Can't Access Some File

Jan 12, 2013

I m using win7, i have an external hard drive and cannot open some PDF or Word file, when i try to open them this message appear"Error opening file, access denied"

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Explorer EXE File Error - Windows Cannot Access Specified Device / Path Or File

Jan 17, 2009

I installed Win 7 and if i try to open my computer of click on desktop and open up screen resolution etc. I get "Explorer.exe -Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item." I did a search but could not find anything related to this error in Win 7. I have found some others attached to Win XP but have to do with the installation of some software which prevents access to explorer.exe. When I boot in safe mode this issue does not appear...

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Windows Can't Access File - May Not Have Permission To Access

Feb 22, 2012

I am attempting to access an application.exe file on my desktop. Each time that I click on it the Windows message, "Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item." pops up. I am the system administrator so this should NOT be a problem but apparently many out there are dealing with this as well. I can delete, move and even copy the file but I cannot run it. There is no option for override with password or grant permission. It just says that I cannot run it. Also, the system I am running is Windows 7 Ultimate x64.

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Put File On Desktop -> Open File -> Access Denied?

Feb 25, 2011

Whenever i take a file and put it onto the my desktop, all the permissions to the file is completely stripped. Leaving none able to open the file.I am able to go into access control and add myself again, but it makes no sense at all..

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The Process Cannot Access The File Because It Is Being Used

May 3, 2012

I am getting this error all the time with Windows 7. I open a text file I want to edit, then go to save my changes and I get this error:

"The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process"

I have full admin rights, running Win7 Ultimate x64 SP1. From a bit of research I have seen where many others have been experiencing this problem or something similar too. The only "fix" (that doesn't work all the time) is to close explorer.exe and then restart it to "release the handle"? Anyway, this is not acceptable for to money and time I spent upgrading/configuring this new OS from XP where I never had this problem and seriously cuts down my productivity.

Is there a fix for this? Has Microsoft even acknowledged this as a bug yet? I can duplicate this scenario the second or third time I try to edit/save/delete a text file and I know that explorer.exe is the problem or a big part of it in any case. I don't want to go back to XP x64 but having to deal with this headache 10-20 times a day is just too much to ask.

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Unable To Access To File

Sep 16, 2011

i am unable to access certain files on windows 7

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UnableTo Access To File

Nov 8, 2011

I have a huge problem. I've been trying to download a resource pack for a program and it says, 'you don't have write privileges to directory, But when I check in the Properties it says I'm the Owner. I REALLY need to get this downloaded and have no idea what to do. Now I've been trying to delete the folder and start all over again, and of course I can't do that either.

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Cannot Access File Due To Permissions

Aug 20, 2012

Dell Desktop Windows XP 32 bit IE7 no free memory to download anything. Can't remove programs, no security tab. No windows installer in safe mode. I've confused myself now. Cannot access any file due to permissions. Need to know how to remove programs, then reset permissions. I've been trying to work on this for two days. Can't seem to make sense of any of the great information and tools available, because I don't know which to address first.

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Can Access File Share By Ip But Not By Name

Sep 23, 2010

Our network runs on a 2008 active directory domain, and our domain controller also is an internal DNS server; we have an additional server that is our internal web server and hosts a RAID 1 mirrored file share for everyone to put their data (which we have folder redirection configured on for the My Documents folder, and people also access it as a mapped network drive). It all works flawlessly, except on two client computers.

1. The two clients can ping the file server both by name and IP.

2. Clients can can log into the file server by remote desktop, by name.

3. Nslookup shows that the clients can communicate with the DNS server and resolve the domain name to the correct IP address.

4. Clients can access the internal sites at http://<file server>

5. Clients cannot access the file share at \<file server>, but can access it at \

6. I have already flushed the DNS cache on the client machines.

Its really odd, because it would seem like this is a DNS issue but everything else works: http dns works, nslookup works, and I already flushed the DNS cache. These are the only computers having any issues at all. All the computers on the network have their dns server manually assigned, and all the servers have a DHCP reservation so their IP wont change.

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Very Slow File Access?

