Desktop Files Are Visible In Windows Explorer But Not On It

Oct 4, 2010

I have 25 files and folders on my desktop but only 15 are visible when viewing the desktop directly. All of them are visible when viewing the desktop in Windows Explorer. I have two monitors configured as one and keep all desktop items on one of them. I've tried selecting everything with CTL-A while on the desktop and moving them around as a group, to see if the missing ones might have somehow scrolled off the screen, but that doesn't reveal them.

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Files Not Visible In Explorer

Oct 30, 2010

I have a program for which I need to save project data within its Program Files location in order for it to be displayed in the program.I can drag-drop files into that folder, load the program and see the files where they should be ...but then when I go to that folder through Windows Explorer, it appears empty.

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Contents Of CD/DVD Not Visible In Windows Explorer

Mar 27, 2009

I'm using 7057. Not sure when this problem started as I don't use CDs or DVDs that much. The drive works fine, ImgBurn works fine, all other programs seem to see the files on a disk fine, they just don't show up in Windows Explorer. I click on the drive in the "Navigation Pane" and nothing happens. I've tried two good DVD drives, uninstalled ImgBurn and PowerISO, still nothing.

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Windows 7 Desktop Shortcuts Are Only Partial Visible?

Feb 24, 2011

The desktop shortcuts are only partial visible. How can i change them back?

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Mouse Visible Under Remote Desktop?

Sep 9, 2011

We have recently upgraded to Windows 7 at work.Our work have enabled access to my main work machine which is still on XP. I have just logged in, and for some reason the mouse icon was still visible on the machine and it was really annoying.So, here how I was connected:

MyLaptop (Windows7 Home) > Secure RDC onto Windows XP > RDC onto Windows 7 Pro

Before the last machine was upgraded, there was no extra mouse visible, but suddenly there is another mouse icon following my mouse icon.

Is there anyway this extra mouse icon can be removed?]

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NAS Drive Not Visible To Desktop Anymore?

Jan 18, 2013

after doing a clean install of windows 7 pro im no longer able to map my nas drive.I can login to the admin page though using its ip i have tried alsorts, my laptop can still map it and i can access the files from it without any problems.

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 26 Stepping 5
Processor Count: 8
RAM: 6135 Mb
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470, 1280 Mb
Hard Drives: C:
Motherboard: ASUSTeK Computer INC., P6X58D-E
Antivirus: avast! Antivirus, Disabled

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BSOD With Desktop Already Visible - Lenovo X200

Aug 17, 2012

my BSOD with Win7proSp1 on lenovo x200Tablet occures from time to time at the end of boot time, when the desktop is already visible. The only change I made to the original settings was to disactivate Bluetooth drivers since I do not use them. The error was present however also before that.

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MS Office 2007 Programs Not Visible In Right Click On Desktop

Dec 4, 2012

Windows 7 was not functioning well, so it was re-installed using restore option, then MS Office 2007 was installed, but then on right clicking the desktop, in the new option ms office 2007 programs are not visible, but folder is visible.... whereas those programs are visible in start menu.

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Files And Programs Not Visible?

Oct 24, 2012

i have just created a second user on my laptop for my partner as im sick of having to re do my iTunes library every time she wants her iPod updating (we like different music).Google chrome is not visible neither are any of my music/pics or films that are on my main user profile. I have tried doing a google search to find a solution but can not make head nor tails of it

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Copied Files Not Visible On External HDD?

Feb 22, 2013

I recently got a new iMac so am trying to copy/move some files around. However ANY file i copy onto the hard disk (which is in NTFS format) are not visible in Win7. The folder into which i copied into is visible but shows size as 0 bytes, whereas there is around 1.7TB of data in that folder. ALl older folders which were created/modified in Win7 earlier are visible. If i attach the disk to the Mac, the the files are there.. Am using Paragon NTFS if that matters...

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Partition D Files Not Visible / No Access

Feb 13, 2012

I had Windows 7 Ultimate x64 installed.I caught a virus, could not get rid of it, kept getting forcefully logged off, and couldn't manage anything from safe mode, or do a sys. restore either.Quickly got irritated, and formatted C: drive and reinstalled.After installation I navigated to the D: partition, however, the explorer simply says that this folder is empty. under properties, the D: drive is still 37GB full and 231 GB empty, I do not have any other partitions.

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Shared Files Visible But Can't Copy?

Aug 6, 2011

I have a couple of desktops and laptops connected on a wired network. I have no problems accessing and copying files. This isn't about access denied or other machines not being visible. My issue is that one of my laptops can be accessed and I can move through all shared folders but sometimes when I try to copy a file from this machine the copy dialog opens but no data is being copied. The transfer rate stays at 0kb/s. Rebooting this machine helps partially, but file transfers will start at well below 1Mb/s and very slowly rise some during the copy. I don't have this issue with any other machine. In fact, I have never seen an issue like this. Most people have problems with read/write permissions, again, that's not my problem. Data just won't move when copying sometimes. All machines are running Windows 7 ultimate and avast 5. The laptop with this issue is a Toshiba e205, core i5, 4gigs ram, atheros ar8152 ethernet. Should also mention that I don't have a problem with other traffic on this connection such as internet or like I said accessing shared files in explorer. They just won't copy.

