Can I Upgrade From An Older Win 7 Build To A Newer ?

Aug 7, 2009

Can i upgrade from the 7000 build to a new buld without losing any installed program/drivers or anything like that? Currently, i can't get my computer to boot properly and i want to change to a later build of windows 7 anyway, so i can do it just by upgrading?

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Newer Version Versus Older Versions Of Windows 7 Ultimate?

Feb 10, 2011

I keep reading about older versions of Windows 7 Ultimate. Meaning the newer ones are different? I am going to purchase Windows 7 Ultimate but is there a difference? I can get a fairly decent price on A site for an older version of Windows 7 Ultimate so is the smarter choice to purchase the newer though more costly versions, or the older versions at the cheaper price. ( at least 75 dollars up to 100 dollars USD difference in prices)?

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Upgrade To Newer Version

Jun 22, 2009

can i upgrade to a newer build of Windows 7 from my version 7000 without downloading a complete 3 GB iso image?

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Upgrade From Build 7100 To Build 7264

Aug 2, 2009

I am currently running OS 7 Beta RC Build 7100. Were do I get this newer version, is there a big difference? And am I able to upgrade to the newer Beta?

I realize that October is fast approaching for the RTM but I plan to keep running the Beta for a couple of months past the Grand Opening.

Is it possible that all the updates that I have received equally add up to the newer build?

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Older Emachines, Trying To Upgrade To Windows 7 Ultimate?

Sep 1, 2012

i have this older emachines PC i just picked up,, It has windows vista on it (yuk) along with a recovery partition to reset it back to factory specs. I shrank the C: drive and split the drive so i now have:

C: W7U
D: Vista
E: Emachines Recovery

Or well thats how im trying to get it set up BUT everytime i install Windows 7 the machine thinks it needs to be recovered and boots into system recovery options.

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Upgrade Build 7057 32 Bit To 64 Bit

Mar 25, 2009

Is it possible to upgrade from 32 bit to 64 bit, I reckon the answer is no, due to the architecture change ?

Also if I was to change from 32 bit to 64 bit, what - In laymans terms - would I notice different?

All my hardware is fine, and I have 4gb RAM.

1. Is it Possible

2. Whats the Main Difference I will see.

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Windows 7 Upgrade On New SSD / HDD Build

Feb 10, 2012

I have a couple of questions pertaining to my new pc build that is being shipped to me. I am building a new computer using a Corsair Force GT 120gb SSD as my boot drive and a Seagate Barracuda 1tb drive for files and whatever else.When installing the SSD (my EVGA Z68 SLI has SATA 3) is there anything special I need to do? I assume there isn't, other than just plug it into the SATA 3 port and go. Now, once the computer is up and running, what must I do to get windows to install on it? I have read about changing from IDE to AHCI (not sure if my BIOS will have that or not but I will find out soon). Is there anything else? I also read that changing the boot priority to dvd rom first, SSD second, then the HDD third will help as well. Both drives are brand new so no partitions or anything, clean install. Second part, I bought the upgrade version of Windows 7 professional 64 bit and to install it, can I just pull out my old retail copy of Windows XP and install that first, then once it gets me to the desktop, reboot and do it all over again, this time installing the Windows 7 upgrade over it? In theory, I imagine this is how I would have to do it, but I am not positive so that is why I am inquiring.

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Upgrade To Windows 7 For New Build?

Dec 11, 2012

I am building a new computer and my old one has windows xp on it. can i use the xp sticker on the old one to upgrade to windows 7 ultimate on the new one? if i use the old hard drive?

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Can Use A Windows 7 Pro Upgrade DVD Key To Re-build PC From Scratch

Oct 20, 2010

Can I use a Windows 7 Pro Upgrade DVD key to re-build my PC from scratch? I have Vista Business and want to get Windows 7 Pro but don't want to upgrade on top of. I want to format and install Win 7 Pro from scratch.

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Upgrade From Build 7100 To 7201

Jun 6, 2009

just wondering how I should upgrade from Build 7100 to 7201?

And what exactly is the difference?

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Upgrade From Build 7100 To 7264

Jul 7, 2009

I want to upgrade my w.7 from build 7100 to 7264 but I have photoshop and other programs installed on build 7100 and I want to know if these program will still work without any problems after upgrading.

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No Upgrade From Build 7127 To 7600 ?

Aug 2, 2009

I am curently running Windows 7 Build 7127. Then I dowloaded Build 7600 (should be). Tried to install it, there was opytion to upgrade. But, when I click upgrade it said that no possibility for it. means that I shoul install cleanly.

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How Do I Do An Inplace Upgrade From Build 7264 To RTM?

Aug 6, 2009

How do I do an in place upgrade from build 7264 to RTM?

