Folders Don't Display Properly On HDD?

Aug 14, 2012

I have all of my folders on my D drive set to be network accessible by everyone on the network, mostly so I can share them with my laptop. It's not very secure, but that's not the problem I'm having here. I recently changed some of the organization of the folders on the drive, which included changing folder names. As a result, I had to reshare them. All of that worked out fine and I've been able to access them. However, if I go to my D drive through "My Computer" I see all the old folder names with the old folder contents. I have to go to "My Network Places" and click on my PC's Location (while on my PC) in order to access the new folders.

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Windows 7 Will Not Display Accounts Properly?

Dec 29, 2011

I'm running Windows 7 and it's all been dandy up until today. Windows has started giving me problems with my user accounts where there were no problems before. There are two accounts on my computer. I have the admin account as I own the computer, the other account is a standard account that my roommate uses. Today I turned the computer on, and on the screen where it would generally show the two icons for the two accounts, it only showed mine in large. Below there was a button saying "switch user", and I clicked on it. Then the screen showed two icons, one of which was mine. The other was blank and simply said 'other user' underneath, where it should have said "Krysta" and shown her chosen icon. I tried clicking on it, and it asked me for account name and password, which I gave, and it then took me to her account. Then I tried to switch back to my own, and the screen now only shows Krystas icon. When I click "switch user" underneath it, I get the same blank icon beside it, and have to enter my account name and passowrd again to get back to my account. So, windows will only display one account at a time, and I'm not sure why.

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU P6100 @ 2.00GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 5
Processor Count: 2
RAM: 5814 Mb
Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics, -1316 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 461477 MB, Free - 354933 MB;
Motherboard: Acer, Aspire 5742Z
Antivirus: AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 2011, Updated and Enabled

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Monitor Wont Display Properly When Using The Dvi Leads

Dec 8, 2009

my problem is without using this tutorial when i add the dvi leads to the monitor and connect on back of pc it loads up but when playing music videos it tends to refresh continously and can never watch a video clip properly. the correct drivers are in there as well..

So now i have a 22inch lcd monitor screen that wont display properly when using the dvi leads..

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Unicode Characters Failing To Display Properly (Font Settings May Be Repeatedly Corrupted Upon Restart)

Nov 13, 2011

For some reason Windows 7 (Home Premium, 64-bit) has recently stopped displaying Unicode characters correctly. I know its a Windows issue, not specific to a certain program, because the problem appears on Asian characters and symbols like the stars in my song ratings across various programs like foobar2000, Mp3Tag, and iTunes. I don't think they work anywhere; I just happen to notice their absences (replaced by ugly square placeholders) in my media-related programs. One interesting thing is that restoring my default font settings via Control Panel appears to fix the problem every other time I restart (ie, I might be able to get Unicode working correctly if I always restore the default font settings before restarting or rebooting my PC - but that is heinously annoying).

The only possible cause I can think of is that I have had some programs to modify the Windows UI such as GDI++ to make the fonts Mac-like (decided ClearType was better rather quickly :P) and pieces of Stardock's suite including programs like WindowsBlinds, IconPackager, etc. I somewhat recently uninstalled all of them, but I didn't notice the problem right away, so I am not sure if they have anything to do with it.

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How To Display Files Above Folders

Jul 17, 2011

When I go to C:/users/my name/My Documents and select it, the right panel displays the files on top and the folders below. When I go to Libraries/Documents/My Documents and select it, the right panel displays the folders above the files. Most of my folders display the sub-folders above the files. How can I make all selected folders display the sub-folders above the files? None of the usual SORT routines change this display mode.

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Windows 7 Display Inside Folders

Jul 13, 2011

Is there a way I can revert to the Vista style of listing in Documents and other folders? I find the Win 7 set up too spaced out for easy reading. A straight printed list is far quicker to read through. Somewhere I seem to recall that I could change to Classic View but was that only for Vista? [code]

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Can Windows 7 Display Photo`s Folders Like Xp

Nov 4, 2010

in xp all photo`s taken on a fortnights holiday were placed in one folder, with its name and start date underneath, clicking on it would open all the photos as thumbnails. in w7 the folders have the date they were down loaded and only contain photo`s taken on one date. can they be displayed just like they were in xp and if so how

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Up And Down Arrow Keys Do Not Display Contents Of Folders

Nov 10, 2011

In windows 7 using windows explorer the up and down arrow keys do not work to display the contents of file folders. The arrow keys move the focus to the next folder in the left hand window but does not display its contents in the right hand window. Using XP and all previous versions of windows (after the introduction of the mouse) this was possible.Is this just my installation or has this feature been removed like the "remember each folder's view settings"?I have a large database in Access and the folder tree that it accesses is huge. Using the arrows instead of the mouse saves time and is bore ergonomically friendly to my hand.

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Favorites In Left Pane Does Not Display All Favorite Folders?

