Program That Shows Computers Statistic / Characteristics

Sep 10, 2011

please recommend me a program that shows - how much RAM my pc has; how much is its HDD;temperature.

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Network Discovery Still Shows Non Existant Computers

Apr 29, 2009

How can I get rid of Network discovery discovering "Non existant" computers - even AFTER a reboot

The computer BIGLAPTOP no longer exists on my network anymore (not even as a logged off or powered off Virtual Machine).

How do I remove it from Network discovery. In any case I shouldn't have to --surely Network Discovery should only be able to find computers STILL attached to the network - so if this mythical machine is still on the network WHERE IS IT.

Sometimes there's a problem of NOT FINDING connected machines but FINDING NON connected machines -- now thats strange. (I'm running newly installed - clean) build 7100 x-64).

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Share Shows On 2 Windows Media Center Computers?

Dec 10, 2011

I would like to watch shows recorded on the other wmc7 computer on my computer. how can i do this?

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Verizon Aircard Program Shows Sign: Os Is Not Supported

Nov 11, 2009

I just purchased a laptop and when trying to install my verizon aircard program, it shows a sign saying os is not supported. Any ideas in what I can do?

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Windows 7 Installation, Task Manager Shows Program But Not On Screen?

Mar 2, 2012

Is this a normal Windows 7 error? I want to install League Of Legends but after I pressed yes to Administrator permissions to the program, then there is nothing, apart from Task manager says it is running, but I can not see anything on the desktop? I cant stop the program in task manager, which I think is a little weird?

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Windows 7 - Can't Install Any Program, It Shows Error In Dell Latitude D610

May 1, 2011

i cant install any program,it shows error in dell latitude D610

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When Boot From Windows 7 It Shows 64 Bit , Otherwise It Shows 32 Bit

Jan 22, 2012

I had windows vista 32 bit earlier. Then I got windows 7 professional upgrade in trial period. I didn't notice how it happened. Of course it must be my mistake. Now when i boot from windows 7 it shows 64 bit and in vista it shows 32 bit. The system asks before booting which one to choose. It's today only that I have installed but I am not facing any problem as such except that i need a product key within 30 days. Should i leave as it is or uninstall vista somehow. Would i be able to reboot my system using the 32 bit vista CD?

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Networked Computers - Can't Save Files On Networked Computers

Mar 8, 2012

Three Computers on a home network. Desktop in Office (Windows 7) . Wife's Laptop (Windows 7). My laptop ( Vista unfortunately). Norton Security Suite and all three. I have a network setup and a Homegroup established.

Everything was setup and working so that I could share files between all three. My wife was able to open a desktop file make changes and save it back to the desktop computer.

All of that changed. Now we get a message when trying to save the file. "You do not have permission to save in this location. Contact the administrator to obtain permission".

I have given the entire "MY Documents" sharing permission to everyone. I have checked everything. I have looked over all kinds of forums and nothing has worked.

I am to the point of doing a complete reinstall of Windows 7 on my Desktop.

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Portable Program Which Includes A Browser And A Mailing Program?

Aug 29, 2011

Im looking for a portable program which includes a Browser and a Mailing program, like Opera is, but NOT Opera (must be able to run beside Opera & Firefox!!)

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Windows Runs Installation Of Program When Start Program

Aug 14, 2012

I installed Weathrbug Plus and for some odd reason recently when I run it Windows runs the installation for the program. When I run the prograsm I get the typical "Preparing to install..." abnd then tyhe 'Configuring Weatherbug. I've been in contact with Weatherbug Support all day and we can't seem to find an answer.I'm using Microsoft Security Essentials.This is a clean install of Windows 7. I haven't used any other real-time security software other than MSE.I disabled MSE and tried it and got the same results.

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Stop Windows 7 64 Bit Program To Be Installed In Program Files (*86)?

Jun 23, 2011

64bit application is getting installed in program files (*86). How to change the destination folder. Insta shield is not giving this option.

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Write A Program In C Program That Shuts Down A Computer In 20 Seconds?

Sep 12, 2012

how can i write a program in c that shuts down a computer in 20 seconds

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Add / Remove Program File Only Contains Program Java

Dec 12, 2011

I don't know where this error hs_err_pid came from.I closed down explorer and there were all this notepad messages on my desktop and I can't get rid of them. Researching, I know this is a Java thing. I've uninstalled and reinstalled several times to no avail.My windows update is fully updated.I've run 3 virus programs.I notice this was addressed for someone using XP but what of Windows 7? My add/remove program file only contines the program Java (TM) update 29. Nothing else is listed as far as Java is concerned.I've run cleaner programs and these did not take care of the problem. Every time I restart my machine these errors immediate pop up at start up.

