Crashes After Windows 7 Boot Screen?

Oct 25, 2012

I was given an HP Pavilion DV-6 3030us. When I turn it on a black screen comes up that reads a disc read error occured. This is after the screen that reads the computer was shut down because it overheated. I've tried to reinstall Windows 7 with no success. It gets past the loading files and goes to a blue screen. It reads the system shutdown for an error and a bunch of numbers.

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Crashes On Windows 7 Boot Screen?

May 17, 2011

Specs:[CODE]I get a choice of the usual options (safe mode, last know good config etc) but none of them work, they all stall and it restarts itself.I tried putting in my windows 7 disk and doing the repair, but again that fails to load properly it just stays on the blue windows screen. I also tried reinstalling windows... but it stalls on the 'windows is setting up' screen.I did do a memory diagnostic and it said there was a problem with hardware and to contact the manufacturer, but I can't get my head round how it just happens overnight.This has just totally stumped me, it's a top spec machine, I didn't expect this to randomly happen. I need the files that are on it, so wiping the drive isn't really option for me.

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Laptop Crashes, Random Pattern On Screen / Blue-screen?

Dec 19, 2011

one day it suddenly crashed while i was watching a movie. it displayed random patterns on screen. kinda like part of the image from the video is on the screen then a black strip and random colors. I restarted the unit to safe mode and left it on and browsed the net and downloaded some big files for how many hours and nothing happened.. there are also times when windows is still loading with the windows logo on screen, it crashes. there are also times when the login screen is displayed and it crashes. it just crashes randomly! so i tried to reformat it. i deleted the partitions and created a new one, formatted it then fresh installed windows 7 ( my previous OS is windows 7 by the way) and started installing the basic drivers and after a few hours, it crashed again...thinking that the driver installed might not be compatible, i tried another fresh install of windows (same execution, delete partition, create, install OS) and this time, without installing the drivers, it crashed again after a few hours... sometimes it crashes immediately after turning it on from cold start!

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Changing The Windows 7 Boot Screen Back To Vista's Boot Screen?

Nov 18, 2011

I find that the Windows 7 boot screen slows down the boot process on my machine. Is there a way to restore the old Vista scrolling loading bar? I know it's there as my netbook uses it.

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Windows 7 Display / Screen Crashes?

Jun 29, 2011

Recently I got rid of my Windows XP and installed Windows 7. In the beginning I didn't notice any discrepancies and I started filling my computer with useful programs. I was interrupted by a crash that basically makes the screen become dark blue with lines going diagonal. Also what was strange was that when I used button combos such as alt+F4 and ctrl+alt+del it changed color and I could hear background noise the same as when it is running normally. Therefore, to sum it up, my monitor display crashes randomly even upon startup or when I use some programs. As a result I tried the Windows 7 compatibility checker and everything seemed alright.

OS: Windows 7 32-bit
CPU:Intel(R) Core(TM) Duo 6300 1.86 GHz

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Windows 7 Crashes By Screen Going Black Sometimes Reboots?

Apr 2, 2012

SYS Specs
Windows 7 ultimate x64
Intel i7 m 620 @2.67Ghz 2.66Ghz
Nvidia geforce gt 330 m
500GB HD

Just recently been getting a crash when the display will go black and not respond again an I have to manually turn off an on the computer or (very rarely) it will reboot. If I have music or any sound being played through the speakers at the time, the sound gets all distorted and turns into static. I have reformated and i still get the problem so I don't think it is software, I have also ran hardware checks and all the main components seem fine. I can turn it on first thing in the morning and it will run good for a few hours then crash, also I can leave it on stand by almost all day with no problem then wake it an it only takes a few minutes of browsing the net for it to crash and after that it will crash within 30min of reboot.

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Windows 7 Crashes With Black Screen While Browsing

Jan 5, 2013

I have just built a brand-new rig from entirely new parts 2 days ago, and at random times when I'm browsing the web, my screen goes black, and nothing responds. After restarting my computer, this problem persists, although never on the same pages. I run Windows 7 SP1, and have all the new updates. I use chrome as my browser, but it has never done this to me before on any of my previous computers.

My PC specs are as follows:
i5 3570K
Xigmatek Dark Knight Cooler
8GB Corsair Vengance DDR3/1600 RAM
MSI HD7770 Power Edition OC 1GB/GDDR5
1TB Seagate Barracuda 7200RPM HDD
Seasonic S12II Bronze 620W PSU
Samsung DVD/CD Burner
NZXT Phantom 410 Mid-Tower Chassis

Although I do not believe it to be a memory issue, I have run memtest and gotten 3 passes in a row. I have not otherwise run any diagnostic or stress tests on my PC, as I am not familiar with how to do so.

