Getting "CD Rom Boot Priority No Medium" Error, But Still Able To Boot

Mar 6, 2012

I'm currently running Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit. I have two hard drives in this PC. One is an Intel SSD (on which my Windows 7 is installed and is the active partition), and a 1TB hard drive. This computer has been up and running for 1 1/2 years now without any issue.

Yesterday I updated Norton and ran its Registry Cleaner and might have started this problem.

So the problem is when I boot my computer, every thing is normal until before the Windows 7 logo screen. Prior to today, it just goes there without any issue. But today, I received an error: "CD ROM Boot Priority Error - No medium". I have an Asus motherboard, and it has the F8 option to select boot device. So I reboot my computer, hit F8 and select my SSD, and Windows 7 is able to boot correctly and without any issue. Then I check my BIOS to make sure the boot order is correct and it's set to

3-CD Rom

But everytime it would display me that error. Yes, I have a workaround by pressing F8 during POST and I'm able to boot to Windows 7. But I'd like to get rid of this error. I ran the Intel diagnostic software on my SSD and the drive is okay and healthy according to it.

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BIOS Disk Error - Resetting Boot Priority To Correct Drive?

Jan 27, 2012

When there is a Restart required after a software upgrade, the BIOS on my system (Win 7/64) will go to an external HDD (I have three for storage and backup). If I force it off and go into the BIOS on startup, it will show any of the other three HDD's in the boot priority. I reset the priority to the correct drive, save and start (repeat this process several times) and finally it will start from the correct HDD. I thought it might be the CMOS battery but with a new battery in place I still ran into this. This system (HP desktop) is less than a year old.

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Cannot Change Boot Priority Among Hard Drives?

Aug 12, 2011

Originally I had a small solid-state hard drive on this set up. I added a non-solid-state hard drive later. Recently, my solid-state drive, the C Dr., became too full to upgrade certain software programs such as Dragon NaturallySpeaking. I purchased a second solid-state hard drive.I "mirrored" that second solid-state hard drive. To make sure that Windows was operating appropriately, I rebooted and hit F10. I then showed the new solid-state hard drive. Everything booted perfectly and the new solid-state hard drive was noted as the C Dr.When I rebooted into bios to change the hard drive boot order so that the new second solid-state hard drive would be the first in the priority, when I highlighted it and exited from it,it still showed the original solid-state hard drive as the first hard drive.I have never had this problem before. I now have to go into F10 every time I boot into my computer and highlight the new solid-state hard drive.

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Changed Boot Priority Now Cannot Reset It Back

Jan 22, 2013

I recently ran a memtest86 program to check my ram so I had to change my boot priority to get the program to work. Now it seems I cant change it back. I've changed it and saved it but my cdrom still wants to boot up first. I even reset the bios with no luck.

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Change Priority Of Internet Adapter On Boot?

Feb 18, 2012

I have a wireless adapter in my desktop that connects by default on start up. I moved my PC somewhere I can run a cable from the router directly. Now my question is how do I make the Ethernet connection the default /start up connection, besides just taking the wireless adapter out of the pc.

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Persistent Hangups & Failures To Boot Windows 7, Priority Changes?

Dec 28, 2012

HPE-400f Pavilion has been crashing to black screen with cursor with problems booting windows 7. Was getting BIOHD4 error code, then BIOHD3 -- Warning: No Active Partition. Installed 2 spare hard drives to alleviate crowding but problem continues. In troubleshooting have noticed the boot-up priority order keeps changing, so that the HDD group is not first, and also so the main - OS C: - hard drive is not on top of the list. Correcting these problems allows windows to boot up just fine, but then random crashes or bootup failures continue (constantly).Have taken everything out and reconnected, done a clean install from HP disks (reformatting and wiping the HD), system repair, virus scans, etc., yet problem continues. How can I fix the boot-up routines so the computer keeps them as they should be and doesn't keep rearranging them on its own thereby causing Windows to hang up?

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Persistent Hang Ups And Failures To Boot Windows 7 / Priority Changes

Dec 29, 2012

HPE-400f Pavilion has been crashing to black screen with cursor with problems booting windows 7. Was getting BIOHD4 error code, then BIOHD3 -- Warning: No Active Partition. Installed 2 spare hard drives to alleviate crowding but problem continues. In troubleshooting have noticed the boot-up priority order keeps changing, so that the HDD group is not first, and also so the main - OS C: - hard drive is not on top of the list. Correcting these problems allows windows to boot up just fine, but then random crashes or bootup failures continue (constantly). Have taken everything out and reconnected, done a clean install from HP disks (reformatting and wiping the HD), system repair, virus scans, etc., yet problem continues. How can I fix the boot-up routines so the computer keeps them as they should be and doesn't keep rearranging them on its own thereby causing Windows to hang up?

