Hiding Certain File Types?

Jul 27, 2012

it is possible to stop certain file types from appearing in windows explorer?I'm using Sony Vegas which creates a .sfk file for every clip containing the waveform of any audio. The problem is it's making the folder full of 50+ clips too messy and I can't find the bits I need.I would just hide the files but then if I add more clips to the folder and then Vegas creates another .sfk it's not hidden.

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Can't Sort By File Types

Aug 29, 2010

When I do a search on how to sort, I get a Tutorial that tells me to open the "View" Menu item. However, as you can see from the attached, I don't have a VIEW menu on my Folder. I would like to sort these by file type so that I can save them to a CD. What am I doing wrong here?

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ME2 Logo All Over Certain File Types?

May 29, 2012

I have Mass Effect 2 installed on my system, however its logo is scattered all over system files. none of these files have anything to do with the game, if I click on them, it brings up Mass Effect 2!

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File Types In Libraries?

Oct 20, 2012

Window 7 Libraries seem to work by including certain folders rather than file types despite the fact that the default library names are by type (eg Videos)On my hard disc I have a folder called My Pictures. Several of the folders in that Folder contain video clips. If I click on 'Pictures' in Libraries, it brings up those videos as well as the pictures. But when I select 'Videos' in Libraries it brings up a blank page.If I create for example a holiday folder (eg Rome 2012) containing photos, videos scanned maps and word documents, is there any way that I can click on a corresponding library category and only show that type of document in the Rome folder without having to do a sub search. If I want to view all items, I can go to the folder called Rome.

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Windows Search On Different File Types?

Nov 1, 2010

I'm looking for the best way to have the option of searching all files that I specify, regardless of indexing or file extension or anything, for file contents. I know this will be slow - that's fine. I understand the indexing, limited extensions, etc... are all meant to speed up the search, which is great for most usage, but sometimes it just doesn't do what I need.

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Converting Various File Types To A Dvd Format?

Feb 13, 2012

I have downloaded various video clips from different websites and would like to copy or burn then to blank DVD's. However, I am not that good with computers and don't exactly know how. I have a DVD burning software which I have taken my own personal DVDs and made a copy of them (which is not illegal by the way, I made sure and checked that). But I don't know how to do the same with various video files I have downloaded from the internet or that friends have emailed to me. Some of the files types include AVI, and MKV file types, others I cant find out what kind of file it is. I can play these on my computer and watch them, but I would like to maybe compile the video files and put hard copies of them on DVDs.

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Index - Add Or Remove File Types

Aug 8, 2012

How to Add or Remove a File Type from the Windows 7 Index ?

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Why The "ftype" Command Doesn't Display All File Types Associated With File Extensions

Jun 19, 2011

I was wondering why the "ftype" command doesn't display all file types associated with file extensions.For example if I execute "assoc", some of the output is

When I execute the "ftype" I find an entry for "txtfile" as per below but not for "RDP".file
txtfile=%SystemRoot%system32NOTEPAD.EXE %1

Note: .RDP files are remote desktop files and are opened with %windir%system32mstsc.exe

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Way To Designate What File Types Are Able To Be Included In A Folder?

Nov 13, 2012

Is there a way to designate what file types are able to be included in a folder? For example, I would like to create a folder that will ONLY accept Excel files.

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Get Accidentally Deleted 2 File Types Back?

May 2, 2012

Soo i was changing the auto open so it wouln�t use any program and i accidentally deleted the .ESP and .ESM value and now that kind of files that used to show what type they were now show to be nothing (none).cant change the properties of a file to 'open with' nothing

This is what i was trying and i accidentally deleted the .ESP and. ESM folders and they have come back but don�t have something to replace them. How can i restore the them and can someone send me the .esp and .esm folders so i can restore them? ? ?

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Change The "Type" Description Of File Types In Explorer?

Mar 28, 2012

After doing some Googling I discovered that it is impossible in Windows 7 to sort files by file extension -- one can only sort by file type, which depends on the file type description. This means that if I want to sort by file type, I need to rename the type descriptions of all my most commonly used files.

In addition, the only place where I can see a file's extension is in the file name itself, and not e.g. in the status bar when a file is selected. In Windows 7, the file type description (not the file extension) is also in the status bar.

