Monitors Will Not Automatically Turn Off After Set Time (20 Minutes)

Nov 12, 2009

I'm using Windows 7 x64 Ultimate. I have my power options set to turn off the monitor after 20 minutes and the computer is not set to sleep or hibernate. When over 20 minutes has expired, the monitors do not turn off. On rare occasion they do, though (by 'they' I am referring to dual monitors).

I Googled this issue and tried disabling "Allow this device to wake the computer" on the properties page for that network device in device manager. This didn't work. What could be preventing my displays from automatically turning off? Note that during this time I have torrents running, so I'm not sure if it is indeed still the network connectivity that is causing this issue. I never had this kind of problem in Windows XP.

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Displays Won't Turn Off After 3 Minutes But It Will Then Put The Computer To Sleep After 10 Minutes While The Displays Are Still On?

Aug 20, 2012

I currently have it set to turn off my displays at 3 minutes of inactivity, and put the computer to sleep after 10 minutes.Sometimes, the displays won't turn off after 3 minutes, but it will then put the computer to sleep after 10 minutes while the displays are still on. More often, it will turn the displays off, but won't ever put the computer to sleep.Why wouldn't the computer go to sleep?Wouldn't any activity turn the displays back on? And so if they don't come back on, why wouldn't it go to sleep?why wouldn't the displays turn off, and then it goes to sleep?

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One Of Three Monitors Wont Turn Off

Nov 26, 2009

I have 3 monitors, 2 are connected to my 8800GTX gfx card, and the last one is connected to a GeForce 7600 card.

The problem is, i have set my monitors to turn off after 30mins of inactivity, and only the two monitors connected to the 8800GTX card does. The one connected to the 7600 card refuses to turn off.

I have updated the drivers for the monitors (Acer X243HQbd) as was suggested in this thread > HERE, and I've tried several different nVidia drivers for the graphic cards.

Anyone got any idea why only 2 of 3 monitors shut down properly?

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Need To Log In Automatically X Minutes After Logoff

Sep 21, 2011

I have some workstations set up to log in automatically on startup. Users of these workstations might also want to log in using their own domain credentials.

I want users to be able to log off and log in using their own credentials. I would also like for the system to log in automatically after a set period of time following a logoff.

Is there some option in Windows that can set the system to log in automatically after a period of inactivity at the logon screen?

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Freezes Sometimes Less Than 5 Minutes After I Turn It On

Jan 15, 2009

I love windows 7, but it keeps freezing (allot) sometimes less than 5 minutes after I turn it on and soetimes 1 an hour after. So does anyone else have this problem? Or does anyone know how to fix it? I'm probably gonna try to reinstall Windows 7, just wanted to know if anyone knew a solution to the problem before i did it.

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Dual Monitors - Only One Works At A Time?

Aug 3, 2010

I've recently switched from Windows Vista to Windows 7 x64. I use the word switched instead of upgraded because I formatted my old drive instead of installing over Vista.I have been using two screens for forever now, both LG Flatron L1750HQ, both are digital and have served me well. My graphics card is an NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS, which has two digital outputs. I have the latest NVIDIA drivers, and I have the drivers for my screens (though they are old, June 2007, and I can't find any newer ones... which might imply an EDID problem? Dunno). I have also run every Windows 7 update known to man.To describe the problem: only one of them ever works at a time (which implies the screens themselves are okay), and both outputs work as well. To top that, Win 7 does recognize I have a dual display, but one is always in digital power-saving mode (no signal, I guess).When my computer boots up, the left screen shows the boot process, while the right one has no signal. When Win 7 boots, its the other way around.

In the NVIDIA -and- the Win 7 control panels both screens are visible, shown side by side, and set up properly with and without the screens' driver, but that does nothing to solve the problem.I've also examined my BIOS, but I doubt its anything to do with that since I haven't touched my BIOS in ages and it worked just fine on Vista. I'd wager that if I go ahead and install Kubuntu on this machine, I'll get my dual screens back, but I don't want Kubuntu.

