Dual Display Not Working Blank Screen On 'detect'

May 31, 2010

My dual screen has suddenly stopped working on my laptop. Now when I hit 'detect' my laptop screen goes black and I have to force restart the machine and disconnect the second laptop. Is this likely to be a hardware fault?

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Dual Screen Display Issue X64

Aug 28, 2009

i'm running a vaio vgn nr21s/s (nvidia 8400MGT) with a samsung syncmaster 226bw ( 22') connected by a vga connector and i cant have my max resolution (1680/1050@60htz) in Windows 7 x64

i tried a dozens of drivers, the new and the old ones (laptopvideo2go, dox moddified...) for Windows 7 x64 and for vista x64... and still the same problem, still stuck at 1600/1024

i thought it could be the vga connector but im running xp pro 32bits too and theres no problem with that i can get the right resolution.

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Win7 Dual Screen And Wrong Display Resolution

Nov 21, 2009

im running win 7 x86 in a vaio vgn nr 21s/s with a 8400mgt and i cant find a driver which displays my correct resolution in my external wide screen (22'' at 1680/1050)

all i cant get is 1600/1200 or above but not he optimal.

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DVD RW Drive Wont Detect Blank Dvd's

Dec 18, 2011

i am having problems with my dvd drives they will both read discs with data on but wont detect blank media, i have tried a number of things now, ive uninstalled them, ive removed the filters in the reg, ive searched for firmware updates and ive tried restoring my system, its not the media either, any i try is the same and they are fine in a different system, the only thing i can think of is if something happened when i changed from xp to 7 but im sure ive burned dvd whilst running 7 before, cant remember. The drives are SONY DVD RW DW-D22A and LITE-ON COMBO SOHC-4836K.

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Screen Goes Black When Display Driver Has Stopped Working?

Nov 9, 2012

my screen goes all black for a couple of seconds then when it returns the open tabs/sites are kinda inactive for another couple of seconds, or when i click on another window, it is highlighted but the content is of another site/tab. when this happens, there is usually a message at the bottom left of the screen that "Display driver has stopped working and recovered problems"

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Display Adapters Sometimes Stop Working And Get Blue Screen Error?

Nov 8, 2011

I'm using Alienware desktop with ATI Radeon 5900 graphic Card I have problem though whenever I play World of Warcraft game not always but a lot of times I get a blue screen error but before the blue screen error I get disconnected from the game then It tells me that my display adapter stopped working somehow..I don't know why then the blue screen of death appears and my pc get restarted I have this problem for 3 months now

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Dual Display 1 Not Displaying Except On Startup; Both Display In Linux?

Sep 22, 2012

Windows 7 64 turns off the monitor 1 signal after startup. At login, it powers off monitor 1 and powers on monitor 2. Windows 7 behaves as though dual display is working even though monitor 1 does not display. It's the same for single display, the monitor will not work on cable 1 except at startup.Both 'Extend these displays' in Windows Screen Resolution and 'Extend' in the Nvidia Control Panel is selected. And changing which one is primary does not turn on monitor 1. Nor does switching the position of display 1 in either (ex.left/right/top/bottom).GeForce 8400 GS; Dual Monitor Solution 59 pin (DMS-59) to 2 VGA adapter -tried two of these adapter cables.atest Driver: 306.23 - installed a clean reset install of the latest Nvidia driver released last week.Same Resolution: 2 of the 4 monitors I have tried have the exact same 'recommended' resolution (1280X 1024), both 60Hz, and even chose 16 bit color for both instead of 32 to reduce resources.

Linux worked: Dual display worked immediately when I tried it in Ubuntu 10. So, it's not the hardware. It works in Ubuntu 12 too but not properly -it won't transfer windows across displays. My Windows 7 64 is an upgrade from Vista 64. One person in another forum with the same problem resolved theirs by reinstalling Windows 7. But another got the same problem only after a fresh clean install of Windows 7 64 with the same GeForce 8400 GS and DMS-59 when it had previously worked in Vista. Dual Monitors - Only One Works at a Time

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Plugging In USB Device Causes Display To Go Blank?