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Windows Crashes After Boot, Text Not Displayed

Jul 31, 2012

Whenever I try to boot my computer the "welcome" message on the start up does not appear. The graphics appear to be changed a little, but can successfully login to my account . The desktop icons are displayed without the corresponding descriptive text for example I can see computer icon but not the "My computer" tag same with all icons. Right clicking on anything pops up a menu without text just a white box. Clicking activity never works and the system just crashes with a blue screen or a blank screen in few seconds.The issue started after I ran sfc/scanow command through command promt. I got several errors in system files which it fixed but not for the good(apparently the tool suppose to help users got me in trouble). Subsequent attempts yielded no errors. safe mode just displays windows icon , nothing else.Some history: I have previously used several theme softwares which tweak the system files but uninstalled it later. I tried to repair the installation using the DVD but it couldn't find any problems. Also the DVD is without servive pack 1 and I have Windows 7 SP1. couldn't uninstall SP1 through command line it just pops a blank white screen I have lots of engineering software tools I use for my college work so cannot afford a disk clean up as I don't have installation dvd's and cannot afford another student's licence.

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Windows Crashes After Boot, Text Not Displayed?

Jul 31, 2012

Whenever I try to boot my computer the default "welcome" message on the start up does not appear. The graphics appear to be changed a little, but can successfully login to my account . The desktop icons are displayed without the corresponding descriptive text for example I can see computer icon but not the "My computer" tag ,same with all icons. Right clicking on anything pops up a menu without text just a white box. Clicking activity never works and the system just crashes with a blue screen or a blank screen after few seconds.

The issue started after I ran sfc/scanow command through command promt. I got several errors in system files which it fixed but not for the good(apparently the tool suppose to help users got me in trouble). Subsequent attempts yielded no errors. safe mode just displays windows icon , nothing else.

Some history: I have previously used several theme softwares which tweak the system files but uninstalled it later.

I tried to repair the installation using the DVD but it couldn't find any problems. Also the DVD is without servive pack 1 and I have Windows 7 pro SP1. couldn't uninstall SP1 through command line it just pops a blank white screen

I have lots of engineering software tools I use for my college work so cannot afford a disk clean up as I don't have installation dvd's and cannot afford another student's licence.

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Blue Screen Crashes Frequently Occurring In Windows 7 Laptop

Jan 4, 2013

Blue screen crashes are frequently occurring in my laptop. If it runs for 2 hours continuously.

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Computer Crashes Often When Screen Switches Off

Mar 17, 2012

Have an MSI laptop that runs Windows 7 32 bit version. Recently it has a tendency to reboot when I come back to use it after the screen has switched off. When I get back, there is the blue screen and then it asks whether I want to reboot as normal. Upon restart it says that Windows closed down unexpectadly etc.I have tried to look at the crash dump files, but I must admit I am not that much closer to understand what the problem is. It happens a few times a day. Could it be related to the HDMI cable that I have recently purchased and occasionally plug in/out during the day in order to watch movies over the TV? However, it crashes also when the cable is not in.


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Driver Crashes And Screen Goes Blank

Dec 14, 2012

Once in a while (once a day for the past 3 days) my computer screen goes blank (black) and everything freezes. Once it happened while I had a song playing and the music kept going for another 20 seconds or so until it freezes and makes a buzzing sound. I had this problem before in the past but it disappeared when I created a new profile (because my old one got corrupted due to the crashes). I believe it is my display driver that crashes as in the past it has recovered once, and it said it was the display driver that stopped working. I believe I have the most up to date drivers as I went to device manager and clicked update and it noted that I have the most up to date drivers on my video card. These crashes happen when I am browsing the web, and not playing video games.

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Intermittent Crashes To The Blue Screen

Apr 22, 2012

Built up a new computer for doing solidworks design, and am having intermittent crashes to the blue screen. Ive attached the dmp file, was wondering if anyone could tell me what is crashing? I have about 2 weeks left on return for my components.

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Indows Crashes With Blue Screen?

Apr 24, 2012

this is the second time my windows crashes with blue screen.

full retail

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Ati 5850 Crashes On Full Screen

Nov 4, 2009

I have a ati sapphire 5850 video card and every time I expand a window to full screen watching videos on you tube it crashes. Any ideas guys.

Here is the set-up.

Gigabyte Ga-p55-ud4p Ver. f3 bios
ati sapphire 5850 vc 9.10 catalyst
windows 7(64bit) home prem
core i5 750
4g corsair ddr3 dual channel
750w antec true power psu

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Audio Missing When Screen Crashes?