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Possible To Connect 2 Monitors From Hdmi And Vga At A Time On Pc?

Oct 30, 2012

is it possible to connect 2 monitors from hdmi and vga at a time on pc

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Windows 7 Startup: Wireless Takes Several Minutes To Automatically Connect

Jan 19, 2010

So I still have Windows 7 Ultimate Beta and going to buy Professional soon. But something weird is going on.

I have Thunderbird which checks all my email addresses at startup but it says "cannot connect" so i started to check out my wireless. My wireless says it has "limited access" to my network, says it is "not connected" and when I check the wireless status, it would say that it isn't connected to the IPv4 and IPv6, all while being connected for "00:01:30+"

Then after several minutes, it would just start identifying and connect to the network/internet real fast out of nowhere. My wireless is a Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG network connection

Also, I have a VMware to run Ubuntu which bridges the internet to go online, if this helps. (I cannot uninstall since it took me 4 weeks to get it running)

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Whenever Turn Laptop On And Log On / A Few Minutes After Logging On It Freezes

Feb 4, 2012

I have a HP Pavillion DV6 laptop. Whenever I turn my laptop on and log on, a few minutes after logging on it freezes. Cant access anything, have to restart it. When turning on I gave it a scan by pressing escape and on the HP checks, the hard disk check it failed. Tried going into command prompt and doing chkdsk /f but get what's shown below.Checking file system on C:The type of file system is NTFS..One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency. You may cancel the disk check, but it is trongly recommended that you continue.Windows will now check disk.Cannot open volume for direct access. Autochk cannot run due to an error caused by a recently installed software package.Use system restore feature from the control panel to restore the system to a point prior to the recent software package installation. I can get into safe mode but that's all I can do.Would it be a good idea to reinstall windows, although I did it not that long ago (in the last two months or so) ? Or is there any programs that could save a hard drive. I really don't want to buy a new one. I've bought the laptop in Summer 2010 so its not too old. Although I think the vans sound quite loud and it overheats quite often, but I cannot take it off to get to them.

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Power Management - Monitor Won't Turn Off After X Minutes

Oct 28, 2010

When I set the power management to turn off the monitor after x minutes, the monitor is off for 1 second and it turned on automatically. I am using msi ex600 laptop.

I have tried the following:
* Unplugged the mouse
* Exit from all application's running
* Disable the network card

My bios and graphic card are updated. The hibernate option is working fine. Is there a way to find what turns on the monitor?

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Monitor Cannot Turn Off Automatically

Nov 13, 2009

i have problem with my laptop screen can't turn off automatically even how i change the setting or even download program to turn it off manually, the screen just turn off and on again, i have found that this problem is due to my graphic driver, i downloaded the latest driver correctly from nvidia site and can't install because of the driver can't found my graphic card which is the problem that face by alot of people, and with some days of searching,

i hav successfully installed the latest driver but without the control panel and all other software in the driver package, till now even with latest driver yet my screeen still cant auto turn off automatically by changing the power plan or other method. Anyone have anyway to solve this problem ?

My Laptop model is NEV Versa P9110, Graphic Card is 8400M GS, using Ver186.81 driver from Nvidia and without any feature from the driver package and also control panel, my installation is follow the explain of torrenttg which update driver by browsing the .inf file.

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Why Did Laptop Turn On Automatically When In Hibernate Mode

Jun 30, 2011

i've kept my laptop in hibernate mode and it turned on automatically why did this happen?

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Windows 7 Close Programs So They Do Not Turn On Automatically

Dec 8, 2012

where is the system configure utility in windows 7 so you can control which programs start up?

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BSOD Within Minutes Of Cold Boot Every Time?

Jul 16, 2012

Every day I come home and boot up my computer, and every day it BSODs either instantly or within 10 minutes, once I restart it seems to be fine and will run for DAYS. Also seems like all of my last systems have been having the same problem, so possibly it's some of the hardware I have been re-using, but it is beyond me to figure out and I just need it to stop..Windows 7 x64 full retail, fresh installed in the last 2-3 months, problem didn't exist immediately..Hardware varies from a few months old (motherboard, cpu) to a few years old (video card, hard drives, some older and some newer ram). I have tried with multiple different hard drives with fresh installs of Windows as well as different RAM combinations and configurations.

