Cannot Delete Old C Drive

Dec 29, 2012

i have an old drive 320 gig which used to be my main drive untill something went wrong . then i just replaced it with another drive installed windows and off i went again...

now ive got my old drive set up, and the files i want have all been nicely put in a KEEP folder, i want to delete everything else on the drive , ie.. the old windows directory, the program files directory etc etc .... but .. you guessed it ... there locked, and its prooving a tad annoying to delete them one by one using an unlocker programme...

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How To Delete A Folder From C Drive

Sep 20, 2010

I installed Windows 7 on a clean hard drive with only one user account and password. After installing McAfee, the Windows password was not recognized, and all I could do was reinstall Windows and I did this without assigning a password. I could not solve the problem in Safe Mode. I see a folder called c:Windows.old, and the properties show it takes 15 gigabytes. I tried deleting this folder by putting a shortcut to explore.exe on the desktop and running as administrator, but it runs to a point and then says I don't have permission. I assume this folder exists because I had to reinstall Windows.

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Can't Copy Or Delete Anything From Pen-drive

Jul 30, 2012

I cant copy anything to my Kingston 16 GB. in addition, in the properties window, there isn't any 'Security' tab at all. what can i do ?I also tried to manage it through the MMC. but it doesn't open and the console crashes, asking for manual debugger attachment.

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Unable To Delete System Folders From A Drive No Longer Being Used As A System Drive

Mar 21, 2012

I recently reorganized my computer and this included a fresh install of Windows 7 on a new disk. I backed up all my data on the old disk so that I could make sure I wasn't losing any important documents or whatever.I'm now sure I've got everything off the disk that I needed and am using the disk as a storage disk for media. However, there are still folders that I can't seem to erase in the Program Files, Program Files (x86), and Windows directories. Most of the files are gone but about 12GB of junk remains that I no longer need. Whenever I try to delete what is left, it says I need permission from TrustedInstaller and it won't let me delete these files.Is there any way to blow these directories away without having to format the disk? I really can't format because the disk is almost full with data that I need to keep and I don't really have any other disks to temporarily back these files up to.

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Cannot Delete .exe Files (any Drive, Any Location)?

Aug 23, 2012

The problem is that if a folder contains a .exe file (either in its root or in a subfolder) then it is impossible to delete the folder without first navigating inside it and any subfolders that it may have and manually deleting every .exe file.This problem exists with all folders regardless of location (any drive, any folder or subfolder).I'm already using the Hidden administrative account and have disabled all User account controls etc.This has fixed most of my file deleting problems but not this .exe problem.As a side effect of this problem - many Games cannot install/patch/update because their installers cannot erase .exe files which often is required during updates/patches/installations of games. I have to manually work and figure out the installation process and erase

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Delete Doctemp File On C Drive?

Feb 15, 2011

My C drive is almost full and I'm getting rid of miscellaneous things. I found a 48 mg folder called "doctemp" on C. What is it and can I delete it without harming the function of Windows 7?

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Should I Delete Legacy Recovery Drive ?

Oct 24, 2009

I am planning to perform a clean install of Windows 7 on my Dell Vista PC (as I understand this is better in the long term than an upgrade).

My PC has a 10GB D: drive, which it came installed with, 'Recovery'. Is this something I should delete/format as part of the Windows 7 upgrade process (and will I get invited to create anew one?), or I should I just leave it be? Apologies if this is a simple question/answer, but I'm a bit snowed under with children today and I don't have time for Google and 'due diligence'!

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How To Delete Windows Off Old Hard Drive

Jun 8, 2010

just tring to add a ssd for windows and other drive for storage. can any tell me how to delete windows off old hard drive and set up to run this way ?

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How To Delete Hiberfil.sys From A Non-system Drive

Jan 27, 2012

I have two drives, C and D. D used to be an OS drive in another computer, and I just use it now as a 2nd drive to store some extra stuff. So yes, the Prog Files folder is there, the Windows folder is there....

Anyway, is it possible to somehow delete hiberfil.sys off of the D drive? That is, without physically removing the drive, and using it in an enclosure.

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How To Delete Virtual Drive From Computer

Apr 10, 2010

How to delete virtual drive from computer

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Unable To Delete File On External Drive?

