How To Delete Second Installation

Dec 21, 2011

I have 2 hard drives, and my main hard drive has now become my secondary. I have managed to delete almost everything on the drive, except three mischievous undeleteable files. There is $RECYCLE.BIN, a folder called Boot with BCD and BCD.LOG which are to my efforts undeletable, and a folder calls System Volume Information, which seems to replicate itself each time I delete it. How can I delete these files? I have tried formatting, however windows will not let me format. Taking ownership does nothing to them. When I try to delete BCD or BCD.LOG: "The action can't be completed because the file is open in System."

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Delete Windows Installation Without Formatting?

Jul 16, 2010

Is it possible, and if it is, how can I do it without screwing the system(the one I use) or loosing non-windows files?

I want to delete:

-Program files
-Windows folder
-Docs and sets
-All other related stuff

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How To Delete An Incomplete XP Installation On Boot And 2 Others

Aug 28, 2011

I have Win 7 installed and thats the only one I need.From what I see in the forum threads, in my case the MSCONFIG does not show 3 other previous versions of OS (1 XP, 1 incomplete installation XP and 1 DOS).I already tried from My Computer, Advanced Settings, Start Up and set to 0 the time elapsed to show other OS options at start up, but when I did it went directly to the incomplete installation of XP (instead of my default OS - Win 7)So, what I would like to know is that if I use the BCD software you recommed that will do the trick or if I need to try something else.

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Windows 7 Installation - Which Partitions Can Delete

Apr 12, 2010

My computer is knackered and I want to wipe it clean and start again. I don't want to keep ANY of what's on there as it had a virus that corrupted my internet explorer and I want to fix it. I have backed everything I do want up onto disk already.So I'm installing windows 7 custom installation from rebooting it as it says, but it gives me options to format or delete 3 partitions: 1 is a reserved small space (~1.5GB i think), the other is the vista operating system (~55GB), the last is a data partition (~50GB). So now I don't know which I can and can't delete in order to clean my computer completely, yet still have it working and working via windows 7! What is the difference between formatting and deleting anyway, will formatting clean my explorer of the virus it had?

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Cannot Delete Files From Old Hard Drive With Windows Installation

Oct 7, 2011

While looking for solutions I seemed to come very close to finding someone with my exact problem, but not quite. Here goes:

I had a hard drive with Windows 7 installed. Everything worked, etc. Got a new hard drive, and installed 7 on there as well without making changed to the old hard drive (prompts displayed during new installation saying "old" windows files would be saved). I've been using it for a while now, however I want to use the old hard drive strictly for storage, so I tried to format it to clear the space out. I got the notice "Windows cannot complete format." Went to the forums and looked thru several suggestions, which brought me to try deleting the files individually.

Included in all this were attempts to give myself (the only user on the computer) full control of all files (which was already the case), to take ownership (via right click options AND command prompt "takeown" and "cacls"), to change permissions/ownership via "properties" for the drive/folders, command prompts to remove the "active" status of the old hard drive, as well as removing "boot" status from old drive (while making sure the new drive had "boot" status), tried everything I can think of using Disk Management AND the DiskPart utility, as well as countless other suggestions that I can barely remember. I'm still getting the "You need permission to perform this action." What I don't get is, if I'm THE administrator (and the only user), how do I not have access to this?

I'm sure there are some details I'm leaving out, but I've been at it for hours. Let me know if there's something you need to know. Running Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit, 4GB RAM, 3.2 Ghz AMD Athlon II.

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Delete Install-shield Installation Information Folder In Program Files?

Feb 24, 2011

can I delete Install-shield Installation Information folder in Program Files

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Delete Computer From Domain / Delete Users Profile

Oct 29, 2009

I need to replace a W2K computer on a domain with a Windows 7 computer(laptop), but I want to keep the same computer name.I need the ip, username, profile to stay the same. Can I delete the computer from the domain and name the new computer that name I deleted and still keep the users profile on the new machine, as if it was the old one?

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Can't Find Option To Delete Thread On Phone Will Delete

Jan 28, 2013

Moving to general can't find the option to delete thread on my phone will delete.this thread when im home.

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Installation Error: Setup Cannot Continue Due To A Corrupted Installation File

Sep 13, 2009

I am installing Windows 7 (Custom installation initiated from Windows XP) but I get the following error message when the installation is on the "Installing updates" step of the installation:

"Setup cannot continue due to a corrupted installation file. Contact the vendor of your Windows installation disc or your system administrator for assistance."

Do you have any idea what the problem may be with the installation? Is there a way to see what file that may be corrupted?

I have tried to burn the DVD in low speed, but the error appears anyway. I have a MSI K8T Neo2-Fir mainboard and the Windows 7 upgrade advisor application says that my hardware is okay for upgrading.

