Random Fade To Desktop?

Jun 29, 2011

I've been building and programing a loooong time but have never found a problem I couldn't solve one way or another. This one however has me baffled. I built a computer for my wife (has to be my wifes of course) this last April. I entered the specs when I registered. What happens is when on a program like say Quickbooks or on the internet or even on office, the screen will go to desktop while she's in the middle of typing.Like it would if the screensaver was coming on from inactivity. She moves the mouse and the place she was pops right back up. It does NOT happen at any timed interval. I made sure I have the latest drivers and firmware installed. I set power options to never shut down or sleep. I swapped memory, video card and power supply. Still does it.

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Windows 7 Live Movie Maker - Fade In AND Fade Out A Single Clip?

Nov 8, 2011

I would like it to fade in from black and fade out from black.I know I can split the clip and fade in the first half and fade out the second half but there is always a little 'skip' in audio where the split was made.

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Fade To Black On One Web Site

May 16, 2011

He has Win 7 64 bit and I.E.9.He has a problem with one web site only, Guitar Center, that when he views any item on the site it will load the page then it goes to a black display (not black screen, just the I.E.9 display). Guitars, Musical Instruments, and Musical Equipment from Guitar Center..I've had him update Java, as the site heavily relies on Java but that didn't help. His I.E.9 add-ons list is exactly like mine so that isn't the problem. He has Microsoft Security Essentials with the default settings, same as me. He has the same ISP (Brighthouse cable/Roadrunner), etc.

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Changing Wallpaper Fade Time?

Mar 25, 2011

change the fade time of the wallpaper slideshow. I don't mean the time the OS waits before fading to a new wallpaper, I mean the actual time to transition from one wallpaper to another.

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How To Change Menu Animation From Slide To Fade In Windows 7

Oct 14, 2010

How to change the menu animation in Windows 7 from slide to fade?

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HP Desktop Windows 7 Random Crashes?

May 12, 2012

I have a HP Pavilion with intel i7 processor which was bought about Jan 2011 from costcoLately it has had occasional crashes, maybe once every couple days.I'm not sure of the exact specs of my computer. Where can I find this information? I ran the blue screen view and these were the results[CODE]

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Lenovo Desktop Random BSOD

Mar 5, 2012

I bought lenovo H415 desktop last Friday. However, it started to have BSOD yesterday. It's my first time using Windows 7 system. Please help me figure out the problem is software conflict or hardware defect.

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Random Unwanted Desktop Icons Or Control Panel Subjects

Jan 12, 2013

I have windows 7, I am getting numerous unwanted pages without even clicking with curser

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Right-clicking Menu With "Fade Or Slide Menus Into View" Seems Laggy

Nov 28, 2011

When I right-click with the Performace Setting "Fade or slide menus into view" it doesnt really "slide" into view it just displays a white box for a split second then the menu slides open into the white box. My pc is in perfect running condition so its not a performance issue or anything. Also it doesnt happen every time I right-click just like 50% of the time. And the other 50% is cuz it doesn't slide it just pops up instantly.

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Windows Explorer "fade To White"

Nov 19, 2010

Recently when I am in internet explorer and go into a site the page semi freezes. In other words it just sits there not totally opening up with all the data on a page. If I click to go out then the page fades to an off white with the data still readable. I can then go out and come back in and often all is well. But this happens quite a bit. Running Windows Explorer 8.0.760 with windows 7

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[BSOD] Random Crashes. Startup, Starting Game, Once Fully Random?

Dec 10, 2011

Been having some crashes.At first they occurred on start up. Claiming the computer wasn't properly shut down. Now today, the other crashes started, with the first happening out of nowhere, the second happening upon starting a video game. I've been without crashes for a while now, only having used my browser(Opera) and copying some files to an external hard drive. As well as the SF tool.I only have 2 dump files available. SF tool file should be in attachments, unless I made a mistake somewhere

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Random BLSC 0x50 New Computer, New Install, Random Program Crashes?

Apr 8, 2012

Random BLSC 0x50 New Computer, New Install; Random Program Crashes?

