Missing Rdpclip, File Disappeared From Auto-runs?

Jul 3, 2012

I ran autoruns this morning to see which files i had opening on startup. Autoruns indicated that the file rdpclip was missing. I found the file under windows/winsxs, but autorun still couldn't find it. I then looked under my registry HKLM and found it, but I have no idea what to do from there. Also, any mention of the file seems to be missing from autoruns now, and I don't know where to go from here.

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Auto-runs How To Run

May 7, 2011

I joined Bleeping computers yesterday and today I downloaded 'Autoruns' after reading some posts on the forums,and now I find (ho-hum) I dont know how to run the program,ive unzipped it and its 'ready' but I just cant see the run/start button?can someone point me in the right direction

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Ran Auto-runs On Fresh Build Now Windows 7 Wont Boot?

Jan 10, 2013

I disabled quite a bit of stuff to reduce processes. Apparently I went to far. Now windows wont boot and I cant get to safe mode.

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My Hosts File Disappeared

Jun 13, 2011

Yesterday I realized my hosts file went missing. This happened within the last week. UAC is on and my computer is clean so I assume this wasn't caused by malware, but I'd like to know what program did this. Is there any sort of log I can access that will show me that information?

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Windows 7 Split Screen File Disappeared?

Feb 9, 2012

I was trying to open 2 file folders at once using windows 7. Usually I click/hold and move to right/left, somehow I did pass the monitor, and file dissappeared. Not sure how to get it back. it showed on the taskbar, but could not get it open up no matter what I do -- turn off, reset resolution

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Windows 7 Split Screen File Disappeared

Feb 9, 2012

I was trying to open 2 file folders at once using windows 7. Usually I click/hold and move to right/left, somehow I did pass the monitor, and file dissappeared. Not sure how to get it back

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File Magically Disappeared, Still Visible In The Windows 7 Search Index?

Aug 10, 2011

I was looking for a file when I noticed it was gone. I fired up the Windows search engine and Search Everything, both of which said the file was still there. When I try to open the search result in any media player, it says the file could not be found.I already restarted my system, but both search engines still say the file exists. Is the file still there? I cannot find it with Undelete Plus, but it did find a lot of files that were recently deleted.

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Doubled Clicked Mouse Button And Photo File Disappeared

Jan 6, 2013

Yesterday I went to click on my photo file which has all my photos from as far back as 2006 and I clicked the mouse button fast and the file was gone. I hope I can recover it. It's all of my family photos. The file is on an external hard drive and not my computer.

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Missing Auto-play Options After Lexmark Software Install

Jul 17, 2011

I recently purchased a lexmark printer and installed the driver and software. After installation I tried to import some pictures off of my sd card using the card reader on my laptop. previous to the lexmark software install I had several options for importing the picture, I usually chose "import using windows". Now that option is gone along with all other options (that I rarely used) and it has been replaced with the lexmark productivity center. I looked at my autoplay options and all the old options are still there for importing videos, but pictures have only productivity studio and general options.So I uninstalled the software and rebooted, the productivity option is gone, but the old ones have not returned.Lastly I tried to do a system restore, but it hangs up on initializing for hours and never completes.Any ideas on how to get my old autoplay options back? I assume it is a registry setting.

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Create A Batch File That Runs 3 Other Batch Files

Jul 1, 2011

I am trying to create a batch file that runs 3 other batch files. Right now, it works fine using the call command on each other batch file. However, these other batch files take awhile to run. and so the entire process takes a very long time, since each "sub" batch file is run only after the previous one is finished.I was wondering if there is a command or way to start a batch file fro the top-level batch file, then go on and start the next batch file before the previous one is finished. In other words, I want the sub batch files to run in parallel in the background. (similar to the '&' in Unix).

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Create An Auto Updating Text File With IP Address In It?