In other words, in Windows 7 all files labelled e.g. "Opera Web Document" are sorted as if they have the same file type, regardless of whether they are .html, .htm, .mht, etc. And if I select a file and look at the status bar, the file's type is indicated as "Opera Web Document", without any clue as to the file extension. The only way for me to see the file extension is to increase the width of the "Name" column until the end of the file name becomes visible.
So... my question is:

Is there an easy way to simply rename the file type descriptions? I see that my JPG files are named "JPG File" and my PNG files are named "PNG" file, which is extremely useful. What I now want is to rename my HTML, HTM and MHT files' file types to "HTML File", "HTM File" and "MHT File", and the same would apply to all file types I often use (e.g. DOC, DOCX, XLS, XML, TXT, etc).

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What Are Types Of BIOS Over Years Up To Present BIOS Types

May 26, 2012

What are the types of BIOS over years up to present BIOS types ? What make each BIOS unique and better then the previous ?

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Different Types Of BSOD Appear

Jul 29, 2012

I really wanted this model because it had a half-decent video card, the store i bought it from (Flanco) only had 3 exposed one (as in exposed in showroom) and the one i bought went through service because of a "minor keyboard problem". I can't return it without huge hassle because of stupid store regulations and even if i could, i can not find a better model for the money and also lose my 3 year special offer warranty

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Right Codecs For All Types

Jul 11, 2009

using Windows 7 64bit

i've installed shark007 + x64 componenets after that tryied cccp and also tried k-lite, but none of them played all my video files (mp4,mkv ther most)

with bsplayer vlc ,media player.... very frustrated , i thinking i am doing something wrong..

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Hiding The Task Bar?

Jan 24, 2013

I'm looking for a program or something to get rid/hide my task bar (I still need to be able to get into the start menu though!). Currently I'm using taskbarelimator, but it sucks to say the least. I've tried multiple programs and haven't found anything real good with the exception of objectdock, it does really good job hiding but it takes a bit of resources compared to the alternatives. I heard about registry editing and I would be open to that if any one has any info on it.

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Hiding .* Files And Folders?

Apr 22, 2011

I was wondering if there are any possible things I could do to get windows 7 to hide files and folders that start with the character "." (you know like Linux).
I find many windows programs create files that are not hidden but start with ".", and while tecnically this is a problem with the program, almost all of them do this so it would be very nice if windows handled this correctly.

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Restrict Certain Files Types?

May 15, 2011

I have set group policy restrictions for Non-Administrators on my system as I have quite a few people that use it.

Is there any way to disable/restrict certain file types for Non-Administrators.

Also whats the best way to disable the install on the .INF context menu for Non-Administrators.

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Microsoft Feedback Types

May 4, 2009

With RC coming out tomorrow I thought it would be a good idea to inform everyone of the types of feedback Microsoft is looking for this time around.

• Issues that prevent installation or upgrade
• Any issues that involve corruption or data loss
• Security issues
• Regressions from Windows Vista SP1 or Windows 7 Beta (things worked before, but do not work now)
• Any application or device issues that would prevent you from using Windows 7 as your primary OS.
• Reproducible crashes or hangs (issues that you cannot reproduce will be captured by CEIP Telemetry)

Even though Microsoft have removed the feedback links, its still possible to send them feedback by running the command:
rundll32.exe FeedbackTool.dll,ShowWizard.

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Hiding Host Name From Router

Apr 25, 2010

I've noticed that when connecting to a router the host name of my computer is published, along with the mac address.

I am not getting in to mac spoofing here; that is not my intention. I simply generally do not like displaying more information than I must.

When dealing with public access routers (often that have no security and also default admin passwords) I would rather not display such information.

Using ubuntu, it was simple enough to not publish my host name (the mac address is of course still logged).

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Hiding Extra Drives

Jan 24, 2010

Ok, I just got a new Windows 7 Computer (yea! ). When I open up My Computer, it shows 4 "Removable Drives" (Which, I assume, are from my flash card reader, though there are no cards in them). They are hidden drives, but I set it so that it will show hidden files and folders.... I don't like all the clutter of the extra unneeded drives, so is there a way to hide individual drives?

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Hiding Windows 7 Optional Updates?

May 27, 2011

I have 34 optional updates offered on my computer. All of them are for languages I don't speak. How can I hide them permanently to stop the constant display of "Optional Updates"?

