Program For Search Drivers For Ntb

Aug 12, 2011

who know a good program for search drivers for NTB Asus EEEPC 1015?

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Program For Search Drivers For NTB Asus EEEPC 1015?

Sep 13, 2011

who know a good program for search drivers for NTB Asus EEEPC 1015?

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Can't Remove Search Program

Nov 20, 2011

After downloading an update of the Adobe lens corrector program from I now have the unwanted search program. This program acts as the default search engine in both Explorer and Firefox when using speech recognition software to initiate a search. is not listed with any of the search programs, and is not listed as a program or a plug-in in Windows 7. I even tried restoring Windows 7 to an earlier date but program still remains in the computer. It does not show up under a malware to search. I would like to get rid this unwanted piece of crap but I don't know how.

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Un-take Ownership Of Program Data Folder So Search Can Work?

Mar 24, 2012

I tried to take ownership of ProgramData - a folder in my C drive - to install VMWare because it gave me a security error. Now I can't use Windows Search from the Start Menu, and I think I got an error somewhere related to ProgramData while I tried to fix itndexing is not running, according to the Indexing Options window. So I think I need to "un-take" ownership of the ProgramData folder. Is there a way to "untake" ownership of a folder?

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Default Program For Search Engine Accidentally Changed

Sep 21, 2012

my default program for search engine accidently changed how should i get it back

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Search For Drivers ASUS MB

Jun 13, 2011

I ,slowly, prepare my migration to Win 7 Pro X64.The new PC is there and I install the products. The Motherboard is an ASUS PP8P67 Pro .I do not find some drivers.I did find the others but not these 2.I have made a request on ASUS site but I have no response

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Number Of New Device Drivers Simultaneous Search?

Nov 17, 2011

When I have several new devices, for example device1, device2, device3, windows starts to search drivers for all three devices looks like:evice1 searchingdevice2 searchingdevice3 searchingnd it searches up to four devices in parallel (as far as I noticed).Is there some way to change this behaviour?I need windows to search driver for one device at a time. and start to search for next device only after first device driver setup complete. and so on.

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Outlook 2007 Task Search Versus Windows7 Computer Wide Search

Nov 10, 2009

Outlook 2007 Task search versus Windows7 computer wide search.

I enter the same keyword (one of the words contained within the title of a completed task) in the Outlook Task search box as I do the Windows 7 orb 'search programs and files.' The Windows 7 search returns the correct search result (along with a lot other results having the same keyword) practically immediately whereas Outlook is still searching...and searching.

If I have index options set to include the C: drive and Outlook, what's going on with Outlook?

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Windows 7 Search Files And Folders Vs Outlook 2007 Search?

Mar 24, 2011

some specifics and pinpoint the differences (or maybe a good website) that would pinpoint the differences between the Windows 7 search and the outlook 2007 search? I know the outlook search searches through email but are there other difference I am overlooking between the two?

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Replacing Windows 7 Desktop Search With The Old Search Companion?

Dec 15, 2009

Is there any way to replace the Desktop Search with the 'Ole Dog ( Search Companion) You can not find all the related files with Desktop search like you could with Search Companion.

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No Results When Using Search Programs And Files Box Or Explorer Search Box

Feb 18, 2012

I began having an issue with my laptops ATI Radeon graphics driver not working properly. It is fixed now, but the other issues I was having at the same time was not being able to view indexed files through the "search programs and files" and "windows explorer search" box. The screen goes blank or does not produce any results. Also, one of my downloaded software disk programs will not open--error. This particular program, Logos Bible software, index its files quite often. Even when I am not using the program. I also cannot change my desktop background to any picture except solid colors. I think my laptop has a corrupted file somewhere, or it is infected with malware.

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Search Torrent Files With Windows 7 Search?

Dec 19, 2011

how i can search for torrent files with windows 7 search function?when i look for my downloaded files (downloaded via µtorrent),then i can i only find my downloaded files,but no torrent files(the torrent file still exists in my µtorrent program,so i am sure i still have the torrent file).

