Need To Upgrade Processor And MOBO / Really Need Hyper Threading

Oct 29, 2011

[code] I was leaning towards the i7 because it seems to be the fastest processor for around $300.But apparently these new intel chips have sandy bridge which is a form of hyper threading.I'm just trying to figure out if I truly need the processor with hyper threading. I understand it basically turns the 4 cores into 8 virtual cores, but does it apply this speed to all computer programs and functions?I run 3 monitors and constantly doing multiple things including web design, graphic design etc.I also plan on maxing my ram at the 32gb the MOBO will allow to help this system run as fast as possible.

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Disable Hyper-threading Without BIOS?

Jun 17, 2012

I'm attempting to disabled Hyperthreading, but that option isn't in the BIOS. Two guides on disabling the "logical" cores require me to boot up "START" command, but what is that and how do I access it?Disable Hyperthreading in the Windows 7 registry - Super User


Also, I want to set Team Fortress 2 to not use the HT cores, but the .exe file is non-existent and its files are apparently booted by Steam. I wanted to test if Team Fortress 2 and SimCity 4 (resource hogging singe-core) would improve with HT disabled. I also have an i7 720qm 1.6 GHz, which is the slowest i7 quad-core CPU.I tried to disable four "logical" cores through msconfig, but it also turned off two physical cores as well. I'd rather prefer quad core than dual core with HT.

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Turn The Hyper Threading Off In The Bios?

Sep 27, 2012

I have a severe virtual problem. Going on in my home and I would like to turn the hyperthreading off in my laptop one is Hp and the other dell. I also have a hp desktop pc with amd... The other 2 have intel...all came with window 7 ....but for the life of me I can't access my hard drive. When I save somehing it saves. It in the screwed up and my browsers are horrible. The only way I have been able to halfway install a router is thru my screwed up browsers. None of my window 7 pcs seem to know how to configure a router.. I have a new hard drive for Hp desktop. I really hate to install it then I am stuck only accessing the virtual part. I recently installed a new hard drive in my laptop then it went all to hell after I installed seatools. Now I find out the hard drive I bought doesn't need utilities that it automatically installs it self. Too late now . I can't boot or install Windows. Not even linux will install.

I can't afford too lose another $100 on another hard drive. So it is possible to turn off the hyperthreading in the bios ...I just need to know how. I don't play games or watch tv on my pc so I really just need it to be able to email,internet, and music, a printer would be so nice. Its been so long since I have been able to use one. I hook up a printer but everytime samething always happens my pc. States the printer isn't mine and I can't use it. I will settle for the email,music and surfing the net.

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AMD II X4 965 Processor Not Compatible With Mobo

Sep 25, 2011

I have an issue with my system.

- ASUS M4N68T-M LE V2 MoBo
- Processor is AMD phenom II X4 965 Black Edition.
- One Stick of 2Gb memory DDR 3
- ATI Radeon 6870 Sapphire.

If I restart my system (and this happens like out of 100 restarts 97 times) the system would be on the black post screen and say that the CPU is not compatible with my mobo. Then in order to resolve this I have to got to BIOs and turn on all the cpu cores and the unleashing mode under CPU and restart. Then it would reflect that all the **4 cores are active** and then it would work fine. But why does this happen after every restart. I thought it was CMOS battery but the date and time and other BIOS settings are fine.

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New Mobo/processor Won't Boot Windows 7

Jan 2, 2013

I upgraded to a new processor, motherboard, and gpu. I insalled all the new hardware and turned it on. Windows 7 won't/can't load and can't repair. I can't lose the data on the HDD because there's some very important stuff on there.

