Multiple BSOD Using Internet Or Playing Total War

Apr 28, 2012

I've had multiple BSOD over the past week. It seems most common when I try to play Total War, but it has also happened while I'm on the Internet as well. I have Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit Installed OEM and my laptop is about 1.5 years old.

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BSOD While Playing Multiple Games?

May 16, 2012

I've been having issues with a computer I've built recently. Whenever I play games like WoW, Killing Floor, and now Diablo 3... I'll be able to play for awhile, but maybe after 30min to an Hour my computer will just crash. Black Screen on monitors, sounds coming from speakers (no music continues normally. It's more like the last sound going "ErerrrrrrRGghhhhh" lol). No blue screens or anything. Now... I originally thought it could be a GPU issue. But i've already RMA'ed one card, and gotten a new one. This one has run pretty well so far. But I don't know. I'd feel awkward RMAing another card.I've performed Stress tests on both my CPU and RAM for at least 4hours on each with no errors coming up for either.SO I am kind of stumped. I was reading "BSOD while playing games" and thought my issue was a bit similar.I went through the steps that writhziden had posted in that thread. Disk Check - I had no errors on any of my drives. SFC - I had ran that before a few times. And finally the Verifier, which caused my system to crash in regular start-up. But it was fine in safe mode.

Windows 7 . . .
- 64 Bit Ultimate OEM
- i5 2500k -CPU
- ASUS P8z68-V/hen3 -Motherboard
- Radeon HD 7870 -GPU
- Corsair Professional 850w PSU

Computer is about 2months old now. I sunk a lot of money into it... I just want the darn thing to work properly.

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BSOD Error When Playing Multiple Games

Apr 28, 2012

my computer is recently crashing, I recently had some work done to it hardware wise and they had to do a fresh Windows 7 install because of all the hardware changes that Vista couldn't handle. They said if you do a lot of hardware changes, especially the motherboard you'd have to do a fresh install of Vista, and I said just do Windows 7. So a month it was working wonderfully on extensive games and recently maybe within this week my computer would randomly when loading games crash to the motherboard splash screen. Then when my computer starts up I see an AMD popup, and a Windows has recovered from an unexpected crash.

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BSOD After Multiple Changes, More Prevalent While Playing Games?

May 8, 2012

A while ago my USB ports came detached, and a few days ago my last one finally broke off. I called Dell Tech Support asking for a number, and the person on the phone insisted on using remote access to uninstall/reinstall/install drivers for me, despite the fact that the USB drive itself was rattling around insidehey then sent someone out to replace the motherboard. After the MB was replaced, I immediately plugged in my brand new 2TB external hard drive, and copied all of my .iso game files. After that I started getting random shut downs with no warning, no freezing, and no blue screen. I would be using my computer, and all of a sudden it would be turned off. At the time, I'm pretty sure I was playing Sid Meiers Civ 5.

I called Dell back, and they said they would send someone out to replace the motherboard again. I called on Thursday, May 3rd, about an hour after the guy who replaced my MB for the first time left my house. Later that night, my computer started freezing up, with audio stuck on repeat in a half second loop or so, and I would have to shut it down manually. Then it started BSODing.Today (May 8th) they replaced my MB, Heat Sink, and Fan. This time I was able to play Civ 5 for about 10 minutes before it blue screened. I then transferred the .iso file to my computer instead of my external, and I was able to play for perhaps an hour, hour and a half before it blue screened.

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Multiple BSOD Errors Playing Arma 2

May 23, 2012

I've been getting BSODs randomly while playing Arma 2 with the Dayz mod. At first I thought it must be something with the game but I've also gotten BSODs playing Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad but I've also played other games like Portal 2 without problems. Thinking it might be driver related I did a fresh install of windows but to no avail.Half the time the game will crash randomly anywhere from 10 minutes of play to 4 hours giving a 0x000005 exception code. The other half of the time my computer will hang and BSOD giving me a different bccode almost every time. The most recent is 10007e and the only other one I remember is d1 which is one of the few that I've gotten multiple times.The Windows Desktop Manager has also crashed twice but I'm not sure it that is related.It was custom built a year ago and was problem free until about a month ago when the BSODs start. They stopped for a while but started again about a week or two ago.

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BSOD Playing Games With Steam - Multiple Error Messages

Aug 24, 2012

Since last weeks I've had multiple BSOD's and it seems to happen mostly while I play games through steam. Games like GTA4, The witcher 2 and Sleeping dogs cause the crashes while I for some reason can play Shogun Total war 2 for hours without problems. Games that are not connected to steam, like Battlefield 3, seems to work good as well. I don't have any cd/dvd tools like Daemon tools installed.

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Multiple BSOD Of Various Errors With Internet/videos/music?