Dec 3, 2012

my desktop runs on a LED TV and for some reasons whenever i run Diablo 3 my Screen wil turn black and recovers immediately but my audio does not?

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Windows 7 Crashes After Windows Logo Just Before The Login Screen?

Jan 25, 2012

alright about a week ago my pc kept rebooting himself, tried to fix it by doing virus scans, i did have a nasty worm virus but that was from MSN (worm)

anyway since a few days my pc wont boot in Windows 7 at all, so i went to my mate and borrowed his windows 7 disc, i tried to repair it but it said i cant do it, so i formated my 3x hard drives (wanted to do that anyway) and re-installed windows7 on the hard drives, still this dint fixed the problem.

yesterday i got Hirens Boot CD 15.1 from my mate and i could run a mini xp from the cd, i did a Hard drive scan and appearantly 2x of the 3x hard drives where a bit damaged. i still can go on my pc via the awesome tool from Motherboard Asus expres Gate, but cant start Windows 7.

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Crashes To Blank (black) Screen While Gaming?

Dec 23, 2011

My computer frequently crashes to a blank (black) screen when I play games like TES V or Fable III, and leaves me no alternative but to do a hard reset with the power button. I've cleaned out the air vents several times to no avail, and I'm pretty sure my video drivers are up to date. As far as I can tell the CPU isn't being overused either.I've had a very similar problem before, and last time cleaning the vents out with a compressed air can did the trick. The only difference last time is that it wasn't always a blank screen, sometimes it hard weird vertical lines all over it.

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Computer Blue Screen Crashes While Playing Rift?

Apr 21, 2011

Computer blue screen crashes while playing Rift.

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Blue Screen (BCCode 7F) / Random Crashes And Freezes

Sep 9, 2011

I have a:
Gateway NV53A AMD Phenom 11 X2 N660
ATI Mobility Radeon HD4250 and 3GB DDR3 Memory and 320GB HDD

I am running Windows 7 64 bit. It crashes basically whenever computer goes to sleep mode and when I try to hit enter and wake up the system from sleep mode I get this blue screen issue and below is what I get.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7601.
Locale ID:1033

Additional information about the problem:
OS Version:6_1_7601
Service Pack:1_0

Files that describe the problem:

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Black Screen Crashes When Playing MW2 Or Low Resouce Tasks Too

Dec 26, 2011

I updated my system from XP to Win 7. I clean installed Windows 7 onto a new HDD and installed the necesarry things I needed onto the new HDD. I have since been getting a series of black screeen crashes at many and varied times and whilst doing many different things. Sometimes my computer crashes when playing Mopdern Warfare 2, but sometimes it is just when surfing the internet, or just whilst idle. It is very frustrating and I have tried many things to try and rectify the problem, including trying to uninstall Comodo Firewall which i though was the initial problem, and also Realtek Audio Dirvers, to no avail. There is relitivly little bloatware on my PC at the moment as I plan on upgrading my system onto a SSD in the new year, so I am doing without iTunes and such like until 2012. [code]

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Safe Mode Crashes After Displaying Logon Screen

May 1, 2012

After attempting to start my PC in Safe Mode to uninstall a graphics driver, it loaded drivers normally only to crash a few seconds after displaying the logon screen, which immediately caused the computer to load Windows normally. This error has been repeated countless times with the same result.

I have only tried to start up 'normal' Safe Mode. Sometimes key strokes are accepted (one time I had enough time to start inputting my password), but mostly, Safe Mode loads drivers, flashes the logon screen, and crashes.

Any ideas/advice? I have had this computer for 3 years now and this is the first time I have tried to start it in Safe Mode. If it matters, it's a Studio 1737, 8 GB ram, etc., more details can be provided if necessary.

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Laptop Crashes / Screen Blacks Out - No Integrity Errors

May 13, 2012

I have an ongoing problems with Crashes on my laptop they are rarely BSODs and are usually just like interrupts which black out my screen and cause me to have to restart my laptop. My laptop also occasionally freezes on the windows screen or when I finally log into my account.

Dump Files Attachment 211598
System Health Report Attachment 211600
System Info Attachment 211599

Some more information: I run AVG bought and paid for as my Anti Virus system and have preformed numerous full scans with no problems at all. I also have AVG PC Tune up which i check often and scan for to optimize my Laptops performance once again besides the usual defrag nothing serious has ever been captured. I Have the free version of Malware Bytes, didn't start the trial so its always on my computer. Again Scans come up impeccably clean. I downloaded and used Memtest86+ ran 10 passes completely clean nothing was reported in need of fixing.