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Does Search Bar Lacking In Search Filters

May 4, 2012

Not only does my search bar lacking in search filters (cannot search for videos only etc) but I could never get print screen to work. With XP I never had any of the above problems. How can MS downgrade their OS to such an extent??

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Best Program To Find Drivers?

Jul 10, 2012

Whats the best program to find driver automatically

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[DRIVERS] Virtual CD Program Not Working?

Dec 2, 2011

I've just setup/installed Windows 7 32-Bit and looks like everything is OK but I installed a virtual CD program/s (i.e. Daemon Tools, PowerISO and or MagicISO) my system is not detecting the virtual CD's that Daemon Tools, PowerISO and or MagicISO have created. can you suggest any procedures for this? or do i need to install something or update my drivers?

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Is There A Program That Can Install ALL Drivers For Toshiba Laptop

Jan 29, 2013

is there a LEGIT program, paid or freeware, that will download and install ALL the drivers for my laptop? one that works, and doesnt install the incorrect ones. (ive tried "slim drivers" already UCHH) lol. why hasnt TOSHIBA inc. created one specificly for toshiba products?

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JIT Debugger Error & Program Crashes After Updating Drivers?

Jan 15, 2013

I recently went to update my mobile video card drivers on my ASUS G73JH laptop and after doing so, on boot up I would see this error message after saying my CCC.exe has crashed...I also couldn't access any programs that make use of the video card, every time I would open one, it would crash before opening.So I rolled back my drivers and everything is fine, but obviously, I would like to update my drivers for my video card, but not really sure what to try.

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Program To Automatically Detect And Install Latest Drivers?

May 21, 2011

Is there any program that can update all my drivers at the same time so that I do not have to manually update all of them.

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"windows Cannot Find 'search:query=XXX'" Error Message Windows Search

Nov 25, 2010

"windows cannot find 'search:query=XXX'" error I have been experiencing lately.

The problem is similar to the one I described previously (here: Windows could not start the Windows Search service on Local Computer)

...namely, I am running Windows 7 Pro 64-bit, and have experienced the same error message ( windows cannot find 'search:query=XXX', where XXX is my search query) when attempting to initiate a search via the Windows start menu search box. Unfortunately, my previously proposed solution (of removing a network search location from Windows Search Index list) does not resolve it.....and so finally I resorted to using Samhrutha's proposed solution of modifying the registry to reset Windows Search back to default (which DID work...but ended up removing all the search index customizations I had made).

However, when I then modify the search indexing options to include indexing of my C: drive, I get the "windows cannot find 'search:query=XXX'" error message.

If I then uncheck the C: drive box in the search in the search indexing options, the error message does not I then went thru a tedious process of trying to identify which folders on my C drive were causing the issue, and from what I am able to tell, the "windows cannot find 'search:query=XXX'" error message seems to always occur when the indexing options include at least one folder WHICH IS OWNED by TRUSTED INSTALLER (e.g., program files folder, program files (x86), c:, etc.). This wasn't a problem previously, so my guess is that MS Update recently (e.g., w/in the last few months) changed some security setting which now prevents Windows Search from being able to index/access folders owned by TRUSTED INSTALLER, resulting in the "windows cannot find 'search:query=XXX'" error message.

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Portable Program Which Includes A Browser And A Mailing Program?

Aug 29, 2011

Im looking for a portable program which includes a Browser and a Mailing program, like Opera is, but NOT Opera (must be able to run beside Opera & Firefox!!)

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Windows Runs Installation Of Program When Start Program

Aug 14, 2012

I installed Weathrbug Plus and for some odd reason recently when I run it Windows runs the installation for the program. When I run the prograsm I get the typical "Preparing to install..." abnd then tyhe 'Configuring Weatherbug. I've been in contact with Weatherbug Support all day and we can't seem to find an answer.I'm using Microsoft Security Essentials.This is a clean install of Windows 7. I haven't used any other real-time security software other than MSE.I disabled MSE and tried it and got the same results.

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Stop Windows 7 64 Bit Program To Be Installed In Program Files (*86)?

Jun 23, 2011

64bit application is getting installed in program files (*86). How to change the destination folder. Insta shield is not giving this option.