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Random BSOD During Random Times, Error 0x8000000000000002

Feb 26, 2012

I reformatted my computer multiple times, yet my computer seems to BSOD randomly.What happenes is that everything becomes unresponsive; cant alt+tab, cant ctrl+alt+del etc etc. everything freezes randomly... then boom, BSOD. its happened twice, with no apparent pattern.And then, when it restarts, it tries booting but then it goes into the boot selection screen and my SSD is nowhere to be found. I have to power off then power on again for it to boot up and log in.

- System
- Provider
[ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power
[ Guid] {331C3B3A-2005-44C2-AC5E-77220C37D6B4}


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Random Computer Shutdowns Random BSODs

May 10, 2012

I dont know if this is the right area or not, as i just joined, but it seems to be the best place. I recently bought a new computer, and now it will randomly shut down. Its also making loud pitch noises. That just started happening. I called tech support and they told me it was probably just the power supply. Before I send it in though, i want to make sure that is what is wrong. I dont know all to put on here.

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Random BSOD Happens At Random Times

Mar 13, 2012

x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? 64 bit

- the original installed OS on the system? this is a built computer by myself. have had 64 bit forever on here

- an OEM or full retail version? oem

- What is the age of system (hardware)? memory is about 2 years old everything else is about 5 years old

- What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?) os was installed a few months ago.attached is the info that was requested. these blue screens happen at completely random times. could be during boot up. could be just sitting in sleep and blue screen.

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Random BSOD, Random Codes, While Using And While Away?

May 18, 2012

A couple weeks ago I started having random BSOD and restarts, I have researched several different solutions to no avail. At one point, I thought the problem was solved after restoring a restore point, however, the dreaded BSOD is back after a couple of days.

- Restored the earliest restore point
- Ran chkdsk with no errors
- Ran full scan AV (just in case) using MSSE.
- Updated all Windows and drivers updates.

I believe this is related to a driver issue, however, I'm not sure which one.Attached is both the BSOD App and System Health data.

Basic specs:

- Windows 7 x64
- Original Install
- System age: 6 months
- OS install age: 6 months (not reinstalled)

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Random "mouse-clicking" Or Random Toggle?

Jun 25, 2011

Whenever I am scrolling or just typing inside a MS-Word-2010 or PDF document, it's like someone is clicking with the mouse outside the window. The window menu is greyed out, and the blinking mouse cursor disappears.In order to continue scrolling or typing, I have to click back on that window.Sometimes it happens even while I'm typing, then I discover that some of my typing doesn't appear in the document and I have to click on the document again in order to bring back the mouse cursor into the document I use a wireless mouse but it also happens when I turn it off and use my laptop's touchpad 2 days ago I installed a Java update and NET framework updates.

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Why All Desktop Icons Appear In The Desktop Folder But Not On The Desktop Itself

Dec 19, 2012

Why all desktop icons appear in the Desktop folder but not on the desktop itself?I set my desktop to show the Recicle Bin icon only, but if I open the Desktop folder in Explorer they are all there: Computer, Control Panel, Libraries, Network, User's Files, and Recycle Bin.

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Disable The Infernal Obnoxious And Useless Desktop Cleanup That Keeps Deleting The Shortcuts That Put On The Desktop?

Sep 29, 2012

How do I disable the infernal obnoxious and useless desktop cleanup that keeps deleting the shortcuts I put on the desktop.

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When Save Files From Programs Onto Desktop / Cannot See Them Directly From Actual Desktop

Oct 26, 2011

When I save files from programs (aka Word, Photoshop, anything)onto my Desktop, I cannot see them directly from the actual desktop. I can only see them when I open up Explorer, and click on the Desktop tab. Then all my files are visible. I thought they were hidden...but they apparently aren't.It possibly seems like a refresh error.I did find a way around this..I go to Control Panel >> Appearance and Personalization >> Under Folder Options >> Show Hidden Files and Folders. I click on Reset folders, Apply, and then OK, and my missing files pop up on my actual desktop.But from then on, any new files I save are only visible in Explorer again. I don't want to go to Control Panel everytime I have to save something to the desktop? I've run Norton and Microsoft Essentials and I have no viruses. What can I do?I just found out I can also see my files after pressing f5 (refresh)so I guess the problem is HOW do I get my computer to refresh the desktop automatically?

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Desktop Loading Animation Makes Desktop Slow After Restarting?

