Login Problem To A Workgroup Computer

Aug 21, 2009

My computer, with 7 RTM installed, is part of a corporate domain. I'm trying to access a shared folder on a 2000 Server, which is outside the domain. Using XP, 2003, or any other OS there I had no problem accessing the share with regular UNC e.g. computer. However, from the Win 7 computer I hit a brick wall every time.

The login window pops up and I can't login even though I'm using a valid user. The even stranger thing is that using XP mode does allow you to access, but that's hardly a solution. Is there some network/security setting I'm missing?

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How To Login After Changing From Domain To Workgroup

Jan 9, 2012

I changed the domain on my work laptop to Workgroup so I could print on my local LAN at home and now I can not login using my user name and password. My laptop has a PGP total disk encryption. I can log in on the first PGP login screen. After that, Windows 7 login appears and I can not login using my usual name and password.

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Can't Log In Windows 7 Computer After Removing It From Domain To Workgroup

Dec 13, 2011

Cant log in my windows 7 computer after removing it from domain to workgroup

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Share Folder With A User Account On ANOTHER Computer In The Workgroup?

Sep 2, 2011

It is easy to share a folder with Everyone, or to share it with other user accounts on the same computer, but how can I share a folder with a specific user account on ANOTHER computer in the workgroup?Reason: in my neighborhood, four friends are connected by cable to the same router, and we all belong to the same workgroup. Each computer has a folder (named "public") that we share with everyone else, but I also want to have another folder (named "private") that I can share with only other computers in my apartment, but not with my friends (on other apartments). How can I do this?

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Computer Take 5 Min At Login?

Dec 12, 2011

I own a small computer repair shop and recently I have problems that I am very worried about.All of the computers I reinstall windows 7 on have the same issue, they take 5min at login, it freezes at the Welcome screen and or When trying to input password.It unfreezes 5minutes later (more or less) and everything works fine after, no issues at all, so I have been getting calls from previous customers annoyed by this.What should I do? I have tried everything and no luck, also my Windows 7 pc that is 2 years old is doing the same thing

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How To Login Computer

Aug 20, 2012

I need help how do i login to my computer or change the password without the reset disk Im the admin for the computer and I dont have password

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Computer Freezes Just After Login?

Jul 21, 2012

I am running an ASUS G73 with Windows 7 home premium 64 bit. Just after logging in the computer freezes normally within the first minute of the desk top showing up. I have run virus scan, malwarebytes, all of it and its showing nothing found. I saw a thread from december last year on here with a similar issue were it was suggested the person post the results from a HijackThis System scan i will do the same in my next post. I looked at it but its all jibberish to me. The only thing i can do on my PC is safe mode.

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Computer Crashes After Login

Mar 9, 2012

So, I start the computer and login fine. After login my computer freezes and either blue screens without text or returns to the normal desktop but is frozen. I have tried to run it in safemode and it will not crash in it. I'm thinking a driver problem or possible corrupt memory.

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Check The Login Ids On Computer?

May 14, 2012

how can i access(using run) the location where i can get login ids of people using my system.

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Computer Keeps Restarting Before The NORMAL Login?

Jan 2, 2013

i was playing minecraft when suddenly y computer freezes and it begins to restart. at that point i thought maybe: "oh, minecraft crashed my computer". but little to my knowledge it was worse than that.I have an ASUS G50vt, and it has always run pretty good and i have the rare problem, but nothing this bad.i can boot in safe mode so i deduced that is might not be the hadware then i thought that it could be java, so i uninstalled minecraft and all files related, then i went to uninstall java but i realized that i cant when in SAFE MODE.ive tried the javara thing and still nothing and i even made it to where my computer wont restart when it crashes.

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Computer Frozen At Login Screen?

Feb 17, 2011

I turn on my computer and it will take me to the log in screen but the mouse is stuck in the middle of the screen and my keypad wont work. So I can't log in and get to my desktop. I've turned my computer off and retried several times. It was doing this yesterday too. I've tried restarting it in all the different types of safe modes, and still nothing.

