Computer Slow And Constant Freezing, And Can't Boot Into Safe Mode

Nov 20, 2012

This morning i turned on my PC, and for the first few minutes it worked fine, but then it turned horrible. Everything froze when i attempted to click it or even hover my cursor over it. I tried to open task manager to shut down Firefox, but it took around ~20 minutes for task manager to open. Once everything was closed, I scanned with MBAM Pro and nothing was found, so I read about this on other sites. They said to clean the registry with a program called WiseCleaner. It took me 15 minutes to get it, but when it finished scanning it found 853 problems in the registry. I also defragmented the registry. Also, whenever I try to boot into safe mode, my computer freezes at CLASSPNP.SYS. Not sure what to do now, as no improvement was made.

Specs: Windows 7 Home Premium SP1, Intel Core i7 Q740, 6 gigs of RAM, ATI Radeon 5850m

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Computer Freezing After Logon (safe Mode Works)?

Jul 16, 2012

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5300 @ 2.60GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10
Processor Count: 2
RAM: 4094 Mb
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 220, 1024 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 702610 MB, Free - 547651 MB; D: Total - 12690 MB, Free - 2255 MB;
Motherboard: MSI, Boston
Antivirus: McAfee Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware, Updated and Enabled

My computer keeps freezing seconds after it logs in. I am not sure what to do and would like some help please. I also ran hijack this and got this result.

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4
Scan saved at 10:08:09 PM, on 7/16/2012
Platform: Windows 7 SP1 (WinNT 6.00.3505)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v9.00 (9.00.8112.16447)
Boot mode: Safe mode with network support


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Laptop Running Slow, Will Not Boot In Safe Mode?

Feb 14, 2013

I happened to run across this forum while searching for answers to my computer troubles through Google.Here's the issue, my laptop is no more then a year old.  It's a Dell Model N5040 running Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1.  For the past week or so my computer has been running increasingly slower, and i cannot for the life of me figure out why.I am only using 36gb of a 446gb hard drive, I have 4gb of ram and have run a virus scan, disk cleanup, and a disk defrag..  It does not run slower while doing certain things infact it seems to selectively slow down.  I attempted to complete a disk check of my C drive.  This has found a few bad sectors which have been either removed during the check or manually however after a week of attempting to run the disk check I have yet to fully complete a single check.  It will freeze at some point on every step and never recover.

I use Trend Micro Titanium as my virus protector and I have even attempted to use their house call software to check if maybe my virus softare was compromised   I have used Spybot search and destroy and CCleaner in an attempt to clear up any clutter and/or spy/malware.  My only conclusion is that maybe some Windows driver was deleted by mistake through CCleaner.  I have attempted to start my computer in safe mode however even this cannot be completed, it freezes and never recovers.Nevertheless, I am at an impass i am unsure on where I go from here and would obviously prefer to fix this myself rather then let some self proclaimed "tech" at a shady I.T. company tell me i need a new computer because they cant figure it out either.

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Windows 7 In Constant Safe Mode?

Aug 1, 2011

My Windows 7 on a Lenovo lap top is constantly running safe mode at start up.

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Can't Boot Computer In Normal Mode Or Safe Mode

Oct 5, 2012

I can't boot my computer in normal mode or safe mode. When I try to do so, after the "starting windows" page the only things that come up are my mouse, a black screen/background, and a "logonui.exe-bad image- Authui.dll isn't designed to run on windows" error/message (not the exact message). I can't use a system restore (it can't find a restore point), the image recovery tool finds no image to restore from, system repair either doesn't find a problem or can't fix the problem, and basically nothing else works (none of the advanced boot options or other various buttons and tools do anything noticeable). I've even tried to use sfc in command prompt, but whenever I do any sfc things at all (/scannow, verifyonly, verifyfile, etc.) it says there is a system repair pending that requires a reboot. I've restarted 7-8 times and the exact same message keeps coming up. I'm looking for any general help I can get right now, [I can post my computer specifics in an hour when I have time](posted a few). I have an HP pavilion dv6-6135dx wiht Windows 7 x64.Processor: AMD a8-3500m APU, raedon graphics bios vender/version: insyde, f. 20.I'm having trouble getting more info because my computer is still crashing occasionally and I don't really know what else is relevant; if you need more, I might need directions on how to get it. Especially if it involves command prompt.I should also add that it has been crashing more often than I think is normal ever since I got it, but recently it BSODed 3-4 times a day. I have antivirus and also ran a full malwarebytes scan yesterday, and it only found one little issue which was resolved.