Sep 15, 2011

I have an .mkv file on two external (2tb)hard drives that i am unable to delete. I've tried unlocker(which actually shut down explorer) moveonboot doesn't work on external drives and a couple other "unlock" programs..

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional , Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model


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Will Reformatting Delete Information On A Secondary Drive

Jan 17, 2013

I am having issues with my computer and am planning on reformatting. I have a terabite hard drive which I moved everything to and a half terrabite hard drive which has Windows 7 and all that on it. If I reformat will it remove everything from all the hard drives or just the one I choose to install Windows 7 on?

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Can't Delete Directory On External Hard Drive?

Sep 30, 2012

I have an external 1 TB hard drive. Its usually connected to an XP machine, but I can move it to a Win 7 machine. I am unable to delete a directory. I got a hint to try using the CMD window. The top of the dir list is:Quote: K:>dir /XVolume in drive K is 1TB HD[CODE]

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How To Delete OS Installed On Other Drive But Keeping Data

Mar 7, 2012

I've installed vista on d drive and win 7 on C drive want to delete vista from d drive without deleting other data (don't want to format).

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Faster Way To Delete Info (Hundreds Of GB) From External Drive

Dec 16, 2011

I need to delete 100's of Gigabytes of info off of an external drive sometimes. But I cannot afford to do a quick format. It takes so long to delete that much info, even if I were to bypass the recycling bin. Isn't there a fast way? A quick format is very quick, but deletes everything.

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Can't Delete Unallocated Partition On External Hard Drive

May 18, 2011

I created a new partition and formatted it into Fat32 so my PS3 could recognize it. Now I don't need it. I now have a 30 GB and a 100 MB partition, and I don't know how to get rid of them.

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Cannot Delete Files From Old Hard Drive With Windows Installation

Oct 7, 2011

While looking for solutions I seemed to come very close to finding someone with my exact problem, but not quite. Here goes:

I had a hard drive with Windows 7 installed. Everything worked, etc. Got a new hard drive, and installed 7 on there as well without making changed to the old hard drive (prompts displayed during new installation saying "old" windows files would be saved). I've been using it for a while now, however I want to use the old hard drive strictly for storage, so I tried to format it to clear the space out. I got the notice "Windows cannot complete format." Went to the forums and looked thru several suggestions, which brought me to try deleting the files individually.

Included in all this were attempts to give myself (the only user on the computer) full control of all files (which was already the case), to take ownership (via right click options AND command prompt "takeown" and "cacls"), to change permissions/ownership via "properties" for the drive/folders, command prompts to remove the "active" status of the old hard drive, as well as removing "boot" status from old drive (while making sure the new drive had "boot" status), tried everything I can think of using Disk Management AND the DiskPart utility, as well as countless other suggestions that I can barely remember. I'm still getting the "You need permission to perform this action." What I don't get is, if I'm THE administrator (and the only user), how do I not have access to this?

I'm sure there are some details I'm leaving out, but I've been at it for hours. Let me know if there's something you need to know. Running Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit, 4GB RAM, 3.2 Ghz AMD Athlon II.

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Windows 7 Home Premium - Can't Delete Mapped Drive

Jan 10, 2013

Windows 7 Home Premium - fully updated. I mapped a drive Z: and disconnected it but it still appears. Nothing I have tried works. I have tried net use many times (with everything else closed down) as follows:

net use z: /delete
net use \sharenameUsers
net use z: \sharenameUsers /delete
net use z: \sharenameUsers * /delete ( ie.I passworded the map)
net use z: \sharenameUsers myactualpassword /delete

Yes I rebooted after net use. Yes I used the actual sharename not \sharenameUsers. Is my net use syntax correct for a passworded map?

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Marks Data Drive With System Attribute Cannot Delete

Dec 6, 2009

windows is marking a data drive with a system attribute. Think it is happening in backup. I was hoping that someone would have an idea of what I was doing wrong. Or at least how to turnoff system attribute on the data drive so I could delete volume. I have reinstalled windows 7 (twice) and gotten the same results.

1) primary boot partition is 140 GB on C. Fresh install of Windows 7. I reformatted the install directory. No Windows.OLD directory after installation.

2) create a backup --> all user files and system image to DRIVE E (2TB)

3) after image is created --> Drive I (1 TB drive) is marked with a system attribute. Drive I has not been accessed at all and is clean.

