Network Password/credentials Not Remembered?

Dec 18, 2009

I have a couple of drives mapped as Network drives to my Windows 7 Pro laptop. One of the network drives is on an XP machine the other is a NAS.Everytime I access the XP drive I am asked for username & password even though everytime I enter it I tick the "Remember my credentials" box.Is there something else I need to do in order for Windows 7 to stop prompting me ?

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Win 7 Does Not Save Network Login Credentials ( Username And Password )

Sep 21, 2009

This problem has been driving me up the wall, so I hope you fine folks can help me out with it .

I have a network storage device with several network folders and each of them are passworded for added security (in case someone manages to connect to my wifi). When I try and access them in any application or Windows Explorer, I am often (but not always) prompted to re-enter the username and password. This happens even though I tick the box to remember these details.

This is on an almost new install and I am completely stuck. Any thoughts?

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Wireless Password Not Being Remembered Correctly Upon Restart

Mar 20, 2011

As the title states, each time I reboot my PC it will not automatically connect to my router unless I manually input the password. When I goto the connection propeties and view the password that`s saved it`s only saved the numeric portion of the wireless password. For example, if my wireless password is love123 upon reboot it only states 123 in the wireless connection properties. I tried going into the wireless and network sharing screen then manage wireless connections and completely removing and reentering the wireless connection/password but the same issue persists.

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How To Delete Remembered Password And Save New One In Browser

May 8, 2012

I have a saved password to enter my website. I have now changed that password, but it still wants to remember it when I enter my user ID. How can I delete this saved password and save the new one?

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Windows 7 Does Not Save Network Drive Credentials

Aug 5, 2009

I currently am doing file sharing through Samba. My Samba server is running on Fedora Core 8, and I am trying to access the network drive through Windows 7. I can map a network drive to Samba, and I can view and share my files fine.

The problem I am having is that I always ask it to save my login credentials (which are different than my Windows 7 login credentials), and it never does. I have to map the network drive each time I boot up my computer again.

how to permanently keep these settings so I do not have to map this each time I start the computer?

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Network Credentials Fail (Error Code 0x80070056)

Dec 6, 2009

When I try to create a system image on a network location Windows asks for Network credentials for the target location. The credentials I enter are correct but I always get an error message that the location can't be used because the password is not correct (Error code 0x80070056).

Is this a bug in Windows 7? Any way to fix or work around this?

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When A User Maps A Printer On A Network They Are Asked For Admin Credentials - How To Disable This

Apr 13, 2011

When a user maps a printer on a network they are asked for admin credentials, How do i disable this, I want them to be able to map by themselves.

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Power Options Not Remembered?

Dec 16, 2009

Power options resets itself to "balanced" every time I turn my laptop on. If I set it to "performance" or my own power plan this is never remembered when the laptop has been rebooted.

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Network Password / NOT Homegroup Password

May 19, 2011

Untill yesterday my homegroup was working just fine. Two laptops / home premium / windows 7.Now when I try to access it I am prompted for a Network user name and password, the same promt giving details of my domain. This is not my homegroup password, I know where and how to find / use it. I have renamed pc's tried setting up homegroup again etc etc. Incidently I cant change the share options on any of my folders now, they are all locked to 'Nobody'.Can anyone help as it appears to have support from Microsoft for their product I'll have to pay pardon my igronance but if I sold a product with constant updates I wont charge for the support.

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Enter Network Password But Password Was Never Set

Nov 19, 2009

I've always thought of networking as one of the black arts.

4 PCs - One Vista, 2 Windows 7 Home Premium, 1 Windows 7 Ultimate. All see each other. All have appropriate folders shared.

Try accessing A from B and I get "Enter Network Password (to connect to B)". I never set one up to start with, so why is it asking me for it. How do I access/change something I never set?

Try accessing B from A - I see the PC, and the folders I want but trying to access them results in "You do not have permissionto access folder names Contact your network administrator - who he? Obviously me but I don't know what the answer is!