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Installation Hangs At Start Of Windows 7 Installation

Jun 2, 2011

I have just got Windows 7 Ultimate.I accept the Licence Agreement, set my partitions as i want them but when it gets to the expanding files part it will hang at 0%. This happens on both the 32 & 64 bit disc.This is a brand new purchase which I opened it about an hour ago.The laptop has a 400GB HD and 2GB of ram. It came with Home Prem x64 pre-installed, So the hardware meets the requirements.What seems to be the problem?

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Windows 7 Installation - Computer Shuts Off During Installation?

Jun 29, 2011

I just bought a new hard drive and a brand new Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit disc and I am doing a clean install on the new hard drive. it seems that everything is going normal, but at a random time during the installation, the computer just shuts off.sometimes it doesn't even get to the installation when it shuts off. sometimes it shuts off in the middle of the "windows is loading files..." black screen. there are no beeps when it shuts off or when I turn it back on. there are also no error codes.whenever i turn it back on it simply acts as if it never tried to install windows and starts the boot all over from the disc

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Asus P9x79 Ssd Installation With New Installation Of Windows 7 Pro?

May 16, 2012

So i have a new SSD Corsair Force 3 240 gig and all I want to do is install Windows 7 Pro on it. This board does not support parted magic (cannot wake from sleep and there are no onboard video to wake up to) so ive resorted to clean all.I have not been able to successfully boot the OS on the SSD. I never intended on setting up raid but apparently all the literature i see is on raid. I created a USB install disk as reccomended onto a 8gig ntfs primary active did the bootsect /nt60 X: and it successfully worked copied the cd over to the flash drive and copied the rste drivers in a folder called drivers My SSD is installed on port 1 6gig sata intel (as this board doesnt have marvel apparrently) My DVD is installed on 3gig Sata port 6 I set up Raid in the bios as reccomended by others (as this is the only way to install ssd?).

Nothing UEFI is enabled There are no other drives hooked up to the computer. Just SSD, USB cordless mouse, keyboard and no network cord or WIFI i started with a clean ssd as reccomended my bios recognized the ssd on post i booted into the win 7 install (MBR not uefi) i loaded the 64 bit rste drivers from asus as reccomended by others i left the machine to install the usb then booted into windows install (for whatever reason) i pushed f8 to boot my corsair windows brings up an error on a black screen File: windows/system32/drivers/adpahci.sys driver did not load Status: oxc0000221 Info: Windows Failed to load because of a critical system driver is missing or corrupt

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"Windows Could Not Complete The Installation, To Install Windows On This Computer, Restart The Installation"

Apr 16, 2012

First, my laptop is a Aspire 5250-BZ853. I received it back in October, I think...may've been earlier. But anyhow, it was working just fine yesterday until I did a Windows Update. I had to restart, and it was fine again. But then it began running sluggishly slow, and just terrible overall so I restarted it once more and that was when the problems began.

This entire day, this has been driving me nuts. I have important files on here, and I backed up most on my external harddrive a bit ago but there were a few I missed and hadn't the chance to get (ironically enough the most important, papers and such.) At first, it said my password was wrong -- as if someone had changed it! I restarted it once more, thinking it an error or something, and did that again so I restarted it again. Finally, it worked but I think it logged me in as safe mode somehow. After that, it restarted on its own and began this loop. I did a LOT of searching on Google until finally someone suggested to someone else to try pressing "ALT + F10" I think it was as it was starting, and finally I made progress. Before that, it was just going into a constant rebooting loop and I couldn't even log into safe mode. Trying to reset it back to a time it was working was futile, because it said there was no recovery time there! So that shot that idea down. At last, I got well. I clicked the reset to factory settings, but still keep all the files (and they would be saved to "C:Backup" and I thought it had finally worked. But now as it reinstalls, I got an error saying something about how it needed to restart or when I clicked "okay" it began again, and finally it all just came to a stop on "Windows could not complete the installation. To install Windows on this computer, restart the installation."

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How To Delete OS

Nov 18, 2012

I dropped my computer (Dell Inspiron 15R) and the hard drive went bad.Got a new hard drive installed with out an OS.I had a Windows 7 32 bit disk and started to install it, but failed to realize it was an upgrade disk and there needed to be an existing OS for it to work.Now I have an old Windows XP, SP2 OS disk and when I try to install that, I get the blue screen of death every time.How can I delete the Windows 7 upgrade I put on there first, so I can install XP and then use my Windows 7 upgrade?

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Want To Delete Ie9, But Can't?

Apr 14, 2011

Running maxthon (and ie8 as its engine). DL'd ie9 which runs even though I select the ie8 icon. Obviously, ie9 has replaced ie8. Couldn't find any reference to ie9 within "uninstall programs." Would like to get ie8 back and delete ie9

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Way To Delete A Partition

Jan 22, 2012

I have a 6 month old HP Pavilion dv6.When I was partitioning the hard drive, some error occurred and the process got interrupted( this was after the 'shrink the primary partition'0 step). Disk Management Window didn't show any new partition, so I went on and created two new partitions, but afterwards, I can see an extra partition in My Computer. No info like disk capcity etc., visible; It just has the name 'Local Disk (Q)'. I tried running Disk Management again to get rid of it, but it's not shown in the Disk Management listing. How do I delete it? I tried system restore, but no system restore points prior to the partitioning available

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Can Not Delete A Program?

