Pin Multiple Documents To Their Host Program On Taskbar?

Dec 15, 2011

It used to be that I could pin multiple documents to their host program on the task bar, and I could run more then just the program itself, for example with good chrome I could right click and choose to open a new window, a new incognito window and a few other options. I did some windows updates a little while back and all the other options have disappeared as well as my ability to pin files to programs. I was wondering if there was a way to get that back since it was super convenient to have. Most programs used to have many options and recent files, etc. Now this is the most I ever get for any program.

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Virtual XP Mode And Multiple Users On Host?

Nov 19, 2012

I've taken on a migration project for an SMB. They have an ancient application that they use and cannot find a replacement for.

The problem is that the application writes to the root of C: when creating mail merge documents, while this wasn't an issue on XP with the correct permissions its a problem with 7 due to UAC not letting standard users write to that location.

The software vendors have come back with the standard answer "turn UAC off" ... nope .. not prepared to do that.

I've managed to get a copy of the application so I could do some experimenting with Virtual XP mode. While this allows the application to run and create the mail merges correctly it seems to require the creation and setup of a VM every time a new users logs on.

Is there anyway to share a single VM between multiple users or could it be done by assigning published applications to all users on the host?

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Cannot Open Multiple Documents?

Apr 10, 2010

Here's the scenario. You've got a folder with say, 42 text files. In XP, you would select them, then hit enter, and they all pop up, one after another. The order would be that the last file would open first, then the remaining files would open in the order they are listed in Explorer.Windows 7 is not like that. Here's what happens.Pick all 42 files, hit enter. Nothing. No error, no warning, just nothing happens.Pick 2 files, hit enter. Opens just like normal.Pick 20 files, nothing.Pick 10 files, works fine.Pick 15 files, works finePick 16 files, nothing.More oddness. When multiple files open, they open in a random order.More more oddness. Close them, then open then again. Random, but in a different random order!My thought on this is that it is just a bug. That the number of files is (16) or (2^4) or (hex f), suggests to me that the programmer didn't allow for numbers large than (hex f). Although that number could mean nothing and is simply a coincidence.

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Making Documents Available To Multiple Users?

Jul 1, 2011

How can I make a Word document that was saved by a guest user available to all users? Its an interesting family history written by my aging mother. My daughter had to use my laptop while hers was in repair - she loggind in as a guest and saved the word document from an email. I can switch to the guest user and see it there, but I would like to access it from my user account. I am using Windows 7 and Office 2007.

I have fiddled with the document properties, but that didn't help. The document only shows up in libraries if I am logged in as guest.

Microsoft web site has instructions for using a "public" folder, but I don't see one on my computer, and they don't say how to create a public folder or how to move an exisiting document into the public folder.

It doesn't seem like "file sharing" is what I want, because only the one computer is involved. Am I right about that?

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Open Documents NOT In Taskbar

Sep 16, 2012

I've got a severe problem with Windows 7 which I cannot fix alone... The thing is that open (but minimized) documents (Excel, pdf, aso.) don't appear in the taskbar. The only way to switch thorugh open documents is via the task manager. Thus ist is very annoying to work...

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Pinning Documents To Taskbar Instead Of Programs

Aug 14, 2009

I am trying to pin a document to the taskbar. However, what gets pinned is the program that opens the document and not the document itself, so instead of just clicking on the icon to open the document I need to right click on it and then select the document.

Is there any way to pin the document itself so that clicking on the icon will open the document?

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Can't Pin Items Onto The Taskbar Because Of A Program On The Taskbar

Jan 8, 2012

I had a program installed called Spiral Knights, and I pinned the icon onto the taskbar so I could quickly launch it. When I was done playing it for good, I uninstalled it and it looked like the icon was off the taskbar, but it wasn't. When I tried to put another program onto the taskbar, called minecraft_server.jar, it pinned to the Spiral Knights icon, even though SK isn't installed anymore. Wherever I try to put the minecraft_server.jar onto the taskbar, the SK program is still there, and it says if I want to pin the minecraft_server.jar onto SK.

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[64-bit] Multiple Icons In Taskbar For ITunes?

Jul 21, 2011

I just changed all the drivers in my computer and updated my old xp os to windows 7. I am having a problem, I've pinned iTunes to my task bar, and unlike the other programs, when the short cut is highlighted when it is open, but with iTunes, another icon is created.

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Add Multiple Clocks To The Taskbar In Windows 7

Dec 1, 2008

This tutorial will show you how to add multiple clocks to the Windows 7 taskbar. This is useful for people who monitor other time zones or travel with their laptops.

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Multiple Taskbar Page List?

Jan 20, 2012

Normally, I've got tons of pages grouped in a single icon, with a 1920x1080 monitor, and a two-row taskbar. Like thisI despised that 'scroll' feature, and I was wondering if there might be a way or two, to expand that list to, say 2 or 3 column? So, there would be no need for the scroll thingy, and viewing/finding a particular window would be much, much easier.