Trying similar things with the other two PCs in the mix results in various permutations of the same problem.

I have tried all the various links suggested through Networking and Help, but most of the actions seem to be boxes to click to make the PCs try to sort themselves out. When it fails I can't find a manual way of trying to sort it out.

Any suitable tutorials that may help? Couldn't see any.

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File Sort Order To Date Created Not Remembered After Installing SP1

Feb 28, 2011

Windows 7 64 bit SP1 - Clean Install. I have found an incredibly annoying problem. I have external USB drives on my laptop, both esata and USB 3. I store a lot of HD video clips that I take on them. It is very important that I set the sort order to Date Created (due to the naming convention on my camcorder). Before doing a clean install from Windows 7 64bit to Windows 7 SP1 64bit, if I changed the order in explorer it quickly changed and then remembered the sort order, so next time I went into the folder on my external drive the files were in the correct order.

Now, whenever I go into the folder it takes up to 5 minutes to sort the files (there are some 4000 files in the folder). If I go to other folder on my laptop, then back to that folder, it takes another 5 minutes to sort them again! At the moment I am tempted to go back to pre-SP1. I have taken the external drive to another laptop i have with SP1 on it, and it does the same thing. I can't wait around for windows to re-order my files whenever I go into that folder, especially as it takes such a long time.

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Remote Desktop Will Not Accept Credentials

Aug 16, 2012

When I'm away from my home office, I like to use Remote Desktop Connection to log on to 3 of my home computers. I have done this before without problems, but this time I found that I could connect but the remote computer would not accept my login even though I was using a user name and password that I knew worked for logging on locally. I was going to come here for help, but I figured out what the problem was before hand, so I thought I would post what happened just in case someone else runs into this problem.

The problem was that I had gone to the control panel and changed the username from what I had used when the OS was installed. This is a no-no because some aspects of the original user name are permanent. I accidentally discovered this when I went to computer management and clicked on local user and groups and saw two different names. One under column name, and the other under column full name. When I changed the full name back to the same as name, everything then worked fine with RDC.

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Get Windows 7 To Prompt For Admin Credentials?

Jan 19, 2012

On my laptop (running Win 7), I made 2 accounts, Admin and a standard user. When I am logged into the standard user, if i try to do something that needs elevated privileges such as deleting an icon, or installing a .exe file, the UAC will prompt me for Admin credentials which I will type in. However, on my desktop (Windows 7 Ultimate) I am trying to delete icons on the standard user account and it will NOT prompt for credentials. It will give me an error that says I do not have the correct privileges to do this (which I know I don't).

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Programs Not Inheriting The Credentials Of The Owner

Oct 20, 2009

I tried running a program or bot on my Windows 7 Installation a few days ago. I assumed that the program would actually own the credentials of me since I was running it, but sadly that was not right as the program proceeded to tell me that it couldn't write to files. Which I found odd as I myself could both open then, read, add and then save with the changes remaining.

I had to actually add myself to the folder with "Full Control" before the program could run without any error. Now is it I ask, Why is that even required?. I thought it was implied that if I can access the folder, read and write to and from it, that any programs I run can do the same.

At least thats how it worked under XP, but yes I am aware that security has been tightened in both Vista and Windows 7. But seems rather useless having to assign myself to a folder I got access to already, before a program I run can access it.

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Local App Data Credentials Folders Missing

Sep 15, 2011

I screwed up today. While meaning to delete files from AppDataLocalTemp, I accidentally deleted (many) from AppData. [Sidebar: Is there any way to configure the file explorer such that deleting from the folder view is disabled?] After a brief panic, I downloaded (from another machine) the utility Recuva64 and restored the missing files to a separate drive, after which I copied them back to where they belong.

But, there was a problem - I could not copy files from the recovered folder Credentials to LocalAppDataCredentials. Even stranger, I did not have permission to view the security credentials of LocalAppDataCredentials. I tried booting to safe mode to fix this, but both folders were gone - the recovered one as well as LocalAppDataCredentials.

