Folders Deleted For Unknown Reason - Best Recovery Software?

Dec 4, 2011

I've been working on renaming all my music for the past few weeks using a program called Tag&Rename. I have over 350 Gbs of music so it's been quite the undertaking but I've made a fair bit of progress. Until all of a sudden in the middle of renaming some albums today I was shocked to find that all my albums from A through S were just...not there anymore. All my work had just vanished for no apparent reason. I had just deleted a redundant music folder when this happened and thought that maybe I had somehow deleted more than I asked for but there's no trace of the folders anywhere not even in the recycle bin. I did a complete search of my computer looking for Bob Dylan just to see if I had somehow put all the files in some other folder by mistake but no luck. So I downloaded a bunch of free undelete software packages and scanned my hard drive and they couldn't even find the missing files. It's as if they just vanished. Is there any software out there that can help me in my search, or does anyone know what could have happened? I don't mind paying up to a hundred bucks if I can just get my lost work back. I obviously need a program that will maintain my original folder structure since renaming files and folders and changing my folder structure is all I've been doing. I have most of the music backed up on another drive but it's all mistagged and disorganized. I really don't want to start all over again.

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Windows 7 Recovery Disk Shows Operating System: Unknown On (Unknown)?

Oct 18, 2012

When I was booting one day last week I got a nasty BSOD when Windows was trying to load. Then on the next reboot Windows 7 said it couldn't load and needed to do the recovery OS option from the Windows 7 repair on the CD. Well, before trying that I did a cold reboot and it got back into the OS fine so I didn't think much of it. Now, I noticed Ghost shows the C: drive status as "Unavailable" and it can't back it up anymore. It does give me an option to restore from one of my old backups. I'm thinking the MBR got hosed up somehow or something like that. But I'm skeptical to run an MBR repair since I have that 100MB partition on my SSD where my OS resides.

Ghost Shot> This was about a week ago my Windows 7 started acting up right before the big patch Tuesday. I've been running it for over a year now and it's been solid. When I first set it up I installed it on my SSD (Intel 510 120GB) drive. One of the qualms I had with the install is Windows created a separate boot sector on the disk drive where it stored my boot files. This is known the the "system reserved" operating system files 100MB partition. Apparently the way to avoid this is to use a third party partition tool before doing the windows install. That way it will keep the Boot sector files on the same partition which is how I would of liked it for doing restores from Ghost 15,etc. Anyway, ghost was backing up my system C: drive before last week. I have yet to even try and use Ghost to see if it would successfully restore my OS but I've been using it to backup my C: drive anyways. Prior to last week it could backup my C: drive fine. I might try a Ghost restore point from a few weeks back before this happened but not sure yet[CODE]

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Blue Screen With Unknown Reason

May 23, 2012

OS: Windows 7 enterprise x64
Lenovo T410

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BSOD For Unknown Reason - Error 0x1000009f

Jul 30, 2012

How to deal with this BSOD. Error 0x1000009f.

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BSOD Unknown Reason PC Sitting On Idle?

Aug 17, 2012

I've been leaving my PC on while I sleep to download files but I've noticed the past few nights I wake up and see I have an error saying windows had shut down because of a fault of something, so I ran "whocrashed" and found out that my PC had bluescreened 3 times I've tryed all the ways I've previously been told to fix these problems but nothings changed

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Folders Stopped Opening For No Apparent Reason

Mar 27, 2012

Recently my folders stopped opening for no apparent reason.Basically what happens is that I can double click or right click a folder on my desktop (including "My Computer") and it will briefly flicker across the screen and then nothing.The folders which I have opened appear on my task bar and I am able to manually close them, but they do not show up when I select them.I re-installed Windows because I didn't really feel like mucking around too much trying to fix this issue, but shortly after re-installing anti-virus, web browsers and Steam the problem came back again!

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Why In System Some Folders Not Deleted

May 27, 2012

from my system i am unble to delete some folders what can i do?

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Deleted The Recovery Partition On Laptop?