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Computer Can't Boot Through Safe Mode Or Normal Mode

May 24, 2012

I seem to be having quite the problem on a computer of mine. After recently installing the directx sdk I am unable to logon through normal or safe mode. When I try to boot up normally, I log in but then the monitors go black but everything else seems to run. Pressing ctrl alt delete works and brings up the screen again but if I try to select task manager for example the screen goes black again. When I boot up through safe mode the computer restarts seconds after loading the windows logon screen.

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Constant BSOD Memory Management, Even In Safe Mode

May 17, 2012

The CPU, heatsink, motherboard and RAM came premade by 3XS from SCAN. I have made sure it's all seated properly etc.

Intel i7 2600 @ 3.4gb
8gb RAM Corsair Vengeance
Win 7 64 fresh install
Radeon HD 7850 Graphics Card.
Asus z77 motherboard.

However after about a week of usage with no errors all of a sudden I have started getting the odd BSOD, and today I have had about 20, even in safe mode.

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Computer Will Only Boot In Safe Mode

Aug 7, 2012

my Sony VAIO VGC-LA3 seems to have a problem. I recently did a clean install of windows 7, which was no problem and completely drama free. I then sourced all the relevant drivers and installed a few essential programs and updates to get the machine up and running. I was then prompted into doing a restart so the updates could be installed. Upon restart the machine came on, start up options flashed up as normal and proceeded to the windows loading screen. The screen then goes black and shows no sign of coming back on until I bet the 'blue screen of death' 5 minutes later. The HDD and WIFI light do flash during these 5 mins. Then the computer restarts after the BSOD and says that Windows wasn�t shut down correctly etc� I chose to start normally and the same thing happens again. I then chose to start in Safe Mode With Networking and the machine would go through the start up procedure as expected, loading the OS with only basic drivers. I have tried wiping the hard drive and doing another installation of 7, with no success, and have also tried Vista, with the same result.

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Computer Will Not Boot Normally, Must Use Safe Mode

Dec 24, 2012

Whenever I would boot my computer, the splash screen would hang and would not move onto the password screen. I would then have to restart my computer and activate safe mode so I can access system restore, find a restore point and go back to how it was earlier. I know for a fact that the Windows updates have been the key problem here, so I always backtrack a few system restores before that.

Now, the problem has come back and my restore points are ALL GONE. As I'm typing this, I am running SFC /SCANNOW, and here is the message that comes up at the end:


Also, I cannot access system protection. On the System page, there are only three options, when there should be four. What is going on here? If I try to restart my computer without safe mode, it will just hang again.

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HP Dv9000 9930us - Constant BSOD After Install Only Works In Safe Mode

Oct 27, 2009

I've got:

HP notebook a Pavillion dv9000 9930us
4 gig DDR2 SDRAM
Nvidia Geforce 8600M GS
320 gig HD
Was: Windows Vista Home Premium x64
Now: Windows 7 Ultimate x64

and windows 7 does not love me. Every time I install things look to be going smoothly, then on the first boot (and from then on) every time I try to access any admin privileges I get the BSOD usually from IRQ, or page memory or a number of messages and the computer immediately reboots. This isn't a problem when I'm in safe mode, but when I'm there it shows that all the hardware is installed and working. Even then safe mode only gives me about 2 hours before it BSODs again.

Does this laptop just hate windows 7 or is there something I can do about this?

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Computer Will Not Boot Up Normal Or Safe Mode?

Mar 11, 2012

my computer will not boot up normally or in the safet mode after installing Norton Power Eraser. Performed the following actions:1. Attempted to use System Restore, program will run but failed.2. System Repair also failed.3. Performed the following steps from your Forum Dated Feb 2012 (Computer will not boot after using NortonPower Eraser echnician is OH MYa. Diagnose Blue Screen Error 0x0000007b (0xFFFFFF88009A98E8, 0xFFFFFFFFC000000D, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000.Performed a Chkdsk/r from Recovery Environment, no problems detected.Can only boot it up after reseting "/NOEXECUTE=OPTIN" all the time.