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Fresh Install: When To Change Boot Priority Back To HD

Dec 23, 2012

Right before a fresh install of Windows 7, I go into the BIOS and set the boot priority to boot from the CD first. So at what point during, or after, the installation do I go back into the BIOS and set the boot priority to boot from the Hard Drive?

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Cannot Boot Into Windows 7 / File /boot/BCD Is Missing With An Error Code Of 0x0000007

Mar 26, 2011

I cannot boot into Windows because it says that the file /boot/BCD is missing with an error code of 0x0000007. If I run Repair from my installation disk and in System Recovery Options, it says that it has detected problems and asks if I want to repair it. The items it wants to repair are: " The following startup option will be repaired:Name: {bootmgr}Identifier: {9DEA862C-5CDD-4E70-ACC1-F32B344D4795}

The following startup options will be added:

Name: Windows 7 Ultimate (recovered)
Path: Windows
Windows Device: Partition=C: (476938MB)
Name: Windows Recovery Environment (recovered)
Path: Recovery9426aa67-30ff-11e0-a348-506313b5e718Winre.wim
Windows Device: Partition=C: (476938MB)

A copy of the current boot configuration data will be saved as C:BootBCD.Backup.0002"If I click yes, it says that it cannot save the current settings for the BCD and refuses to continue. When I choose Startup Repair, it attempts to fix the problem but fails.

The problem details are:

Root cause found:
No OS files found on disk.
Repair action: Partition table repair
Result: Failed. Error code: 0x3bc3

I think that this is because Startup Repair is trying to fix the thumbdrive that I keep my Windows 7 install files in. I am overseas now and as my computer does not have an internal optical disk drive and my external drive is back home, thus using my thumbdrive is the only way to access the repair console.

I tried running a few commands, namely:

bootrec /fixmbr
bootrec /fixboot
bootrec /rebuildbcd

Fixmbr and fixboot work, but when I run RebuildBCD, it detects C:Windows as having a Windows installation, but if I type Y(yes) or A(all), it says that the requested system device cannot be found.

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Boot Error - Status: 0xc000000e Info: The Boot Selection Fails

Nov 27, 2009

I Installed Acronis Disk Director Suite 10.1 yesterday on my Windows 7 and got this problem when it boots up I get the option to choose OS. Windows failed to start. A Recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:

1. Insert your windows installation disc and restart your computer.

2. Choose your langugae settings, and then click next

3. Click "repair your computer."

Status: 0xc000000e

Info: The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible.

Then I tried to run the Windows 7 installation disk, I go to the cmd prompt and run the



list disk

select Disk X (X=disk where I installed all the OS, should be Disk 0)

list partition

select Partition X (X=partition containing OSX)

Virtual Disk Service error:

The pack is not online

and then i run the Bootrec /ScanOS, it came with 0 identified Windows Installations, this is why I come into the cmd prompt as I could not select the installed OS.

I've tried that from bootable cd to repair the install but the partition of windows7 is not recognized still.

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Gateway One ZX4300-01e Will Not Boot. Error Message / Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device

Jan 14, 2013

I am receiving an error message on my Gateway One ZX4300-01e. It continues to ask me to: Reboot and select proper boot device or insert Boot Media in selected boot device and press a key.I bought this computer on ebay. it was a seller refurbished item and does not have a boot recovery disk.

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Dual Boot Windows 7 And Vista Boot Error Winload.exe

Oct 14, 2009

I installed Windows 7 on a partitioned harddrive with vista on the other half. After the installation i have my boot menu with:Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows vista still works but when i try and load windows 7 i get a boot error message

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Old XP Failed Boot Causing Error On Boot

Jun 8, 2012

I upgraded to Win 7 Ultimate from Win XP Pro after my OEM disk picked up a few more scratches than it needed.During a re-installation it partially installed the windows XP setup with an error message of 'HAL.DLL' missing.I believe the residual setup loader is causing problemS.My PC insists on trying to boot from CD/DVD regardless of what I select.If I select boot from CD/DVD with my new Windows 7 disk I get the SAME message as if I didn't select boot from DC/DVD: Windows failed to start. This could be from a recent hardware or software change.