Mar 29, 2012

recently, i have had many bsod consecutively. recently, i have had about 9 bsod over about 5 days (although the report lists a break between my bsod between 2/21 and 3/27 because i was on break for most of this). in the past i have gotten bsod while playing games, but the recent ones have been while doing mundane tasks such as browsing the internet or watching Internet videos?i have used bluescreenview to try to discover the cause of my problem, but every bsod seems to have a different error and file associated with it. many of them are blamed on ntoskrnl.exe, but have different error messages. some are from different files.i am running windows 7 64 bit on a desktop i built about 15 months ago. since then, i have gotten many error messages, but more recently. i have 8 gb of ram, geforce gtx 470, amb phenom ii black multicore processor, and gigabyte 890gpa-ud3h motherboard. i assembled the desktop components and installed all software new onto the computer.

things i have tried recently: resetting the ram in different slots, running antivirus (i have avg free, malwarebytes, and spybot), cleaning the computer fans, uninstalling/driversweeping the video card drivers and reinstalling, disabling the motherboard sound card through bios so the external sound card i have installed does not interfere, running cmd /chkdsk with fix to try to correct any errors found. i have been dealing with bsod a lot frequently, although it has usually only been about 1 per week in the past. these are extremely frequent recently with multiple per day and it is interfering with my work. attached are the files requested.

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BSOD While Playing Games Or Just Surfing The Internet

Dec 9, 2011

My PC is brand new (build it up in August) but I keep getting BSOD almost every time. I've updated my graphics card drivers because I thought it would help but it didn't.

I get the BSOD totally randomly. It doesn't matter if I play games or just surf in the internet.

Is Windows 7 . .
- x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? x64

- the original installed OS on the system? Windows XP

- an OEM or full retail version? Full retail

- What is the age of system (hardware)? Everything was bought in August expect my mouse and keyboard were bought last year. My normal hard drive may be several years old. I don't know for sure.

- What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?) OS was installed in August. I have re-installed my old XP many times when I still had it.

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BSOD While Playing SWTOR, Watching Movies, Using Internet?

Jan 10, 2012

Built this rig almost 2 years ago, AMD 965 BE, 4gb ocz ddr3 1600 (had 8 but 4gb were corrupt), Win 7 Home Premium x64, Asus MB Just started getting random BSOD in the past week or so while playing SWTOR, watching vids on internet.

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BSOD Playing Any Game Or Browsing Internet - Random?

Feb 15, 2012

I have been having random crashes / restarts on my computer for the entire duration that I have had my windows 7 installed, before this I used windows xp which was on the same hard drive. I thought I managed to fix the issue but it happened again today and once yesterday as well.

What happens:

-Playing random game or browsing internet
-crash for no reason (Doesn't always BSOD)
-computer restarts says windows did not shut down cleanly etc..
-start up what I was doing again
-no crash

Search and Destroy along with Malwarebytes says that I am clean along with my AVG My dump settings are properly configured to produce dump files, although when this happens I do not see one being produced

My Windows 7 computer:

- x64 bit
- not the original OS
- retail version
- What is the age of system (hardware)? - 3/4 years at most
- What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?) 1/2 years

EDIT: I was looking through some other threads and managed to actually get some dump files and I reattached the information

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BSOD Starting, Playing, Internet Explorer And In Idle. Error 116?

Nov 20, 2011

A couple of months ago, I bought a new graphics card: a Nvidia 560GTX (Gigabyte GV-NV56GOC) and a new PSU (Corsair CX500 V2 Builder Series, 500 W) to run it and after 3 weeks the PC began to fail with the 116 error.At the begining it crashed only at Windows 7 blue starting screen (after the loading screen with win logo and a progress bar). It happened once every 4 or 5 days.After a month it was almost imposible to run unless starting in "FailSafe Mode" and began to crash in the desktop in idle. I tested it with another drivers, clean installs, changing cabes, etc... and nothing worked, only with another graphics card (an old nvidia 220GT wich came with the PC) and worked properly so I decided so send the card in RMA.

A couple of days ago the seller sent me an email saying that they couldn't find any issue with the 560GTX and they sent the card to Gigabyte to further testing (I wil have to wait 20-30 days to have more info). Yesterday my PC with the old card (the 220GT) began to fail while playing Skyrim with a grey screen and a strange buzz in the speakers. After 2 seconds it restarts saying that there was an system error bccode 116. Today it has crashed 4 times in 5 hours while playing (same as yesterday), "youtubbing" or (I think, but not sure than) in idle with a white screen and a strange buzz in the speakers, but not starting like with the 560GTX.

I had to change my HDD a month ago too so I tested in 2 diferent HDDs, drivers are OK and I guess that the PSU is enough for the new card and more than enough with the old one. I also ran sfc.exe /scannow witho no problems.I'm running Windows Home Premium x64 (Service Pack 1) OEM, reinstalled one or 2 months ago. I will attach minidump files with errors of both cards.