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Hidden Files On Computer Suddenly Became Visible ?

Aug 17, 2012

I've noticed that the hidden files on my computer suddenly became visible and I can't put them as hidden again.I've tried the "Don't show hidden files, folders, or drives option.

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Files On Network Computers Visible ONLY If Accessed Via IP Address?

Jan 11, 2012

I have 5 Windows 7 computers connected to the same homegroup/workgroup via a Cisco Linksys E1200. All four computers are HPs of various makes, 3 laptops (one of them is a $600 brick) and 2 desktops. Any computer that is awake and online, shows up (with its name) in Network on the other machinesHowever, double-clicking to view files on these computers returns the following message:Code: Windows cannot access \COMPNAMECheck the spelling of the name. Otherwise, there might be a problem with your network. Totry to identify and resolve network problems, click Diagnose.Details: Error code: 0x80070035 - The network path was not found.Diagnose, as expected, did nothing. However, here's the fun bit - when I try to access files on other computers by browsing their IP address, everything works perfectlyFor now, anyway. I'm expecting a sudden degradation any day now.

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Make Not Visible Files That Occupies Space Be Shown?

Jan 26, 2012

i have managed my partitions but i did not made any back ups and when my i explore my new partition, i have three same folders which look like a directory but they are all folders, the files are already absent but the disk's space is occupied by my recent files what will i do?

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WMC "Recorded TV" Files Suddenly No Longer Visible On SONY TV?

Aug 12, 2012

I changed my Windows Media Center "Recorded TV" folder to a different partition. After I recorded a program, I was able to view it on my PC and also "PLAY TO" my TV. I lost the ability to see those files from my SONY Bravia. I can still access my PC as a server and can view other video files, but the "Recorded TV" folder shows as empty, I switched back to my original partition and still no luck.HP Pavilion running Windows 7 premium 64

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When Save Files From Programs Onto Desktop / Cannot See Them Directly From Actual Desktop

Oct 26, 2011

When I save files from programs (aka Word, Photoshop, anything)onto my Desktop, I cannot see them directly from the actual desktop. I can only see them when I open up Explorer, and click on the Desktop tab. Then all my files are visible. I thought they were hidden...but they apparently aren't.It possibly seems like a refresh error.I did find a way around this..I go to Control Panel >> Appearance and Personalization >> Under Folder Options >> Show Hidden Files and Folders. I click on Reset folders, Apply, and then OK, and my missing files pop up on my actual desktop.But from then on, any new files I save are only visible in Explorer again. I don't want to go to Control Panel everytime I have to save something to the desktop? I've run Norton and Microsoft Essentials and I have no viruses. What can I do?I just found out I can also see my files after pressing f5 (refresh)so I guess the problem is HOW do I get my computer to refresh the desktop automatically?

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Can No Longer View Desktop In Windows Explorer

Dec 25, 2011

unfortunately I downloaded a virus, and when I discovered it I think I cleaned it up using "WiseFixer", but now I can no longer see a link to my desktop in Windows Explorer under "Favorites." I must drill down into the system to find the desktop. I have tried dragging the desktop back to the Favorites but it still does not show up. Any suggestions on how I can get the link to the desktop back up under favorites in Windows Explorer?

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(windows Explorer) In Navigation Pane Everything Is Under Desktop

Nov 24, 2012

I was browsing my computer when i noticed in the navigation pane (left hand side of windows explorer) everything was under desktop.

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Right Click On Desktop - Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working

Mar 25, 2011

When have to right click on desktop and Windows explorer I get the message "Windows Explorer has stopped Working" Restarting Windows explorer. This makes it difficult to do anything that requires a right click.

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Cannot See Files In Windows Explorer

May 23, 2012

i have a dell inspiron and it runs windows 7. i have been happy with the computer, but something serious and strange has happened. I open my files in windows Explorer, so for example I have a folder with excel files. so, anyway, i have attached a pic of Explorer and you can see that the 52 files are still there, but i can only see 2 in Explorer. This has happened to all excel, word and pictures. I am a scrapbook maker so i have lots of files (and all diligently backed up on 2 back-up drives), but i cannot see those files either, although the size indicates that they are all there, just now not visible to me.

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU 550 @ 3.20GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 5
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 7991 Mb
Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics, -324 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 939685 MB, Free - 732498 MB;
Motherboard: Dell Inc., 0C2KJT
Antivirus: McAfee Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware, Updated and Enabled

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Files Hidden In Windows Explorer

May 27, 2012

Many of my music files are suddenly hidden in Windows 7 Explorer, but visible in I-Tunes, WMP and Media Monkey

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Sorting Files With Windows 7 Explorer