Jan 2, 2012

Is there any way i can create an auto updated text file of my computer's ip address and have it in dropbox? I'm trying to connect to my computer via a remote connection app on my android - "Xtralogic Remote Desktop" and setting a static IP doesn't work on my router for some reason, i tried and tested it. So i was wondering if i could keep a text file in my dropbox that i could access from my phone that has my ip address of my computer so i can enter it into the app whenever i want to use it via 3G.

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Creating A Batch File To Auto-login To A Website

Nov 28, 2011

I have created the following batch file to automatically load and login to a site, I created it and tested it on a computer running xp, but I can't get it to work on a windows 7 machine "@ECHO OFF TITLE Water Monitor Auto Start Up mode con: cols=42 lines=1 REM Create a time delay Visual Basic file of 1 second cd c: IF NOT EXIST ECHO Wscript.Sleep 1000 >> 1second.vbs:timeloop REM Using a for loop to count for 20 seconds to allow startup script to finish for %%d in (20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0) do TITLE Water Monitor Auto Start Up in %%d Secs && ECHO. && 1second.vbs && cls.

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How To Stop WMP12 From Auto-opening Last Played File

Mar 23, 2011

How can I stop WMP12 from opening the last file that was played when I load up a new instance of WMP12? Say I watch a video, close WMp, I click the WMP icon to load the player up, it wants to continue playing the video where I left off. I disabled it before a long time ago, but just reformatted and its doing it again and I cant remember how I did it!

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Any Way To Inhibit Mouse Hover / Auto Open File Option?

Oct 15, 2010

Is there some way to inhibit the "auto open" option when the mouse hovers over a file? This is on an Acer portable Win7.

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Stop Auto-hide Taskbar From Being Auto-ticked?

May 20, 2012

I bought a Asus U36J laptop back in April of last year and ever since then I have been beating around an issue that I dont seem to be able to resolve one way or the other. When ever the laptop is on battery and in battery saving mode it has my taskbar on autohide. If I turn that off, then it stays off right until it is put back into battery saving mode at which point it is "magically" ticked on again.

Is there no way to simply disable that feature, as its annoying me greatly. I know its tied into the battery saving desktop, and I want to keep the battery saving desktop but want a full taskbar all the time. I found a supposed fix to make that happen, and while it actually makes the taskbar appear all the time, it still is a bad hack as any windows I have open wont "attach" to the taskbar but attaches to the buttom of the screen.

So for the love of god is there no sane way for me to keep the battery saving desktop but get rid of the autohiding taskbar. Otherwise I know Asus most likely wont be my laptop of choice next time aroumd.

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Auto-update Property Sheet Extension File Update

Oct 12, 2011

Is this file safe to have operating on my computer???

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Missing Dll File?

Jul 9, 2012

Recently a popup box has started to appear when I logon that informs me that file nuneco.dll is missing/can't be found. I have not noticed any programs being affected but its just really annoying I also want to try and fix this before anything detrimental does happen as I use this system for my business. I don't remember doing anything major or installing anything before this started happening which is why I am hving trouble locating the cause of the problem.Any suggestions? Be gentle although I am not exctly a novice I am not a tech head either so if his can be fixed please provide clear instructions[CODE]

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Iertutil.dll File Missing

Feb 9, 2011

iertutil.dll seems to be missing and I guess I can download it but all the places I look, seems like they want to do one of those FREE DOWNLOAD scan things that doesn't get you anywhere except now you got some crap on your system. Is there some source to get this stuff without the accompanying garbage?

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Flv File Thumbnail Missing

Aug 29, 2010

im having a problem on flv video files on my video library.This all started when I run tuneup gain disk space it may have been deleted some file that something to do with thumbnail preview on flv files.Now flv files has no thumbnail preview...the player i use to play flv files is VLC.

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Missing/Corrupted Hal.dll File?

Jul 30, 2010

I started up my computer around an hour ago and found the following message; "The file system32/hal.dll is missing or corrupt.re-install the file." So, at a loss as I'm not a Tech-person in any yway, I turned to the internet and found, after several XP posts, some to do with Windows 7. I'm on 64-bit, and have tried inserting my installation disk as well as the system repair.I've looked at this, but seeing as I'm Windows 7 & not XP I can't see why it would work; Error Message: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt I'm following another Microsoft guide that asked to me run a command in a command prompt, Bootrec.exe which in turn gave me 4 options, only I'm not sure which option to choose.