So, my system is up and running, but the folder LocalAppDataCredentials is missing. I tried using Recuva64 again, but it did not find the folder. I also looked in an older backup of my profile, but again, I did not see the folder. The folder does, whoever, exist on my notebook (but whose to say if the information is consistent).

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Maintaining User Credentials On A Mapped Drive?

Jul 15, 2011

1. Two Windows 7 computers.

2. Each computer has a user account with the same name, but different passwords.

3. This is necessary because other users can log on remotely to one machine with this user account, but should be locked out of the other.

4. A local user who has access to both accounts tries to access a mapped drive on one machine. The user names are the same, but the passwords are different. Windows gives an error; the local user enters the credentials correctly (same username, but remote machine password) and says "Remember these credentials."

5. Credentials are remembered throughout the duration of the computer session.

6. When the computer is rebooted, the computer forgets the credentials for the mapped drive, and Step 4 starts all over again.

How can the local user save the remote credentials permanently? And is it possible without using Group Policy Preferences, as he is not on a domain?

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Remote Desktop Connection / Credentials Did Not Work Non Domain

Sep 16, 2011

I need help getting my Remote Desktop Connection to work. I have followed every tutorial on this site to no avail. My pc is WORKGROUP, there is no domain. I feel like I have tried everything and still it says my credentials did not work.I am trying to set this pc up for WOL. I have activated Remote Device Access through the Control Panel and in the BIOS. I have followed through with everything to achieve waking my pc through WOL Magic Packet sending. I just can't get the Remote Desktop Connection to work to see if I can actually access the pc and get into my files.I am setting it up to be an offsite storage unit for my place of business.

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Windows 7 Pro Clearing Cached Credentials To Force Re-authentication?

Feb 2, 2012

The situation: Using windows explorer to access a shared network resource, for example, \blahfolderfolder2 - the first time I try this on a new installation, it requires authentication (user/pass) which I provide (this is on a workgroup, not a domain).That's fine. The goal: I want a way to force Windows 7 Pro to forget the authentication and ask for a new authentication next time an access is attempted for that share. Here's what I have tried, and what has not worked: Windows Explorer -> Tools -> Disconnect Network Drive (it doesn't work because there is no mapped network drive to disconnect; next connection attempt does not ask for authentication) From command prompt (run As administrator): rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr -- Then select any network share to clear credentials for, then click delete button. (no network shares listed; next connection attempt does not ask for authentication)

From command prompt (run As administrator): net use * /delete /yes
nothing happens; next connection attempt does not ask for authentication) From command prompt (run As administrator): control userpasswords2

Go to advanced tab, click on manage passwords. This brings up the credential manager (can also get to credential manager directly from control panel). Find credentials to delete (windows, certificate-based, or generic) - there are currently none listed, though there had been earlier, and all were deleted. No change; next connection attempt does not ask for authentication. From command prompt (run As administrator): secpol.msc

Go to security settings -> local policies -> security options -> Network access: Do not allow storage of passwords and credentials for network authentication.

Enable it. Exit and reboot. No change; next connection attempt does not ask for authentication. I have tried all of these with or without rebooting immediately after.

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No Getting Past Password On Network?

Jul 25, 2011

My windows 7 laptop can see all the other computers on my network but when I try to access the files on pc running xp or vista, I am asked to give a user name and password. I have never set up a password or user name and I can not put anything in the box to get me access. I have tried my user name on the laptop and password that I would use . Nothing works and I have never set up a password.

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Home Network Password?