Sapphire 7950 HD
Corsair cx500
AMD FX 6100
Hyper 212 evo
WD 1TB green
6gb RAM
5 120mm fans
Cooler master 430 elite case

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How To Prepare To Upgrade Mobo And CPU

Jan 24, 2012

In a few days I will be upgrading from my AMD 965 Black and Gigabyte GA-870A-UD3 to an Intel i5 2500k and GIGABYTE GA-Z68XP-UD4. I was curious as to what you all thought I could do to minimize effort and problems restoring my system settings, programs, and data files after a clean install of Windows 7.I currently have 3 HDDs; A 640GB for my OS (C: ), a 1TB for Programs and User files (D: ) (Pics, Docs, DVDs, etc.), and a 500GB (E: ) for Win7 backups. I also have a NAS (\NAS) with 500GB. At this point I have good User File backups on E: and am now creating IFW drive images of C: and D: onto the NAS. I have also generated reports from SIW (Hardware, Software, and Network) and Win7's System Settings from the Advanced Tools control panel.

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Upgrade Bios Without Processor?

Nov 4, 2011

After my Z68 Extreme 4 Motherboard died and I had to take out the processor to RMA it, I started considering upgrading. My Core i5 2500k is on ebay and I was going to buy a Core i7 2600k. However, now I am looking towards the Ivy Bridge Processors coming out in the New Year. Apparently they will use the same socket (1155), but the motherboard will need a Bios update. If I don't have a processor until I get the new one, how will I be able to upgrade the chipset so that the new processor will work with the motherboard?

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Can Upgrade The Processor (celeron 2.13ghz) On RV510

Mar 12, 2012

Can i upgrade the processor (celeron 2.13ghz) on my RV510? If i can, what processor should i upgrade it to?

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CM Hyper 212 Evo - Alternative Fan (2nd Fan), Need Reccomendations

Dec 22, 2012

Thinking of going with a push-pull set up for CM 212 Evo using the stock fan on one side. What's a good (preferably quiet) fan for the opposite side (pull)

Needs to be 120mm btw, the CM 212 Evo comes with mounting brackets to attach the fans either side.

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Use Hyper-V With Linux Guests

Nov 5, 2009

Because Hyper-V has gained a lot of publicity lately and because I truly love the server virtualization products...i picked up a book on Hyper-V and have been reading through it and testing Hyper-V on a box under my desk.

Very first thing that caused massive grief: Trying to remotely administer Hyper V from a workstation on a Windows domain while the Hyper V server is on a workgroup is a real challenge. It took nearly an entire day to get this working and that was after using the HVRemote shortcut tool on the MSDN blogs. Now that I know how to do this, it only takes a few minutes but it sure is complicated for somebody doing it for the first time.

Next, my company does quite a lot with Linux virtual machines. From what I have seen, the only supported HyperV Linux guest OS's are SuSE and RHEL (only using emulated drivers). Of course, the emulated drivers don't provide the performance of their synthetic counterparts.

In addition, it seems that Linux guests are relegated to no smp support. So, it's 1 CPU only for any linux guest no integration services are supported, such as remote system shutdown and Time Synchronization or Heartbeat So, in closing, it's really hard to take this Hyper-V product seriously in the enterprise market with such limited support for any OS that isn't Windows. Looks like we will be sticking with VMWare ESX and ESXi for the forseeable future.

This posts here in the vmware blogs pretty much corroborates my feelings:

VMware: VMware: Virtual Reality: Who’s going to Run Linux Workloads on Microsoft Hyper-V Now?

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Cannot Add A Phone Number To Hyper Terminal

Feb 24, 2012

Can not make hyper work with my new window 7?

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Put A Hyper-link Of A Video On Desktop

Sep 5, 2012

I want to put a her-link of a video on my desktop

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Hyper Transport Sync Flood Error

Apr 14, 2012

I have been doing autocadd and here lately my computer has been shuting off and rebooting then having a hyper transport sync flood error occurred on last boot come up i know nothing about computers so i have no idea what that means any advise were to start

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Extract Hyper Terminal From Windows XP Professional ISO File?

Dec 6, 2011

I have WinRAR and have extracted Windows XP Professional ISO file which I downloaded from school's MSDNAA's web site.

But I can't seem to locate one. Is there a way to obtain Windows XP equivalent (not 3rd party applications) of Hyper Terminal to use it for Windows 7 Ultimate x64?

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Hyper Transport Sync Flood Error Occurred On Last Boot?

Feb 20, 2013

i only have this happen while in on secondlife that my pc . just kicks me down to a reboot up and then this comes up , hyper transportsync flood error and blaa blaa press f1 to continue , how or what do i do?