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Build 7100 To Retail Upgrade

Aug 12, 2009

I have Vista x64 right now and I keep wanting to install the 7100 build beta that I downloaded a while back. I plan to buy the 3 pack of Windows 7 when it comes out but I am wondering if installing the beta build now will make upgrading harder down the road. Doing a clean install is just way to hard considering all the terrabytes of programs and data that I would have to either re-install or manually try to put back into it's original places.

I know a lot of people preach that doing clean installs is so much better. In my experience this has never really helped. I have on numerous occasions done clean installs and they never did seem to work any better or any faster than the upgrades that I have had installed for years. The only time I think you need to do a clean install is if you have stability issues with your hardware causing your OS to go flaky or if you neglect your OS and leave all kinds of crap floating around on it. We have one machine running Windows 2000 since 2000 and it is used daily without any problems or corruption whatsoever.

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Upgrade WIN XP Or Downgrade 7 RC Build 7100

Oct 23, 2009

I don't post often, but I do read a lot, and there is a lot of good info here. Background: I am running a dual boot Win XP (32 bit) and Win 7 RC 7100 (32 bit). I have the Digital River WIN Pro Upgrade (32 bit). I have read the UNAWAVE downgrade scenario from Ultimate to Pro and the WIN XP to WIN 7 PRO upgrade here.

I am debating which OS to change. I really like the RC version and have been using it for quite a while. But since it is my main OS, I would hate to screw it up doing the downgrade as suggested by UNAWAVE.

If I upgrade the WIN XP OS, I am not sure If I would still be able to dual boot between WIN 7 RC and WIN 7 Pro.

If I do upgrade XP to PRO, would I be able to use WET to transfer my settings from RC to PRO. I am leaning towards the downgrade option, but wanted some more input from the "experts".

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OK To Upgrade Build 7000 To 7057 ?

Mar 13, 2009

Is this okay? Has anyone done this? I read some problems in general when upgrading one version of Windows 7 to another, but is this common?

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Build 7077 Upgrade Freeze

May 2, 2009

When upgrading from 7048 to 7077 the installer freezes on the last step (copying files and settings) at 35% every time I've tried it. It suggested removing ATI Catalyst Install Manager and Control Panel, which I did, but it still hangs (although this time at 47%). I have tried several different configurations (with/without CCC and Install Manager, do/don't go online for updates, etc). Every time I have to force restart the computer and it will begin to restore the previous version.

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Build 7057 X64 Upgrade From 7048 X64 Fails ?

Mar 13, 2009

Can someone confirm that it's a general problem or have I just got a bad D/L.

If I try and UPGRADE from Windows 7 build 7048 X-64 to Build 7057 X-64 it starts OK but after a while (during the expanding files stage) I get error -- some necessary files for installation cannot be copied ??

Clean install seem to wok.

HA1 and checksums of my iso seem correct.

Actually upgrading from a beta to another beta is not a goood idea anyway but I want to make sure that I haven't got a bad D/L before I try an upgrade from a Vista installation.

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Installing Build 7260 As An Upgrade To 7231

Jun 21, 2009

I'm running 32-bit build 7231 and want to upgrade to 7260. Yeah, I know that a clean install is preferred, but I want to test out the upgrade instead.

When I go to install it from the existing build, it complains about the version. So, I went into the cversion.ini file and change MinClient to 7000, thinking that would fix it. But it still complains.

So, is there more to it than that? OR is it that this build simply can't be installed as an upgrade?

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Using Windows 7 Upgrade Disc For New Build With No OS Installed?

Apr 30, 2011

There is some debate in my class about if one can put an upgrade disc on a new hdd? Where there is no recent OS installed at all.

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New Build Windows 7 Professional X64 Upgrade Disc?

Jun 11, 2011

My old pc was lost in a recent move, and I decided to build my next one from scratch. Before it was lost, I had purchased a student version Windows 7 pro upgrade disc, as I was planning on upgrading from XP x64. My question is, is there a way to do a clean install from this upgrade disc, and if not, what is the cheapest windows I can install in the meantime?

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Putting Win 7 Upgrade Version On New System Build

Nov 22, 2009

I just got my computer up and running today. My next step is to install win 7 on it. So i got win 7 pro 64 bit through digital river with a sweet student discount and also a back up disc that came in the mail. I have noticed that it says upgrade on it though. I have been hearing and being told so many different things that i can not tell what is true.

Please only post an answer if you are certain it is correct

Thank you and with that being said here are my questions


Could someone please explain to me what i am exactly supposed to do with the backup disc?
Can i use this on a new computer, ie one without any os on it already?

A friend referred me to this site. It sounds very confusing and i am not very tech savvy when it comes to things like this. Will i need to install it onto a different computer in order to do this boot-able upgrade? does the back up disc come into play? Could someone please explain the instructions in a very simplistic way.