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File Association Is Missing - How To Add It

Apr 25, 2011

I received an email with an attachment showing as a pps extension, which is Power Point. Win Live Mail cannot open it. When I go to the file association panel, I have 3 extensions listed, to use Power Point Viewer (I do not have Office), but .pps is not one of the 3 listed ones. How do I add .pps to that list?

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Page File Missing?

Mar 13, 2011

i have windows 7 width 2 partitions system C: and data D:,i set virtual memory size to custom 256MB on C:,but memory performance program reports page file size 3200MB,dxdiag reports 3200MB too,i set pagefile long time ago, so system is updatedC:/pagefile.sys has 256MBD: has no pagefile

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Devil May Cry Dll File Is Missing

May 23, 2012

file Missing ..what to do?

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Missing D3dx9_32dll File

Dec 18, 2012

My toshiba laptop says that i am missing d3dx9_32dll file? (note) already performed defrag and clean

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Cannot Open The File Because COMDLG32.dll Is Missing

Sep 1, 2012

Whenever I open various files and programs like paint, a status box appears saying I cannot open the file because COMDLG32.dll is missing. How do I reinstall it?My computer is windows 7.

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Missing DLL File - Can't Get Image To Restore

Mar 16, 2012

I am Last night when I get home go to start computer and there is a error about missing dll file, then aas I click the error more missing file errors keep coming up, gets progressively worse until PC does not start windows. Ok, that's cool, I have backup and disk image on another drive in computer, no problem right, WRONG!!!

So pop in the windows 7 disk, go to restore disk image, error!!! Got a few errors while trying once I got one when I checked of not to include one of the disk, the one I keep getting is that there is not enough space on drive for restore. Now the disk the image is on is 150 GB, the disk trying to put it on is 500 GB, so why the problem???

So keep searching on my laptop and find a suggestion to do diskpart-clean. Go through every suggestion I found to use diskpart such as clean. Still not working. I install Windows 7 on the drive which works, install backup files and is there. But I want the image to restore. So in the new install I cant get it to do a image restore, so I try from Windows 7 CD again, Fail.

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Missing Boot File From Windows?

May 9, 2012

I moved the boot ini file from my hard disk drive and created a new folder in C: and I've put it there. And it is a bad idea because my computer won't boot. It always say Loading BOOT file from C://Windows and then as usual I get a black empty screen.

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File Associations Option Missing?

Feb 7, 2013

file association in that I can't get to choose any default program from a list. After clicking "Open with" I choose the option of; "Choose default" and get this with everything I try to choose a default for;

"The file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action, please install a program or, if one is installed, create an association in the default program control panel"

I like to use "FYzip" to open all types of zip files/folders as it works well with my expectations but I can't get it or even a photograph to have a default opening program. I have no problem in opening any format of photographs but that's not the issue. I end up doing a blasted Re-Format of my whole Windows 7 home addition?

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Loading MS Picture It Missing A File?

Sep 4, 2012

My picture it says am missing a file. Where can I download the file:PIPPIPshoeboxp18pb.sbs from works 2002?(for picture it)

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Error 1723 - Missing: Msi.dll File

Jun 17, 2011

how to fix this Error 1723 - Missing: msi.dll file I'm actually trying to uninstall Java version 6: 64 bit and 32 bit on my laptop. I can't uninstall and I can't reinstall due to this error. I've tried to fix with JAVARA patch, but that didn't work. It seems to me that I may need to fix the MS Installer file.

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File Restored From Recycle Bin Missing?

Sep 16, 2011

I am running Windows 7. I had an old .tex file (from about 6 months ago) in the recycle bin that I wanted to restore. I right-clicked on the file and selected restore. Now, I cannot find the file anywhere. I searched on the date, name,

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