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Free Download ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 Hyper-memory Driver For Windows 7 32bit?

Aug 13, 2012

Free Download ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 Hyper-memory Driver for Windows 7 32bit?

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Should I Use My Driver CD For My Mobo?

Oct 25, 2009

I have a driver disc for my Asus mobo, do I need to use it now on 64?

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Upgrading CPU And MoBo?

Jan 15, 2013

I'm looking to upgrade my CPU and Motherboard from what I currently have.I recently purchased a GeForce GTX 680 but I am seeing minimal improvement from my previous GeForce GTX 480, and have come to the conclusion its my CPU holding me back.

Current specs -
OS - Windows 7 Home
CPU - Intel i7 930 @ 2.80GHz
Motherboard - Gigabyte X58A-UD5

I have been told in the past I cannot replace one and not the other due to my CPU/Motherboard being 1366 pin which is no longer in make.

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Reinstall With New Mobo And CPU?

Aug 7, 2011

I just got a new mobo and CPU and was wondering if I will need to reinstall windows with this. I have read different things, some said you can just repair others say complete reinstall.

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Installed A New Mobo And Ran Into Some?

Sep 20, 2012

low computer knowledge person here and I have recently come into a problem after replacing my mobo/processor/gpu from my old computer. After hooking up the computer and booting it up, it hits the mobo screen then quickly goes into the black screen that says that windows 7 can not be started and gives me the two choices of system startup restore and start windows normally.

Starting windows normally unfortunately returns me to the black screen and so I tried out the restore but to no avail it was unable to fix my problem.Also, I was stupid enough to not transfer any files from my hard drive off to a backup.

My two questions are if it's possible for me to put my hard drive in a friends computer and take the files off there and also if there is any way to fix my hard drive after changing motherboards.

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CPU-Z Will Not Detect Mobo ?

Oct 28, 2009

I just built my PC (first one, sounded like a good idea at the time) and was told that getting the latest drivers would "fix" this issue. Problem is, I haven't had a PC or really been on the net since 2001, (don't laugh) so.....I don't know how to get the "right" ones. I realize that i've built something waaaayyy over my head/experience level, so now I just want to learn all that I can.

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Windows 7 Repair With New MOBO Old HDD?

Oct 2, 2012

OEM pc MOBO died, replaced MOBO, windows having trouble booting (expected). attempting repair with no results but FAIL. I am noobish, so I ask, what can I use to help the repair process? PS: I upgraded my OS out of the box From win 7 home premium OEM install, to Windows 7 Ultimate x64 via disk. I also have win 7 premium (full) on disk from another PC i installed it too. I would do a clean install, but I can't lose any of my photos and data.

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Asrock Mobo / Usb2

Oct 31, 2009

I have an asrock 775dual-VSTA and I recently upgraded to Windows 7 Ultimate, 32bit.

Things seemed fine, but I realized my USB was performing very slowly.

For example, it takes hours and hours just to upload a few albums to my iPod.

I presume it's a motherboard driver problem. Does anyone know of a fix for this? I dont see any Windows 7 drivers from Asrock for this Mobo.

Im *really* hoping I dont have to buy a new one.

Here are some screenshots from my Device Manager. As you can see, USB seems to be fine, but there are those unknown devices that I have no idea what they are. As far as I can tell, everything is working fine except the USB speed so I presume these unknown devices are related?

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Mobo Drivers - MS Or Vendors

Nov 2, 2009

If device manager is happy that Windows 7 has managed to find drivers for everything automatically, would the team recommend leaving well alone or going for the mobo vendors drivers?

(I ask because all was well until I installed the Asus Windows 7 drivers for my P5Q...)

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Migrating From Amd Mobo To Intel

Oct 11, 2011

I know that since during a windows installation, certain libraries are installed specifically for certain types of chipsets/cpu's and that an abrupt hardware change can cause failures. I read on an article somewhere that you can migrate windows without hardware errors if you manage to get windows to operate on a politically correct mode similar safe mode to boot up with minimal functionality before installing the appropriate drivers for the new board.