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Hiding The Internet Icon On Windows 7?

Nov 9, 2012

I have a neighbor who has dell laptop with windows 7 and IE 9. Her kids are always trying to get onto the internet. Is there a way to hide the internet icon from the desktop and start taskbar?

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Hiding Control Panel Applets?

Mar 1, 2011

What is the applet that will hide USER ACCOUNTS in the control panelI already tried nusrmgr.cpl...that does nothing I am runnig win7 64 bit

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Hiding Icons In System Tray

Dec 11, 2011

So I want to hide an icon that is showing in my system tray. It's not really necessary to be there, and there is no option to not show it there. This is for a launch manager on a laptop. I've gone to customize and changed it to "hide icons and notifications" for this particular program, but it still shows. is there a way to get rid of this?

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Hiding Documents And Files In Folders?

Oct 17, 2010

I notice when I save my edited video to my video folder they will show along with all the video icon blank pages usully title after what i named the video along with 'Index File" 'AVI.Index File' or a 'SCN File'. Im sure they are important but they sure clutter up the folder. Is there a way to hide these kinds of files or documents?

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Prevent Icons From Hiding Under Gadgets?

Mar 30, 2011

Its annoying that mostly, desktop icons hide somewhere under the gadgets, and we have to close the gadgets to see it. Any way to Prevent it? Disabling the 'auto arrange' icons works a bit, but certainly not for new icons.

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Dual Boot, Hiding A Partition

Jan 16, 2009

I've just installed Windows 7 64-bit on my desktop PC as it worked so well for the past month on my laptop I shrunk my Vista 64 partition and installed Win 7 x64 build 7000 on the new partition. All went smooth and well!

As I wanted to transfer some files and settings from my Vista install to my new Windows 7 I assigned a drive letter to my hidden Vista drive in the "Disk Management" utility and went on with my business. Now, as I'm done I'd like to hide my Vista partition again but I can't get it to work

When I select my Vista partition and select the "Change Drive Letter and Paths" and then press the "Remove" button I get the following error box:

"Windows cannot remove the drive letter of your volume. This may happen if your volume is a system or boot volume, or has page files."

My Vista volume is the first volume of the physical drive, the boot files is there but I don't have any page file on it. How come this drive could be hidden and revealed in the first place but not hidden again?

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Does Hiding Updates Mean Never Get Them Windows .net For Servers Right

Apr 21, 2012

Does hiding updates mean never get them windows .net for servers right?

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Hiding Media Card Slots In Explorer

Jul 8, 2011

Hiding Media card slots in Explorer, any body know how its done?,obviously I want them to come on when media is inserted but I want them hidden when their empty.

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Hiding A Windows 7 Dual Boot Completely?

Dec 16, 2010

I can do it with a dual boot of two different XP installs, but Windows 7 and XP is eluding me.

It's easier if I just tell you the end result of what I want things to look like; then maybe someone will know how to accomplish it. I have a laptop that currently has Windows XP (installed first) and Windows 7 (installed second) as a dual boot configuration.

What I want is to completely (temporarily) eliminate the boot menu. I don't want to just "limit it to 0 seconds" or anything like that -- I literally want to eliminate the boot menu. I want it so that when you boot the laptop, it boots Windows XP every time.

However, there should be "some method" to restore the boot menu - preferably by running a batch file in Windows XP. After you boot to XP, you can run this batch file, then reboot the computer, you'd get the boot menu and have the option of choosing Windows 7.

Once in Windows 7, you should be able to run a similar batch file to remove the boot menu again - so that when you restart the computer, it once again reverts to just booting to XP and doesn't display any menu, until you run the XP batch file again.

In XP I would have been able to do this with a batch file that rewrites boot.ini but since Windows 7 doesn't use boot.ini I don't know how to accomplish this from the Windows 7 side.

Also, let me clarify that I don't much care if the OS's can "see" each other -- I don't need to hide the drives -- I just don't want the boot menu to appear, basically making it "appear" that the system only has a single OS unless you are "in the know."

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Does Microsoft One Note Stores All Types Of Data

Apr 24, 2012

i have installed ms office 2007. and i m using the one note there. i want to ask you that which type of data stored in one note back up files. means that is it stores all the information like cut copy paste or audio video data?

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