to find shared files but for some reason my Mac's will not find the printers?

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