Mar 5, 2012

Whenever I plug in any USB device, the monitor will go blank, but the case fans and lights will continue operating. The computer remains like this until I hold down the power button to turn it off and then restart it. It will restart fine. In addition to the monitor going blank, all power is turned off from USB devices (e.g. optical mouse light turns off).This occurs probably about 25% of the time I plug a USB device in (sometimes nothing happens, as should be).It does not mater which port I use. It's happened with rear ports, a hub wired to a rear port, front case ports (plugged into motherboard USB pins), or a PCI USB hub.

I've looked extensively for solutions and can't find any. I checked my motherboard multiple times for swollen capacitors and have not found any.Today (and never before) when I plugged a mouse in, the same issue occurred, but the monitor turned back on about two seconds later, and a pop-up notified me of drivers successfully being installed. (I didn't notice whether USB power was cut) This makes me think that the computer is adjusting the display (as it does when a program requests administrative permission and the screen sometimes goes blank) but for some reason does not come back from it. There really is no indication that Windows stops. I never get a BSOD.Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit, regularly updatedDisplay Adapter: Nvidia GeForce 9600 GSO (756MB)

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Gadjets Are Not Displayed It Display Blank Pages

Jul 29, 2011

in my sys my gadjets are not displayed it display blank pages

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Dual Monitor One Of Them Goes Blank After A Few Minutes?

Jun 2, 2012

I am running Win 7 Pro x64, i7, MSI Twin Frozr II R6870 1st Monitor is a Dell SP2309W (dvi on video card to dvi on monitor)2nd Monitor is a HP W2338 LCD Monitor (dvi on video card to hdmi port on monitor)The 2nd monitor (HP) goes off after a few minutes, but if I'm playing a video on that monitor the sound is still plays, so I know it's still running in the background. I noticed that the picture on the monitor doesn't fill the whole screen like my 1st monitor does. So I checked the resolution and it's set the highest resolution it will go.I've checked the power settings by setting everything to never sleep or hibernate.I also checked the Graphic settings, but everything looks fine. I also updated the drivers for the video card. Both monitors are set to 60htz because that's the highest it will go.

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Startup Delay After Login Screen - Blank Screen With Cursor?

Dec 31, 2010

Everything shows up fine until the welcome screen after that it normally used to fade to the desktop but now it goes blank. The screen in Black with only the mouse pointer. Its not hung, i can move the mouse pointer. Then after a minute or so it advances to the desktop. Everything on the desktop loads up in less than 5s. The PC runs fine, it is really fast as there are only a few programs, but only boots slow. My total boot time is about 3-5 min. I think it should be like in a minute or so.I have not tweaked much with the system but have installed a few programs like MS office, Nero, Acrobat and Photoshop. These are the only heavy programs in the PC right now. The only games on the PC are AC1 and AC2. I have uninstalled my graphic driver and reinstalled. I already minimized the programs in the msconfig>startup to the minimum. I have run ccleaner, spybot s&d, Antimalware and i also have a trial copy of Kaspersky AV (upgrading later to 1-year license). there are no peripherals attached during boot except the USB keyboard and mouse. A printer is attached too but is most of the time turned off.

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5min Delay On Welcome Screen, Then Blank Screen With Cursor (windows 7)

Jul 6, 2012

After leaving my comp on overnight i wake up to non-responding programs, i shut down manually and then as i restart this happens. 5minute lag on welcome screen and then it turns blue with a moveable cursor. i have used system restore and created a new user but neither works. i can run perfectly on safe mode.

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USB 3.0 Ports Not Working - Cannot Detect Connected Devices

Feb 19, 2013

My USB 3.0 ports aren't working. I have 2 USB 3.0 front ports that are hooked up to the motherboard and 2 addition USB 3.0 ports back ports pre-installed on the motherboard. None of the four can detect my USB 2.0 devices. The USB 2.0 ports works fine.

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Dual Screen, Dual DVI GPU Versus 2 Single DVI GPUs

Nov 20, 2012

I am building a new computer and I want to go with a dual screen setup. I was wondering if I should go with a GTX 670 2GB GPU or two Sapphire Radeon 7870s. If not specifically these cards, let me know what you think. Is it better to have a single GPU with dual DVI output or two slightly cheaper GPUs using crossfire?

