Cmd.exe Bump.exe Find.exe Killing CPU %

Apr 13, 2011

Those three keep poping up and disappearing in the process window over and over and over, I can't close them manual through the window I just get a error message.. can I delete these files some how? In the description there is nothing just blank, they pop up for 2-3 seconds then disappear then reappear

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4
Scan saved at 9:57:43 AM, on 4/13/2011
Platform: Windows 7 SP1 (WinNT 6.00.3505)


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Computer Won't Start After Power Bump

Dec 20, 2012

I have a Dell PC that won't start after a sudden power outage that lasted more than an hour. When the power came back on, I went to power on the PC. The monitor/mouse & keyboard are all plugged into the same power strip (which also shows a light indicating the power strip has power). They all have lights that come on, indicating they all have power except for the tower. The tower does not come on (not even the fans kick on), Although There is a small green light on the back of the tower that comes on, but no light on the front button when I push it in for power.

I have unplugged the monitor & plugged it into the same "slot" on the power strip that the tower was plugged into, to see if it was that particular plug slot was bad. The monitor did show a light, So i switched it back...Still no power to the tower. We just had the mother board replaced by professionals (Best Buy Geek Squad) 6 months ago...Are there any ideas out there? When it comes to computers, I know nothing in the technical Dept.... After reading extensively all the solutions that were givin to others on here with similar problems,.. I have checked to see if any of those could work for me...None i have read & tried Have worked...These are the things i have tried: I have unplugged the tower for hours, to see if it was "Hot", but that did nothing, so I guess that's not it. I checked to see if there were any "bulging/burst or leaking" capacitors on the mother board (there were none)...I checked to make sure the "RAMS" were secure & tight (they were secure)...

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Deleting Data From Disk Without Killing OS?

Nov 20, 2012

I have 2 computers that I want to get rid of. One has win 7 and is a desktop and the other is an ols laptop with XP. What I would like to do is to wipe the data off the disk without killing the O/S. The only apps I've found so far do an entire clean.

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Prevent User From Killing A Windows Service

Jun 23, 2011

how to prevent a user from killing a service.

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IE9 Starting Rundll32.exe Files Upon Exiting It,killing Cpu And Memory

Oct 30, 2012

I am running the 64-bit version of Windows 7 along with IE9. I have found that a problem exists for both the 32-bit as well as the 64-bit version of IE9. I find that for the 32-bit IE9 there are 2 "iexplore.exe *32" files running when the program is started. With the 64-bit version of IE9 there are 2 "iexplore.exe" files running but that's not the problem.

I have found that when I have checked the box "Delete browser history on exit" (Tools - Internet Options - General tab - Browsing History) this sets off the problem on IE9 exit. Both of the iexplore.exe disappear but 2 new files rundll32.exe (*32 for the 32 bit version) appear. These 2 new files run for several minutes at 100% cpu and each will have up to 680Mb of memory. If I go back and uncheck the "Delete browser history on exit" these files, rundll32.exe do not appear and the problem goes away.

It appears the problem is with "Delete browser history on exit" function. I've been using IE9 since it came out and never had my computer, which is now freezing while the rundll32.exe are running, happen before. Ran Malwarerbyts, Super anti-spyware, Spybot, MS Essentials, Advanced system care (Just the Malware finder), Argente utilities (Just the Malware finder), System Mechanic (Just the Malware finder) in safe mode and nothing. I also am not using registry cleaners.

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BEX Event/Error: Killing Chrome, Firefox, AND Explorer

Jan 21, 2012

Yesterday while using Firefox I noticed it kept crashing, with the cause being a "BEX Event". I try opening it to no avail, everytime terminating immediately after I clicked on it. I tried Chrome and Explorer, but both of them suffered the same problem, immediately crashing due to the BEX error. I restarted my system multiple times to see if it subsides, but it reappeared promptly everytime for ALL three browsers (!) I tried Safe Mode with networking to see if its gone. Nope, same problem, with Explorer and Firefox collapsing instantly, while Chrome seem to take around 10-12 seconds of surfing before flatlining due to the same cause.

I then decided to use System Restore and managed to take my whole system back to 5 days ago when none of the problems were happening. Tried again, but nope, same issue with a BEX event. This time it seems Explorer would display it as BEX64 instead of just BEX. I tried resetting entire settings for Explorer, but the BEX error would always prevent me from doing so by shutting down the whole things before its done. I thought, maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with a faulty DEP on Explorer, and added it the list of exceptions for DEP. Still didn't work, and the system wouldn't let me add Chrome and Firefox to the list either. I tried to see if maybe I can download some new antivirus or antispyware programs off the net, except that none of my browsers work, so I have no access to the Internet in both normal and Safe modes.... Sufficient to say I am typing here from a library's computer.