Nov 19, 2012

I would like to help people who are as irritated with Windows7 explorer as I am. Second, I would like to spark a reaction from Windows developers and maybe understand why the -7explorer is as painful as it is.I would like to sort, rename and visualise the large number of photos I have. While everything was working perfectly with the previous Windows versions I had, these basic tasks have become nearly impossible with Windows7. Cancelling the automatic sorting is difficult, renaming files results in the explorer getting lost and visualising files per alphabetic order appears to be impossible. Finally, even having a good layout on the screen is mission impossible after moving or renaming a few files. At this point I hasten to add that I am not a beginner with windows or computing in general. I have used previous Windows versions for years both at home and at work, and can do my own bits of code if needs be.The only solution found so far: After doing a fair amount of reading (and wasting a lot of time), I decided the only solution was to go for an alternative to Windows7 explorer. I personally chose to download FreeCommander but there are many other alternatives. So far it answers all my needs and I have stopped using Windows7 explorer.My question to Windows developers:Why on earth wreck a product that worked so well before? This is beyond me and I would sincerely like to understand. Anyway my message is as simple as the problem: Microsoft you should be careful, there is a lot of competition out there and if you continue to upset regular customers to such an extent, it is only a matter of time before someone else takes over!

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Windows 7 Explorer Search .rar Files?

Feb 5, 2013

My windows search is not showing up .rar files as its results (I think I remember them showing up before), I checked the folder options and index options but both search for compressed files and indexing .rar is checked

Is this a registry problem or something else?

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Files Are Intact But Windows Explorer Can't See Them

May 29, 2011

My problem is that my files and folders don't show up under windows explorer.The files and folders are intact, and they DO show up with Tree Size Free, for example, AND THEY ARE ACCESSIBLE! That is, I can view photos and watch video if I launch it from Tree Size Free.So the files are not deleted or anything. They are just not visible to windows explorer.The files and folders don't show up under windows explorer, but the space they occupy is registered so if I right click on the drive and go to properties, it shows all the used space it should, it just won't show the files USING the used space!Again, the files DO show up using other software such as Tree Size Free, and they are accessible and work properly.Any idea why windows explorer cannot see the files, folders or access them?

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All Exe Files Are Now Open With Windows Explorer

Jul 15, 2012

my all exe. files are now open with windows explorer(used for open folders).

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Windows Explorer Does Not Show All Files?

Jan 19, 2013

On a Windows XP box I used a web design program Arachnophilia. I've now copied the web page files over to a Windows 7 box. I can open web pages using this package but when I save them and go into Windows Explorer they don't show. I have the option set to show hidden files so that isn't the answer. I need to see them in Explorer as I want to amend them then copy them to a different folder.

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Way To Find Programs Files In Windows Explorer

Feb 22, 2011

Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit.( I hate this program )I had Solitaire and Mahjong and after running check disc, they are gone. I had them on the desktop and now they are missing. I still have Hearts, Free Cell, and Spider Solitaire.How do I get these back? I would like to find them and not have to use restore.I did a search, typing in the text box, and they did not show up. Also is there a way to find the Programs files in Windows Explore? I can't find this director, can it be done?

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Windows 7 Explorer Won't Allow Files To Be Saved To Documents?

Sep 19, 2010

Since last Tuesday's Microsoft Windows Update, my Windows Explorer is experiencing a number of issues.The update hung for hours on "preparing to update" or some such thing.I had to manually shut the computer off several times and finally tried the safe mode start, which warned me that the update was not fully done.Now, when I click on Favorites/My Documents, it hangs; like it is searching but when the shaded bar gets to the end, it stays there and Explorer freezes. When I click on any the window, it goes whitish and a message pops up asking if I want to continue waiting or should the program be closed. I shut the program down.If I click any other item on Favorites or Libraries, even Documents within Libraries, Explorer does ok.

When I try to save a file in Photoshop or Dreamweaver or any other program, a message pops up saying the program failed to respond and gives me the option to wait or close the program.Even if I try to print to PDF, it does the same thing.In other words any time I need to save any item from within any program, the programs freeze. I even changed the save folder in PDF Phantom, from documents to downloads and still it won't save.My next step will probably be PC Restore and to hell with everything.

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Windows 7 Explorer - Removing Orphan Files?

Aug 15, 2012

I'm running Windows 7 and have been unable to remove the below entry from my windows explorer download folder. When I trying deleting the file, I received an error message stating unable to locate the file.


I've trying removing the file from the command prompt, safe mode, and other advanced uninstaller programs, but they can't locate the file.

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Windows 7 File Explorer Deleted Files?

Jul 3, 2010

I wanted to consolidate data from other disks that I had so I could use those disks to convert an existing Windows 7 installation into a RAID array. So I hooked up additional 2 x 500GB disks that contained files and previous installations of Windows and a 1TB drive to copy the files I wanted to keep. These two 500GB other disks were used for Vista in the past and both had been used as primary hard disks (ie they both had independent OS's installed).After booting up, I proceeded to browse through the disks and decided what I wanted to keep and what I didn't want to keep. I had to change permissions here and there to get access to the old Vista directories etc. All well and good so far.I have C: (Windows 7 installation), G: (old Vista disk) and F: (another old Vista disk). For all other installs including the Windows 7, I used the same username. For convenience sake, lets call my username billgates.So, C:, G: and F: all had directories USERS/billgates directories.Following this so far?When I browsed to F:usersillgates, I was seeing files from that directory plus files from c:usersillgates even though the location in windows explorer was saying f:usersillgates

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