Aug 3, 2012

When I open Explorer, Favorites is displayed at the top of the left column, as desired. However, not all of the folders I have designated for Favoriates is displayed in the left column. When I left click on the word "Favorites," then in the right column the entire list of Favorites folders does display. (Meaning:there's a list of nine folders on the right side, but back in the left column under Favorites only seven are displayed.)I've tried all of the solutions described above and none fixes this problem. If I try to drag a folder from Right to Left, two things happen: (A) A copy of that folder is created on the right side (so I'll see the original and a version with "(2)" after the name; and (B) on the left side, one of the folders that used to be in Favorites no longer displays.I don't know why a copy is made on the Right, but the action on the Left leads me to believe that somehow the left column Favorites is set to display no more than seven (7) items, but I can't find where to change that setting

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Display Hidden Folders / Files To Access An Appdata Folder

Feb 5, 2011

I was trying to display Hidden Folders/files to access an appdata folder under C:Usersusernameappdata. (it's to fix an issue with the game Dead Space 2) Anyway, I opened My Computer, then C drive, then Users. In here, I right clicked on empty space and opened properties. I checked 'Hidden' and apply. Said it needed administrator rights, I accepted. Then most desktop items disappeared, most files from my documents disappeared and after reboot, The ATI catalyst control centre is popping up an error message saying 'failed to start'.I realised I chose to hide all the files within that folder instead of showing hidden files/folders..I went to folder options and chose Show Hidden file and I can see them again but they have that see through look to them. ATI catalyst still won't start on reboot. I tried system restore to yesterday but still exact same.When I go to User Properties on the C drive again, it shows the files as Read Only and Hidden is unchecked.

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Display All Audio File Folders In Detailed File View?

Feb 20, 2011

How to force Windows 7 File Explorer to display ALL audio folder content as normal files in detailed view with file name/size/date and without title/artist/album.

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Change The Permissions On The Folders (the Locked Ones) Windows Says The Files/folders Doesn't Exist

Nov 10, 2010

i use BitLord to download random stuff anyways the Downloads Folder Shows up like this : Now when i open Nero up it shows this Weird thing is if i hover over the folder from normal window it says the Downloads folder is only 800mb (as it is only showing me one item) yet from Nero it says the folder is over 9 Gigs. Im set as Owner of the folder and i have all permissions set for me however i am still unable to see these files outside of nero and i don't know why.When i go and try to change the permissions on the folders (the locked ones) windows says the files/folders doesn't exist...

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Moving User Folders - Additional Folders Appear

Jul 9, 2012

I have just done a clean install of Win 7 Pro 64. I have set up four accounts and for each one I have moved the user folders to a separate hard drive by using the Right Click Properties > Location > Move. I have done this for the following folders:

- Desktop
- Downloads
- My Documents
- Favorites
- Links
- My Music
- My Pictures
- Videos

I have done it exactly the same way on each account (and more than once! I've been imaging the disk and have restored backwards a few times.)

The problem is, on three of the accounts, when I move the My Music, My Pictures, and Videos then they do move correctly but three rogue folders appear named Music, Pictures and Videos. And I can't delete then since they are system folders.

But the weird thing is that this does not happen on one of the accounts!

how to get rid of the extra folders as they're cluttering up the users home folder and causing confusion.

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How Do I Change Folders View For Individual Folders ?

Sep 19, 2009

In Windows 7 how can I change "Folders View" for individual folders without changing them system wide. For example if I select "always show icons" all my folders are set this way, and that's fine. But there are a few folders I have containing jpeg images, and I want to view those as "thumbnails" without effecting the others which are set to always show icons.

This was very easy to do in Windows XP but I can't figure out how to do it in Windows 7.

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Display/monitor 1024×768 Display Size

Nov 19, 2009

the display/monitor uses the generic driver for display and it is 1024×768 or 800x600 but it looks very odd it should be bigger because my screen is bigger. I have a acer monitor but is there something I can download to fix the display size?

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Dual Display 1 Not Displaying Except On Startup; Both Display In Linux?

Sep 22, 2012

Windows 7 64 turns off the monitor 1 signal after startup. At login, it powers off monitor 1 and powers on monitor 2. Windows 7 behaves as though dual display is working even though monitor 1 does not display. It's the same for single display, the monitor will not work on cable 1 except at startup.Both 'Extend these displays' in Windows Screen Resolution and 'Extend' in the Nvidia Control Panel is selected. And changing which one is primary does not turn on monitor 1. Nor does switching the position of display 1 in either (ex.left/right/top/bottom).GeForce 8400 GS; Dual Monitor Solution 59 pin (DMS-59) to 2 VGA adapter -tried two of these adapter cables.atest Driver: 306.23 - installed a clean reset install of the latest Nvidia driver released last week.Same Resolution: 2 of the 4 monitors I have tried have the exact same 'recommended' resolution (1280X 1024), both 60Hz, and even chose 16 bit color for both instead of 32 to reduce resources.