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Computer Will Not Recognize Login Password

Apr 25, 2011

how do i logon to computer when i am not able to login when computer won't recognize password

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Computer Has Now Been Stuck In Pre-login Network Settings

Jun 4, 2011

I just upgraded to windows 7 (rather a repaired version from windows 7) and why setting up, I was prompted to chose how to connect to my network. My computer has now been stuck in this pre-login network settings thing for over an hour now. I finally figured I'd cancel and fix it later, but there is no cancel. So i restarted my computer, only to have it start exactly where it left off. I was sure to completely turn off my computer, then it started over when I turned it back on. After unplugging my internet, it skipped the process.*

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Login To My User Account From Any Networked Computer?

Sep 1, 2011

Here is what I'm trying to do, I have 3 computers running Windows 7 (1 hp & 2 ult) and I would like to be able to sit at any one of them and log-in to my Account Name and see my files,desktop,favs. ect.... And have them synced together... i.e. ... If I add a file to my default computer and then logoff and go to another computer on my network and login to my Account, the file would be there too. I hope this makes sense. I do already have them networked, file sharing, streaming.

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Lock-out Computer With 3 Failed Login Attempts

Jul 21, 2011

how to lock-out my computer with 3 failed login attempts. I believe xp had a program where you could set a lock-out time of 999 hours. Can't find anything about windows 7 however.

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My Computer Logon Screen Is Black And Cant Login

Apr 10, 2012

My computer logon screen is black and i cant login

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Forgot Password To Windows 7 Now Can't Login To Computer

Feb 3, 2013

I have a Toshiba laptop running Windows 7 home premium. I changed the password a few days ago and changed the computer name yesterday. After restart to get the computer name change to take, I can't login to the computer. I did not setup an admin acct and can't login that way. I tried F8 system repair to reset to factory settings but a password is required. I went to F2 and set a user password on security, but it only works to get into the function keys. I would like suggestions of what to do to get into my laptop. I didn't get a restore disc with the machine, but created a restore on an external hard drive.

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Computer Freezing Up At Windows Splash Screen Before Login?

May 8, 2012

I have a 2 month old Lenovo with Windows 7 Home Premuim. When the Windows Splash screen comes up, the PC Freezes. After about an hour i can login with no issues, but the event viewer shows many errors. the error is:

windows event id 7001 The Computer Browser service depends on the Server service which failed to start because of the following error: The dependency service or group failed to start.

I can also boot into Safe Mode just fine immediately after the freeze.

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Can Make Computer Automatically Login And Then Lock The Account

Jul 17, 2011

Is there a way I can make my computer automatically login and then lock my account so that it does my startup programs automatically? (on Windows 7 x64)

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Event Viewer Log Showing Login Times When Computer Is Off?

Nov 9, 2012

I have noticed that my event viewer log is showing successful logins when my computer is off. Is this normal? Does the system ever "log itself in" while its off?

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Computer Boots Up And After Login The Welcome Comes On, Then Screen Turns Blue

Feb 18, 2012

my computer boots up and after log-in the welcome comes on, then my screen turns blue. i can move the cursor but nothing shows...it works fine in safe mode?

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Windows 7 RDP In A Workgroup?

Aug 13, 2011

I have two machines running Windows 7 pro in a workgroup. PC A RDP's to PC B over port 3398 and has been working for months. As of this week the connection has failed access denied over port 3398. Nothing has changed as far as I know.

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Workgroup Computers

Nov 16, 2009

I have a Laptop that I just installed Windows 7 on, and an XP machine. All is working well, including the networking, but I have what might be a silly question.

From the XP machine, why does the 7 machine not show up when I "View Workgroup Computers". I can get to it when I look in "My Network Places", but when I View the Network Computers, only the XP machine shows up when I'm on the XP machine.

The XP machine shows up on the 7 machine when I "View Network Computers and Devices" FWIW.

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Computer Will Not Boot Up To The Login Screen, Occasional BSOD Flashes?