Sfc /scannow came back as no integrity errors. An Extended Version of Windows Memory Diagnostics with 5 passes came back clean also. There is no overheating of any sort. I do However use an external Hard drive to Store most of my video games in (WoW, LoL, SWtoR, Diablo 3, Warcraft 3). And after multiple crashes the Software needed to access my Hard Drive "Stops Working" and ill need to uninstall and re install it. Its a WD Smartware product. I feel like I'm flipping a coin when I turn on my laptop because it will crash numerous times and then finally that one time my laptop runs smooth w/o a problem.

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Random Crashes During All Games Black Screen And Have To Hard Reset

Dec 3, 2011

black screen usually no errors just a black screen sound will lag and freeze up have to hard reset it no blue screens usually here is the latest mini dump file.

this is the latest mini dump file most the time my comp never blue screens just hangs black so i never knew there was mini dump files still coming in and i have a bunch of those but this is the latest one.

had a driver issue a while back was getting blue screens from it but i completely erased it out of drivers folder and win32 drivers folder which was locked but i used a reg editor here that made it possible to take ownership of a folder and then i completely deleted it out of my system so i think.

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Screen Crashes + Recovers - Then Gives 'Display Driver' Error Message?

Feb 14, 2012

My laptop goes totally black for about 2 -3 seconds, and then completely recovers. A pop-up error message then says:"Display Driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered."This has now happened several times, at random, while I'm on my laptop. Doesn't seem to matter what I'm working on at the time.

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Bad Pool Header Error - Installation Crashes With Blue Screen

Oct 8, 2009

i m on a amd dual core 5200, abit k9n with latest bios, ati 4830, 2gb ram 800mhz (2x1)

i have downloaded from my university Windows 7 x64 version (the free copy for students build 7600) but i have also tryed 2 other versions (rc i think, both 64 and 32) with no success.

first of all, the starting installation page is very slow, after 4-5 minuts on "setup is starting" (advance mode, not upgrade), and at the second step (expanding windows files 0%)

installation crashes with blue screen:

first time i get: bad pool header error

second time i m on another blue screen: "a device driver attemptingto corrupt the system has been caught. the faulty driver currently on the kernel stack must be replaced.."

now i will try the 3rd time to install in "safe mode" and i post new info here.

if u need something more to know for helping me ill provide them as fast as possible.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot - Black Screen, Without Anything On Screen?

Jul 13, 2011

advent roma 3000 is not starting, when I turn it on, only black screen and the sound of movement, which comes on and off.

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Dell Inspiron Zino HD Constantly Crashes - Blue / Black Or Striped Screen

Dec 28, 2011

Running a Dell Inspiron Zino HD. Constantly crashes, get either a blue screen, black screen or stripes. Usually says something about a crash dump but goes blank before I can read.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot Past Windows Splash Screen - Will Boot To Safe Mode

Dec 29, 2011

WIndows 7 premium home version on a lenovo laptop freezing at splash screen. I can boot into safe mode just fine. Whereby I have to run a system restore back to an older date but the issue still comes back up and this seems to be especially true when trying to wake it from sleep mode.

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Whenever Boot Up Computer It Shows Advent Logo-screen / Where Can Access Boot Menu

May 7, 2012

I am running an Advent desktop PC and its stats are as follows; Intel Core i5-2310 CPU @ 2.90GHz 8GB RAM Win 7 64 bit.The problem I am having is when ever i boot up the computer it shows the Advent logo-screen where I can access the boot menu etc but then it goes to a black screen with a cursor/underscore flashing in the top left... This screen stays for quite a while and I am not sure if it stops because of a key I have pressed or just because it has run its course but after it disappears the computer goes back to the logo-screen for a moment and proceeds to boot up as normal except slightly slower than usual.It is a relatively new computer and it has no problems running at all once the boot up is complete it is fast and as friendly as ever.

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Black Screen With A Non-blinking Underscore After Boot-screen?

Sep 9, 2010

I just upgraded to Windows 7 on my Toshiba Satellite Special Edition laptop that came with Vista 64bit and the other night i downloaded iTunes 10 and told me to restart my machine so I clicked ok and then my laptop shut off and when it came back on the Toshiba screen came up as usual but seemed to stay on longer than normal then it goes to a black screen with a underscore that blinks for a few moments then becomes solid. Ive tried to use the "F" keys to get different boot options because i have the windows 7 ISO disc and a ubuntu disc that I could use but whatever i try my laptop wont process it just does the same thing over and over again and bever proceeds to the actually boot up windows.

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