How Much RAM Needed To Turn Pagefile Off

Aug 23, 2011

how much ram I would need to buy to turn off the windows virtual memory? And should I buy ECC or non registered memory? Would 8 gigs of dual channel memory be enough? Also,is it ago to have to sets of dual channel memory (4 x 2 gigs DDR3-1600mhz)?

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Readyboost Vs Pagefile Vs RAM

Aug 2, 2009

I'm running Windows 7 x64 with a Quad Core and 4GB of RAM. I've enabled Readyboost on two USB devices of 2GB each I had laying around: a SanDisk Cruzer Micro, random read speed is 5341 KB/sec, random write speed is 3068 KB/sec. And a Kingston FCR-HS219, random read speed is 3412 KB/sec, random write speed is 3739 KB/sec. Not much, but should suffice to give it a try.

While booting, I saw and improvement. But the thing is I have my computer on 24/7 so I don't care that much about boot time. And I don't see a lot of activity of these devices once is turned on. Specially over the pendrive.

Is it because I have > 2GB RAM? Or is it because they are too small?

Would I benefit if I create a pagefile over one of these devices instead of Readyboost?

How can I "measure" this?

Is there a guide regarding Readyboost and USB devices?

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Which Size Should Set For Pagefile To C

Aug 14, 2012

I heard that the pagefile uses a lot of space on the ssd and they were right, I reduced it to 800-900mb on my C drive and kept it at system managed on secondary drive. What is the recommended minimum page file size? I have win 7 ultimate x64, 16 gigs ram and my C drive is a 240 GB Kingston HyperX 3k

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Pagefile.sys And Hiberfil.sys Are Deletable?

Feb 19, 2012

The files pagefile.sys and hiberfil.sys are 8GB and 6GB accordingly. Are they important? Can I delete them or at least reduce them?

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Okay To Disable Or At Least Shrink Pagefile.sys?

Dec 6, 2011

I don't fully understand how all this works yet, and I'm not sure if I can disable this and still expect it to run smoothly! Some places I looked said that with anything over 4gb of ram, I really wouldn't need it, but others said keep it for sure..

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Pagefile Partition Size

Apr 26, 2009

I was wondering what's a good size for a Windows 7 pagefile partition? I have Windows 7 installed on my primary drive (OS) and decided to make a 7GB pagefile partition on my secondary drive as I heard it is better to have the pagefile on a different hard drive. I have 6GB of memory installed if it makes any difference.

Is 7GB enough? I noticed the partition already gets filled up so I had to disable that annoying "hard drive disk space is low" balloon notifications that kept popping up.. people are getting away with having no pagefile so I figured 7GB would be more than enough?

I should add that I am not experiencing any blue screens of death or any problems despite the notifications popping up.

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Pagefile.sys -can This Be Deleted/ Emptied?

Feb 8, 2011

I am running out of space on my C drive and this pagefile.sys is massive like 1.9 gigCan this be moved/ deleted/ cleaned over its cache if it has one?

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Set Maximum Memory To 2 With No Pagefile?

Sep 30, 2011

Ok so I was trying to install dell quickset which doesn't work no matter what I do since I upgraded to 8gb or ram and installed a ssd. The main problem is I don't have the pagefile turned on so windows won't boot and safe mode boots but only has 240MB of ram and it so full you can't run anything.I have no system restore points. All I need to do is undo the max memory setting. Tried last known config, running msconfig in safe mode, bcdedit.

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Can I Put Win7 Pagefile On 32-bit (D:) Drive?

Sep 19, 2009

I have 64-bit Windows 7 running on drive C.

w/ Readyboost enabled (if this matters)

Is it possible / feasible to move my pagefile to my 32-bit (D) drive?

I googled but couldn't find an answer.

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What Size Should Be Allocated To Pagefile

Mar 14, 2011

Ever since I changed my RAM modules, Windows always allocated more space to the pagefile. When I had 4GB of RAM, the advised size of the pagefile by Windows was 6GB. I now have 8GB of RAM and Windows recommended size for the PF is 12GB. So I set a fixed size of 12GB for the PF and didn't let Windows manage the file by itself. I'm about to get 4x 4GB of RAM for a total of 16GB. And I think it would be really exaggerated to allocate 16GBx1.5=24GB for the pagefile, especially because my system is on a 60GB SSD.

I want to keep a pagefile so please don't advise me to disable it. This is my workstation and believe me I will use all of the 16GB of RAM. My question is: what is the size I should give to the pagefile to avoid any problem (like app crashes)? Is there a way to see in Windows how much MB or GB is currently used by the pagefile? --> That would be a good way to assess my needs.

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Securely Delete Pagefile.sys And Hiberfil.sys?

Dec 28, 2011

I run Windows 7-64 bit Home Premium and work on encrypted containers with TrueCrypt. I'm afraid that such sensitive information (including passwords) may be unencrypted on pagefile.sys or hiberfile.sys. How can I securely delete both of these files? I know there's a method in Windows 7 to delete pagefile.sys at shutdown but I heard from different sources on the net, this is unreliable and does not in fact SECURELY delete the content inside pagefile.sys.