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Computer Wont Boot In Safe Mode?

Oct 29, 2012

I have a Dell Studio XPS8100 running with Windows7 Home Premium Service Pack1, 64-bit OS.When I purchased it I also had Dell put in a Tv card (Hauppauge WinTv HVR-1250) figuring I might be able to watch some of the Tv Channels from the area where my family lives.Anyway here are the list of issues I have been having over the past couple years. The first issue I noticed was when I went into Windows Media Center and clicked the Internet TV feature or the program, the Windows Media Center program would shut down. So I called Dell and they worked on the issue for a couple of sessions that included numerous hours of my time and might I add the difficulties in understanding the tech, but the end result was that the issue was never fixed and so I just gave up on the tv feature all together and started using the computer to do Cad drawings which is the main reason I had purchased the unit.

Over the next couple of years working with the unit I noticed that once in a while Explorer would stop working and restart itself once in a while, Then the other day I installed a new Cad program and the program would starts itself to the part of the program where I would start using it and then just dissapears of the screen.In the same fashion that Media Center did. So in trying to figure out if I could fix the issue, thinking that perhaps another program might be conflicting with the Cad program, I decided to start the computer in Safe Mode, when I do that the computer boots in safe mode to the Log in window where I have to put my Administrator password and then automaticly restarts itself in Normal mode without letting me put any of my password in.Other things I did was add the title of my cad program to the allow list of the firewall, I have scanned the whole system five times with different Malware and virus program with no virus or infections found.

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Constant Freezing Of Computer?

Dec 2, 2011

so at first i had some problems with athrxusb.sys ive taken the wireless router off and think i deleted all files associated with it but i keep getting random freezes screen turns black and sound hangs up... so here is my latest mini dump file, could anyone be of assitance?

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Computer Only Starts In Safe Mode - Reselect Boot Device

Oct 7, 2012

I have an ASUS laptop, yesterday i left it alone for a few hours and I came back to a message saying "reselect boot device" I was able to get past that, I am not sure how but I did. Now today if I try to run my laptop in regular start up it freezes about 5 minutes later and then goes to blue screen. I can run my laptop in safe mode and safe mode with networking fine. I do not have any restore points (wasn't aware that windows 7 didn't automatically create restore points) so I can't restore back to a previous version. I can get a boot log and a cbs log. I don't know if its a hardware problem (I dropped my laptop two days ago about a foot and a half and it landed flat, no dents or anything. It worked fine after that) or if its a virus problem. I recently downloaded a new album (same day I dropped my laptop) but it worked fine after that as well.

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Computer Reboots After 'starting Windows', Cannot Boot Into Safe Mode

Nov 21, 2011

Computer rebooted after 'starting windows' When starting in safe mode, it rebooted after loading classpnp.sys

This happened after I installed MSE and it detected a Trojan located in c:/windows. On hindsight deleting it was a bad idea.

I've tried using startup repair as well as sfc/scannow. I've also ttried unplugging the hard drives as well as changing the hard drive mode in the BIOS from ide to ADHCI and back.

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Internet Explorer 9 Installed Now Computer Will Not Boot Into Windows 7 Except Safe Mode

Jul 1, 2011

I tried to install Internet Explorer 9 for testing a website. It prompted me to restart after the install, so I did. It never started back up. Now my computer will not boot into windows except in safe mode and system restore doesn't facilitate at all.

This is my ntbtlog.txt:
[code]Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Version 6.1 (Build 7600)
5 29 2011 02:49:09.125
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32hal.dll
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32kdcom.dll
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32mcupdate_AuthenticAMD.dll
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32PSHED.dll
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32CLFS.SYS
[Log] .....

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Windows 7 Runs Extremely Slow In Normal Mode, But Nicely In Safe Mode?