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Use 2133 Ram In A 1333 Mobo?

Jan 8, 2012

ok, sounds like a stupid question, i know, but if i purchase them by ende of tomarrow i get 25% off, and i plan on upgrading mobo soon. i have been generaly informed on another post that 1600 in 1333 should work, it will just operate at 1333 speed, is it the same with 2133?

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Mobo Not Controlling Fan Speed?

Feb 12, 2012

I bought a scythe fan for my case to go on the side, i've tried plugging the 3 pin connector into the PWR_FAN(3 pin) and CHASIS_FAN(4 pin), it gets detected in the bios and in speedfan, and various other software to monitor the fans.

Its running at 3,000 RPM which is way to loud for me, i've tried ASUS AI suite, amd overdrive, speedfan ect to try and turn down the RPM but none of them effect it, its going at 100% non stop and wont slow down no matter what, and even in the bios when i selected 'silent' mode it did not budge in speed at all.

Mobo: ASUS M4A87TD EVO AM3 AMD 870 SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX AMD Motherboard
Fan: Scythe DFS123812-3000 "ULTRA KAZE" 120 x 38 mm Case Fan

Anything i can do to make this software or bios adjust the fan to the correct speeds? If i bought a hardware fan speed controller would that work? I was looking at something simple like this: - Sunbeam PL-RS-PCI Rheosmart PCI 20W Fan Controller

But i'd rather not buy if my Mobo or some software can adjust the speed for me.

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What Does Phase Powering Mean On Mobo

May 20, 2012

Am planning a new build and the Asus P8Z77-V board is cheaper by $40 than the Asus P8Z77-V Pro but has 8 phase power as opposed to the Pro with 12 phase power.Now I have done a quick Google and there are refs to this but could someone put it in plain / basic wording as there are some refs to CPU power supply, vdroop, and other tech stuff that I don't really understand??I intend running an i5 3570K and have try at over clocking - if that has any relevance for what my query is about.

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New Mobo Only Allowing Half Of Ram?

Nov 27, 2012

recently i bought a new mobo and CPU. now that everything is installed its telling me i have 16GB of ram installed, but only 8GB are usable.... here is my new processor, AMD FX-8350 Vishera 4.0GHz (4.2GHz Turbo) Socket AM3+ 125W Eight-Core Desktop Processor here is the new mobo..ASUS SABERTOOTH 990FX R2.0 AM3+ AMD 990FX SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX AMD Motherboard with UEFI BIOS?G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800) Desktop Memory its the same type of ram i have now.. i'm noticing that on the mobo, unlike my old mobo, the slots are different ----alternating---- colors.. where my old board the colors were paired together.... should i be placing the ram in a certain way?

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ASUS M2n E SLI Mobo No Sound

Jan 4, 2010

I have the above mobo, just installed windows 7 64bit. Everything else is fine but I cannot get the sound to work even though when I test or play music I see the bar rise and fall. I have exhausted everything I know to do. I did see the CM6501 thread here but after trying the drivers, it still does not work and when I click the CM6501 icon, it freezes the PC and I have to reboot.

Any ideas?

CM6501 integrated USB soundcard.

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Windows 7 Won't Load In New Mobo

Jan 3, 2013

Today I built my new rig (specs below) and I kept the hard drive off my old gateway to save some coin. After I installed all the new hardware I turned it on and the ASrock screen popped up and prompted me to choose instant flash, select boot order, enter BIOS, and switch screen. When windows 7 attempts to load it stops while the dots are floating towards the center. The windows repair tool didn't help what-so-ever (go figure >.> ) and the PC won't/can't run in safe mode. I updated the BIOS from the ASrock website but that didn't help. I've tried all of the options provided and none worked. I don't want to format my drive and lose my data but I will if I must because I may have access to a new copy of Windows 7.

Corsair cx500
WD green 1TB
Sapphire 7950 3gb
Cooler master elite 430 mid case
ASrock 770iCafe ATX motherboard
AMD FX 6100
Basic RAM (6GB) (x2 2GB, x2 1GB)
Hyper 212 evo

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