1.Please insert your windows install disk and click restart
2.Change language setting and click next.
3.Click repair... etc.

If you don't have the disk contact admin....ect.

Status 0xc000000f
info: Selected entry not added/ application is missing or corrupt.
Enter Escape.
Escape = reboot to error listed above...
Enter = OS choice menu with:

1. 'windows 7'
2 'older verion of windows'

I select the ' older version' and the system gives me the same listed above error...I select 'windows 7' and, well.... here I am, posting this thread from my PC, Windows 7, updated, gageted and all running smoothly...Hibernate sometimes boots and sometimes shows the same error.....Start menu 'Shut down' and 'Restart' also don't work on the odd occasion....I researched and downloaded EasyBCD to delete the 'older version of windows' but it appears to have only 'deleted' it from Windows 7's 'eyes' because ultimately the thing is still showing on my OS choice menu and is evidently causing a few hiccups.

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MBR Error 1 On Boot - Windows 7 (32-bit)/XP SP3 Dual Boot

Nov 9, 2012

I have a laptop I bought a year ago on which a created a dual boot Win 7 (32bit)/Win XP SP3 install, each on a separate partition. It was my first Win 7/XP dual boot install, and my first personal system that I allowed to have a Win 7 install on it at all, so although I have plenty of experience working on pretty much every previous version of Windows, I have very little experience with Win 7 and dual boot configs.

Today about 2 hours ago my audio spontaneously stopped worked for no good reason, so after shutting down each program to see if that cured it (which it didn't), I restarted the system. Out of the blue, for the first time I've ever experienced it, I received the msg "MBR Error 1" - Press any key to boot from floppy. I don't have a floppy of course on my laptop, and if I press any key I simply get the same msg. I turned the system off for a few minutes to make sure it was a good cold boot, but every time I still get the same msg. I tried switching the BIOS setting from IDE to AHCI (IDE is required for XP to boot, AHCI required for Win 7), but I still get the same error msg before I'm even prompted with the OS boot selection, so it made no difference of course.

I looked up this issue and found various suggestions, but none of the ones I found took into consideration a dual boot config., they were all Win 7 specific solutions. I don't what to try and repair the MBR only to have it screw up my dual boot config and be unable to access XP, which is what I use almost exclusively, nor do i want to lose access to Win 7 if at all possible.

I had a backup HD of my complete system that I saved several months ago when I upgraded my HD, and I periodically refresh the most important files on it, so I'm currently running on the laptop in question using my old HD, and it's working just fine. Worst case I can just clone my old HD to my newer HD that's screwed up, but I'll still lose a lot of changes I've made to the OS since I upgraded the HD and have to reinstall and config a number of programs, so that's my last option. I'll also have to back up about 200GB of data from the newer HD which is much larger than my old HD, and then restore it back after the clone, something that will take a lot of time and unncessary effort if I can just fix the MBR.

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Boot Manager/dual Boot Error

May 5, 2009

I'm having a problem every time I power on the system. I'm dual booting vista ultimate with win 7 build 7100; with vista I have no problem, but with 7 every time I start the system the first boot attempt gives me the error 0xc000000e after the boot manager display: "the boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible".;after a reset the system boots 7 with no problems. Win 7 is installed in a brand new hd(seagate barracuda 1.5tb) and vista on a second hd.

I've search the web for people with a similar problem with no success. I've tryed already many solutions but the problem persists(latest bios for the motherboard, latest intel sata drivers, etc). I'm hoping that this could be a bug in win 7 instead of a hardware failure for the hd. Again, the strange thing is that this only happen after the power on. After that first error, no matter how many reboots, the system always boot without problems.

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Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device Or Insert Boot Media In Selected Boot Devic

Jan 4, 2012

[code] Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot devic &press any key

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Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device / Insert Boot Media In Selected Boot Device / Press A Key

Mar 21, 2012

when I turn on my pc I get the follolwing error message "Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key".

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Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device / Insert Boot Media In Selected Boot Device

Dec 1, 2012

I am having a problem starting my PC! I have to start it in the boot menu under the RAID option. If I do not do this a message saying "Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key.." comes up, and just keeps popping up regardless of what I press! I would try using my boot disk but for the life of me I can't find it, and as windows 7 was already installed on this computer when we got it 3 year ago, I can't accurately recall if it came with one!I am no expert on BIOS, but I have read other problems similar to this one, and know that if I don't have the boot disk or the OS disk, I will need to know that at least.I am curious if the (Hard drive) is the issue. The BIOS tells me that anything in parentheses is disabled from corresponding type menu.