Feb 14, 2012

I accidentally deleted the recovery partition on my Hp compaq Presario CQ61 and have never burnt the recovery to a DVD.Checked Hp Site and the only option is to re-order another.The serial number of my Notebook is CNF9494GMB & Model is CQ-61420US

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Desktop Almost Completely Deleted, Recovery?

Jul 7, 2012

Last night my computer lost power and died instantly because the battery was at 0% and my charger wasn't working. So I just decided to go to sleep and deal with it in the morning. Well I boot up my laptop and instead of my regular old crowed desktop with many important files, I get this: please note that I have run virus scans and results show clean, as I also have not been using the internet for a while either. Should I try a system restore because it says it dosen`t affect documents?

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Deleted Recovery Partition While Reformatting?

Sep 11, 2010

I mistakenly deleted the recovery partition when I was trying to formatting the hard drive, I dont know much about how it works so what would be the best way to remake it and have it function the same way the other one did (which I also dont know how that worked) or is there a better method. This is also a new Samsung hard drive with windows 7 Home premium

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Deleted Vista Recovery Data?

Dec 24, 2010

I originally had Vista on my computer when purchased. The computer had C:, D:,. The HP recovery was on D: with everything else on C:I deleted the Data from the D:recovery disc as I had no more use for Vista and most of the programs that came from HP would not work with Windows 7. I have recovery disc if I do need them at a later date to reinstall Vista.I installed Windows 7 Ultimate on C: This left D: partition empty. I have most recently used D which is about 13 GB for4 abackup of some of my programs.I also have another 640 GB hard disc which is G: that I use as backup for my windows system.I would like to do away with the D: partition because I can also put all my program backups on G: as well.How do I delete the D: partition and incorporate that space into the C: partition? I think I know but am not sure of myself and would like advice

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System Recovery Deleted All The Partitions

May 3, 2010

My machine came with Windows7 pre-installed and no installation DVD, instead there is a separate partition labelled WINRE (5GB) for recovery purposes (I guess at least).Now I messed up my whole system and deleted all partitions but this recovery one (setting up a dual boot). I also have the System Recovery Disk and would anybody know if I can reinstall Windows 7 with these two?

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Recovery Of A Deleted Drive Partition?

Feb 13, 2013

my partiton drive has been deleted while formatting, please give some solution to this problem.

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2 Documents Folders, Deleted One, Both Gone, How To Recover Files

Nov 8, 2011

I noticed I had two copies of the My Documents folder, one in my user folder where I want it, and the other buried deep in my pictures folder (I think I accidentally dragged and dropped it there once when I was trying to change the order of icons in the navigation pane). I deleted the one in my pictures folder, and both folders disappeared! I closed the screen out, re-opened "my computer," and see both My Documents folders back, but empty.

1) How can I recover my files? My last backup was last week, and I've written quite a bit since then. I was actually about to back up again when I saw the annoying second folder and deleted it, not realizing they were linked. The folder was too large and bypassed the recycle bin.

2) How can I fix the two folders issue? I have the same problem with my music folder also, and have had problems with the folders under my username seeming to disappear, reappear, and move for no apparent reason. The computer has Windows 7 Professional.

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Removing Deleted Files Names From Folders

Jun 1, 2012

When I transfer a file from a folder to a CD, example, after the files have been copied to the CD, as I do not need those files there anymore, I send them to the Trash bin, but somehow they remain on the same folder with 0 bytes.I have tried everything to make the names of those files disappear with no success. Disk Clean Up has failed and other programs as well.I have observed that this particular behaviour happens mainly with .pps files.They remain on my PPS folder but with o bytes.How can I remove them from the folders?

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Large Folders That Have Been Deleted And Are Not Showing In Recycle Bin

Oct 28, 2012

If I have deleted a folder that is too large to fit in the recycle bin where would I find it? And also how would I go about restoring it back to its original setting?

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Fixing Deleted Recovery Partition [Toshiba]?