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Multiple BSOD At Random Times With Multiple Drivers Identified?

Nov 13, 2011

I am trying to get my wife's new computer up and running without any BSOD or program failures. Note that the system was not initially set up to capture the dmp files so all the earliest ones are missing. I presented the initial problems to the original seller who recommended sticking with MSE and uninstalling Norton 360 and I did that. Another forum suggested that Virtual Memory was the problem and I disabled and restored VM. Still having multiple crashes and I am hoping that I can get real help here. I do note that all the crashes have ntoskrnl.exe in the driver stack although sometimes alone and sometimes with other drivers.[CODE]

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Multiple BSOD With Multiple Errors?

Mar 19, 2012

I use WhoCrashed to analyze these errors but I dont know how to solve. Maybe my hardware cause these.

Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad CPU @ 2.40 Ghz
Ram: 2GB Corsair
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit
Mainboard: ASUS Striker Extreme

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BSOD Playing While Playing WoW Or Watching Movies?

Jan 7, 2012

when i get the BSOD while playing WoW or Watching shows in my comouter.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033


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Multiple Different BSODs, Mainly While Playing Games?

Mar 30, 2012

I keep getting BSODs while using my computer.I'm not familiar with software and OS interfaces,I have an HP laptop dv7-1451nr.I have windows 7 ultimate x64. My laptop is around 3-3.5 years old now and I recently reformatted with the windows 7 ultimate OS. My friend look at the hardware for me and we found one RAM stick was bad and took it out so now I'm down to 2GB of RAM. The BSODs seem to happen mainly while I'm either trying to play a game, while those are the most consistent I sometimes get random BSODs doing what I can do right now on this computer.

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Multiple Monitor Problem Playing Steam Games

Jul 9, 2009

If I have both my monitors enabled and try to start a game such as CS:S or TF2, it puts it into an infinite loading screen and I can never get to the main menu. The only way to fix this is to play in windowed mode or disable the second monitor. Has any body heard of a fix for this?

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Multiple Monitors, Playing Games And Watching Videos

Oct 6, 2009

Just installed Windows 7. and everytime i start up a game (like left 4 dead)

all screens go black(like when they do when you set a other resolution) and back to normal resolution. when game resolution isn't different from the desktop resolution. and cause i ussually have a series running on one of my other monitors i can't see them cause well desktop thinks it not on its desktop resolution(or for what ever other reason it is that video won't show on second monitor if there is a game up on your main monitor that is not on ur normal desktop resolution).

this doesn't happen with every game though and can't really figure it out. if u need any info, or have no idea what i'm talking about(don't really know how to explain this very wel) post for more details.

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[BSOD] 2 BSOD's Consistent Across Multiple Identical Machines?

Dec 2, 2011

I am brand new to this site so forgive me if I miss a step. I was wondering if someone who is good at debugging dump files could give me a second set of eyes on these 2 I will attach. One BSOD is DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE (ntoskrnl.exe) and the other is UNEXEPECTED_KERNAL_MODE_TRAP (ntoskrnl.exe).I have this problem across 15 identical laptops with fresh installs of Win 7 Pro 64Now my guess is this will boil down to a BIOS upgrade, but if there are driver conflicts within these dump files

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Multiple BSODS In The Last Month While Playing Games, Watching Movies?

Mar 30, 2012

In the last month i got 6-7 random BSODS. My system specifications:

- x64.
- the original installed OS on the system? - YES.
- 3 years.
- Install date: 11.12.2010

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BSOD When Computer Is Idle. No BSOD When Playing Games For Hours?

Jul 3, 2012

I started getting BSOD two weeks ago. As far as I can remember the first time I had a BSOD was on the day I installed Max Payne 3 (I read somewhere that the some guy had also this problem when he installed max payne). There were two occasions that I got a BSOD upon starting Max Payne 3. But lately I'm getting BSOD when doing low-load stuffs like browsing with no other apps opened. I've already done memtest with 10 passes with no errors. I'm 24 hours prime95 stable. I just don't get it! I've manually set my timings for my ram. I'm not doing any overclock. Everything is on stock settings.

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Multiple Networks With No Internet Access?

Feb 24, 2010

i'm running Windows 7 on my laptop and i am using mobile 3G modem as an adapter to connect to Internet. The problem is when i am connect the NIC to my DLINK router, the Internet connectivity become lose where Network and Sharing center stated that there is Multiple Networks with no Internet access. FYI, my DLINK router is not connected to Internet but Mobile 3G modem does connected to internet.This is my result of ipconfig /all

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:Usersai>ipconfig -all


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Multiple Internet Network Connections

Dec 3, 2009

I have just got a new laptop with Windows 7 (finally!) My question is this:

Is there a way to configure multiple internet connections with either a preferred primary connection or a way that I can manually route applications to a specific internet connection.