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Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device Or Insert Boot Media In Selected Boot Device

Oct 25, 2011

I recently received a new laptop. After starting after time with no problems I received a blue screen with Verticle black stripes then it shut off. After attempting to reboot it I receive this error in a black DOS like screen.

"Intel UNDI, PXE-2.1 (built 083)
Copyright (C) 1997-200 Intel Corporation
This Product is covered by one or more of the following patents:
US5,307459, US5,434,872, US5732,094, US6579,884, US6115,776 and
Realtek PCIe FE Family Controller Series v120 (01/26/10)

Reboot and select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device press a key"

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Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device Or Insert Boot Media In Selected Boot Device?

Nov 24, 2011

i am facing problem while booting before Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot devic this screen is coming

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Windows 7 Boot Mgr Error 0xc00000e9: Unexpected I/O Error?

Feb 19, 2010

It's running Windows 7 Pro x64. When I attempt to start it up, it starts up the Windows Error Recovery program, suggesting that I launch Startup Repair, and allowing me to start Windows normally. In both scenarios, I get the same error.When I start normally, I get the Starting Windows text, then I get a solid white bar with Windows is loading files... above it. It fills up halfway, then I get Windows Boot Manager error 0xc00000e9: An unexpected I/o Error has occurred.This computer is a stock Dell Inspiron 530s, with no new hardware devices added or removed in recent memory (other than starting from a USB stick once or twice, but not since I installed Windows 7 Pro x64 on here).How should I proceed?hould I plug in a USB stick I have Xubuntu 9.04 on and backup all his files before I do anything?

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"Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device Or Insert Boot Media In Selected Boot Device And Press A Key"?

Sep 5, 2011

When it crashes the cursor still moves and sometimes I can move windows around but then it all shuts down and sometimes briefly shows a blue screen of death. On reboot I sometimes get this message and have to reboot again. "Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key"It's a brand new box just built last week but no warranty and I would not even know what part to replace if it's hardware related.I've attached a Hijackthis to the post if it helps but I don't think it's virus related at all.

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"Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device Or Insert Boot Media In Selected Boot Device And Press A Key"

May 13, 2012

When left alone..."Reboot and select proper boot device or Insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key"I have a new(ish) cpu that I bought last Christmas, it works great and it has not crashed on me whenever I am using it. However, when I leave it on overnight (usually when it is downloading something big), when I wake up in the morning I am greeted with a black screen with the words:"Reboot and select proper boot device or Insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key"When this happens I simply press the power button a few seconds to turn it off, then turn it on again and it boots normally. (pressing a key only results in the message being repeated)What infuriates me is that it only ever happens when I leave it on overnight so I don't know when and how exactly it occurs but it almost always does. Like I said earler, it never does this when I am using it as it works fine otherwise. It just won't stay on overnight when I need it to.

System info:
Windows 7 ultimate x64 (full retail, installed once from scratch)
Intel core i7 4200k
Nvidia Gtx 560ti
16gb RAM
Seagate 500gb hdd for OS, 2Tb samsung and 1Tb seagate hdd for storage (all internal drives; no external drives attached)
Connected via hdmi to Pioneer receiver vsx 1121 then to 42" 720p Panasonic Plasma Tv

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Can't Boot, Boot Into Safe Mode Or Boot From Dvd?

Dec 27, 2011

So I have been trying to get my computer running for a few days now. At first it wasn't booting at all, it would be a black screen with a blinking cursor. I have cleared cmos a few times, turned psu off, drained charge from psu, turned psu back on and got it working that way for about 10 minutes, then it crashed. Ever since then I can't get it to get running again. I think it says something about "fatal error" and then goes on telling me to boot into safe mode to remove any new hardware. Is it a hardware problem I'm having? If so, I'm screwed, too broke The best I can get is the screen where it says run windows normally or run in safe mode. But it will just crash on either option I pick. And when I try to run from the dvd drive with my windows 7 disc it's just a black screen with a blinking cursor. I'm not sure what to do...ugh I feel like it's something really simple to fix. I left my computer sitting for a few months and havn't tried to boot it until recently, so I don't remember if I put any updates on it or not.