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Program Blocked By Program Compatibility Assistant?

Oct 3, 2009

Im trying to run a program on Windows 7. The program is a logitech installer. But Windows 7 Program Compatibility Assistant blocks the program and prevent me from running it. I have tried disable the Program Compatibility Assistant service in the service manager and i have also enabled the "Turn off Program Compatibility Assistant" group policy.But windows still keep blocking the program.

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Unable To Remove Old Program And Thus Cannot Install New Program

Feb 25, 2012

I have been using a program called Raw Therapee. I downloaded a new version and on installing it quit saying the old version must be removed. I could not find it listed in Revo Unistaller Pro, so I did a forced uninstall with the location of the main executable. This removed a lot of stuff. I checked the program folder and the folder and many files were still there, so I deleted them. I did a CCleaner in between and after. I then unhide and show system files and deleted the folders in the Appdata of main user and admin account, couldn't find it anywhere else.
CCleaner again and reboot. Went to install the new version again and it claimed that the old version was still installed. I did a search for *aw The* and found an entry in the hidden Program Data Folder. In the Admin account it will not let me in this folder to delete any remnants of the old version of Raw Therapee.

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ArcSoft TV Program Giving Pop Up When Set To Record TV Program?

Oct 3, 2012

I have an issue with my ArcSoft TV program. Recently something changed and now I get the UAC pop up asking if I want this program to make changes to my computer.Issue is this, I can set to record a program, but with the pop up now coming up, I have to be avaliable to click to record the progarm.Currently I have the UAC set not to ask (pop up). However I understand the reason for the UAC asking and I prefer it to ask. So what I need is a way to allow ArcSoft to run without the pop up, but all other programs to ask for security. What is the way to do this for this one program?

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750 GB HD Shows Only 698 GB

Oct 18, 2011

I just got a new HD and tried to just plug it in on my old HD with Windows 7 but I can't find it anywhere no meter that it get recognized and installed at the beginning, I tried to install my old XP and it shows only 698 GB on the other hand Windows 7 shows 715GB.This HD is 750GB.And shouldn't those anti static bags that they(HD) are packed be closed hermetical instead this HD was with a bag that was just folded and glued with duck tape (made of paper) with a "made in china" letters!

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CPU Usage Shows 100%?

Mar 18, 2011

i always crash whenever i play need for speed world. it would start for a few minutes or a few seconds. im not sure if its driver related, overheating GPU, or worst, a dead GPU.

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My Computer - Nothing Shows Up

May 16, 2009

I'm using a Toshiba L350D-03N Laptop computer (2.0GB RAM, 1.86GHz Pentium Dual Core, Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Graphics) and now when I open "My Computer", nothing shows up, the loading bar in the address shows loading progress, but after it's done, nothing else happens. I will enclose a screenshot of it. If it has any relation to the icons not showing up on my pictures,

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Is There Any Way To Stream Tv Shows

May 23, 2012

I would like to stream my tv shows I record in Media Center to the tv in my livingroom. My PC is in my bedroom. The hdtv in the bedroom has a hdmi input, but the tv in the livingroom has a rca input. Is there a way that I can stream the tv shows into the livingroom? I have been on computer for two hours trying to find a solution. I cannot afford an XBox.

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Nothing Shows Up When Turn On

Sep 11, 2010

I tried to overclock my AMD Phemom II X4 955 about 5 minutes ago. I changed the multiplier to 19x and voltage to 1.5 like I saw in one of PCWizKid's videos. Now when I turn my computer on, nothing shows up on my monitor, and my keyboard and mouse don't come on. How can I fix this?

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Windows Shows I Have Less RAM

Jul 14, 2011

Sometimes my computer slows up and I check the memory and windows shows I have less RAM. Is that why it slows up? I don't remove anything so can't understand why this happens.

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DVD Rw Shows All CD's As Blank

Feb 1, 2013

DVD RW display almost all CDs as blank cd ,what to do ?

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CPU At 100% Task Manager Shows Nothing

Jul 5, 2012

For the last few days I've been running some CPU intensive programs which I wrote. My laptop was getting really hot (70+�C), so I decided to blow into the vent to clear the dust out. However all this did was clog the fan with dust and it stopped spinning, so I used a safety pin to hook the dust out. The fan started spinning and it blew a load of old dust out, and my laptop is now running in the low 40's.