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Trying To Reenable Pagefile To Free Up SSD Space

Nov 27, 2012

My biggest folders are seemingly Network Service and AppData. My OS is on an SSD with 60GB, I have another 1TB SATA and a second 60GB SSD as well. If I were to create these two folders in the second SSD, and make them point there, would this cause any issues? I am trying to re-enable my pagefile because it is currently set to 16MB and I can't create a full memory dump unless I set it back to the original 8GB. I only have 4GB free on my SSD, and it is not enough. The other SSD is empty and entirely available.

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Pagefile Placement On System Booting From SSD

Feb 12, 2013

I bought a PC with a quad-core system with 16Gb RAM, a 128Gb SSD C: drive and a fast 1Tb D: drive. I just discovered that I have an 18Gb C:pagefile.sys and started wondering about the pros and cons of having this paging file on my SSD C: drive. Given that I have 16Gb RAM, I could probably get away with no page file at all. I could certainly manage with the pagefile entirely on the "traditional" D: drive. Are there any guidelines on pagefile placement in the SSD era?

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Can't Delete Pagefile.sys And System Volume Information

May 17, 2012

I had an additional Windows installation for testing purposes, on a different partition and now I want to delete everything associated with it because I need some free space.

Although I managed to take ownership and delete the Windows folder and few others, I can't delete System Volume Information and the pagefile.sys file.

System Volume Information - I can't get "ownership" of the files in the directory. Although I'm listed as an "owner" of the directory with "full control", when I check "Replace owner on subcontainer and objectes" I get "Access is denied" and then "Stopping propagation of the owner leads to an inconsistent state..." I think I came across this before, but I have no idea what to do. I also get "access denied" when I try to change the read-only attribute of the directory.

pagefile.sys - when I right click on it, the security tab says "The requested security information is wither unavailable or can't be displayed"

note: I can't format the partition

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One Pagefile / Swap - Multiple Operating Systems?

Nov 19, 2011

In my first partition I have windows xp, and in the second partition windows 7.Is it safe to use only one swap / pagefile from only one partition (first one where resides windows xp)?My pagefile size is set to be in the first partition and at fixed size (minimum 4096 Mb maximum 4096 mb).Or should I make/move/user a swap file from the second partition (windows 7 partition). Far as I know from my benchmarks the hardisk is faster in the first partition (first 20 GB), that would be the xp partition, fast in the second one (from 20 to 50 gb) after this the speed is decreasing.I am using windows xp because Photoshop and some games seem's to be far more resposive and faster than in windows 7, and I use windows 7 for internet related & other stuff

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Can Move Pagefile / TEMP And TMP Files To RAMDISK

Jan 8, 2013

I'm trying to optimize performace of my SSDs.Can I move Pagefile, TEMP and TMP files to my Ramdisk? I already moved interenet cache.I have 32GB of memory available and an 8GB ramdisk. Memory allocated to ramdisk is dynamically managed by software (Primo Ramdisk Ultimate) so only the used portion is used and not the full 8GB.

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Disable VBox From Swapping To Pagefile When Idle?

Nov 21, 2012

How can I stop Windows from swapping the VirtualBox application's memory to disk when it's idle? It's a performance issue when my guest OS looks for data and it's not available - also since it makes use of its own sawp partition.

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Whenever Reboot Windows Makes A Temp Pagefile System

Jan 19, 2012

I recently had a problem with reformatting a partition. It was solved by relocating the pagefile.sys.

Now whenever I boot upon login it says the system has made a temp pagefile system. I try adjusting the size of the pagefile system to much more, less, or equal to amount of ram (4gb). Doesn't seem to solve it.

dropbox has stopped working too; it seems like that malfunction may be related to the pagefilesys

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Virtual Memory - Pagefile Problem: No Drives In List

Jan 13, 2009

As you can see the drives list is blank, and I cannot change the location and size of pagefile!

Does anyone have the same problem or have some tips to solve this?

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Changing Virtual Memory/PageFile Size In Windows 7?

Jan 5, 2012

I have a videoediting software that I am runing on 32 bit Windows 7 with 4 Gb RAM, the company that makes the software suggests to set the Virtual Memory/PageFile Size to double the RAM amount.I looked and mine is set to auto, I have many drives and all say none and are grayed out under paging file size for each drive. Which drive should I double the paging file ? the drive the software is installed on ? what about all my other drives, once I take it off auto they will not be managed. Should I set them all to double the RAM and if so how will it affect my system?

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Effects Of Moving TMP/TEMP Directory & Disable Pagefile On Boot Drive

May 10, 2012

I'm using Corsair SSD as Windows 7 x64 boot drive, and I moved both User & System Variables TMP/TEMP directory to a new common TMP directory in another hdd (Drive D) & also disabled pagefile on my boot drive (but enabled it for Drive D).