For example I am connect to a corporate lan for corporate email, unix access etc, can I plug in my 3g card and then use that connection when i use msn or a specific browser? I want both connections active at the same time, but the banned stuff on the corporate network to use my 3g connection.

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Multiple Lan, Cannot Access Internet At Full Speed

Feb 11, 2013

Adapter 1: Intel Built-in Lan
Adapter 2: Pci Card

I used to access shared internet from a router, now the router has no internet we only use it for local home sharing. I added the secondary adapter to connect to the DSL-modem now when I disable the 1st adapter my internet works fine. when they're both enabled internet doesn't work at full speed or sometimes not at all.

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Multiple Networks Block Internet Connection

Aug 23, 2009

I'm running Windows 7 64 bit on a computer I built with an i7 920 CPU on an Asus P6T motherboard and 6GB of DDR3 ram. Every time I try to connect via Cat 5 wired DSL connection it adds an additional "Unidentified network (public network) and lists "Multiple networks under the middle icon on the Network and Sharing Center with a red X between that and the Internet. I have tried everything to get rid of the extra network but nothing has worked. It initially worked fine, but after getting a "critical update" it began to do this intermittently, now it does it all the time.

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BSOD Multiple Times A Day?

Jan 13, 2012

The computer BSOD multiple times a day and even more frequently when playing SWTOR.

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BSOD Multiple Times Per Day?

Dec 1, 2011

My custom built machine is about 9 months old. For the last 3 months or so it has been crashing multiple times per day (usually 1-2 per day). It doesn't usually crash for atleast 3-4 hours after the reboot. I can't find any thing to make it crash on demand and don't notice myself doing the same time each time it crashes. It seems pretty random.

I am running Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit. It is the full retail version and was the first OS installed on this hard drive.

I have attached the results of the BSOD Dump & System File Collection app and the system health alert.

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Multiple Various BSOD's On New Build?

Mar 5, 2012

Got to be quick because I've already had a BSOD trying to post this. This is a new build. All new components. All kinds of error codes contantly. I've updated Bios, SSD firmware, all drivers I can find, did a clean reinstall of Windows 7, ran memtest86 twice (20 passes total) on both sticks no errors, ran chkdsk -no errors although I see one today from my bios resetting defaults to IDE instead of ACHI - my fault. Ran Driver Verifier and came up with a violation in Event Viewer but I don't know how to read it. And yes I wear ESD straps etc. when I work on it.Also no overclocking / unlocking - everything is stock / default.

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Internet Stops Working For ~30 Seconds Multiple Times A Day

Jun 28, 2012

my internet stops working for ~30 seconds multiple times a day. I am using Time Warner Cable with a Motorla SBG6580 modem and Asus RTN56U router and a wired connection. When it drops the internet access icon in the bottom right doesn't change (no yellow exclamation point) and sometimes when I run the troubleshoot internet connections it will come back with "the DNS server isn't responding. The other computers in my house don't seem to have the problem. My computer uses a wired connection and am running Windows 7.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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Windows 7 Handing Multiple Gateways For Internet Connection

Aug 26, 2012

I have two different Internet Service Provider (ISP). The first ISP router is The second ISP router is I want to know if I set as a secondary default gateway in windows 7 pro. with metric 10. ( Tcp IP properties / advance TAB / bottom add another default gateway) will windows 7 pro, be able to tell if Router1 - internet is down and it should start routing the traffic VIA Router-2 I had bad experience with routers that have multiple WAN port they never did the Job well. I want to know if I can use windows to solve the problem. also if Router1 is back online will it go back to it or stick to Router2 until it restarts? what exactly is Windows 7 Routing rules for multiple gateways if internet is down in one of them? If this is not the way to do it, what would be my 2nd option, and what type of router I should use.

*note if router1 internet is down, the router is still up and responding. just no internet connection

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BSOD While Using More Power Doing Multiple Tasks

Dec 12, 2012

I just bought a new computer and it crashes every time i do multiple tasks or play a game.

Here's my spec:
Intel Core I5 2320 3.0GHz LGA1155 BOX (BX80623I52320)
Sapphire Radeon HD 7850 OC 2GB 11200-14-20G
SSD OCZ Agility4 Series 128GB SATA3 2.5'' (AGT4-25SAT3-128G) 128 GB XFX Core 550W 120mm 80+ (P1-550S-XXB9)
Good Ram DDR3 4096MB PC1333 CL9 (GR1333D364L9/4G)

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BSOD Multiple Times Every Day On A New Build?

Nov 24, 2011

Already crashed 2 times today in 30 minutes. The first time i was just browsing, the second time i was playing Skyrim. This happens randomly every day. Windows 7 x64 This is what what i got from my latest crash.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7600.


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