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Any Way To Customize Windows 7 Shutdown Time (After X Minutes)?

Mar 5, 2011

Is there any registry hack that can allow me to shutdown windows after "x" mins whenever I click shutdown (or press shutdown button) my system?

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Laptop Cannot Browse For More Than A Couple Of Minutes At A Time

Feb 23, 2011

I have come over to the UK to visit family and my work laptop cannot browse for more than a couple of minutes at a time. Chat clients all work without issue, Dropbox doesn't have a problem. The Cisco VPN client connects happily when it needs to. Just the browsers stop being able to resolve IP addresses.I am connected to wireless correctly, I get an IP ( from the router ( DHCP provides the DNS without issue. I can ping the router and the ISP DNS servers...but still no joy.I managed to get some joy when running ipconfig /flushdns everytime it stopped. But this is inconsistent.Firefox, IE and Chrome all work for a couple of minutes after a reboot and then just stop being able to browse. As I said, when it stops, I can still ping everything listed above comfortably..but no host names resolve.My Android phone connects seemlessly and doesn't drop out. I am typing from my parents laptop at the issues, my brothers laptop, no problems.

Every device seems to work without issue except my work laptop, which I use wirelessly at home, in hotels, name it, I can use it no problem.I have removed the connection and re-added.I have connected via standard WPA2 key and last night tried via WPS. Each time, the laptop connects without issue, all of my messengers connect...2 minutes into browsing the web...DNS stops resolving. I even added Google DNS servers and set a manual IP...same issue each time.I found the Winsock Fix for Windows 7, applied it and restarted. So far so good...obviously, I will come back if it fails again

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Computer Automatically Turn On When Connect It To The Power Source?

Dec 3, 2011

my computer automatically turn on when i connect it to the power source....And after few seconds it restarts its self...this cycle repeats its self over and over again until i dont disconnect the power source.

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20 Minutes Boot Time On Fresh Windows 7 X64 Install

Aug 4, 2010

Yesterday I installed Windows 7 on my brother's PC. He had been using Vista previously. Upon booting to the installer, the "Starting Windows" screen would appear with the animated windows logo. This screen took 20 minutes of waiting to get past, so for ages I thought it wasn't going to work at all. Eventually I left it on long enough to get through to the first stage of installation. Everything went ok during install, I formatted the single partition on the HDD and told Win7 to install there. The next two times the install had to restart the computer, the huge delay on getting past the "Starting Windows" screen remained (keep in mind this is before/during the install). Vista had no such issues with boot times. And now that Windows 7 is installed, the boot issues remain, even after installing all available windows updates, updating graphics/mobo/sound/mouse/keyboard drivers, etc. I have checked the Event Log as I have read that you can diagnose possible boot problems in there, but there doesn't appear to be any Boot Events logged, all I see in the Diagnostics-Performance log are Shutdown events.

Specs are as follows:

Windows 7 Ultimate x64 RTM
Core 2 Quad 2.8Ghz
500GB Samsung SATA 7200rpm HDD
Nvidia 9800GTX
XFX nForce 780i SLI Motherboard (BIOS ver. P09)

I have tried many things to fix it, such as removing various RAM modules, enabling/disabling various BIOS settings relating to USB/IDE (I don't use any IDE devices but thought I'd try)/RAID etc (also don't have my single HDD in RAID).

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BSOD Mostly At Regular Time Intervals Like 30 Minutes To 1 Hour

Aug 16, 2012

Since last week I started having the BSOD problem , my computer just restarting out of nowhere. Before this happening i did not install /add new hardware or software.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1048

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: a
BCP1: 00000000
BCP2: 00000002
BCP3: 00000001
BCP4: E2C4A7F3
OS Version: 6_1_7600
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 256_1

Files that describe the problem:

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First Time User Profile Creation Takes 3 Minutes?