Question is, what happens if I take off my hdd (Drive D and Windows 7 / applications need a temporary directory which doesn't exist anymore ? Will Windows 7 be smart enough to create a new temp dir in the original location ? I wonder if the dependancy on the hdd as TMP directory becomes critical.

About pagefile, I understand Windows 7 needs a min pagefile of 400MB on boot drive to allow memory dump. What happens if I disable pagefile on boot drive & enable it on another drive ? Will memory dump work ?

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200 Mb Partition Needed Or Not ?

Mar 2, 2009

I've installed windows seven just before Christmas,and it served me well till middle of February,when "I had to explore it a bit more".And of course,I have deleted something and there was no way to boot win 7 up again.It booted correctly,but after"starting windowws" everything stopped.I tried to fix it,but no,and even worse,I was kind of short with space on C partition(cos me idiot,of course,made it just 30 gigs),and have turned off system restore.

Just for the record how smart I am,I made win 7(beta OS ?!?) my primary and only OS.

I had to save my files and didn't reformat C partition right away cos I planned to reformat it after I take the ownership and back up my documents.

So,I have installed windows seven again on E partition,which is now,after reassaining letters,C partition.And literally,now I'm having dual boot,both windows seven,one is working and one not.I have backed up my files a long time ago from now,but still didn't format that partition,and today I decided to do it.

And here is what I don't know.

When I created my C partition for Windows 7 first time,I got an extra 200Mb partition,but when I've installed Windows 7 second time on that "E"partition,I didn't have to make that 200Mb extra partition.

And now I wonder should I merge that 200Mbs with another partition and format them together,or do I have to leave it where it is?

I'm not sure,and I don't even know if another win 7 installation is using that 200Mb partition or not?

What should I do?

And one more thing,I have deleted windows folder from ex "C" partition couple weeks ago.

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No Product Key Needed

Oct 28, 2009

I have just done a clean install from vista to win 7 using a upgrade version of win 7 hp, following the tutorial off this site, but when doing the install it didn't ask me for the product key or if i wanted to activate win 7, any one else had this happen, do i need to do anything. When i look at system page it shows a product key that doesn't match the one in the box & there is a button that asks if i want to change the product key, it also states i have 30 days to activate win 7.

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Drivers Needed For USB ADS 2.0 Cardbus?

Apr 15, 2011

I hope I'm not posting this in the wrong forum, or the wrong site I am looking for drivelers for a pcmcia card that I bought about 5 years ago and I cant locate the disc.It's a pcmcia card which adds two more USB 2.0 inputs to a laptop.'m in search of win XP(sorry, I don't know anywhere else to turn)drivers for this cardI tried a couple of those "we have them all" sites but they want to gain access to the machine.The one I did download scanned but couldnt produce anything.

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Can't Find Needed Details Of My NIC

Jul 14, 2011

So far ,the only info i can find about my realtek NIC aren't helping me much, so i can't find a more recent driver . Device manager and the realtek network diagnostic utility tool only give minimal details about my NIC.


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Realtek Drivers Help Needed

Feb 9, 2009

I just installed Windows 7 Ultimate Beta x64

All is fine, but my ASUS's Drivers Disk didn't autorun, neither it got installed, but still all basic drivers are here so i suppose i won't need that.

But now i m not able to listen to music from my Headphones.

So do i need the Realtek Drivers?

I tried installing Realtek Drivers for Vista x64, but those aren't supported.

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How Much RAM Needed To Play Skyrim

Apr 19, 2012

here runs Skyrim on their PC but As the title says, How much RAM would I need to have in order to play The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim with NO lag, freezing, lag spikes, etc ?Updated my System Specs for reference. And I am planning to add more RAM, I don't know how much I should get though.

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Drivers Needed After Upgrade

Oct 26, 2009

I will be receiving my Windows 7 home premium upgrade today. I currently have a HP Pavillion DV4 laptop running vista home premium and i will be doing an inplace upgrade to Windows 7 home premium, no reformat or anything. Will i have to reinstall drivers for my laptop? and if so is there a certain order i should follow when installing drivers? all help would be greatly appreciated.

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Driver Needed For My Device

Mar 27, 2012

Driver not download

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Mounting A File Program Is Needed

Jan 11, 2012

Last year my nephew put 7 PRO on my computer.Now I want to reinstall and start from scratch but don't know how he did it.I remember he download a program, rightclick and Mount. Anyone know of a program for this.He gave me a copy of 7 burned on a dvd.

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Copy Utility Or Application Needed

Oct 15, 2012

I use robocopy for copying files and directories. It marks all the new destination folders with the timestamp of the date the copy was done, so I lose the original timestamp. I use it in a batch so that I can create logs. I'm familiar with XCOPY but it doesn't suffice for what I need. Is there a good utility that can copy sets of files & or folders as in a batch file for frequent copy, or even a windows app?

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