Dec 29, 2012

recently i have a problem with my laptop, when restarting it loads normally but after a second desktop load something i dont know caused the desktop unclickable and the loading animation circle is still spinning, after about 2-3 minute it finished and my laptop works well as usual again (no slow), i wonder what makes that happen, sometimes its very annoying when we want to use the laptop immediately after restarting or turning on

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[DESKTOP] Desktop Slideshow Stops Working For Certain Settings?

Feb 1, 2012

It's strange, it's a recent problem, my desktop slideshow only works for the time setting of 3 minutes and below however whenever I go to the other time settings (5 minutes+) the slideshow stops. I've already checked my power settings and my slideshow settings are set to Available

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Can't Drag And Drop Any Icon On Desktop Also File To Desktop

Feb 8, 2012

Few days ago i am able to drag and drop any icon on desktop also file to desktop,but next morning i start my laptop i was unable to drag and drop any icon on desktop also file to desktop.I tried many method but all failed.

i using WIN 7 home premium X64bit HP 431 intel core i5 2gb ram also my setting in desktop/view/auto arrange is off in context menu the drag and drop setting is on

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Hiding Desktop Icons If Not Viewing Desktop?

Apr 23, 2012

I've been looking around for something that can hide my desktop icons (or basically anything except my background & bottom navigation bar) if I'm not viewing the desktop.In other words, when I have a (not full screen) window open, I want to be able to see my desktop background but not the icons on it. When I "view" the desktop, or don't have anything on top of it, I want the icons back.

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Desktop Icon Grid Changes When Using Extended Desktop?

May 25, 2012

I have a really annoying problem with desktop icons.I use 2 monitors. 1920x1200 is the main dislay and 1600x1200 is another one for extended desktop. The thing is that I don't need it all the time so I'd like to switch the extended desktop on and off when I need it. Problem is that entering the ex. desktop just somehow changes the grid (it seems that the grid becomes more compressed in vertical direction). That means that it always messes my icons up. I don't know why do the Windows change the grid when I do not change the resolution or just anything that could possibly affect the main screen.

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Unwanted Desktop Icons - How To Get Them Off The Desktop

Nov 1, 2012

I recently upgraded a Win-XP home system to Win-7 Home Premium. Everything went fine. But I have four system icons on the desktop, two of which I want to keep and two that I'd like to get rid of. The two keepers are the My Computer and Network icons, the two I don't wan to see are the Home Group and Library icons. This machine is the only Win-7 box on the network so Home Group is moot, and I do not expect to explicitly use Libraries any time soon. So the associated icons are just clutter on the desktop. For whatever reason, the two keepers include a "delete" option in their right click menus but the two I actually want to delete don't. So, how do I get them off the desktop? I don't think any of the four were present on the desktop when I completed the installation, and I don't remember what I did to get them to show up.

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Desktop Showing Either The Desktop Or An Application But Not Both?

Nov 30, 2011

I am encountering an interesting problem in which windows 7 shows either a software application and a bare desktop backgroup with no intereaction or the full desktop backgrouond with no applications shown only files, links etc.

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Open Desktop When The Desktop Is Hanging?

Jan 25, 2012

my laptop are so slow...what im suppose to do just to makt it fast..and sometimes some of my application are mathematically run whether what kind of application i use?

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Desktop Icons Disappear On Desktop

Feb 4, 2013

my desktop icon disappear on desktop a tried all i seen in this but i cant get?

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There's An Odd 'desktop' Icon On Desktop?

Jul 13, 2012

For awhile now, there's been an odd icon on my desktop titled 'desktop'. It's a notepad save, and the contents are:[.ShellClassInfo]LocalizedResourceName=@%SystemRoot%system32shell32.dll,-21769IconResource=%SystemRoot%system32imageres.dll,-183

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Getting Random BSODs

Mar 9, 2011

I am getting random blue screens all the time for different errors including win32k.sys and memory management. BSODs also randomly occur on bootup as well. I can't install Win7 SP1 because it will crash and cause a BSOD. I have a Dell Studio Laptop 1535 with 4 gigs of ram: Radeon HD 4300 Series graphics card Dual Intel 5750 2.0 GHz processor Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit This is not the original OS installed (Windows Vista 32bit was the original OS)

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