Linux worked: Dual display worked immediately when I tried it in Ubuntu 10. So, it's not the hardware. It works in Ubuntu 12 too but not properly -it won't transfer windows across displays. My Windows 7 64 is an upgrade from Vista 64. One person in another forum with the same problem resolved theirs by reinstalling Windows 7. But another got the same problem only after a fresh clean install of Windows 7 64 with the same GeForce 8400 GS and DMS-59 when it had previously worked in Vista. Dual Monitors - Only One Works at a Time

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New Folders Are Created As Video Folders

May 17, 2011

I have problem, recently all new folder are created optimized for video content with big pictures and such. How can I fix that so they are created as normal folders, because this is driving me nuts having to change this for every new folder.

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Batch Renaming Folders And Sub-folders

Apr 16, 2010

The structure of my photos library is Y/Y_M/Y_M_D, e.g. 2010/2010_04/2010_04_16 for today. I want to change all the '_' to '-'. Does anyone know an easy way of doing this?

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Batch Renaming Folders And Sub-folders?

Aug 4, 2011

The structure of my photos library is Y/Y_M/Y_M_D, e.g. 2010/2010_04/2010_04_16 for today.I want to change all the '_' to '-'.

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Ppc Dont Shoowing Display On Starting & Start Showing Display After Starting?

Oct 29, 2011

PC don't showing bios display on starting & start showing display after starting window

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System Not Providing Proper Display Its Providing Greenesh Display

Aug 23, 2012

VGA cable changed ,Ram cleaned but problem not resolved

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Why Won't Ram Fit Properly

Oct 19, 2012

I have an inspiron 570 desktop with 4gb of ram already installed. I went on crucial, and it found compatible RAM, 1gb 240pin ddr3 128mx64. When I opened my computer up, there were 4 slots, 2 blue ones with the default ram, and 2 open black ones. I couldn't get the ram to seat properly, it took a lot of force to make it click on one side, it wouldn't clip on both sides at once. And I'm sure the ram was in all the way, because if I applied any more force I would snap it.

why my ram wont fit?

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New Hdd No Os Installing Properly

Apr 1, 2012

trying to reinstall windows 7 on my laptop with a new hdd. it installs the os but wont read the hdd to boot, but it does see it in bios. trying running maxblast and wiped it clean but same prob still. noticed in maxblast that hdd is designated as drive d instead of c.

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Windows 7 Needs At Least 20 GB To Run Properly?

Oct 10, 2012

I have red, Windows 7 needs at least 20 GB to run properly, is it true? Or are 2, 3 GB enough?

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PC Not Closing Down Properly

Feb 25, 2011

My desktop PC running Windows 7 64 bit behaves erratically when I close it down using the Start Orb - shut down button. Sometimes it closes down fully on other occasions the computer goes into a deep sleep, (the hard drive light continues to flash, the fans are running, the monitor screen goes off) but it will not respond to either the keyboard or the mouse, both of which are connected by USB cables.I then have to close down the computer by holding in the power button for about 10 seconds.When I next require the computer it boots normally and seems oblivious to its shut-down problem.I always ensure that no programs are running when I shut down the computer and cannot see any clues regarding what I was last doing before shut-down that might trigger a problem. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the USB device drivers to no avail.

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CD Rom Not Working Properly?

Nov 26, 2011

I am running windows 7 and my cd rom is not working properly. It was reinstalled which seemed to help a LITTLE, but sometimes you have to incert a cd 7 or eight times before it will read it. I can see that there is a cd inserted (when I go to my computer I can see the D drive). Just doesn't read them all the time. I have a Dell with a vertical cd drive. When I view it through the control panel it says my driver is up to date.

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TCP/IP Not Properly Installed?

Feb 21, 2012

every time i started my loptop computer, a message "backupManagertray: The TCP/IP protocol is not installed properly". i can connect to the internet using the namoroka firefox, but the mozilla cant connect to the net. even my antivirus cant connect/update too.

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Pc Is Not Booting Properly?

May 3, 2011

pc is not booting properly

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Not Restarting Properly?

Feb 29, 2012

When I restart, the computer simply just goes black after the blue screen says Windows shutting down. I have to physically press the restart button on my case

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Pc Is Not Shutting Down Properly

Jan 28, 2013

When I install my vga driver on my windows 7 on biostar mother board the pc is not shutting down properly i.e the fans keep rotating & after few minutes the pc starts up again. But when i install the same on xp that works perfect. I don't where is the problem exactly.

My mother board-H61MLV2 Ver. 8.0
OS-Windows 7 Ultimate x64
No graphics card

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Windows 7 Does Not Install Properly

Aug 25, 2011

I am try ing to install windows 7 on my HP m8200n desktop pc. It will go through the loading process and it goes through all the steps until it finishes and restarts and then I get a blue and white diagonal striped screen. I do a forced shut down and restart and get a message that says windows installation cannot proceed to restart the computer and restart the installation. I have went through this 6 times with the same result.

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