Aug 12, 2012

I deleted my recovery partition before realising it was the recovery partition. That 11.26GB unallocated was the recovery partition.I was installing Ubuntu as a dual boot, and wanted to install it on its own partition. But I already had 4 primary partitions (the 1.46GB bootable recovery partition, C:, E: and the 11.26GB partition with the recovery files). So i shrunk C:,deleted the 11.26GB partiton and created the new primary partition. I later discovered it had the recovery files.Ubuntu installation needed some other partitions and it must've converted E: to a logical drive.I have installed the MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition v7.5 The results of a full quick scan: Double clicking the HHDRECOVERY partition (unallocated space) shows the recovery files: However, doing a full scan of the unallocated space also shows a small partition labeled "Boot": Double clicking that drive shows the following:However, that folder does not appear to contain any files. There was a [+] to the left of the folder, but clicking it just made it disappear since there was nothing to show. I'm not sure if I can just ignore this tiny section or not.

I am just wondering if anyone has any recommendations on how I should proceed. I have not ever attempted partition recovery or used this program before and feel like I only have one shot at this and don't want to screw it up, if it is even possible.Also, yes I did create recovery discs, I think I've done it twice, but I'm not sure where they are. I've had a good search but haven't found them. Although I've other places yet to search but so far not the opportunity. I know using these discs, if I find them, will reinstall recovery partitions.My laptop is a Qosmio F60 running Windows 7 Home Premium SP1.

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The Recovery Folder Is Deleted From System From Disk D?

Apr 21, 2012

the recovery folder was deleted from disk D from my system.what should i do now?will it creata a problem for my system?if it does what step should i take?

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Windows Media Player Deleted All Music Folders

Jan 21, 2013

I was managing my music in windows media player and I accidentally clicked delete. Not only did it delete music in the library, but it also deleted ALL MY MUSIC ON MY COMPUTER!! How do I get it back? I have checked the recycle bin and it is not in there at all.

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Moved / Deleted Folders Still Show Up In Original Location

Oct 12, 2010

I have a problem that just started about 2 weeks ago. I upload lots of photos to the web for my job. Once I complete a job I move each folder with the photos into it to a different folder. This keeps my active photo folder clean. About 2 weeks ago I tried to move my completed folders and I got a "folder is in use by another program" error and it would not move.

Eventually after a restart I moved it. Now I have the problem of these already moved and even deleted folders still showing up in their original location. They only show up when browsing my computer to select the files for upload. They do not show up when exploring my computer for the files. I would imaging it is some type of registry problem but I have no idea how to fix it. Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit.

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Recover Deleted Outlook 2007 Archive Sub-Folders?

May 10, 2012

I have a user who has accidentally deleted one of her sub-folders in the Archive folder. Is there any way to recover this? I saw nothing in the Tools Menu > Recover Deleted Items.. area and there is nothing in the trash bin.

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Deleted My Documents And Recovery Software Not Finding Files

Sep 13, 2012

I pressed delete on my Documents folder by mistake, and now I have gone through an unbelievable amount of recovery softwares, and none of them will find the files. on only need a few folders back in my documents.

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Deleted Restore Settings - Recovery Discs Not Loading

Sep 13, 2012

I deleted my restore settings by mistake and don't have a disc to restore from. I ordered discs from hp but that wont work, its a hp compaq cq57 that came with windows home premium which I installed ultimate on myself. I have loads of issues and would like it back to how it was when new.

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Media Center Deleted All Folders For Pictures / Videos And Music

Aug 25, 2011

On Windows 7 I installed the xbox 360 extender using Media Center, all my media files show up, but after exiting the extender, all my media files do not show anymore on their default windows folders for Pictures, Videos, and Music. Re-enter Media Center, and I am able to see all my media files, but unable to reach them through my PC, even after exiting again, and using my PC normally.

1- Advance searched my files to no avail, restored WMP library to no avail, restarted several times to no avail.
2- Used old Vista tricks in regedit to no avail, files still don't show up, they only do when I start the extender, and I see them through the extender only.
3- Restored to previous point in history on Windows to no avail.
4- Disabled WMP and WMC in Windows services and features, and re-enabled them, to no avail.