Dec 12, 2011

My computer is running on a Windows 7 Home Premium OS, it's about two years old, Lenovo brand. I won the computer a while back, and do not have a Windows 7 Op.disk. The problem is, a while back I got this virus called Wolfram Antivirus software, and tried to do everything I could to remove it. It was a pain. The thing is, I think I might have accidentally deleted something in RegEdit, and now my computer (on the ultra rare occasion that it gets to and past the login screen) will tell me that it has encountered a critical error, and will restart in 1 minute.When it does reboot, what will happen, is it will get to the picture of the swirling Windows symbol, but then reboot before making it to login screen. Then it will ask me to do a system repair or start up normally, because it shut down unusually

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New Computer: First Boot Interactive Login Process Initialization Fail

Sep 17, 2011

i just went out buy a brand new gaming computer. Take about 2 hours to hook the thing up and press the power button and expect the greatest, but to my dismay I receive the error "Interactive Login Process Initialization failed". I clicked OK and the box closed, the display (1920x1080) flashes and then the same error appears. I will eventually receive a blue screen then the computer will reboot. Startup Repair yields no results, so I was wondering what are my options. I am going to go back to micro-center tomorrow, but wanted to know if the internet had

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How To Move From Domain To Workgroup

Jul 26, 2012

I'm helping someone with there Windows 7 Professional.They can't update it or get certain features to work. I know it is because they are on an old Work Domain.They no longer work for that company. But the Laptop is there's.I went to System and "changed settings" under "Computer Name Domain and Workgroup settings".I changed from "Work Network" to "Home Network".After restarting, ALL of there configurations and settings were gone. Outlook, ACT!, etc needed to be setup again. But the computer was able to access the features that they needed.Apparently the user account that we were using to log in into, was no longer available.I did a system restore to right before I changed to Home Network.How do I change to "Home Network" from "Work Domain" while still keeping ALL user settings, but getting rid of the lockdown that the Domain Policies Enforced?

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Cannot See Other PCs In Workgroup Over WiFi Connection

May 15, 2011

I am trying to set up a workgroup between two Windows 7 Pro computers over a wifi connection. I have set the workgroup name to be identical on both machines (Lastname-Home), but neither machine can see the other. Network discovery and sharing are turned on. From my googleing and forum searching (here and on other forums) all I can find is people saying that if the workgroup names match you should be able to see the PCs.

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Workgroup Name Cannot Match Username?

Jan 18, 2012

Does anyone have experience with windows 7 (32) not allowing the network workgroup name to match a username? Do to some existing procedures we would like the username & workgroup to be the same. This works fine on XP machines but not on the Windows 7 machine.

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Vista Can't Browse Workgroup?

Jan 27, 2012

I'm able to ping both ways and able to see another workgroup Vista machine from the XP side but not my laptop Vista.No antivirus other than MS Security Essientials, no third party firewall, removed all malware TSR's.Have files & Printer sharing turned on and double checked the workgroup BUT when I tried to change the computers name I get a "error occured validating..." message.

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Workgroup / Network Sharing Mac OS X

Oct 10, 2009

I cannot get this to work for the life of me. I have searched this forum, and others.

-I have set the workgroup identically on my windows 7 machine and my 10.6 MBP.

-I CAN smb to my windows 7 machine successfully.

-Neither my windows 7 or mac os x recognize one another in their respective network "browsers"

-With iTunes open on both machines, it successfully recognizes the libraries.

I am not a networking genius, but I'm fairly literate if someone could help me out, please.

This could be a whole separate issue, but even when connected to my windows 7 machine through VPN, the machines don't show up on their respective network "browsers"

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Workgroup Computers Come And Go On Network

Nov 1, 2009

I could 'see' my shared XP machine and my MacBook from my Windows 7 computer over my wireless network last night be cannot see them now. I can 'see' the Windows 7 from the XP machine on Workgroup computers but I cannot 'see' any computers from my Windows 7 network now.

I have seen another post like this but the solution there was to buy another wireless router but I just bought a new Netgear 11n router and it is working fine for Internet access.

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