Windows Search On Different File Types?

Nov 1, 2010

I'm looking for the best way to have the option of searching all files that I specify, regardless of indexing or file extension or anything, for file contents. I know this will be slow - that's fine. I understand the indexing, limited extensions, etc... are all meant to speed up the search, which is great for most usage, but sometimes it just doesn't do what I need.

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Can't Sort By File Types

Aug 29, 2010

When I do a search on how to sort, I get a Tutorial that tells me to open the "View" Menu item. However, as you can see from the attached, I don't have a VIEW menu on my Folder. I would like to sort these by file type so that I can save them to a CD. What am I doing wrong here?

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ME2 Logo All Over Certain File Types?

May 29, 2012

I have Mass Effect 2 installed on my system, however its logo is scattered all over system files. none of these files have anything to do with the game, if I click on them, it brings up Mass Effect 2!

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Hiding Certain File Types?

Jul 27, 2012

it is possible to stop certain file types from appearing in windows explorer?I'm using Sony Vegas which creates a .sfk file for every clip containing the waveform of any audio. The problem is it's making the folder full of 50+ clips too messy and I can't find the bits I need.I would just hide the files but then if I add more clips to the folder and then Vegas creates another .sfk it's not hidden.

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File Types In Libraries?

Oct 20, 2012

Window 7 Libraries seem to work by including certain folders rather than file types despite the fact that the default library names are by type (eg Videos)On my hard disc I have a folder called My Pictures. Several of the folders in that Folder contain video clips. If I click on 'Pictures' in Libraries, it brings up those videos as well as the pictures. But when I select 'Videos' in Libraries it brings up a blank page.If I create for example a holiday folder (eg Rome 2012) containing photos, videos scanned maps and word documents, is there any way that I can click on a corresponding library category and only show that type of document in the Rome folder without having to do a sub search. If I want to view all items, I can go to the folder called Rome.

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Converting Various File Types To A Dvd Format?

Feb 13, 2012

I have downloaded various video clips from different websites and would like to copy or burn then to blank DVD's. However, I am not that good with computers and don't exactly know how. I have a DVD burning software which I have taken my own personal DVDs and made a copy of them (which is not illegal by the way, I made sure and checked that). But I don't know how to do the same with various video files I have downloaded from the internet or that friends have emailed to me. Some of the files types include AVI, and MKV file types, others I cant find out what kind of file it is. I can play these on my computer and watch them, but I would like to maybe compile the video files and put hard copies of them on DVDs.

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Index - Add Or Remove File Types

Aug 8, 2012

How to Add or Remove a File Type from the Windows 7 Index ?

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Why The "ftype" Command Doesn't Display All File Types Associated With File Extensions

Jun 19, 2011

I was wondering why the "ftype" command doesn't display all file types associated with file extensions.For example if I execute "assoc", some of the output is

When I execute the "ftype" I find an entry for "txtfile" as per below but not for "RDP".file
txtfile=%SystemRoot%system32NOTEPAD.EXE %1

Note: .RDP files are remote desktop files and are opened with %windir%system32mstsc.exe

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Way To Designate What File Types Are Able To Be Included In A Folder?

Nov 13, 2012

Is there a way to designate what file types are able to be included in a folder? For example, I would like to create a folder that will ONLY accept Excel files.

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Get Accidentally Deleted 2 File Types Back?

May 2, 2012

Soo i was changing the auto open so it wouln�t use any program and i accidentally deleted the .ESP and .ESM value and now that kind of files that used to show what type they were now show to be nothing (none).cant change the properties of a file to 'open with' nothing

This is what i was trying and i accidentally deleted the .ESP and. ESM folders and they have come back but don�t have something to replace them. How can i restore the them and can someone send me the .esp and .esm folders so i can restore them? ? ?

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Change The "Type" Description Of File Types In Explorer?

Mar 28, 2012

After doing some Googling I discovered that it is impossible in Windows 7 to sort files by file extension -- one can only sort by file type, which depends on the file type description. This means that if I want to sort by file type, I need to rename the type descriptions of all my most commonly used files.

In addition, the only place where I can see a file's extension is in the file name itself, and not e.g. in the status bar when a file is selected. In Windows 7, the file type description (not the file extension) is also in the status bar.