Mar 16, 2012

I am unable to delete a program. It requires administrator rights to delete. I am the the administrator.

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Cannot Delete Old C Drive

Dec 29, 2012

i have an old drive 320 gig which used to be my main drive untill something went wrong . then i just replaced it with another drive installed windows and off i went again...

now ive got my old drive set up, and the files i want have all been nicely put in a KEEP folder, i want to delete everything else on the drive , ie.. the old windows directory, the program files directory etc etc .... but .. you guessed it ... there locked, and its prooving a tad annoying to delete them one by one using an unlocker programme...

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Way To Delete Evercookies

Nov 8, 2010

I've heard that some people call them super cookies and undestructible cookies that can track the whole private data on the computer.How to delete these evercookies? Is there some software that can delete them at all?

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Can't Delete A Folder

Nov 26, 2011

I made a folder on my desktop and tried to put a file in it but the system froze up and now i cant open the folder and i cant delete it.

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Can't Delete 4 DLL Files

Jan 8, 2012

I tried to uninstall Adobe Acrobat Reader 7 but I couldn't do it so I went to the folder location and started deleting it folder by folder and when I got to this folder called ActiveX with 4 DLL's in it called (AcroIEHelper.dll AcroPDF.dll GbDetect.dll pdfshell.dll) so I dragged them to the desktop and tried to delete them again with no luck.

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How To Delete A Windows 8 VHD

Nov 14, 2012

I thought I'd give the W8 consumer preview a go, not being that tech savvy (I'm not computer illiterate though) I think I've messed it up a bit.Now I want the space back, but CAN'T find the VHD partition in DISK MANAGEMENT on W7, but I CAN on W8.I've added print screens from both W7 and W8, the darker bars are W7, lighter W8.

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Can't Delete File?

Aug 30, 2011

I'm trying to delete this file in My Downloads folder (Firefox) but everytime I try, it says "Could Not Find This Item. This is no longer located in :\Users\Username\Downloads. Verify the item's location and try again. Type:File. ize: 0 bytes. It's just annoying me. I've tried Refreshing and rebooting.

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Cannot Delete Folder?

Nov 28, 2011

so I have pretty much tried everything to delete this folder on my external HDD, yet nothing works. Every time I try to delete it says "You require premission to change this folder." Changed the permissions. Nothing. I even managed to get the lock off of the folder but it still wont delete. I restarted my computer, downladed LockHunter and a couple other programs.

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Delete Non 64 Bit Programs?

Jan 6, 2012

I have Secunia on my computer, which is 64bit. Secunia says I have several programs duplicated some with 64 bit after the name....can I delete the non 64bit programs?

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Cannot Delete Folders?

Apr 15, 2012

right click desktop, new, folder. That is the folders I can not delete I made folders to store pictures, junk etc. These folders can not be deleted by windows even in safe mode. I can make another folder and stick it in the folder I am trying to delete.example one folder is titled junk, I can make a folder and stick it inside folder titled junk and delete the folder, but soon as I do a new folder titled junk is back on my desktop. file names can not be changed

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Can't Delete A Folder

Mar 24, 2011

I have a folder on my desktop that I am trying to delete, but I keep getting a message that says "it is open in another programme" so consequently I can't delete it.I haven't got anything open

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Possible To Delete Windows One?

Dec 8, 2011

I've just bought a Windows 7 computer and have loaded Norton 360, which I had already bought for my old XP machine. Is this OK to run with the pre-loaded Windows 7 anti-virus program? If not, is it possible to delete the Windows one? I would prefer to keep Norton.

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Delete Windows 7 Off Of Old HDD?

Dec 29, 2012

I got a new SSD and I was able to migrate my OS to my new SSD. I was able to boot up from the SSD and everything (I pulled out my HDD and it booted off my SSD). Now, the problem is that I have a copy of Windows 7 on my old HDD and I can't get it off because of permissions issues (i'm running as admin).

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How To Delete History In IE8

Apr 17, 2011

How can I delete all historis in my IE8? Where are cookies located in Windows 7?1. tried Safety-->Delete Browsing history (didn't help)2. tried via Local Group Policy Editor-- Not configurated (didn't help)3. CCleaner (didn't help)There is only on way to delete everything "manually" but it can take a lot of time.

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Can't Add Or Delete Contacts

Dec 1, 2011

I have Windows Live Mail and when I click on Contacts at the lower left hand I got no contacts but when I send a email an click on To: then I have my contacts but I can't add or delete any so I don't really know where my contacts are at can anyone help?

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