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Dual Display In Win 7

Jan 6, 2010

I have a desktop running Windows 7 Ultimate and a laptop running XP Pro. Is there any way to use the laptop as a second monitor? I know how to set it up physically but just don't know if the laptop has to be running the same OS or not.

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Screensaver On Dual Display?

Mar 12, 2011

is there a way to have a screen saver only on my 2nd monitor as i have it set up as extended display dual monitors?

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Dual Display In XP Mode

Oct 27, 2009

Just got a 2nd monitor and was wondering if there is a way to make XP mode utilize dual displays? I use xp mode to log into a citrix server for work and it would be great to have my citrix be in dual display.

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Photo Screensaver Dual Display

Apr 5, 2009

Is there something built into Windows 7 that will do a screen saver of a library of photos, yet use *both* displays to show multiple photos? There are a couple in there, but they only seem to work on the primary display. Is there a way to enable multiple displays for these?

I have a nice 3rd party app I purchased in the XP days that does this, but was wondering if there was a way to get 7 to do it natively.

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Logging Off Changes Dual Monitor Display

Jul 2, 2011

I have an external monitor, actually a TV connected via S-Video cable coming out of the back of my video card. My TV is my second desktop. All of that is fine. The problem comes in when I log off or "switch users" (there are no other user profiles on my computer - I only log off or switch user to make sure the kids can't get on without my permission - they don't know my logon code), the TV loses the picture and goes grainy, but when I log back in, the TV does not "kick in" again. The only way to get the TV to display the second desktop after logging out or switching users seems to be to restart the computer entirely. If it reboots, it picks up the TV as second monitor again.

If you simply log in again, it does not pick up the TV as second monitor. Is this related to some setting that says the TV should only be the second monitor on the admin's account and not for "all users" or something? It is annoying to always be restarting my computer to watch a video on my TV. By the way, in all cases, the "Display" settings in control panel show the TV as the second monitor. But looking at the actual TV, all you see is a grainy screen that obviously is not being fed any clear signal.

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Dual Monitors Display The Same Image?

Jun 28, 2011

I had a hard disc crash, installed a new disk, upgraded to Windows 7 and now my dual monitors display the same image where before the crash they did not.

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Nvidia 9600M GT Dual Display Problem

Jul 11, 2009

I have an Nvidia 9600M GT on my laptop and driver 186.03

The problem is, there is no option in my Nvidia control panel to select whether I want the mouse to go to the external display via the left side of my screen or the right side. It always was on the right side, but suddenly its on the left.

Any ideas?

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Resolution Settings Dual Display Problem

Aug 10, 2009

I have a dual head setup that works ok. My issue though is that whenever I do a reboot, I have to go into display resolution settings and re-enable "extend" displays.

Is there a way to make this persistent? It's just annoying doing a reboot and having to spend time re-organizing your desktop every time.

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What Inexpensive Video Card For Dual Display ?

Dec 7, 2009

what inexpensive video card for dual display?

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Dual Display Problems With Build 7057

Mar 25, 2009

I've upgraded windows 7 from build 7000 to build 7057 (totall reinstall not just upgraded). My pc is connected to the TV (for movies and such), when the computer boots both displays work fine. After logon however I cannot get the second display to work. I can expand them all I want but, it simply won't work.

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Blank Screen With Cursor But No Log On Screen

Oct 3, 2009

I've been using my laptop for a while now and had a friend install Windows 7 onto it (because i'm quite rubbish with this sort of thing) and everything has been going great until a few weeks ago.

I loaded it up one day and everything is going fine until it reaches the part where it's supposed to load the log on screen. Instead of a log on screen all i am getting is a black screen with the cursor. Now i can't give you specs to my computer or anything of the like because i simply don't have access to it but i can give as much aid as possible to help find the problem.

