Internet And Email Freezing

Nov 16, 2009

Ever since I installed Windows 7 I have had many instances of the internet and my email (Hotmail) freezing.

Does anyone know why please?

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Cursor Freezing Up In Typing An Email Using Yahoo Inside Windows 7

Oct 11, 2011

Cursor freezing up in typing an email using my yahoo inside windows 7

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Internet Explorer Keeps Freezing

Jan 15, 2012

Internet explorer keeps freezing (when using just hotmail). Simple tasks (writing an email) cannot even be completed. I can open MS Word, but then it keeps freezing too.I have received numerous failure messages including:The instrument at 0X00000000724B97DD referenced memory at 0X0000000031A9830 [not sure about that group of the exact # of that long group of zeroes]. The required data not placed into memory because of an I/O error status of 0XC000018S.Even in Safe Mode Explorer froze. I tried restoring to an earlier date but it wasn't possible. It said no restore date is set. When I tried to set one, it didn't work.Another message I received: A writer did not respond to a GatherWriterStatus call. Check System Application event logs (0x80042319).Another: wermgr.exe error.I manually shut down the computer numerous times to attempt to restart and resolve the problem, but Windows keeps freezing, as does MS Word. I ran a daignostic test and it discovered no problems.

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Pc Keeps Freezing When Connected To The Internet?

Oct 16, 2010

My pc keep freezing when i connected to the internet. The weird thing is, no matter how i connect to the internet ( via 3G, LAN, wifi ) my PC will keep freezing the moment the connection enstablish. But!! When midnight.. my pc can connect!! I dono wat to do.. i already replace the whole system except power supply and graphic card!

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Internet Disconnects Followed By The Computer Freezing?

Oct 13, 2012

I powered it back on and all was well save my CPU fan being rather loud. Closer inspection revealed a blade broke off the fan. I replaced the fan thus morning and it seemed to run fine.I had an issue connecting to the internet, so I powered off, reconnected all the cables and rebooted the router and modem, and it seemed to fix it.I went on using the computer and got a dialogue box telling me that the internet disconnected. I attempted to reconnect and it failed. A couple of minutes later my computer froze. I had mouse control but that's it. I gave it a hard restart and it still didn't connect.I went out with a friend, came back and it connected no problem.I was playing a game and saw the internet disconnected again, then PC froze again.I restarted then ran avg, no problems

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Computer Freezing Up (usually When Doing Internet Related Tasks)

Apr 29, 2011

my computer is tweaking out, what usually happens is I will turn my computer on and it will load fine, connect to the internet fine and then i can do anything that is non internet related just fine, then I will start browsing the internet and it freezes...

another common thing for it do is it will start up and not have an internet connection and will not even display my usual home connection...then when i go to restart the computer it will automatically freeze...

it will also freeze say if i start up any game related to the internet, at first i thought it might be a virus but i have scanned with microsoft security essentials many times and nothing... i think my motherboard might be fried but i am not sure

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Computer Screen Keeps Freezing Randomly When Using Internet

Jun 13, 2011

My computer is relatively new and has been working fine until just recently. At random times when on the internet, it will suddenly freezes (but only the page) and not allow me to click anything. At first I thought it was the website but it has been happening on more sites than one. I have tried installing all the updates and have gone through almost all the tune-ups my computer offers.

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Internet Keeps On Freezing / Cant Install Firefox Or Any Program

Jun 21, 2012

i have comcast internet.usually this problem occurs when im on Internet. i use google chrome. whenever i browse Internet, in like twenty five minute of video watching my computer starts to freeze. there is a cicle spinning and screen becomes blurry. i cant do alt control delete to end task it, because nothin pops up when i click it. now when i use other sites like facebook, twitter, the internet starts to freeze like before, before it was only Internet, now its a lot of sites and i have to manually hot the power button and relogon. is it a good sign that my power button on monitor doesnt turn blue when i turn it on, it used to , but now it dont. i can not use firefox because it will not let me install it. i am an administrator for sure because i followed these steps.url...when i google mozilla firefox from google chrome, and install it, it says"you may not have the necessary permissions to use all the features of the program you are about to run. you may run this program as a different user or continue to run the program as the current user."when i click towards current user, my name and my last name initial is there in parentheses after the word current user although my account name is different. then its all gray at the bottom and under user name it says administator, and blank under password but i cant make any changes because it is gray. if i click okay, it disappears and nothin installed. and when i click at bottom run this program as the following user and then i see administrator under user name and nothin under password. the account i have is protected by a password. if i type in my username and password that i currently am using, i have one account on my pc, or if i press okay how it was given to me, it says logon failure: user account restriction. possible reasons are blank passwords not allowed, logon hour restrictions, or a policy restriction has been enforced."i use superantispyware,malwairebytes pro, avast free as a virus protection.and whenever i go to itunes, i have to end task it once because it always freezes on me the first time i access it, it does let me end task itunes though