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Write A Program In C Program That Shuts Down A Computer In 20 Seconds?

Sep 12, 2012

how can i write a program in c that shuts down a computer in 20 seconds

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Start Menu - Add Search Connectors To Start Menu Search

Jun 29, 2009

How to Pin Search Connectors to Search and See More Results in Start Menu ?

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Add / Remove Program File Only Contains Program Java

Dec 12, 2011

I don't know where this error hs_err_pid came from.I closed down explorer and there were all this notepad messages on my desktop and I can't get rid of them. Researching, I know this is a Java thing. I've uninstalled and reinstalled several times to no avail.My windows update is fully updated.I've run 3 virus programs.I notice this was addressed for someone using XP but what of Windows 7? My add/remove program file only contines the program Java (TM) update 29. Nothing else is listed as far as Java is concerned.I've run cleaner programs and these did not take care of the problem. Every time I restart my machine these errors immediate pop up at start up.

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Program Blocked By Program Compatibility Assistant?

Oct 3, 2009

Im trying to run a program on Windows 7. The program is a logitech installer. But Windows 7 Program Compatibility Assistant blocks the program and prevent me from running it. I have tried disable the Program Compatibility Assistant service in the service manager and i have also enabled the "Turn off Program Compatibility Assistant" group policy.But windows still keep blocking the program.

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Unable To Remove Old Program And Thus Cannot Install New Program

Feb 25, 2012

I have been using a program called Raw Therapee. I downloaded a new version and on installing it quit saying the old version must be removed. I could not find it listed in Revo Unistaller Pro, so I did a forced uninstall with the location of the main executable. This removed a lot of stuff. I checked the program folder and the folder and many files were still there, so I deleted them. I did a CCleaner in between and after. I then unhide and show system files and deleted the folders in the Appdata of main user and admin account, couldn't find it anywhere else.
CCleaner again and reboot. Went to install the new version again and it claimed that the old version was still installed. I did a search for *aw The* and found an entry in the hidden Program Data Folder. In the Admin account it will not let me in this folder to delete any remnants of the old version of Raw Therapee.

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ArcSoft TV Program Giving Pop Up When Set To Record TV Program?

Oct 3, 2012

I have an issue with my ArcSoft TV program. Recently something changed and now I get the UAC pop up asking if I want this program to make changes to my computer.Issue is this, I can set to record a program, but with the pop up now coming up, I have to be avaliable to click to record the progarm.Currently I have the UAC set not to ask (pop up). However I understand the reason for the UAC asking and I prefer it to ask. So what I need is a way to allow ArcSoft to run without the pop up, but all other programs to ask for security. What is the way to do this for this one program?

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Cannot Add Program To Default Program List

Dec 3, 2012

I have W7 IE and have downloaded a word processing program (AbiWord) which I want to add to list of Default Programs. how to get this program added to the default list?

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Add A Program To The Default Program List?

Sep 19, 2012

I would like to add "PDF Viewer Plus", by Nuance, to the list of Default Programs so I may associate it with my PDF files.

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Finding A Program In Program Files (x86)?

Aug 31, 2011

Running Windows 7 Pro, 64bit.We have a package of scripts and programs that comprise a custom application for OpenOffice 3.2 (do not want to upgrade OO at this point). We must support our package on Win XP, Vista and 7.A bunch of our scripts start up OpenOffice by running the command: C:Program 3programsoffice.exe (with arguments).Works fine on XP. Fails on Windows 7 because the OO program installs itself into Program Files (x86). Even if I change properties of the installer file, in the Compatibility tab, to Win XP SP3, AND tell the installer to put it in C:Program Files, Windows 7 still installs it into Program Files (x86). We would LIKE to have the same script work on both flavors of Windows. I know we can modify our scripts to branch on which Windows, and choose two different paths to soffice.exe, but that's messy.I can't solve it by creating a shortcut in Program Files, to the program in Program Files (x86); that's not allowed.Is there some solution in Windows 7 to find the program no matter which place it lives? Like, a semi-intelligent environment variable for ProgramFiles that looks in one place, then the other?

Ie.: "C:\ 3programsoffice.exe

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