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Boot Error Using Any USB 16 GB

Nov 20, 2012

I have been trying this for some time now, but I cannot get my computer to boot from my USB drive. I have used "Bootable USB Drive Creator Tool" to make it FAT32 with the specific files I need on there. My main goal as of right now is to get my PC to boot from USB and have no other HDD in there besides the one I want to use to format for my Xbox 360 and use an the add-on instead of purchasing a new 250 GB HDD. It is a WD2500BEVS... I have tried using different ports and was open to a suggestion of different software to try or something else. When I restart my PC, I press F2 which is my boot option and click USB and in my BIOS it is set to start from USB>CD>HDD.

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Boot Error Win 7

Aug 10, 2009

Is there anyone here who can help me figure out a boot script gone awry?

It's for an XP pro machine but for some reason it has Win 7 (recovery) on the menu. I also have Ubuntu on it and have that sorted out. The Xp will not boot and I get a phantom OS on my Windows Boot menu.

I would like to know what a normal Xp Boot config (not sure what you call it) looks like. I also would like to know how I could go about changing mine so the Win 7 isn't coming up. I DO have Windows 7 but that is on another lappy of mine.

What is strange is I don't remember even trying to install Win 7 on this laptop. I don't sleepwalk or drink so rule those out guys!

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Boot Error

Mar 1, 2009

Windows 7 has been working great for me for the past couple of weeks. This morning however, something tragic has happened. Last Night I shut down my computer like I always do, nothing seemed to be wrong. But when I started it up this morning I got a very pecuiliar error.


I found my Windows 7 disk, inserted it, and began the repair process. However, there was still something wrong. Windows 7 could not find my main Drive at all. The drive where I installed Windows 7 where all my data is and where I stupidly did not make a backup.

I tried doing a system restore, but it could not find my hard drive. I tried doing a system repair with the installation disk, but it could not find my hard drive. I tried to do a complete reinstallation, hoping it would find the disk formattable, but it wasn't even listed...

I've opened up my computer to make sure everything is still connected (though I don't see what could have posisbly knocked out a wire, I mean - I don't live in an earthquake zone and I'm pretty sure I killed all those trolls in my basement...) and I'm about to try booting it again.

As odd as this is, I'm making this post from my ps3 so I'll be keeping this open as I attempt to solve this problem. If anyone has had a similar problem or just would like to leave me some advice, since obviously I'm not as computer savvy as I would like to think I am.

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Windows 7 Boot Error?

Jul 29, 2011

I have recently tried to boot Windows 7 Ultimate on my machine but while trying to boot it, it gives me an error Saying. Boot error Code : 5. I have no idea why this happens? could somebody explain to me, and what information about my system would i have to provide so that you may know the reason.

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Boot Configuration Error !

Jun 3, 2011

I was running Windows 7 on a Dell Vostro 3700 Laptop..After doing a spyware scan and finding and deleting all the entries I found, the next time I turned it on I get the error: oxc000000f "An error occured while attmepting to read the boot configuration data File: BootBCD"

I have looked online for solutions and tried using the Windows 7 disc (a copy) and also tried using 3 recovery disks, these all fail because it just stays completely black with a cursor (left for hours even) or I get a error message something around the lines of "insert correct boot media into the correct boot device" and I have no idea what this means. I cannot do a repair because I can only get the Windows disc to load if I remove the hard drive?? this is the only way I have got it past the green loading bar, so I am stuck and have no idea what to only seems to respond to cds if the hard drive is removed?.. this all happened very suddenly and now I have a very expensive �800 paperweight

To add to this - I also tried the command prompt typing the bootrec.exe code that I found on the internet..selecting command prompt from the option when the Windows 7 disc was loaded, but basically it came up with an error of some sort and it had a drive letter of X:/ on the command prompt ?? ..Also to get to this the hard drive was removed because like I said I cannot get the discs working with it in.. I'm guessing this means the hard drive is screwed but there is clearly a problem with the boot sector and I have no idea on repairing it now.

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Boot Error BootBCD?

Dec 27, 2011

month old Toshiba laptop.On boot got file BootBCD, an error occurred while attempting to read boot configuration came with no restore disk.son has been in hospital so it wasn't used recently.odd thing,wasn't able to access safe mode.downloaded Windows 7 disc hoping to repair but wasn't able to do anything with disc.wondering if it's hard drive related

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Won't Boot - Error Message

Jun 3, 2009

I can't boot to Windows 7. It says that Windows could not verify something about this object. Windowssystem32winboot.exe

Anyone got anyway to fix it so I can boot to windows 7?

PS: I used Vista Boot Pro, and for the boot loader option, I clicked Install Longhorn Bootloader. Could this be the problem?

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