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Can't Download Anything From Email Or Internet

Sep 7, 2011

I am using Windows 7 and IE9 and I can't download anything. I also use Norton Antivirus.When I try and download an email attachment for example. Norton tells me the file is safe.When I press download, I get a pop up. I try and run or save as per the pop up and the file begins to download. When it is at the end of the download, I am informed, via the pop, that it is running a security scan. I am then told the file couldn't be downloaded.

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Unable To Get Email Or Get On Internet?

Jan 9, 2013

My laptop uses Windows 7 Professional, it is my work computer. It connects through a proxy server while at work. Would this effect my ability to connect to my home network? I am connected to the router, but I can't get to the internet.

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Internet Explorer Running Horrendously Slow And Freezing?

May 2, 2012

My computer has never been the fastest (Compaq Pressario CQ56), and due to a recent issue with my McAfee Firewall where by it had turned itself off and would not come back on?I have since run subsequent Anti-malware and virus scans which are all coming up clean, however the computer is still horrendously slow when using IE. Internet Explorer is continuously freezing up, and saying it is not responding, after which I have to recover the webpage.....waiting an eternity for it to do so. Even clicking on a new link results in a wait of between 20 - 50 seconds.

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Cannot Unblock My Internet / Email Access

Nov 23, 2012

i cannot unblock my internet/email access

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Manage Internet Applications And Email Services?

Jul 22, 2011

working with email services and how to manage email messages?

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Internet Explorer Crashes When Attach A Document To Email?

Mar 6, 2011

Every time I try to attach a photo or doc to an email using either Yahoo, Comcast or whatever browser, the system freezes and crashes. I called Microsoft and spent over an hour with one of their techs, and he got it to work for about a week, now it's doing it again

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Wireless Connection, No Internet (email) Access After Search

Jan 27, 2013

I a having problems connecting to windows explorer and my live email. After doing a google search for a particular site, it took me to a local survey. When I used the trouble shooter it tell s that I have a broken connection and I should try to reboot my router. Needless to say that this doesn't work but I have many things connected and all still work. First I tried to do a restore, which not only work. But it did not respond to it. Then I tried to do a wired connection, but that is the same. I thought definitely this would work. I am using a anti virus and firewall which I cannot do a scan or a update with and has not expired. Also using OS Window 7. No recent change made or downloads.

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Delete An Incorrect Email Address From Autocomplete In Internet Explore?

Sep 1, 2011

i would like to delete old email adresses

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Blocking Internet Usage But Allow Receive / Send Email For User Account

May 28, 2012

How can I, as administrator block a non-administrator account from using internet but can recieve and send email. I'm using windows 7.

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Windows 7 Forcing To Save An Email Attachment Or Internet File Instead Of Just Opening It

May 18, 2012

I recently upgraded from XP to Win7. Now, when I have a file download or attachment, either in Outlook or any browser, it takes me to the File Save window. Before I could simply click on the attachment and it would open (unless it couldn't figure out what kind of file it was). This is a real pain when viewing pictures attached to an email. I've looked everywhere and can't find this issue addressed in any documentation. I've had Win 7 in the past and this didn't happen.

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Newly Built Computer Random Freezing And Freezing On Starting Windows 7

Aug 17, 2012

I recently built my first PC three days ago...

i7 bloomfield 960 processor
4x4 vengeance ram
crosair hx850 PSU
evga x58 ftw3 mobo
hd 6870 radeon graphics xfx

When I first installed windows it started to work just fine but I soon noticed that it would randomly freeze every 15-30 minutes of use, but not on a particular program or anything. I assumed it was drivers so I installed the latest drivers for my GPU and MOBO and keyboard. It seemed fine again until it started crashing again. I ran a GPU burn test and a CPU burn test it passed both. (I tried runing memtest86+ but it froze at like 12%) Then I tried fixing the registry so I downloaded ccleaner and fixed the registry problems. Freezes continued. I finally decided to re install windows so I did and the problems still continued. I am at a loss of what to do and can't think of anything else.