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Selecting Multiple Windows In Taskbar

Nov 18, 2010

I've recently migrated from Windows XP Pro to Win 7 Ent and now I see that it's not possible to Ctrl+Click on taskbar to select multiple windows and then e.g. close them all via context menu. I'm wondering if this is something that can be configured in Win 7 just like it worked in Win XP?

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Extending The Taskbar For Multiple Displays?

Jan 16, 2012

I recently purchased a second monitor and now have two working at the same time. It lets me have a lot more windows open at any given time, but since the windows task bar is only displayed on the main monitor it gets very clustered when I open all the windows I need. This makes it hard swapping between windows, especially when I'm working on the secondary monitor and have to move the mouse over to the primary to pull up a window that's behind all the others.

I'm wondering if there's a way to extend the task bar across both monitors? I've looked in the properties of both the task bar and the nvidia control panel, but found nothing.

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Lost Documents In Program File

Jul 28, 2011

windows 7.lost document program file will not show photos or video. but can find when i open picasa 3

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Having Multiple Tabs / Windows Open On Taskbar Button

Nov 10, 2011

I recently upgraded my FF 7.0.1 (or whatever the most up-to-date version of 7 is/was) to 8.0 and am noticing an issue. The problem I am experiencing is that when I launch FF (regardless if its done via the start menu or the button pinned to my taskbar), it adds a separate taskbar button (a la previous versions of Windows) instead of how Windows 7 normally handles such things. In addition to this, it also does not reflect having multiple tabs/windows open on the taskbar button (the attached image shows how the button for IE(9) displays the different tabs I have open in it, as well as the vertical lines next to the button which represent the number of tabs/windows open; however, the Firefox button does not function in either way, but you can see in the image that I have 3 tabs open in the browser window).Are these compatibility bugs between Windows 7 and Firefox (that the Mozilla devs need to address)?

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Group Multiple Icons Which Have Been Pinned To The Taskbar Into A Folder?

Jan 4, 2011

is it possible to group multiple icons which have been pinned to the taskbar into a folder? so when hovering over the folder it should open to show what is in it?
for example could i put internet explorer, google chrome, and mozilla firefox into a folder so there is not 3 icons but jsut one?

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Taskbar Running Multiple Instances Of Outlook 2007?

Nov 30, 2009

i have Outlook 2007 pinned to my taskbar. i have notification behavior set to Hide icon and notifications. I have Outlook set to Hide When Minimized.k, so, whenever i want to see Outlook, i simply click the pinned shortcut on taskbar. when i want to hide it, i click the same icon, and it disappears and goes back to the small pinned icon form. i repeat if i want to see outlook again.... however! doing this, i noticed that each time i click the pinned icon, it is loading a new instance of Outlook 2007.i realized this when i saw the notifications area, and realized there were multiple Outlook 2007 windows available. (right clickign the notifications icon displays the "Open Outlook" button, not as a link, but as a menu.)how can i prevent taskbar from loading multiple instances?

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Stop Auto Minimizing In Taskbar When Multiple Windows Open

Jul 9, 2011

When I have multiple windows open [i.e. outlook is open with 4 emails open as well] and I hover over the Outlook folder in the toolbar which then shows previews of all the emails, I want the ability to close a single email and keep the others previewed. Right now, if I close one, the other open ones "auto minimize" I know this is an option as I've seen it operated the way I want it.

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What Program Allows Me To Have A Main Computer That A Few Others Can Access And Change Documents At Any Time

Jul 7, 2011

Main computer is the office computer. Its a desktop that a person is constantly on and doing stuff. There are 3 others that need the same information and documents at any given time. These 3 people have their laptops that are constantly switching wifi hotspots. They need to change information sometimes, and need access to all of it any time. The way its setup now is 1 person is on the main computer, but when one of the three need to access it, they remotely log in and take control. Only one person can access the computer at a time. How do I set it up so all four of these people can access and change the files at the same time if they want? The main computer is being used constantly, but someone always needs a document or file while the main person is working on it. So it slows production when someone logs in.

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Run Multiple Instances Of 1 Program?

Jun 13, 2012

I need to Run multiple instances of 1 program at once (prob 6 or 8 (cpu power is not an issue)) but theres a catch... there is a problem with the program and it only works right if you right-click on the desktop icon and click "run as the administrator" ... (each instance would be interacting with a different usb/serial/Com port device i don't know if that would be a problem)?

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Run Same Program From One Computer To Multiple Monitors?