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Way To Install Windows 8 Without Killing Windows 7?

Jan 11, 2013

I've been thinking about using Windows 8 again, since it's been... that long. Well, the last time I used a VHD to boot into Windows 8, Windows 7 only went to recovery mode, as if Windows 8 was an actual partition on the hard drive and not just a file on the hard drive. (And Windows 8 was basically telling me that it was expired...) Now, that, I just don't understand.I'm just asking if there's another way to do it without killing 7 because basically, all of my important things are on Windows 7! And, I really can't afford to be unable to access them or to even lose them.

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How To Find Find Locker Made Invisible Using Folder Protect

Apr 5, 2012

1.I had created a locker on my desktop using "Folder Lock" software.
2.Subsequently I made the locker invisible using "Folder Protect" software.
3.When I was trying to add more files to the locker created in 1 the locker tried to "increase it's size on the run"...
4.This process failed and "Folder Lock" shut down and since then I cannot locate the locker anymore on my PC nor can I see it in "Folder Protect"
5.Having read on a forum, I uninstalled "Folder Protect" and reinstalled...but that did not help..I still could not find the Locker.
6.I even uninstalled and reinstalled "Folder Lock"...even this did not help
7.I understand the lockers created by "Folder Lock" are UNDELETABLE.
8.Clearly my locker is somewhere on my hard disk but I am unable to locate it.

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Cannot Find AVG

Mar 12, 2011

I am running Windows 7 64-bit. I am supposed to have AVG Internet Security 2011 installed on my computer. When I boot up, the User Account Control asks if I want to allow AVG to run. It says it's installed on my hdd. I say yes. When I go into the hdd, I cannot find AVG anywhere except in the folder Program Files(x86). And the actual executable is not in there, just a few odd files. I have a feeling that the installation might have been interrupted, but every time I try to continue or reinstall it nothing happens after the file extraction hits 100%. It is not in the control panel applications, and when I search for it, nothings shows in the results. I don't know what other information might be pertinent. I am tired, and I have been working at this for a while now.

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Where To Find WEP Key On PC

Apr 24, 2011

My trying to hook up a ROKU to my TV. I have a wireless router and it been so long time since I installed the router, I can't find the
WEP/WPA key code.

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Can't Find Other Hdd

Jun 21, 2012

i have windows on one drive, and installed ubuntu on the other.When im in windows now, it doesnt show the other drive.

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How To Find Locations

Jul 18, 2011

My hard drive contains a single partition covering the entire drive. I decided to divide the drive into two equal partitions using Computer Management/Storage/Disk Management. I learned that one or more unmovable files was located above the midpoint of the disk.Next I learned that if I know the location of the cluster or clusters I could copy these files to an external drive, reduce the existing partition and establish a new partition. At this time, I threw up my hands. I don't know the location(s) or how to find the locations.Can I actually accomplish my purpose within Windows or should I use a third-party partitioning utility?

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Can't Find A Folder?

Aug 28, 2011

I recently saved a PSD file that I had received in Outlook. When I opened it in Photoshop the folder it came from contained all kinds of photos including some I don't want to keep. I wrote down the name of the folder and figured I could search for it and come back to it later.I have searched all over my computer and this folder doesnt exist!! I wrote it down so I know it's there. I checked ALL of the options to show folders, directories, even system files. No matter how many times I search it just isnt there.This folder has letters and numbers so I know it's not a folder I created. Im guessing it's a folder if images I've received in Outlook maybe? But I've tried all the Outlook folders I

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How To Find Startup

Dec 10, 2011

I want to remove something from my start up list but I'm not used to the Window 7 that this laptop has. I have a Compaq Presario CQ60-420US Notebook PC. Can some give me a clue as to where to find the start up list & then how to stop a program from running at startup. I just don't need the SuperAnti spyware to run until I need it, I don't think.

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Cant Find Any Backups

Feb 8, 2011

i have had my self built pc working for ages, and yesterday it just went into a restart with no warning and now only loops startup repair, which fails. i have tried the windows 7 disk, but i cant do a system restore, since it cant find any backups. is there anyway to get this to stop?