Feb 4, 2009

can't find password for home networkWhen I try to join my win 7 machine, it says must have password. Where is it located,

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Keep Being Asked For Network Password

Oct 24, 2011

I have 4 computers (3PCs and 1Laptop) on a home network (not a homegroup). All are connected to the same workgroup. All share the same internet connection. Up until last week, all of them had absolutely no issue sharing files or using the printer. Now however, my laptop will not connect to one of the PCs and that's the PC that is connected to our printer. Both the laptop and the printerPC are running the same version of Win 7 (Home Premium). The problem is connecting from the laptop to the printerPC I keep being asked for a "network password." I have file and printer sharing enabled and password protection disabled. Firewall and anti-virus are off. The strangest part is that my printerPC can access my laptop without passwords yet my laptop cannot access my printerPC without one and I've never even set up a login/password for network sharing to begin with so I don't really understand why this is happening or what's causing this because as I said earlier this wasn't a problem up until a week ago.

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How To Hide Network Password

Nov 30, 2010

i think windows 7 is great but......we need to be able to hide Network Passwords.

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Get Password To View Network?

Oct 1, 2011

I'm want to share a folder in the network, but when i tried to open it in the Windows XP it asking for password?

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What Causes Prompt For Network Password

Oct 29, 2012

I've set all the Advanced Sharing settings as I always do, with no password for sharing, Network discovery, sharing allowed, but one PC on this network insists on prompting for a Network password when trying to connect to the other. It stopped for awhile but is back to doing it again now, also apparently blocking sync via Skydrive Skyshell. Is there another setting I need to check which I'm missing?

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Network Password Issue

Nov 6, 2009

When, in Windows 7, I try to access another computer on my tiny network from left side of the 'Computer' screen, I am asked for a password. I haven't assigned any password--my little network (through a router) doesn't need password security. How do I get rid of all this request for passwords that I never had on other computers with other OSs?

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Network Asks For A Password

Nov 15, 2009

I was wanting to save a back up of my complete drive on my other pc using my network, thing is all starts ok, then asks me for a password!!! i haven't set up a password on either pc, there both running windows 7, and I have turned ask for password off on each pc, any ideas on this?

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Network Password Not Recognised

Nov 29, 2009

I have a desktop and a laptop. Both Windows 7

If I try to access files on desktop I am asked for a password. When I put in the password which is the same as that in the windows vault on both computers I am toldit is incorrect.

It may be wanting aassword for the computer rather than the workgroup but I cannot sort it out.

I was told networking was easy on windows 7 but its much harder that when my desktop was XP and laptop vista!

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Enter Network Password

Dec 1, 2009

Have a dilemma here about this "Enter Network Password" issue.

Been reading some of the other threads and tried some of the settings offered and still nothing seems to work. I'm not understanding why I have to enter a network password and where its coming from. Obliviously its from Windows 7. Also I'm assuming the enter network password is for the homegroup? I don't even have homegroup setup or enabled. If it was once setup and then disabled will the password prompt still pop-up? I'm currently using the work network as the network location, with password protect sharing off and under Homegroup connections use User Account and passwords.

I have a windows server 03 running and all my comps can login with the 03 local account but windows 7 wont let me with out putting in a "Enter Network Password". I even tested this using XP on vmware bridged environment and it let me login. So I dont know what the deal is with Windows7.

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Username And Password For Network

Dec 3, 2009

I have four computer networked all using Win 7 Pro or Ultimate. I set up the network as prompted and set th user name and password. All computers are new to newer Dell running 64bit. Went to setup my HP Media Smart 6TB Server and everything just fine. After all setup everything worked off-line until I wanted to access the server. A Windows Security window opens requesting Network Password and User Name to connect to the HP Server. Well nothing I input does any good ALL my entries are rejected.

This is a total f.. k up as I know what I used for the main network and what I used for the HP Server but neither work. I have tried about everything I can think of and am still locked out. All else fails complete rest and reboot but just wondering if same problem someone else might have seen for answer.

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Enter Network Password?

Mar 22, 2010

I have got a Windows7 & Windows Vista machine seeing each other to a point, when I try to access a folder that I have the permissions setup correctly for on a Windows Vista computer, the Vista computer asks me for the Network Password when I enter in the Name and Password which is on Admin it won't connect

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Find Network Password

Jul 2, 2012

how can i find the network password on my computure

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