Aug 1, 2011

the computer I am concerned with is running Windows 7 with IE8, Microsoft Security Essentials and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. I am currently in Safe Mode with Networking without issue.The owner of the computer says that something happened earlier today while he was online that sounds like some false antivirus popup, but he's unsure. Here are the symptoms in normal mode. Every application, from moving through them to opening and closing them, runs exceptionally slow - one to three minutes to open, at least a minute to open internet pages. I noticed that, when in IE, as the pages are loading the IE page disappears and reappears. I am not very familiar with Windows 7 so I don't know if it is related. The computer seems to be getting slower as the day goes on. CPU usage is very high.So far, I have disabled many startup items that were unnecessary. I ran CCleaner and cleaned up. MBAM was run in both normal and safe mode, full scans, and found nothing. This is also posted in Viruses and Malware, but I'm unsure where it should live.

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Constant Freezing/weird Stuff With Computer?

Apr 29, 2012

A couple months after I got my computer, it began to become very slow. Being an impatient person, I hard rebooted a couple times. Eventually it went into The black screen where it says "checking disk for consistency". Being an impatient person,y dad and I chose to just re install my whole computer. And then it was fine.Until a month later when it began having the same issues. This time, I hard rebooted a couple times until it went into "Checling disk" again. After googling, I let it run through and it took a couple of hours but it worked. And them it was fine, until a week later t became extremely slow, shut down, and went into Startup Repair. It began fixing hard drive errors and took several hours to complete, but it did. And it was fineA week later my computer again has begun freezing up. When I start it up in the mornings, it takes a long time on "Starting Windows" and then goes to a black screen with a cursor. Then waits for a long time before going into he login screen, I login and it takes a long time to begin to function. Then it starts to freeze up, I hard rebooted, and it happens again.

Oh, and whenever I get the rare moment my computer is functioning I run Norton full scans/ CCcleaner. Computer info:Model: Gateway NV55CIntel Core i3-370MHard Drive: 320 GB HDDMemory: 4GB DDR3 MemoryUpdAte:Rebooted computer, went into startup repair. Let it run and sent to starting windows and beeped around 8 times. Now it's stuck, and I'm sad

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Cannot Access Safe Mode But Can Boot In Safe Mode With Networking?

Jun 3, 2012

After attempting to start my Laptop in Safe Mode, it loaded drivers normally only to crash a few seconds later. A prompt message appears but is impossible to read because Windows immediately reboots upon showing the prompt.

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Windows 7 Freezing In Safe Mode Too?

Nov 5, 2012

I have the following computer:Samsung model NP300V5AH, Windows 7, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2670QM CPU @ 2.20GHz 2.19GHz, Installed memory (RAM) 4.00 GB, 64-bit Operating System My problem is freezing. At first it would only freeze when opening or saving a huge file in Photoshop with Illustrator and AutoCAD also running but now it's gone to freezing when I open a second window in Chrome.
It only freezes in Safe Mode when I try to open a big program like AutoCAD, adobe stuff, chrome is no problem in safe mode with networking. This is a proper freeze, I can leave it for hours and it's still frozen, need to hold down the power button everytime.

So far I have tried:

Scan with CCleaner
Scan with Malware Bytes
Scan with Spybot (found lots incl.iminent search which had been a problem - but apparently not THE problem?)
Removed Utorrent, iminent search,1clickdownloader using Program Unistall
Checked drivers in device manager.. just one flag for Microsoft ISATAP Adapter when in safe mode. Reinstalled but still there, internet said this problem wasn't a problem?
Did System Restore to oldest date, no help.
Ran microsoft fix it, no help.
Did safe boot with everything except Microsoft services turned off - still a freezing problem

I don't have my windows recovery CD as i'm in the middle of a move and everything is in a container on a ship.Haven't done a memtest+ yet as it seemed complicated and last-resort-ish...

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Freezing Welcome Screen Same With Safe Mode

Feb 22, 2012

My samsung R522 Windows 7 ultimate 32bits has started freezing on the welcome screen. And to add to that on the log in screen there is now no text in the popup boxes or for the account name. I have tried all safe modes, last known good configuration and with Samsung recovery 3 i have done a basic restore but nothing has worked. I would be open to a full system restore if i needed to but i would prefer not to.

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PC Freezing, Only Safe Mode Works?