In other words, in Windows 7 all files labelled e.g. "Opera Web Document" are sorted as if they have the same file type, regardless of whether they are .html, .htm, .mht, etc. And if I select a file and look at the status bar, the file's type is indicated as "Opera Web Document", without any clue as to the file extension. The only way for me to see the file extension is to increase the width of the "Name" column until the end of the file name becomes visible.
So... my question is:

Is there an easy way to simply rename the file type descriptions? I see that my JPG files are named "JPG File" and my PNG files are named "PNG" file, which is extremely useful. What I now want is to rename my HTML, HTM and MHT files' file types to "HTML File", "HTM File" and "MHT File", and the same would apply to all file types I often use (e.g. DOC, DOCX, XLS, XML, TXT, etc).

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How To Search Windows 7 Iso File For Usb

Mar 19, 2012

i am not able to search iso file for usb to write window 7 on it. i had window 7 on dvd but there is no any iso file apparently.

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How To Search Windows 7 Iso File For Usb

Feb 17, 2013

i am not able to search iso file for usb to write window 7 on it. i had window 7 on dvd but there is no any iso file apparently.

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What Are Types Of BIOS Over Years Up To Present BIOS Types

May 26, 2012

What are the types of BIOS over years up to present BIOS types ? What make each BIOS unique and better then the previous ?

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File Search In Windows 7 Is Unreliable?

Dec 31, 2011

It seems that the search functionality in Windows 7 cannot be relied upon. For example, I have a folder with around 2000 files. Search indexing has been enabled for this folder for about 12 months, yet when I try a simple filename search it fails to locate files that I know exist. In explorer, I click in the search box and type "glebe" and hit enter. I know that there are seven filenames beginning with "glebe", plus two other filenames that contain the word "glebe". All files are more than six months old, and thus have had plenty of time to be indexed. It only finds two of the seven filenames beginning with "glebe", and none of the filenames containing "glebe". There does not appear to be any special feature of those two files that differentiates them from the others.

In addition, if I created a file a few hours ago and then try to locate it, there does not appear to be any guarantee that the file will be found. Thus the search is of no use at all; if I can't be certain that every file is found every time I search, I can't be certain that I'm not corrupting my data when I manipulate the files that the search does find because I may be leaving files unedited that must be edited. As the delay between a file being created, renamed or deleted and that change being indexed cannot be predicted by the user, even if the index did work correctly, I cannot be sure of how long to wait before the results become reliable. Therefore, even if the search system could be relied upon to deliver the correct results, this undeterminable delay renders it unusable.

I have tried reindexing the folder, which does not fix the problem but does provide a set of search results that are different, yet equally unreliable. I have tried this on several hundred computers running Windows 7 with identical resultsdditionally, the indexing service causes my computer to grind the hard disk for a large periods at random intervals, making my work inefficient. If I want to search for a file I am happy for the hard disk to be accessed to the extent that the file is located, but I don't want my ability to work efficiently to be impeded by indexing millions of files that I'm statistically unlikely to ever search for.

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Search App That Allow Specifying Date / File Size For Windows 7?

Feb 3, 2011

The original XP search allows to easily specify dates, file sizes etc etc. Is there an app for Win 7 to do this easily ?

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Search And Get Results Based On File Name Only In Windows 7?

May 29, 2012

I have followed the instructions to search for files in Windows 7 but have found the process very slow and the results bring up lots of irrelevant files. Find a file or folder. By comparison the search companion on XP was much faster and got more relevant results based on file name. If that didn't work there was the option of searching for text within the file. For example I know inside a folder there is a sub folder with the file I am looking for and I know part of the name. Is there a way to make Win 7 search for results based only on the file name? In most cases that would be a lot simpler. Otherwise win 7 will look in the contents of the file which is a time waster.

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How To Search In Windows 7 And Return Only File Name Results

Jul 28, 2012

I want to know how to search for? and have the results returned be those of only file names.

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Configure Windows Explorer 7 For A Simple File Search Like In XP?

Jun 27, 2012

configure Windows Explorer 7 for a simple file search like in XP. Despite my readings it's too complicated for me.

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Windows Explorer Locks Up On File/search Typing

Jun 11, 2011

I have this absolute annoying issue with my Windows 7 Home Premium. If I leave my computer on for roughly an hour I will go and attempt to either rename a file or search a file in the normal os search menu. The second I type one letter the os locks up and I am forced to end the explorer.exe process. I have recently reformatted my computer no more than 4 months ago and prior to that I was given the same problem. I heard and read in select online searches this has to do with shell extensions of some sort

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Windows 7 Explorer Won't Show File Details In Search?