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To Find The Theme

Mar 11, 2012

I don't care about the taskbar style, all i want is my desktop to look like that when i minimize everything, the clock and all!,I found the picture in an old thread on a forum and the user doesnt go there anymore.

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Cant Find Driver

Apr 24, 2012

cant find working driver for 'it works panda9b+, stand alone camera,Windows 7/vista32bit motherboard

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Usb 2.0 Divers But Can't Find?

Sep 7, 2012

yeh so my problam is as follows my acer vertron s460 says that the usb that the is no high spped usb ports but it says all overe the mobo that there is indeed high speed ports

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Can't Find The Password

Sep 18, 2010

I can't find the password I used for this forum (my other half ripped it out my log book, she needed a piece of paper). How can I get it reset and input a new one.

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Can't Find Folders?

Jan 11, 2011

Naively, I put some of our folders with documents and videos on the start menu.After doing so, we could not retrieve the folders. So I deleted them from the start menu, but now I still can't find them. Where did they go?

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Can't Find ...ControlStorageDevicePolicies?

Sep 24, 2011

cant find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlStorageDevicePolicies in my regedit so could

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Find The Old Name Of A Folder?

May 12, 2012

I need to change the name of a folder back to its original name but i forgot it! The program im using cant load my files because i changed the directory name (the folder) and i need to change the name back so that my program will reload the files so i dont have to do it all over again. The program im using it after effects cs5.5 by adobe I tried looking in the folders properties for the name but didnt see anything!

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Find Out How Much Space HDD Have?

Dec 14, 2012

I'm using Windows 8 but I guess it would be the same.

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Cannot Find A Folder

Jul 22, 2010

I have just moved to a new computer with Win 7 64. A relative has given me a CD that is supposed to have some family history data on it. It was created in DOS, but has been updated and tested in XP. I cannot get the program on the disk(Family Tree Maker) to run in 7, so I installed the XP mode. The program will run, but it does not find the data. Thinking that this might be because the program is set up to only access a limited set of drives (a:, c:, and d, I copied all the CD to my C drive � no luck. Using Win XP Explorer I cannot find the data either. My conclusion is that some how the data did not get copied, but before bothering my cousin again, I want to exhaust all other alternatives.

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Can't Find Menu Bar

Sep 28, 2010

I was having problems with my dell laptop, so I had to have a new hard drive installed. I just restored the computer, but now I can't find the menu I had before. When I first got the laptop there was a meu bar at the top middle of my screen allowing me to organize some of my programs. I'm pretty positive it was there when I first got and started my computer, but after the reinstall it's not there and I am unable to figure out how to get it back.

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Need To Find A Password In VB

Apr 19, 2012

My friend created a program in Virtual Basic and in that program I can enter 3 passwords to access information about his unborn baby's gender! I have no idea what the passwords are! Is there some way for me to find it??I thought I could just open it in VB and find it there, but I can't.

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Can't Find USB Drivers

Feb 16, 2011

I have been searching for the last week for two drivers that are missing in device manager.Marvell 91xx Config ATA device + USB controller Both are under "other devices" in device manager I need the usb ports to be working obviously. right now i can plug a usb key into my monitor and use it but when i plug in my zune hd or droid x is charges them but doesn't show any connection on the device or computer.When i plug either device into the tower it shuts the device down and i have to restart. Device manager can't find the drivers and i dont really know where else to look. I have googled every variation of driver downloads and nothing has worked when i installed them through device manager.

Anyway heres my rig:

Asus p6X58D-E
core i7-950
6g tri channel ddr3 corsair (3x 2) ram
Lian-Li PC-7FN
Dell 20 in. monitor
sapphire radeon hd 5850
antec 550 basiq
120gb seagate barracude/1tb WD caviar blue
win 7 64-bit

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Cannot Find My Favorites

Jun 7, 2011

With the recent update, I have lost the Favourites icon and cannot find my Favorites

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Cannot Find SATA-0

Jun 10, 2011

when the computer goes to sleep and then later shuts down, and then when I go to wake it up, it won't boot. The message is Cannot find SATA-0 (Which is the primary boot disc). A physical re-start solves the problem, as it will then boot normally. Is the disc going south? The Check Disk feature says that it is OK.

It is a Dell E520 running Windows 7. It has the latest BIOS upgrade.

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Cannot Find Usb Headset Mic

Jul 18, 2011

I can't find "USB MIC for microphone setting for windows 7 32bits.

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How To Find Own Security Key

Sep 24, 2011

how do i find my own security key?

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