One of the things that happens is that when the black screen & cursor appears if i move the mouse or push any buttons the screen goes VERY dim as if i've put it into a lower power mode or i've taken out the power cable. If i push the power button to turn it off even if it's just a tap on the button the screen will go off immediatly even if the laptop is still running.

One of the green lights that i believe is showing if the hard drive is busy or not flashes during the process but after a minute or so of the black screen it'll stop flashing altogether.

I've tried all three safe modes with all the same results, F8 to system repair has given me no love with startup repair finding NOTHING wrong, memory check running through the process only for the same thing to happen and system restore has no restore points to go to.

I've looked for answers in several places and some say i have to use sticky keys to get the screen to come on but the problem is that as of last nights use i turned sticky keys off for a few minutes so i could play a game and forgot to turn them back on afterwards. I've taken a look around the net and can't find a fix to my problem. Reinstall simply is not an option under my current circumstances so i really need a favourable reply.

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Blank Welcome Screen

Oct 27, 2009

well yeah used it on my windows vista it did make it faster and never had a problem(no I never bought it :P). then I upgrade to windows 7 and I ran it cleaned the error's and just screwed it up. I need to restore my registry, start up fix doesn't work and I don't have system restore on don't have a backup so I go to CMD in start up fix enter notepad look for files to restore stuff can't really find anything.

I can restore reg files by notepad I mean I tried a lot of stuff so is there any CMD command to restore registry or a reg file I can use to restore registry? tried sfc /scanow (i don't think it restore's registry only file's that are modded files that are not from Microsoft).

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Screen Went Blank

Jul 17, 2012

I also have an old computer with SATA hard drive running XP SP2, it is connected to samsung LCD tv, it was working properly for months but today while i was using it, the screen went blank(black) nothing showing on lcd, I tried every thing i can but of no use, even connected to other monior also but... nothing displaying, Cpu is running but when I tried to turn it off from power button it didnt response, have to switch it off from electric board.

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Windows 7 Does Not Restore Dual Display Config After A Reboot

Dec 27, 2010

I have a strange problem with 2 displays connected to my ATI HD4770 Video Card running the latest 10.12 drivers and AMD Control Center.

I have 2 displays connected to the card.

The display 1 (Samsung Syncmaster 225BW) runs at 1680 x 1050 and is the Main display with the Windows 7 Start Menu.

The display 2 (Phillips Brillance 230W) runs at 1920 x 1200. Physically it is located on the left side of display one.

I arrange the display either by using the Display / Screen Resolution Control Panel Applet or the Catalyst Control Center Desktops & Displays Applet.

Both works fine (drag display 2 to the left side of display 1, chance resolution from 1680 x 1050 to 1920 x 1200.

But when I restart my machine, after the reboot has finished and the desktop appears, my display settings are exactly as before the reboot.

But when Catalyst Control Center loads, it switches the display and reduces the resolution of the bigger one to that of the smaller main display.

Every time I have to manually restore my custom display settings (Arrangement, different resolution) Is there someone in Windows 7 forum which is expert for ATI and CCC running multiple displays in handling those glitches?

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GScreen Dual Display Spacebook Targets To Increase

Aug 31, 2009

Sometimes as an end mobile computing user, we may be too demanding especially when hoping to have a huge screen for multiple windows and applications running simultaneously but at the same time, we don’t want it to be too bulky for convenience when carrying along. However, with existing solution, we can’t go too far except relying on external LCD panel for display extension which is not always available.

Here is how the new innovative solution from gScreen that able to fill up the gap. Dubbed as Spacebook, it is claimed to be the first laptop model featured with dual 15.4-inch that can be slide out for display extension when necessarily. Read The Rest Here : GScreen Dual Display Spacebook Targets to Increase Productivity for Travelers » My Digital Life.

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Pentium Dual Core Display Or Video Driver

Jul 3, 2012

Display or video driver for Pentium dual core, provide a link..... Because of it the clarity of video is not good and I can't set a screensaver.

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CD / DVD Writer Not Working - Disc Blank After Burning Photos Or Music

Oct 7, 2012

My cd/dvd writer just seemed to stop working. I can burn photos or music onto a disc but when I try to look at it it just says disc is blank.

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