Feb 14, 2012

Why are certain details, such as Frame Height, allowed in Windows Explorer when looking in a specific folder, but are missing when searching the contents of the same folder?For example, I'm inside a folder (in details view) of video files and ask Explorer to show details of Frame Height. It will show that for certain file types. But when I search for one of the files by name, the Frame Height will be blank for the same file it just showed me the info for.

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Windows 7 File Search Returns No Files (but They Exist)

Dec 11, 2011

Running Windows 7 (6.1, SP1, 64-bit).Previously, I was using WinXP file search in classic mode. Predictable, reliable results.I'm finding Windows 7 file searching to be unpredictable at best.I have dozens files of the form xName-<date>, where x is my first initial,Name is my last name, and <date> is the file date (e.g. - "mSmithCV-7jan09.doc").When I use the Windows 7 search to find "name:smith", no files are returned.Nor will "name:*smith*" return any files.The search does return the files if I specify "name:mSmith" (i.e. - the beginning of the filename),but I have no confidence that the search is returning ALL of the files.

Is there a classic search mode? Or a simple, cost-effective third-party file search utility? Or even a way to get Windows 7 to find all files whose filename contains (but does not begin with) a specified string?[I find Windows 7 to be better than XP in most respects, but I really can't believe that this search functionality made it out the door.

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Windows 7 Search Only Works For Arguments In Front Part Of File Name?

Jan 16, 2011

it seems to me that Windows 7 search only works for arguments which occur in the front part of a long filename (less than 100 char's total without path).

Whenever I look for a string in the SAME filename that occurs at the end of the filename, Windows 7 search desn't seem to find anything.

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File Magically Disappeared, Still Visible In The Windows 7 Search Index?

Aug 10, 2011

I was looking for a file when I noticed it was gone. I fired up the Windows search engine and Search Everything, both of which said the file was still there. When I try to open the search result in any media player, it says the file could not be found.I already restarted my system, but both search engines still say the file exists. Is the file still there? I cannot find it with Undelete Plus, but it did find a lot of files that were recently deleted.

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Display The Full File Pathname In Windows 7 Explorer In The Search Result?

Apr 17, 2012

In Windows Explorer or My Computer, go to Tools | Folder Options. On the View tab, check "Display the full path in the address bar," and click "Apply to all folders." My Apply to all folders is greyed out!!!!Also Open Windows Explorer, Click View, Toolbars -Unlock if necessary, then tic/check the Address Bar Toolbar option, relock Toolbars.

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Search Not Seeing A File?

Mar 10, 2011

I've got a file sitting in a folder within my Documents that Windows search is unable to see. I've searched for the title of the doc, I've searched for a phrase within the doc, it cannot see it.I've navigated to the specific folder that it is located in, so that the file is visible on the screen, done the search, it still cannot be found.I also tried modifying the file today so it has new Modified date, search still cannot find it.Indexing seems to be working since other files that I've created since this file do come up in a search. And I created a file today and searched for it and it is found. So search is mostly working, just not for this file, and perhaps an unknown number of other files.

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No Search In .doc File?

Sep 23, 2011

why seven seams to not search nothing into the .doc file?

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Search For File Names Not Content?

Apr 9, 2011

In the Start / Search box is it possible to set up a serach that only brings up file names and not text in every file / document? I'm looking for a document with medical in the file name but when I search fo it I come up with every email, document, website etc that has the word medical somewhere in the text / content. I'm trying to narrow the search to file names only.

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How To Search For File In Specific Period

Jul 9, 2011

What is the right way to search for mpg files that saved last week I put the search in this manner. *.mpg 7/1/2011 - 7/7/2011 It said it couldn't find a file but I know I saved a couple in the past week.

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Search Drives For Multiple File Extensions

Aug 10, 2009

I've made the move (fresh install on new HDD) from XP to Win7RC x64 (I never gave Vista a look) and I want to scan my old HDD partitions for *.xls;*.doc;*.dwg;*.jpg etc to make sure I haven't missed any old files which were not saved in the right place.

The two partitions are mounted as F: and G:

In XP once you'd turned off the animated dog and chosen the advanced option, you could set "all of part of the filename" to "*.xls;*.doc;*.dwg;*.jpg" and "look in" to "f:;g:". It was a so easy

I can't seem to get Windows 7 to search for more than one file extension, let alone multiple drives as well. Is there an advanced search option which I've missed?

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Search Results Doesn't Show File Contents

Mar 12, 2011

see how in this picture:, in the search results, if the searched word is found inside a file, a few lines of text are show with the word highlighted. i'm using windows 7 and this does not happen for me. if a word is found in file contents, i'll get it listed in the results, but it won't show me the context of it like in the picture.

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