4) Drive I is still empty. At no time was any data ever place on it. Also the partition on it was deleted and reformatted immediately before the reinstall of windows 7.

Future system images want to include DRIVE I

There are no files on DRIVE I -- unless Backup put them there. I have used GPARTED to delete the partition on I and reformat it, but same behavior reoccurs on backup.

I have windows 7N running on a normal motherboard (6 sata ports) no raid running. Motherboard is using standard intel ICHXR SATA RAID controller with most current drivers.

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WAN Miniport (IKEv2) Drive Dead - Windows 7 - Can't Delete?

Jun 13, 2011

A windows update failed, and didn't back out properly. My machine is left crippled and cannot access the Internet (so can't use MS Driver update!). It won't let me manually download the driver (AGILEVPN.SYS)

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Can't Delete Or Rename Files On External Hard Drive

Jun 19, 2011

I just figured out that I can't delete files from my external hard drive. It's WD Elements 320GB. Only thing I did before this occured is that I converted file system from FAT32 to NTFS via command in cmd prompt, but I'm not sure if that showed up after that. So, I don't have "delete" or "rename" commands on right click. Backup of all files is a no go since I don't have so much free space atm. I use my user account which is also admin account.

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Windows 7 Cannot Move Or Delete Files On External Drive

Jun 16, 2012

I have a 500gb segate usb drive. I can't move or delete any size file. What can I do. It use to work ok on same system.

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If Go To Initialize A Drive There Is Only 2 Enable Option Delete Volume

Jun 27, 2012

i am having 2 drivers in my system window 7 o.s. but after installing of another o.s i.e linux mint 12 i lost my main data driver partition. but dat lost driver is present in disk management, but it not able to perform any operation over that , it is having 2 enable operation i.e delete volume and help and i dont't have to delete that volume.

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How To Delete Half Installed OS Off Hard Drive But Keep Files

Jul 17, 2012

I'm having an issue with my 2tb Sata Hard drive, in an attempt to reload windows onto the hard drives on my PC, "I wasn't sure which one had the least files!"I half loaded windows onto it before being told something along the lines of not enough free space, now after buying a new OS hard drive am hoping to access those files, yet every time I start windows with both plugged in my computer, none are picking up! Until I unplug the faulty and restart and its fine again.

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Delete Old Backups From Maxtor External Hard Drive?

Jan 13, 2013

how do you delete old backups from maxtor external hard drive

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How To Delete Windows 7 On A Dual Partition On Hard Drive

Jan 31, 2013

i bought a used computer from a pawn shop with windows xp and windws 7. I boots up 7 but is to slow. windows xp has a password needed to open that i dont know. how can I dump 7 and open xp without the password.

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How To Delete Write Protected Files On Multimedia Optical Drive

Oct 16, 2012

how to delete write protected files on multimedia optical drive

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Unable To Delete Folder On External Hard Drive - Permission Required

Jul 27, 2012

I have windows 7 on an AMD processor computer, it's a new computer with some upgrades. I'm trying to delete a folder on my external hard drive and it gives me this error message despite the fact that I am the administrator. You require permission from S-1-5-21-3908285926-3313324932-2694402914-1000 to make changes to this folder.

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Dual Boot (Server 2008 And Windows 7 Pro) - Cannot Delete Volume Or Format Drive

May 5, 2011

I have a desktop that I installed Windows Server 2008 Web Edition on, and then later added Windows 7 Pro on a separate physical drive.

Server 2008 is C:
Windows 7 is Z:

I used bcdedit to delete the boot entry for Server 2008, and now I'd like to remove the install of Server 2008 and reformat the drive. However, I am not able to delete the volume or format the c drive.

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Delete Dual Boot Ubuntu Partition And Convert To Primary Hard Drive C:?

Mar 14, 2012

I installed Ubuntu on a older Toshiba laptop. When I boot up it asks me to select either Windows 7 or Ubuntu. I want to get rid of the Ubuntu disk partition and give that 2.9 GB space to my primary hard drive. I go into compmgmt.msc but I can't execute any commands on that disk partition.

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Delete The Recovery Drive And Use All The C And Recovery Drive With Windows 7?

Mar 4, 2011

I am trying to delete the recovery drive and use all the c and recovery drive with windows 7. I do however want the Toshiba extras that come with it, well some of them. I also would like to use the windows experiance ratings.

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