May 22, 2012

I do currency trading from my home, and need to have a full screen dedicated to each currency I trade, each screen/currency running off the same PC at the same time. I know I can attach multiple monitors to my Windows 7 PC, but am not sure how to have the same program running simultaneously on 3 different monitors (that's the only way to get the 3 currencies to show as a full screen and have the ability to submit trade tickets independently based on respective currency). Seems as though the same image will appear on each monitor.Is this at all possible, or will I have to buy 2 additional PCs to put Monitors 2 and 3 on to accomplish this?

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Pin Anything To A Program's Shortcut In The Taskbar?

May 10, 2012

Is it possible to pin anything to a program's shortcut in the taskbar?EX: I have Photoshop in my taskbar. Is it possible to pin some other adobe applications to it so when I right-click the PS icon, they appear in the jumplist?

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Cannot Remove Program From Taskbar

Sep 6, 2009

i have an icon on my taskbar for the program Steam on my taskbar that cannot be removed.

what happened was i changed the name of the one of the program's parent folders, and now when i right click on in, no menu pops up, and i can't drag down to get any menu...

i attempted to fix this by changing the parent folder's name back to it's original, but to no avail.

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Disable (Pin This Program To Taskbar) Can It Be Done?

Dec 6, 2009

I would like to remove the "Pin This Program To Taskbar" context menu entry that appears in the right click menu's of taskbar icons. I've found two methods online, each covered in a tutorial guide posted here, but neither have worked for me. Anybody else have any luck with this?

Note that I am using Windows 7 Home Premium so I do not have access to the Group Policy Editor. However, microsoft posted this spreadsheet which details each GPEdit settings function and where in the registry GPEdit makes changes when a user uses the GPEdit interface. I've manually entered the registry key described in that spreadsheet.

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Program To Cover Taskbar

Oct 26, 2012

Does anyone know of a program that can cover the taskbar programs section? The Finderbar from url...r does the job but it has the menus and is for small taskbars.

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Multiple Monitors - Program Expands To Next Monitor

Dec 30, 2009

It seems like a few programs, such as Adobe Photoshop CS4 and Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 (seems to be limited to Adobe), expand past my main monitor, and reach the monitors to the left and right.

This happens when the programs are maximized.

I've included two screenshots of this issue. Notice the additional black border around the main screen (middle one).

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How To Minimize All When Multiple Windows Open In Same Program

Jul 11, 2010

I really like aspects of the new taskbar, especially pinning program icons to it. I always would open my main program's in the same order so they would be in the same place on taskbar, but if I had to close one and reopen... oh well. so 7 fixed that problem,If I have multiple windows open in same program (e.g. firefox), I lose the ability to minimize ALL windows controlled by that programs icon. When right clicking on icon, there should be a MINIMIZE ALL choice in addition to the CLOSE ALL. Seems like a no brainer to me.

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New Feature: Pin A Program To The Taskbar In Windows 7

Dec 1, 2008

This tutorial will show you how to pin a program or file to the Windows 7 taskbar.

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What Might Cause Program Icon On Taskbar To Vanish

Sep 9, 2010

I can use some help in understanding and fixing a vanished program icon. I'm running APC Personal 2.2 on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. Up until I noticed the other day the APC icon which was customized to show on taskbar did and was. Yesterday I noticed the icon gone. I ran it manually and the last recorded event was 9/1/10 and there have been at least one since then. I turned off the display icon and then turned it on an it appeared on the taskbar. Rebooted, not there. Used CCleaner to check startup programs and it showed that the program was listed to start. I disabled it and then re-enabled it and got a pop up from my firewall about it contacting home. Rebooted and it still did not appear.I feel as if the program is not running until I turn it on manually even though it says it is in the configurations section of the program.

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What Is Mem Use For Multiple Instances Same 32bit Program On Windows 7 64bit

Feb 17, 2011

1. If I have a primarily single threaded 32 bit application that I want to run multiple instances of on a Win 7 64 bit order to take advantage of throughput on 2xquad core cpu's

a. Will each instance of the 32 bit application be limited to 2GB of 32 bit addressable memory?
b. Will the total memory available to all of the running 32 bit applications be only 3.25GB or will a machine with say 64GB of memory parse out 32 2GB partitions to 32 unique windows of an application?

2. If the application has driver interfaces only certified in Windows XP (and not functioning in Win 7 (32 or 64 bit)), what is the impact of question 1 above on running multiple instances of the same application in XP SP3 compatibility mode (e.g. are there additional memory/graphic limits imposed)?

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Unpin Program On Taskbar To Shortcut On Desktop?

Mar 4, 2011

Is it possible to unpin a program on your taskbar and turn it into a shortcut on the desktop or anywhere else? Or should I say; can I move a shortcut out of a pin to another location? In previous operating systems I could just drag a shortcut almost anywhere you wanted.

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New Feature: Unpin A Program From The Taskbar In Windows 7

Dec 1, 2008

This tutorial will show you how to Unpin a program or file from the Windows 7 taskbar.

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