Jan 1, 2011

I've just installed Win 7 Home premium in my PC. OS on SSD and attached a 1TB WD hdisk for storage. File access, eg .. transfer, copy, delete to and from the hdisk etc... are really very slow. My previous PC running on XP no such problem. However,there is no such issue with the SSD. I'm very new to Win 7.

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Rar File 'folder Access Denied'?

May 26, 2011

I'm the administrator of my computer But for the first time I am unable to unpack a rar file There are 7 of them each part of a 2 GB file. Every time I try to unpack the rar file any one of them I get a message at the end saying 'file access denied' I need permission from the administrator to make changes to this file

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Cannot Open (DMP File) Access Denied

Mar 27, 2011

I am not very good with computers but today I got a blue screen and I have the DMP File right in front of me in the minidump folder under windows. I tried to upload it normally to this site to post my crash report but it says I don't have permission. I am the literal owner of this computer and there are no other accounts I no what I am doing pretty well expect for when it comes to stuff like this. I have winrar for my 64 bit Windows 7 Computer but when I try to arc it I get this WinRAR Diagnostic Message: Cannot Open (my DMP file) Access is denied.

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Rar File 'folder Access Denied'?

May 26, 2011

I'm on Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit.

I'm the administrator of my computer But for the first time I am unable to unpack a rar file There are 7 of them each part of a 2 GB file. Every time I try to unpack the rar file any one of them I get a message at the end saying 'file access denied' I need permission from the adminstrator to make changes to this file. But I am the administrator

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Access Is Denied When Saving File

Aug 16, 2010

I have an external HDD that contains data originaly created with a windows XP PC. When plugged into my Windows 7 PC, I cant seem to be able to save changes. E.g. if I dbl click on a .txt file to open it in notepad, make changes and then try to save it, notepad says 'access is denied'. Similarly for ultraEdit. If I launch UltraEdit selecting 'run as administrator' this solves the problem. But that doesnt help when opening files by dbl clicking on them. Under file properties, I have checked the files does not have a read-only attribute, and the Administrators group has full-control. I have changed the file-ownership to me. I am configured as an Administrator rather than a Standard-user. If I create a new file on this drive with the Windows 7 PC, I can save changes no bother.I have compared the file properties for the 2 files and the only difference I can spot is that the newly created file has me listed under the Security tab; whereas the old file only has group names listed.

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Arbitrary File Access Privilege Changes

Sep 23, 2010

My rig is an i7-930, 12GB, Nvidia 250GTS, Windows 7 64 bit Home Premium with all updates current.

I do a lot of photo editing with Nikon software and CS5. My critical problem affects CS5 64bit, Nikon CaptureNX2 - 32 bit, and Nikon ViewNX2 - 32 bit. Suddenly last night I could not save labels in ViewNX2 or files in CaptureNX2 and CS5. The error message was the red circle with an 'x' saying I did not have access privileges to change the file, that I will have to go to the file and change the access privileges in the files/info properties in the operating system. I can save files with a new name, I just can't edit and save again. I have over 40,000 image files; changing access privileges would be close to impossible, even if I knew how to do it.

I took a look at the properties of the folder where the images were and, for some unknown reason, the whole folder was marked as 'Read Only'. Unchecking that attribute did not solve the problem, I still can't edit the files.

This problem does not occur in other programs, notably Word and Excel 2003.

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Can't Access To C: Or D: - File Association Error

Feb 16, 2011

i use Windows 7 ultimate 32bit, i can't access to C: or D:everything else works perfect (like exe files,regedit,run etc)i can get inside C: or D: via "right click + open" , but when i double click i get error called;"This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Please install a program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel."Tried complete scan with nod32+malwarebytes+spybot , no virus/worm/spy anything..

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Denying Access To A Specific File

May 12, 2011

I am about to transfer all the files pertaining to a project, copy them onto an external hard drive and give the drive to my client.There are 4 .VEG files (Sony Vegas files, my video editing software) that I would like to be protected. Meaning that only me can open those files. So that the client can't simply hire another dude with the same software and freely work on the project on his end. Actually I highly doubt that my client is even remotely capable of doing something like that but this is a security protocol I wanted to implement for a while and now is a good place to start.So is there a way to password protect those files or denying access altogether?