Aug 10, 2010

- Windows 7 Pro in a workplace.When a unser logs to a machine for the first time, it takes around 3 minutes to create the profile, it hangs at "Preparing your desktop". After the initial logon, the time is more normal, around 10-25 seconds.What could cause such a long delay to initiate the profile?

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Certain Programs Taking Long Time (5 To 10 Minutes) To Launch

Aug 13, 2010

Running a brand new HP desktop machine. I've been using it for about a week with no problems ... until today. Certain programs are acting like they aren't launching, but at about 5-10 minutes later, they finally launch. Even the Recycle Bin took about 5 minutes to come up. However, Firefox launches immediately.

4GB of RAM
AMD Athlon II X2 250 Processor @ 3.00 GHz
64 bit

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Windows 7 Time Not Automatically Starting

Jan 15, 2013

I have set the service to automatically start but everytime i reboot the services is stopped.Is this normal or do i have a problem with the time service?This is on a fresh install.I just finished getting all of the updates.I am using windows 7 home premium 64bit.

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How To Tell PC To Turn On At A Certain Time

Nov 25, 2011

was just wondering if this is possible? can i set my PC to hibernate and then tell it to come out of hibernation at a certain time - like say, an hour later?

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Remote Desktop Automatically Logs Out Each Time Connect

Mar 30, 2012

I'm encountering a very frustrating problem connecting to my office PC (which is Windows 7 Professional). No matter what client I use (Windows 7 built in remote desktop from a W7HP machine, Remote Desktop Client on Android, etc.) when I log on to the host machine it re-logs me on. Basically it seems to kill the previous log on session, logs it off, and then logs me in anew. This is really annoying. It closes all open apps and makes me reopen them. It takes much longer than a usual connection. I can't seem to find any reason for why this might happen, the only difference between this and the thousands of connections I've made over the years using RDP is that this is being done over our work VPN (A SonicWall VPN client). I don't see why that would make any difference but it's the only variable.

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Turn On Laptop Twice Every Time After A Long Gap?

Jul 12, 2011

i have to turn on my laptop twice everytime after a long gap

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Windows 7 Taking Too Much Time To Turn Off?

Aug 10, 2011

I am using windows7 There are windows media player not responding"error" and windows take about 1-2 hours to shut down.But all other thing are going ok right now.

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Date And Time Change When Turn On Computer?

Dec 2, 2012

When i turn on computer date is always in 2002 year and time is different then real..

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Monitor Turn Off After Long Period Time?

Jun 19, 2012

Why does my screen sometimes goes blank after a period of inactivity ( like 8 hours )? And sometimes not!. My monitor screen just turns off ( yellow light ). Then i just turn my mouse and screen goes back to normal. ITS TOTALLY RANDOM!

I disabled the screen saver and I disabled the option of the OS turning off the screen. Yet, the screen will still turn itself off after a period of inactivity. I'm currently using a Asus Monitor 19'

my pc is:
7 3770k 3.5 ghz
Asus Gtx 680
Asus Sabertooth Z77
2x4gb ram DDR3 Corsair Vengeance White 1600 LP Arctic
Be Quiet Dark Power Pro 1000W
301 WHQL.

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Is It Better To Leave Computer Running All The Time Or Turn It Off

Mar 5, 2011

Is it better to leave your computer running all the time or turn it off?

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Any 'new Tab' Related Extension Are Automatically Remove Every Single Time Closes Chrome

Nov 23, 2012

Any 'new tab' related extension are automatically remove every single time I closes my Chrome.I even stop downloading Awesome New Tab Page because it WILL get uninstall the next time I re-open my Chrome.Then I started dragging so many sites to the default 'new tab' page to turn them into App.. Guess what? It was removed as well.I tried clean re-install too.

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Automatically Giving Rights To User Profile To Change System Time

Dec 7, 2012

I have a software which reguires the user profile to have rights to change system time. Software is run as a non-admin user profile so software's installer should give the proper rights. Installer is run as admin. Can this be done and if it can, how it is done?

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