Any other ideas or solutions to getting win7 upgrade version onto a new system build?

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Using Windows 7 Upgrade On New Build With OLD Hard Drive

Jan 4, 2012

So I'm building a new computer completely from scratch, save for the hard drive, which I'm recycling from my old system. The hard drive currently has Windows XP installed.

My question is, can I upgrade the system with this? [URL]

Also, I plan to eventually buy a new hard drive. This presents a dilemma, because at the moment I can only afford the OEM or Upgrade versions of Windows 7. I read an article on PC World that claims there is a way to do a clean installation of Windows 7 using an Upgrade license. Here's the article: [URL]

Anyways, is that method still valid? Have any of you guys heard of it before?

I'm considering buying the Upgrade version of Windows 7 Home Premium, but I do not want to make the purchase only to realize later that I can not use it.

Really, I'm just looking for a solution. The only thing keeping me from buying Windows 7 OEM is the installation limits (can only install on one computer per license). When I get my new hard drive, I'd like to be able to use whatever version of Windows 7 that I own on it.

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Vaio With Win 7 RC Build 7100 Upgrade To Release Version

Oct 26, 2009

I bought a Sony Vaio laptop with Vista and a promised upgrade to Windows 7 when officially released. To jump start, I installed Windows 7 RC Build 7100 from Microsoft over the shipped Vista OS.

I just received the promised Windows 7 upgrade fulfillment from Sony but when I try to install it it tells me that Windows 7 is already installed (duh.)

Is the RC based Windows 7 installation that I've built up over the last few months now junk bits or is there a way to use the serial number on the proof of license sticker on the fulfillment install disk Sony sent me and associate it with my current RC installation to make it legal and avoid any future trouble?

I'd ask Sony but they haven't responded to anything else I've asked about so I'm not sure there are any actual people left in their "service" arm.

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Slow Startup After Upgrade From Build 7022 To 7057

Mar 14, 2009

After I upgrade Windows 7 from build 7022 to 7057 my startup now is really slow. I see boost-screen 4 minutes. Restart was 405 sec. I removed unnecessary services, startup programs, defarg my registry, did a clean install, but nothing of that works.

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Unable To Find Driver Newer Than XP

Jun 4, 2012

Older notebook, Tecra A5. Lan slot is shot, using my PCMCIA slot with PC card.SMC8035TX. Unable to find driver newer than XP. Need Windows 7 driver.All search results yeilded either old drivers or annoying Driver agent type redirects.

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Will Able To Run Newer Documents E-mail / Word

Aug 30, 2011

I just purchased a Windows 7 Hp desktop-was that a good purchase. Will I still be able to run newer documents e-mail, word etc?

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[BSOD] Enabling Crossfire On Catalyst Newer Than 10.11?

Aug 4, 2011

I use Apple Mac Pro 3,1 (2008) with the following specs:

Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
2x Intel Xeon E5472 3.0 GHz
32 GB DDR2 FB-DIMM Micron/Hynix
2xATI Radeon HD5770 1 GB DDR5 XFX + Apple genuine
Realtek High Definition Audio
Apple Cinema HD Display 23"


I would like to enable Crossfire in Catalyst Control Panel, but it do not work on drivers newer than Catalyst 10.11.I got BSOD on atimkdag.sys. How to fix it ?Tried Driver Sweeper but no luck, even installing fresh system didn't worked.

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Can't Get Back To Desktop Using Windows Key On Newer Games

Nov 22, 2011

I've noticed on newer games that when I tap the "Windows" key on my keyboard, I can't get back to my Desktop. This is a bit of an irksome problem for me... I'd like to monitor some things in my Task Manager from time to time and can't do this without being able to get that Windows key to function properly (don't want to buy FRAPS etc because I don't mind exiting the game keeping it running to do it the good old fashioned way for free, when I can get it to work like that). I've tried Ctrl+Alt+Del, pulled up Task Manager, but when I'm done and it does launch that in my Desktop, I then am unable to get these games to launch back up when I'm done checking CPU/RAM and temperatures (so far this is going on with Fallout 3 and Skyrim; Sims 3 and Oblivion etc. are unaffected) how I can use my Notebook's screen to look at other things online and etc. while gaming on my external 23" Monitor. I haven't quite worked that out yet and I'd really like to stop using my old Desktop to do that (it's slow, dying and redundant in addition to a waste of electricity to be doing that).

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Driver Newer Video Card For Y530?

Nov 17, 2011

Driver newer video card for Y530

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Can Drop Hard Drive Into A Newer Computer Somehow And Keep All Programs

Dec 1, 2011

Can I drop my old laptop's harddrive into a newer computer somehow and keep all my installed programs?

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