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Persistent Freezing Blue Screens And Freezing

Mar 14, 2012

Computer is currently suffering from persistent freezing and bluescreens. It seems to happen almost randomly, and usually very soon after startup and loading of Windows. System restore has not helped.'fraid that's all the info I can give right now. Any recommendations? If anyone wants me to run hijackthis or dxdiag and post results I'd be more than happy to (assuming I can get that far before it freezes!). Safe mode does work, and the problem does not occur while in safe mode.

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Associate Request To Email To Recipient To Automatically Go To Web Based Email Platform

Mar 12, 2012

I often want to send an email attachment from my desktop or other directory. When I right click on the file, and click send to email recipient, i get an error telling me no email program is associated to perform this action.I don't have any stand alone email program s installed. I strictly use web based email (gmail & hotmail) as my mail programs. I do not wish to install a stand alone program such as outlook or Thunderbird. How can I associate my request to email to a recipient to automatically go to my web based email platform (gmail or hotmail) and send the mail?I cant seem to find a hack or a small program to install to tell Windows 7 to use my web based email as my program!

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Email Settings Not Recognized When Using Webpage Email Link

Sep 11, 2011

I've been running XP for some years and recently set up Win 7 on a new SSD. In XP and using Opera browser, if I clicked on an web page's email link, my email client (Sylpheed) would open with the address inserted. With Win 7 and the email defaults set, it won't. Instead, it always returns an "Internal communication error" page (example link: Contact Us | PCWorld). Below are screenshots of my Win 7 email defaults and Opera preferences setting. One thing I'm not sure about, if it's at all relevant, is where Opera is picking up the default application from. In XP, it picked up Opera email as the default. The Other Application file location shown is exactly the same in both, except for the drive letter.

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Way To Configure Outlook Email To Sync With Work Email?

Mar 17, 2011

I have Windows 7 64-bit pro with Outlook 2010 installed on a Dell laptop. Is there a way to configure Outlook email to sync with my work email? Activesync works perfectly on my phone so that portion of the network is open at my work. I have been doing some reaserch and in order to get Outlook to sync with Exchange Server without VPN, RPC over HTTP or Outlook Anywhere must be enabled on the network. I know for a fact that our IT department have that portion disabled.

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Host The Email Sever Over The Router So That Email Can Be Sent Between The Computer?

Dec 27, 2012

can use a network router to network two desktops (windows 8) and two laptops (windows 7, xp) using wired and wireless connection, so that i can share files, printers and use remote desktop and host a basic email sever between the four computer without an internet connection if i can how would host the email sever over the router so that email can be sent between the computer i plan to use mercury mail server and have not got a router yet.

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Windows 7 Email Program / Retrieve Deleted Email?

Nov 6, 2011

Is it possible to retrieve email accidently from the deleted folder?

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Stop Spam Email From Being Sent From Email Address?

Feb 22, 2012

How do I stop spam email from being sent from my email address?

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Retrieving Email Sent Using Websites Email Form?

May 15, 2012

I sent an email to a company using their email form on their site. Is there a way I can retrieve what I wrote in the email to have for my records?

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Can't Send Email To One Person's Email Address?

Oct 26, 2012

The husband uses Windows Live as his email client and the wife uses direct Road Runner.They both use the same computer.hen the husband tries to send email to his wife's email acct, she never receives it.Yet he can send emails to me and I am a Road Runner email address. So I know that his Windows Live is set up correctly.His wife's email is working fine directly through Road Runner as she can send and receive emails.SO... Seems to me the issue has something to do with using the same computer and he never signs out of Windows Live. (I personally use Outlook as I am a business and am not familiar with Windows Live)

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Installing Email Program To Email Pics?

Dec 17, 2011

Installing email program to email pics?

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Installing Email Program To Email Pics

Dec 27, 2011

please help me to install email program

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Add Different Email Clients To The Email Tab In Documents?

Nov 23, 2011

When in the my document folder - there is an option to highlight a file and click the "Email" link which is present on the light blue bar at the top of the screen.On another Windows 7 machine I have seen - a dialogue box pops up when you click this link and you can choose which email client to send this the file to.Does anybody know how I can make this happen - and get such a dialogue box to show options for AOL 9.6 software and or Outlook 2007 / Windows Mail. I have all 3 running on my system and different email accounts setup in all (happy to leave it that way).

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