However now task manager shows the CPU usage as 100%, but when I sort the processes by CPU time, nothing is using much of the processor, firefox sometimes jumps up to 50%, but it doesn't stay there for long.Even when I boot into ubuntu, everything is still running really slowly.Also, speedfan reports my CPU speed as 600mhz, sometimes it shows a few other values (1400, 1200, 1800 etc), I have two core2 duo 1.83 ghz processors, so I wasn't expecting to see 600mhz!

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USB Mic Shows As Sound Device

Aug 3, 2012

For my radio project and podcasts I've invested in a digital microphone. I also got a wireless keyboard and mouse with volume control, not very important but it factors in.

When I start Windows I have two sound devices: The actual speakers and this ProSound mic. Under the actual speakers would be things like VLC and under the mic would be other vital things like Iron (Chrome). If I want to watch/listen to something online I have to plug out the mic. This puts all the programs under the Speakers device. If I plug it back in these programs RETURN to the ProSound mic.

So first of all I need to know why my programs made this choice and how do I put a stop to it? Secondly how do I make my speakers my primary device so I can use these awesome volume controls I paid out the *** to use.

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Nothing Shows Up At Login Screen?

Aug 14, 2012

Running Windows 7 Ultimate N x86 on a Dell Inspiron 6400I used MSConfig to set the computer to boot into Safe Mode - Minimal Services. I did nothing else. That's the only thing I did.Now when it gets to the login screen, nothing shows up. Just the cursor, the Ease of Access button, and the Shutdown button. No choosing users, no entering passwords, nothing. Which means I cannot log into any accounts. All I can do is shut it down or restart the computer.I'd also turned off system restore a while back because of an infection there, but forgot to turn it back on and so I have no way to roll the computer back.I tried hitting F8 and telling it to boot normally, but it continued through Safe Mode, so no luck there.

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64bit System And It Still Shows Less Ram

Jun 5, 2011

i need some help with windows 7 64 bit system showing me only 2.68gb of useable ram.i understand that windows 7 uses like 1gb ram but that still should be 3gb of ram left showing in my graphics card is 1gb but even still its 64bit os and it shouldnt matter sinve over 4gb can be read using 64bit system.

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GRUB Shows At Boot Up

May 23, 2009

When ever i try to turn my pc on it shows GRUB on a black screen

i have installed WUBI 9.04 ubantu linux now i cant log in to any os

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Pen Drive Shows Only 2gb Instead Of 16gb?

Apr 28, 2011

weirdest think happened. i was using a software hddregenerator and i made a bootable usb pen drive using it . But after the software formatted the pen drive ,now the total space is shown as 1.91 GB instead of the original 14.8 GB. How do i bring my pen drive to its original size

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Drive Shows RAW Filesystem

Nov 7, 2009

I had two 500G drives in raid-0. I then took apart the raid, formatted the two drives, installed into the machine on a DIFFERENT sata controller, everything works well. I use it a few days. Then I just boot the machine once more and, can't see my 500g drives AT ALL. They have simply vanished.

I check the disk management WHAT? it shows ONE 1t drive there, RAW filesystem. I shutdown and take out one drive, reboot and STILL it shows just one terabyte drive there. One, two drives, any SATA port, it always shows as one terabyte drive.

I rip both drives out, put in USB case and stick in my laptop, shows as one 500g drive, RAW filesystem, nothing on disk. Very nice. Incredible.

So now I've destroyed the partitions, formatted the drives...put them in the Windows 7 machine...and now I just wait how long will it take for win 7 to decide they are actually a single terabyte drive again.

And no, my sata controller (intel on Asus P5Q) is not set to raid mode either. If I have to reinstall Windows 7 for the third time to get it to work without amazing trickery.

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500GB HDD Only Shows As 90GB?

Aug 10, 2012

I have a WD 500GB HDD plugged into my PC via USB, the drive was brand new and had a 90GB partition and a 410GB partition on it, I formatted the larger partition with Partition Wizard and now in disk management the drive only shows as 90GB, there is no unallocated space where the partition was before. I've run 5 different partition recovery tools (Partition Wizard, Acronis True Image WD, Easus Partition Recovery, Partition Table doctor, Active Partition Recovery) but none of them can see anything more than 90GB, what's happened to the rest of it and how can I recover it?

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