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Folder / File Access Denied

Mar 9, 2010

This there any way to have this weird access denied glitch on Windows 7 fixed ?

I never had this issue with Vista 64, I have my windows 7 always updated to the latest.. heck this even happens on a system that has just been formatted. I have no special access restrictions placed on my system.

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How To Access Ubuntus File In Windows

May 26, 2011

how to access ubuntus file in windows

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Access Ubuntu's File In Windows 7?

May 26, 2011

how to access ubuntu's file in windows 7

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Deleting Access Denied File From CD?

Sep 20, 2011

I can't delete MHT file from a cd and the option of delete isn't listed? I need the CD to burn an ISO file what should I do???

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File Access Denied Windows 7?

Nov 7, 2011

All i want to do is copy a file over another file.file access denied is all i get. 1user on my comp, me, admin. & i still need 'permission'

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Windows Cannot Access File May Not Have Appropriate Permissisions

Jun 1, 2012

Whenever I try to access anything from the start menu such as computer, pictures, downloads, control panel, it gives me an error saying "windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access this item."I am the administrator, and it's a fresh install of windows, so I doubt there's any malware.The computer used to run Windows XP Home.

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Limit File Access To One Administrator Only

Jul 13, 2012

We have 2 administrators for 1 computer and I want to limit access of certain files to each of them. How can this be done?

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Cannot Take Ownership Of File - Access Denied

Jul 25, 2012

Someone has taken the ownership of my files and folder so its showing access is denied and I cant take the ownership of the files and cant access it. Any valid solution to access my files....

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Getting Access Denied When Trying To Copy DOS File

Oct 19, 2012

In trying to copy in DOS a file from a: to d: I get the response "access denied"

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Deleted A File And Now Saying Driver Needs Access To HDD

Jan 7, 2013

Someone acidently deleted a file im trying to use the windows 7 installation disk because my pc was messed up while trying to boot from cd disk drive it loads the files but want expand and says files corrupt or missing code error 0x80070017 try it the same way but at the install portion area it formated it in the right place and then it says the device driver need to access your hard drive is not found so what to do to get the driver so it will access my hard drive so windows will install??

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Shutdown Batch File Access Denied

Nov 29, 2011

I have a script on my laptop under my account which is an Administrator account. I double click the .bat file and it shuts down my remote server without any issue.

When I go into another account on my laptop, which was an regular user account, changed to an Administrator account, I double click on the .bat file and CMD comes and goes quickly with the "Access Denied" message.

I cannot figure it out for the life of me. The script is shutting down a Windows Server 2008 R2 computer. My simple script.

@echo off
shutdown -m \ -s -t 0 -f
tl;dr version:
Script to shut down server works on Account 1. Script gets "Access Denied" on Account 2.

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Windows Cannot Access Specified Device / Path Or File

Feb 4, 2012

I can't play games, and I can't enter my documents, conrol panel, computer and much more! It says:" Explorer.EXE (Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item. It must be Explorer.EXE's fault". And when I try to click on "Control Panel" It happens the same, just not from Explorer.EXE... ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683} (Dunno if it's 0 or the letter O xD).

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Windows Cannot Access Specified Device / Path Or File

Mar 20, 2012

I've been running windows 7 trouble free for aprox 1 year. I attempted to turn my PC on last night and got as far as black screen with cursor spinning, windows would not load. I booted into safe mode and ran superantispyware, malwarebytes, kaspersky....all came back finding nothing. From safe mode (or any mode) I can not acccess control panel, computer, etc; when I attempt to access I get the folllowing error msg, "windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access them." This happens when I log in as admin also.

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Print To File Error - Access Denied

Mar 22, 2012

I am running Windows 7 64 bit home. I have a program that does not give me a choice as to where it's printout goes. It just sends printout to the default printer. I want the output to go to a file. I used the printer setting feature to set up a FILE printer. As a printer choice I picked generic text and set it up as the default printer. When I send the printout from the program I am asked for a file name. I enter test.prn as the file name. Then I get an error message: Could not open the file. Access is denied.

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