Aug 6, 2012

My friend's computer has started freezing and I'm here to post for him because he cannot access the internet. First crash was BSOD but other crashes are just hangs/restarts, have to do a hard reset from the chassis.When starting in normal windows the system freezes after 5-10 seconds once the desktop view pops up, OR sometimes it freezes when opening control panel/browser/or any other application but doesnt freeze if nothing is opened (except apps on start up).Chkdsk doesnt find anything and windows gives no errors on startup. I took a quick view in the memorydumps by debugging them which all seem to lead to different file errors "ntoskrnl.exe", nvidia driver, memory_corruption and some others (which I don't remember now). My friend is bringing the PC today to my house so I can take a better look at it.We tried using Windows 7 CD to use the repair option but it freezes after 1-2 minutes once it boots from the CD.Only thing my friend has changed before it started freezing was MSI motherboard BIOS update.I'm gonna test removing RAM sticks, removing graphic card drivers and clearing CMOS once my friend brings the PC.

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Slow Boot And Constant HDD Activity?

Nov 28, 2011

My PC takes approximately 90 seconds to boot! The HDD constantly reads/writes when windows has booted.My system:Win7x64, i7 920, gtx 560, 6 gig ram, Western digital 650 gig HDD, Asus p6 deluxe MB.

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Slow Internet On Windows 7 Works Excellent In Safe Mode

Aug 25, 2012

I bought new laptop ASUS K55V, and had an idea to plug in an internet, because my old laptop is really "old", and I found a problem - internet runs really slow in normal mode:

but fine in safe:

I think its a quite big difference I searched all over internet, tried multiple cmd commands, winsock fixes, and son on, Its a new laptop, all I have already installed are Firefox and Photoshop.


Windows 7 Home Premium
intel core i5-3210M
CPU 2.5Ghz 2.5Ghz

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Can't Boot In Safe Mode - F8 Brings The Advanced Boot Options

Oct 10, 2011

I bought the bleeping Dell Inspiron 560, was to rapidly tap F8 during startup to bring up the "Advanced Boot Options." I saw the guy at Best Buy do it but it did not work on my machine when I got home. I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium. The computer came without a manual or any disks.

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Way To Boot Into Safe Mode By Accessing Boot Options In Msconfig

Dec 24, 2012

I have a laptop with broken lcd. So im using it now as desktop, connecting it to an external lcd monitor.Last night I suspected a worm and tried to boot up in safe mode by pressing F8 but couldn't make it work because windows only activate the external monitor by the time it has finished loading drivers. The result was it keeps booting into normal mode.So, I remembered there's another way to boot into safe mode by accessing boot options in msconfig...Now I'm stuck with safemode and cannot do anything because safemode doesnt enable external monitor. I know for sure that I could enter password and get into safemode but I can't tell what should I press or click to access to that msconfig windows again to return boot options to normal state.

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Boot In Safe Mode In XP Mode

Nov 22, 2009

How to boot in Safe Mode in XP Mode?

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Boot To Safe Mode?

Mar 9, 2012

I have Windows 7 Home Premium in a laptop. How do start it in Safe Mode? I have malfunctioning antivirus program that won't uninstall nor shutdown, and I'd like to try fixing it with Safe Mode.

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Trying To Boot Into Safe Mode?

Aug 8, 2011

So the other day I boot up my computer and try to login under my user account. I get a "The user profile failed the logon. The user profile cannot be loaded" error message. After looking inline i find out how to fix this. The problem is I can't seem to boot into safe mode. It's an Asus motherboard P8H67-M series. I've tried hitting F8 and F5 (as was suggested with Asus boards), but neither of them work. I login under another use and type msconfig form the start menu to try and manually set the computer to boot into safe mode. I get asked for the admin password (my user account is the admin account), so I type is the password and I get a "windows cannot find C:windowssystem32msconfig.exe" error message.

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Cannot Boot-up In Anything But Safe Mode?

Jan 26, 2013

Cannot Boot up in anything but Safe Mode on an Acer Aspire X1430.

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Won't Boot Normally Will In Safe Mode

Jul 3, 2012

Toshiba laptop hangs at pick user screen when booting normally. Tried creating new user acct, same result. Boots up in safe mode. Re-seated memory sticks, hard drive, no change. Tried updating drivers too. AV scan finds nothing.

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