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Search And Deleted Items Folders In Outlook 2010 Pst Files?

Oct 6, 2011

Is is possible to either delete or hide the "search folders" and "deleted iems" folders that appear in each pst file created?

We use individual pst files to file our emails per current job. But the folders above take up a lot of visual space in the toolbaro it would be preffered to hide or delete them.

We do not use either to "file" emails so the compact now option in the data file managment dialog box does not really apply since I believe this is really a benefit when the file is archived.

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Deleted Duplicated Icons - All Files And Folders Disappeared From Desktop

Jul 9, 2012

This morning I was arranging my desktop files and folders. As I clicked the command to sort by item type, suddenly I had duplicates of every file and folder as listed on my desktop. I even had two icons for the recycle bin! I started moving one of each of the duplicated files and folders into one of the duplicated recycle bins.

I rearranged the files and folders. I then emptied one of the recycle bins. I then clicked on the desktop to rearrange the files and folders. Suddenly almost everything else on my desktop disappeared! There were many files and folder on the desktop that are now gone, there are only 7 files and folders left. Is there any way I can recover these missing files and folders.

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Windows Recovery Moved User Folder & Deleted Bookmarks?

Oct 6, 2012

I had to do a system restore to a prior point (two days ago) to fix a problem on a windows 7 dell PC. It worked but it moved all of my files and user profile to my C drive. I no longer see my user account when I go to start computer. I did find my files (at least some of them) under the c drive in C/OS/Users. Is there a way to automatically get them all back where they orginally were rather than attempt to manually move them and hope I'm placing them in the correct area? I also seem to have lost all of my bookmarks and cannot recover them on Firefox - is there any way to get them back?

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2620M CPU @ 2.70GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 4010 Mb
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 525M, 1024 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 461837 MB, Free - 344934 MB; E: Total - 38 MB, Free - 0 MB;
Motherboard: Dell Inc.,
Antivirus: McAfee Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware, Updated and Enabled

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Windows 7 Recovery - Empty Start Menu Folders

Jun 5, 2011

I followed this thread [URL]to restore the items of the start menu. :thumbup2: However, I still have this isse of the folders in the All Programs section being empty.

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Folders Burned To Recovery Disc Are Still In Burn Folder?

Apr 7, 2012

I have a new Asus laptop. When I went to burn recovery discs as advised, the instructions popping up on screen were not clear and I ended up moving the files to the temporary burn folder. Eventually I figured out how to proceed with the real burn and did end up with my recovery discs, however I still have the files in temporary burn and am being notified about them every time I turn on my computer. I'm scared if I remove them I will be deleting the actual recovery files.

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Recover Deleted Office 2003, Deleted In Error?

Nov 22, 2012

Whilst removing a virus I have somehow managed to delete office 2003 with my outlook with all of my work emails on !!!I have tried a system restore but it wont let me do it and comes up with %systemroot%egistration then ComPlusStagingI could just reinstall office but I dont have all of my emails backed up on a pst file

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PC Restarts For No Reason

Dec 5, 2012

About a week ago my PC had restarted on its own when I wasn't there and was stuck on a screen saying "Reboot and Select Proper Boot device or Insert Boot media in Selected Boot device and press any key ". I manually restarted the PC but nothing was shown on the screen. I turned off the PC, disassembled it and took out the BIOS battery and left it there for about 30 minutes. I then put everything back together and booted. The PC started fine but after about one hour it crashed for no reason. Since last week sometimes it crashes or restarts either within minutes from logging into windows either within an hour but never over 2 hours. At first I though it was a power supply issue, I had a Corsair VX550W for the last 4 years and so I replaced it with a brand new Corsair TX650, this has not solved anything though. But since I replaced the PSU the PC now only restarts every 1 hour when I am logged into windows. However, at this moment I have left it open into BIOS and it is working for 2 hours without any restart.


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